More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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[All the jobs are controlled by the white supremacists. Whites have system set up so that a sizeable % of black men can't get a job.

Yet Black Unemployment is at an all time low with Whitey in the White House. I guess the mega rich like Oprah were held down by "The Man". Tell my Black neighbor who owns a large, successful business that he can't succeed because of Whitey.
You spew racism 24/7 to whites on this site

You still get the job
You still get the loan
You still get the house
You still get the promotion
You're areas don't get gentrified
Your kids don'#t get there brains blown by cops

So tell me how is all this 24-7 racism that you claim some black people are spewing affecting your life ?
Yet Black Unemployment is at an all time low with Whitey in the White House.
Whites can say anything. They make stats up outta there arse.
I guess the mega rich like Oprah were held down by "The Man".
And I guess mega rich Bill Gates shows white people that anyone can be a billionaire. Madam C Walker was the 1st black millionaire in but this was in 1911 a year in which black people were getting hung every week.

You could always point to a handful of black people with money at any time in US history. White people have never minded some black people with money but black people as group owning shit ? And running shit ? With full employment ?

That's a problem.
Tell my Black neighbor who owns a large, successful business that he can't succeed because of Whitey.
I refer to the answer I gave above.
[All the jobs are controlled by the white supremacists. Whites have system set up so that a sizeable % of black men can't get a job.

Yet Black Unemployment is at an all time low with Whitey in the White House. I guess the mega rich like Oprah were held down by "The Man". Tell my Black neighbor who owns a large, successful business that he can't succeed because of Whitey.

But whitey did not create the policies that made this unemployment. Black unemployment is still almost double that of whites. Until black unemployment is lower than the national average like white unemployment is, your one black neighbor and Oprah are irrelevant dodges used by white punk ass racists.
Whites can say anything. They make stats up outta there arse.

Does the Bureau of Labor Statics make up stats? Well you must love CNN, so I guess they are lying yet again. Yes, the Black Community is still behind other MINORITIES, and Whites, but things are improving under TRUMP. Yet, you can not admit nor recognize that, why? Are you bigoted and prejudiced against Whites? Say it ain't so!

The unemployment rate for African American workers has never been lower — another sign of the strength of the economy.

Black unemployment is at a record low. But there's a lot more to the story.
You are not happy either way, and an expert because you’re black. Nobody cares. I’m blue, and work with other black cops. They don’t appreciate you either, and don’t think you’re kin. We have no problem. We have each other’s backs. Don’t want cops in your life, handle your problems.

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Yes I am an expert on being black because I am black. I know black cops too. Now shut up and work on the massive problems that exist in the white community. You are another example of the racism in police departments in this country.

Too busy responding to the driveby’s or bar shootings, or store robberies in certain areas of town. Usually late at night, and featured on the evening news nightly. People targeting their own communities. Frequent flyers. Parenting by PD. You spout racism all day every day. This is your way of service to your community. Professional victim, whining punk. Walk the walk, then tell everyone how great you are. You personify racism, and set a shit example. Sharpton has the same reputation.

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Seems that Sharpton is well respected nationally and you're a tin can cop.

I've walked the walk

So shut up Barney Fife.

He’s a joke, as well as Farakan and you. He lost his White House privileges. You spew racism 24/7 to whites on this site. That’s the majority of people that interact here. There are a few other morons that basically high five with you. You post all kinds of boring crap that no one can stomach long enough to read, because it’s the equivalent of hate propaganda. You don’t have an original thought in your head, and show your lack of education with your stupid stereotyped comebacks. This is your only interaction with the white community, because any other whities you think like you run the other way when they see you. That said, I and your black brothers in blue let this stuff roll off our backs on a daily, weekly, and yearly basis. I don’t harbor any ill will towards anyone of any race, creed or nationality. In fact, I’ve had years of extensive training and education about it along with street experience. Well over 30 years, and have great interaction with the community. I will continue to serve the community, and help them raise their families. That’s not the way it’s supposed to be, but a reality of life. You don’t like me or my family, handle your business and don’t call.

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You're a joke punk. Everything you just said is wrong.

You're an example of how fucked up law enforcement is.

So sit your ass down in Car 54 and shut the fuck up.

What a wordsmith and a baby [emoji64].

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You spew racism 24/7 to whites on this site

You still get the job
You still get the loan
You still get the house
You still get the promotion
You're areas don't get gentrified
Your kids don'#t get there brains blown by cops

So tell me how is all this 24-7 racism that you claim some black people are spewing affecting your life ?

So racism is fine, as long as it’s not directed towards you. That’s how all racists operate. If you go to school, pay your dues, take pride in your work, pay your bills, you get all those things too. Then you still get shit from people that don’t accept responsibility for their situation in life.

