More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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A whole community of white people in Brooklyn had a meeting to share their fears about a new charter school in their area that will have predomenantly Black students. They claimed it's not about race, but they are concerned the HEIGHT of the Black kids might scare the white kids

Tall people are not the ones shooting up schools. It's THEIR children.

But I'm not surprised. Midwood, Kensington, Mapleton and Bensonhurst are huge tight knit jewish neighborhoods They got a lot of push in those neighborhoods with having there own businesses. They are very Codified


I want to say one final thing

White people are not scared of black people

That's just games they run on black ppl. They're trying to play to our ego when they say shit like that. It's lie

White people are not scared of black people

That's the go to excuse they use to kill us.
It isn't really the height of the students. It's the 17 year old black students in 7th grade with 12 year old white students.

Doesn't happen.
Yeah, by 17 they're usually knocked up, in juvy or both. Some thugs like Trayvon are even dead by that age.
That doesn't happen either. Maybe those Czech teenagers end up that way. I have to laugh at you pussy. You talk all that racist bullshit from Czechland, but in America you would not dare talk that shit to any live black person.
Don’t ever ever ever fall for the false narrative that police who kill unarmed Black victims because they “lack police training”. These people have PERFECT training on how to deescalate situations as long as the suspects are WHITE

She attacked a police officer with a brick and lived to tell about it.
Don’t ever ever ever fall for the false narrative that police who kill unarmed Black victims because they “lack police training”. These people have PERFECT training on how to deescalate situations as long as the suspects are WHITE

She attacked a police officer with a brick and lived to tell about it.

Hi, Paul. Do you suspect you'll be infected with HATE for your entire life?

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Witness a professional #PoliceOfficer foil an emotionally troubled man's attempt at SUIC!DE BY COP 680,510 views

#PreventChildAbuse #MentalHealth #CaliforniaSurgeonGeneral

All we need is another race baiting thread where blacks live in perennial victimhood at hand of the ever oppressive ( wealthy elusive yet invisible) honkey, cracker, gringo, gweilo, goyim because everyone needs a common enemy. I fail to see the relevance of this propaganda of "white supremacy" when the majority of homeless living in the streets are white. I stop there. Enough of this bullshit.
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A whole community of white people in Brooklyn had a meeting to share their fears about a new charter school in their area that will have predomenantly Black students. They claimed it's not about race, but they are concerned the HEIGHT of the Black kids might scare the white kids

Tall people are not the ones shooting up schools. It's THEIR children.

But I'm not surprised. Midwood, Kensington, Mapleton and Bensonhurst are huge tight knit jewish neighborhoods They got a lot of push in those neighborhoods with having there own businesses. They are very Codified


I want to say one final thing

White people are not scared of black people

That's just games they run on black ppl. They're trying to play to our ego when they say shit like that. It's lie

White people are not scared of black people

That's the go to excuse they use to kill us.

It's an ugly (and racist) dispute over real estate and community control... Could happen very easily in reverse if the Hebrew Day School had a charter opportunity in a Black community.. Too bad they didn't pay their bills when they had choices... And too bad they exposed the actual racism card...
A whole community of white people in Brooklyn had a meeting to share their fears about a new charter school in their area that will have predomenantly Black students. They claimed it's not about race, but they are concerned the HEIGHT of the Black kids might scare the white kids

Tall people are not the ones shooting up schools. It's THEIR children.

But I'm not surprised. Midwood, Kensington, Mapleton and Bensonhurst are huge tight knit jewish neighborhoods They got a lot of push in those neighborhoods with having there own businesses. They are very Codified


I want to say one final thing

White people are not scared of black people

That's just games they run on black ppl. They're trying to play to our ego when they say shit like that. It's lie

White people are not scared of black people

That's the go to excuse they use to kill us.

It's an ugly (and racist) dispute over real estate and community control... Could happen very easily in reverse if the Hebrew Day School had a charter opportunity in a Black community.. Too bad they didn't pay their bills when they had choices... And too bad they exposed the actual racism card...

If you want to delete posts, then start by deleting the racist bullshit from your white buddies who derail threads constantly. If I posted a 2,000 word post blaming blacks for all of our problems and denied the impact of white racism, the post would live at USMB until the end of days. There is no such thing as a racism card. It gets tiring read the bs from those like you who are white that think you can insult our intelligence daily posting pages of pure white racist trash, then talk about some racism card like racism doesn't exist.
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A whole community of white people in Brooklyn had a meeting to share their fears about a new charter school in their area that will have predomenantly Black students. They claimed it's not about race, but they are concerned the HEIGHT of the Black kids might scare the white kids

Tall people are not the ones shooting up schools. It's THEIR children.