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Does the Bureau of Labor Statics make up stats? Well you must love CNN, so I guess they are lying yet again. Yes, the Black Community is still behind other MINORITIES, and Whites, but things are improving under TRUMP. Yet, you can not admit nor recognize that, why? Are you bigoted and prejudiced against Whites? Say it ain't so!
Improving ? Once again that's like saying, "Your still getting raped, but we are improving rate of rape"

There should not be a system of racism which denies black people as a group jobs and resources.

Agreed ?

You don't get a A for effort.

Come back to me when the job is done. We live in system of white supremacy. They can say anything. Plus most of the "black jobs" are at McDonalds and in the service sector.

If there was no system of racism, then you should have a black beverly hills. You should have just as many black areas that are financially strong as there are white areas.

Now why is that not the case ?

Now you have two choices to explain that

1) There is a system of white supremacy
2) Black people are just screwed up

I go with #1. What say you ?

Unless were are talking money and economics and allocation of resources then were not talking about racism.

Call me when the white supremacists are cool with a black Mark Zuckerberg
The unemployment rate for African American workers has never been lower — another sign of the strength of the economy.
That's like saying "Hey. we used to shoot black people ten times. But now we only do it nine. That is lower. Right ?"
Whites can say anything. They make stats up outta there arse.

Does the Bureau of Labor Statics make up stats? Well you must love CNN, so I guess they are lying yet again. Yes, the Black Community is still behind other MINORITIES, and Whites, but things are improving under TRUMP. Yet, you can not admit nor recognize that, why? Are you bigoted and prejudiced against Whites? Say it ain't so!

The unemployment rate for African American workers has never been lower — another sign of the strength of the economy.

Black unemployment is at a record low. But there's a lot more to the story.

Lowest Ever Black Jobless Rate Is Still Twice That of Whites

President Trump celebrated the milestone on Twitter and in his State of the Union address. The unemployment rate for black Americans had hit its lowest point on record, a sign that the recovery was at last reaching groups that had been left behind.

But the achievement was bittersweet: Black joblessness was still roughly twice the rate for whites.

Even at the low of 6.8 percent recorded in December — it climbed back to 7.7 percent in January — the unemployment level for black Americans would qualify as a near crisis for whites. And the relative gains have not erased disparities in opportunity and pay.

Lowest Ever Black Jobless Rate Is Still Twice That of Whites

But we blacks must accept crisis numbers and believe things are better because some fruit loop white racist says so.

Black unemployment rate is consistently twice that of whites

Much has changed for African-Americans since the 1963 March on Washington (which, recall, was a march for “Jobs and Freedom”), but one thing hasn’t: The unemployment rate among blacks is about double that among whites, as it has been for most of the past six decades.

Black unemployment rate is consistently twice that of whites

Things are not better under Trump.
You spew racism 24/7 to whites on this site

You still get the job
You still get the loan
You still get the house
You still get the promotion
You're areas don't get gentrified
Your kids don'#t get there brains blown by cops

So tell me how is all this 24-7 racism that you claim some black people are spewing affecting your life ?

So racism is fine, as long as it’s not directed towards you. That’s how all racists operate. If you go to school, pay your dues, take pride in your work, pay your bills, you get all those things too. Then you still get shit from people that don’t accept responsibility for their situation in life.

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– Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.

– Racism, practiced as discrimination, frequently denies to white institutions and businesses the talents and experience of people of color.

– Racism, practiced as housing discrimination, has too often created white ghettos, where white children and adults are isolated from the rich interactions which can come from living with people whose life experience by race has been different.

– Racism has created a justice system which does not deliver equal justice to whites and people of color, a system which reflects dishonor on white society. (You can expand this into most areas of our systems, i.e., health care, employment, and others.)

– Racism has taught us to incorporate into our thinking and speaking negative stereotypes that perpetuate racist ideas.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are th e least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

So racism is fine, as long as it’s not directed towards you.
The only negative thing a black person can do to a white person in the USA that won't get them severly punished is call them a name.

And even name calling, that black guy better not call a white pertoo many names because you will use the system of white supremacy to slap them down.
If you go to school, pay your dues,
And most black people do and all the schools are controlled by the white supremacist and black peoples lack of economic strength group which is systematically created by the white supremacists, because the white supremacists makes sure that black areas have the highest levels of unemployment and poverty and bad housing all of which affects black kids school performance and the black family in general.
take pride in your work, pay your bills,
What work ? Where ? The white supremacist make sure that black people (as a group) are not econmically strong because the white supremacists control all the jobs.
you get all those things too. Then you still get shit from people that don’t accept responsibility for their situation in life.
You're babbling.
Why do other Minorities, and Immigrants, Asians, Hispanics, and other "People of Color" become more successful than most Blacks, even after being here a much shorter time?
If you keep promoting the VICTIM Mentality, you will always be a...……..VICTIM.

These are the facts. You don't say this bullshit to your white racist butt buddies who claim anti white discrimination with no facts. So don't bring that weak shit here.
Why do other Minorities, and Immigrants, Asians, Hispanics, and other "People of Color" become more successful than most Blacks, even after being here a much shorter time?

They haven't.
If you keep promoting the VICTIM Mentality, you will always be a...……..VICTIM.
You are victim if you are black.

That doesn't mean to say that you lie down. That's means to say that when you get in a car, you put the seatbelt on, because some thing could happen. So you put the belt on to prevent injury. No-one would say "Stop being victim"

Racism ain't going no where fast. So I've got to be prepared
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You spew racism 24/7 to whites on this site

You still get the job
You still get the loan
You still get the house
You still get the promotion
You're areas don't get gentrified
Your kids don'#t get there brains blown by cops

So tell me how is all this 24-7 racism that you claim some black people are spewing affecting your life ?

So racism is fine, as long as it’s not directed towards you. That’s how all racists operate. If you go to school, pay your dues, take pride in your work, pay your bills, you get all those things too. Then you still get shit from people that don’t accept responsibility for their situation in life.

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– Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.

– Racism, practiced as discrimination, frequently denies to white institutions and businesses the talents and experience of people of color.

– Racism, practiced as housing discrimination, has too often created white ghettos, where white children and adults are isolated from the rich interactions which can come from living with people whose life experience by race has been different.

– Racism has created a justice system which does not deliver equal justice to whites and people of color, a system which reflects dishonor on white society. (You can expand this into most areas of our systems, i.e., health care, employment, and others.)

– Racism has taught us to incorporate into our thinking and speaking negative stereotypes that perpetuate racist ideas.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are th e least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

Again with all wordy crap from someone else, because you don’t have the intellect to express yourself.

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You spew racism 24/7 to whites on this site

You still get the job
You still get the loan
You still get the house
You still get the promotion
You're areas don't get gentrified
Your kids don'#t get there brains blown by cops

So tell me how is all this 24-7 racism that you claim some black people are spewing affecting your life ?

So racism is fine, as long as it’s not directed towards you. That’s how all racists operate. If you go to school, pay your dues, take pride in your work, pay your bills, you get all those things too. Then you still get shit from people that don’t accept responsibility for their situation in life.

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– Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.

– Racism, practiced as discrimination, frequently denies to white institutions and businesses the talents and experience of people of color.

– Racism, practiced as housing discrimination, has too often created white ghettos, where white children and adults are isolated from the rich interactions which can come from living with people whose life experience by race has been different.

– Racism has created a justice system which does not deliver equal justice to whites and people of color, a system which reflects dishonor on white society. (You can expand this into most areas of our systems, i.e., health care, employment, and others.)

– Racism has taught us to incorporate into our thinking and speaking negative stereotypes that perpetuate racist ideas.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are th e least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

Again with all wordy crap from someone else, because you don’t have the intellect to express yourself.

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Well we call these things quotes. Quotes are frequently used in discussions. Since I am smarter and 5 steps ahead of YOU at all times, I know that if I rip apart your ignorance without using quotes you'd have an excuse waiting for that also. Now run along Inspector gadget because somebodys calling you on the gadget phone.
You spew racism 24/7 to whites on this site

You still get the job
You still get the loan
You still get the house
You still get the promotion
You're areas don't get gentrified
Your kids don'#t get there brains blown by cops

So tell me how is all this 24-7 racism that you claim some black people are spewing affecting your life ?

So racism is fine, as long as it’s not directed towards you. That’s how all racists operate. If you go to school, pay your dues, take pride in your work, pay your bills, you get all those things too. Then you still get shit from people that don’t accept responsibility for their situation in life.

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– Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.

– Racism, practiced as discrimination, frequently denies to white institutions and businesses the talents and experience of people of color.

– Racism, practiced as housing discrimination, has too often created white ghettos, where white children and adults are isolated from the rich interactions which can come from living with people whose life experience by race has been different.

– Racism has created a justice system which does not deliver equal justice to whites and people of color, a system which reflects dishonor on white society. (You can expand this into most areas of our systems, i.e., health care, employment, and others.)

– Racism has taught us to incorporate into our thinking and speaking negative stereotypes that perpetuate racist ideas.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are th e least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

Again with all wordy crap from someone else, because you don’t have the intellect to express yourself.