But I'm not surprised. Midwood, Kensington, Mapleton and Bensonhurst are huge tight knit jewish neighborhoods They got a lot of push in those neighborhoods with having there own businesses. They are very Codified


I want to say one final thing

White people are not scared of black people

That's just games they run on black ppl. They're trying to play to our ego when they say shit like that. It's lie

White people are not scared of black people

That's the go to excuse they use to kill us.

It's an ugly (and racist) dispute over real estate and community control... Could happen very easily in reverse if the Hebrew Day School had a charter opportunity in a Black community.. Too bad they didn't pay their bills when they had choices... And too bad they exposed the actual racism card...

If you want to delete posts, then start by deleting the racist bullshit from your white buddies who derail threads constantly. If I posted a 2,000 word post blaming blacks for all of our problems and denied the impact of white racism, the post would live at USMB until the end of days. There is no such thing as a racism card. It gets tiring read the bs from those like you who are white that think you can insult our intelligence daily posting pages of pure white racist trash, then talk about some racism card like racism doesn't exist.
What is this "pure white racist trash" that you talk about ? Can you cite a few examples ?
Be careful. Florida Statute 825.102 (Abuse of elderly). 3rd degree Felony.
How in the hell is asking you if you have dementia abusing you? If you are, as you seem to be alleging then you probably shouldn't be carrying a weapon if you're not of sound mind.

Mental Health Reporting | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

He was certainly of sound enough mind when he was slinging shit here:
Quiz for Liberals - If You Dare (LOL)
Yes, I was of sound mind when I accurately described the clueless, open-admissions blacks who got into college because of their skin color, rather than academic accomplishment in high school, like everybody else had to do. And even with a ludicrous "open-book exam", they still said it was hard. Pheeeew! :rolleyes:

And speaking of exams, I notice you're not jumping at the chance to take the "Quiz for Liberals". You can't say you weren't aware of it. You posted a link to it.
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Come on, you cowards. Take the Quiz for Liberals (If You Dare) - tales of Black Supremacy and Black Privilege
This had me in tears of laughter. I'm even laughing as I type,

This burly transgender women threatens to sue and whoop ass on staff at a shop for calling him "Sir" and thinking he's a man (which he is)

This is how far this nonsense has gone
Yes, I was of sound mind when I accurately described the clueless, open-admissions blacks who got into college because of their skin color, rather than academic accomplishment in high school, like everybody else had to do. And even with a ludicrous "open-book exam", they still said it was hard. Pheeeew! :rolleyes:

And speaking of exams, I notice you're not jumping at the chance to take the "Quiz for Liberals". You can't say you weren't aware of it. You posted a link to it.
Whites and delusional minorities are always claiming blacks should "work hard and stop looking for handouts" but when blacks achieve they are chomping at the bits to find reasons why blacks don’t deserve to sit at the table ?

Which is it ?

College admissions is nothing but game.

It’s not just a cold statistical numbers score that you naively think it is..

They can and do say anything to black students "your application was late" "it got lost" "We don’t like your essay"............. ANYTHING.

Our black ass is not getting in - No matter what.

They reserve over 60% of seats for white students at most schools, graduate and undergraduate and then about 10-20% for asians and Indians.

And even with all that whites cheat all the time

Now let's be clear. This was a scandal were at least 33 affluent individuals, including television actors, corporate executives and bankers, allegedly engaged in crimes such as bribery and fraud in an effort to buy admission for their children into America's most prestigious universities. These included Yale, Georgetown, Stanford, Wake Forest and other schools.

The ringleader and organizer was allegedly paid tens of millions of dollars to ensure admission for his clients' children. This involved bribing athletic coaches to secure a place at these elite schools for students who did not even play the sport in question. Standardized exams were altered, "corrected", and taken by people other than the students.

They are letting dumb-ass white students in there all day because of their fathers or uncles. Most blacks applying could run circles around them academically but they would never ever be admitted.

Name me the colleges or universities where the red carpet is laid out for black people and they're letting any black person regardless of scores ?

I've named the college where it's been factually that white ppl get a pass

Now you do the same. Or shut the fuck up


And this is what it REALLY COMES DOWN TO

Black excellence.

That's what kills you and other white supremacist. So there has to be some reason "I mean, ya know, these black people are dumb, right ? I mean ..cmon ya know...look at their IQ ? and look at Africa, I mean cmon...please let this be true....please !! They must be lowering the limit to let these blks in"

We are taking no one's spots trust me.