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Well we call these things quotes. Quotes are frequently used in discussions. Since I am smarter and 5 steps ahead of YOU at all times, I know that if I rip apart your ignorance without using quotes you'd have an excuse waiting for that also. Now run along Inspector gadget because somebodys calling you on the gadget phone.

Quotes are also used by those who can’t summarize issues, to hide behind. I just heard a good one this morning from Diamond and Silk on FOX. They said Al Sharpton is a pimp, and a race baiter,and sells the black community out to the liberal democrat party. They claim he doesn’t represent them or the blacks, and his opinions are racist and embarrassing to the black community. But they are strong independent women, who probably scare little boys. I need to get to work, assisting the community now. Enjoy your talk shows.

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of course the judge is gonna say the blk man should have been killed.

Of course the judge is gonna say that. We live in a system of white supremacy. I did not see any resistance at all
Even a black judge would say that
Educated Blacks don’t have many kind words for the “Reparations” crowd.


Should there be reparations for African Americans? Scholars tackle the topic at Monday panel

What did you say?

We demand reparations for past and continuing harms. The government, responsible corporations and other institutions that have profited off of the harm they have inflicted on Black people — from colonialism to slavery through food and housing redlining, mass incarceration, and surveillance — must repair the harm done.

Reparations - The Movement for Black Lives

Members of the United Front
Black Alliance for Just Immigration
Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100)
Project South
Southerners On New Ground
Philadelphia Student Union
Alliance for Educational Justice
Black Lives Matter Network
Dream Defenders
Baltimore Bloc
Freedom Inc.
Organization for Black Struggle
Highlander Research and Education Center
Million Hoodies Movement for Justice
The National Conference of Black Lawyers
Black Women’s Blueprint
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
SpiritHouse Inc.
The Worker’s Center for Racial Justice
The BlackOut Collective
Open Democracy Project at Crescent City Media Group
National Black Food and Justice Alliance
Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth
Dignity and Power Now
Center for Media Justice
Environmental Justice Advocates of Minnesota
BIG: Blacks in Green
Mothers Against Police Brutality

Endorsing Organizations
Color of Change
Black Leadership Organizing Collaborative
Black Liberation Collective
Black Organizing for Leadership & Dignity
Center for Constitutional Rights
The Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Central Illinois CBTU
Racial Justice Action Center (RJAC)
Solutions Not Punishment Coalition (Snap Co.)
Causa Justa Just Cause
National Black Justice Coalition
Brooklyn Community Bail Fund
FUREE (Families United for Racial and Economic Equality)
Girls for Gender Equity
ArchCity Defenders
The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Women of Color Network, Inc.
Right To The City
Freedom Side
Jobs With Justice
Philly Coalition for REAL Justice
Race Forward
Center for Social Inclusion
Center For Third World Organizing
PICO’s Live Free Campaign
Southeast Asian Freedom Network
National Economic & Social Rights Initiative
Center for Popular Democracy
Chicago Anti-Eviction Campaign
Picture The Homeless
Project NIA
Community Justice Network for Youth
Institute of the Black World 21st Century
National African American Reparations Commission
Brooklyn Movement Center
The Truth Telling Project
New York State Prisoner Justice Network
Good Jobs Now
The Ordinary People’s Society
People’s Justice Project
Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment
Urban Youth Collaborative
European Reparations Commission (ERC)
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)
Direct Action for Rights and Equality (DARE)
Minnesota Voice
Fellowship of Reconciliation, USA
North Star Fund
James and Grace Lee Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Ferguson Response Network
Democratic Socialists of America
National Lawyer’s Guild
Citizen Action of New York
Jewish Voice for Peace
Working Families Party: People of Color Caucus
Queer Palestinian Empowerment Network
New York Communities for Change
The Power Shift Network
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Ashoka Changemakers
Partnership for Working Families
Wildfire Project
Prison Action Network

Endorsing Organizations (continued) - The Movement for Black Lives

You are wrong. As usual.
Youre not getting our money, so quit begging and go get a job.

You owe us money.

I do not have to beg. Worked for 43 years. Don't need a job. I'll just sit and watch the US decline and watch bitches like you cry about the debt and deficits. Debts/deficits that never had to happen if you racists would have allowed everyone to take part in the system. So you see dumb ass white boy, like I have been telling you, you will pay and you have 2 options, option A-reparations. But whites like you have chosen option B. So as the economy collapses and America is no longer economically valid, you will learn the truth in what I have been speaking.. You will pay what you owe one way or the other.

So post the laughing smiley today. But before you leave this existence, you will not be laughing at what you see.
Nope, are arent ever going to give you money, so stop begging, loser.
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