You have a legacy and being a legacy only works if you have a trust fund and your parents have been donating a good % of their annual salary to the school or your dad holds political office or your parents are fortune 500 CEOs, COOs, CFOs or CAOs. Anyone else, it's still a crap shot.

It might get your resume an extra 5 second glance but if they see average jobs and medium income zip-code on your application, you can forget about it.

Blaming the handful of black people that get in is ridiculous. More Black Americans are becoming doctors (despite the obstacles set for black people) and non-blacks hate to see a black person who is superior to them in anything and become bitter and jealous.
Whites and delusional minorities are always claiming blacks should "work hard and stop looking for handouts" but when blacks achieve they are chomping at the bits to find reasons why blacks don’t deserve to sit at the table ?

Which is it ?

Hello, Paul. WHO, if anyone, is telling this woman she is not entitled to equality?

dr. nadine burke harris RESPONSIBLE.jpg

Paul, specifically WHOSE voices were the loudest when is attempting to prevent Justice Thomas from sitting at the table?

Clarence Thomas, Bennie Thompson, TERRORISM.jpg

its impossible for a Latino or black man to be racist because they are in the minority, my friends, although according to polling black folks say that they themselves are more racist than whites!
Be careful. Florida Statute 825.102 (Abuse of elderly). 3rd degree Felony.
How in the hell is asking you if you have dementia abusing you? If you are, as you seem to be alleging then you probably shouldn't be carrying a weapon if you're not of sound mind.

Mental Health Reporting | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

He was certainly of sound enough mind when he was slinging shit here:
Quiz for Liberals - If You Dare (LOL)
Yes, I was of sound mind when I accurately described the clueless, open-admissions blacks who got into college because of their skin color, rather than academic accomplishment in high school, like everybody else had to do. And even with a ludicrous "open-book exam", they still said it was hard. Pheeeew! :rolleyes:

And speaking of exams, I notice you're not jumping at the chance to take the "Quiz for Liberals". You can't say you weren't aware of it. You posted a link to it.
So in your mind, the only reason that a black person could get into college is because of affirmative action?

An open-book exam will not help you if you don't know the material and are not prepared. So in your mind they should have already been familair with the material in a meteorology class even if they had no prior experience in that area?

As far as your quiz, I asked you to send me the information a long time ago and you never did so I figured it wasn't that important. My time, as always would be much better spent studying things that will actually help me in real life - more certifications, more prestige, more money, etc. Winner & Agree upvotes just don't translate into anything tangible.

And your posting history indicates you're not an authority on anything so why would I waste my time taking a quiz where I would have to fact check everything in it?
A whole community of white people in Brooklyn had a meeting to share their fears about a new charter school in their area that will have predomenantly Black students. They claimed it's not about race, but they are concerned the HEIGHT of the Black kids might scare the white kids

Tall people are not the ones shooting up schools. It's THEIR children.

But I'm not surprised. Midwood, Kensington, Mapleton and Bensonhurst are huge tight knit jewish neighborhoods They got a lot of push in those neighborhoods with having there own businesses. They are very Codified


I want to say one final thing

White people are not scared of black people

That's just games they run on black ppl. They're trying to play to our ego when they say shit like that. It's lie

White people are not scared of black people

That's the go to excuse they use to kill us.

It's an ugly (and racist) dispute over real estate and community control... Could happen very easily in reverse if the Hebrew Day School had a charter opportunity in a Black community.. Too bad they didn't pay their bills when they had choices... And too bad they exposed the actual racism card...

If you want to delete posts, then start by deleting the racist bullshit from your white buddies who derail threads constantly. If I posted a 2,000 word post blaming blacks for all of our problems and denied the impact of white racism, the post would live at USMB until the end of days. There is no such thing as a racism card. It gets tiring read the bs from those like you who are white that think you can insult our intelligence daily posting pages of pure white racist trash, then talk about some racism card like racism doesn't exist.

You've got a lot of problems.. But maybe they all stem from lack of reading comprehension. Because in my one and only post -- I SUPPORTED the position that racism was definitely showing up in that community meeting.. You really did not comprehend what I wrote...

Try again..

And ANYTHING I removed from threads last night was blatantly illegal posts that just contained personal crap and no topical discussion.. Try reading the USMB Guidelines again and understand that whining about SPECIFIC moderation actions is also against the rules unless it's in PM...

I take a personal interest in keeping this forum readable and legal, while allowing a LOT of latitude for freedom of expression... I've just not been here at all for the past 3 months...

Did ya miss me? :biggrin:
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