More taxes in Kommie Kalifornia

Kommie Kailfornia leads the US in state debt, in addition to poverty and the worst education system.

You would think that those Left Wing assholes would figure out that you can't borrow your way to prosperity. We know they can't figure out that you can't tax your way to prosperity.

The middle class is leaving California in droves. They are being replaced with Illegals because it is a stupid Sanctuary state with tremendous welfare benefits.

Soon the only people left will be the Illegals and the Limousine Liberals that helped to financed the stupid Democrats that fucked everything up. Of course they get to build walls around their mansions to keep the Illegals out and can afford to hire men with guns to protect them so why should they care?

And didn't they introduce a measure to give everybody healthcare coverage in that state?

Eventually the federal government will have to bail them out when their debt is un-payable, and we are already over 20 trillion in debt as it is.

Go look at what you spend on your militarist empire son, money has never been the issue.

Being able to defend this country is in our Constitution. High speed trains are not.
Kommie Kailfornia leads the US in state debt, in addition to poverty and the worst education system.

You would think that those Left Wing assholes would figure out that you can't borrow your way to prosperity. We know they can't figure out that you can't tax your way to prosperity.

The middle class is leaving California in droves. They are being replaced with Illegals because it is a stupid Sanctuary state with tremendous welfare benefits.

Soon the only people left will be the Illegals and the Limousine Liberals that helped to financed the stupid Democrats that fucked everything up. Of course they get to build walls around their mansions to keep the Illegals out and can afford to hire men with guns to protect them so why should they care?

And didn't they introduce a measure to give everybody healthcare coverage in that state?

Eventually the federal government will have to bail them out when their debt is un-payable, and we are already over 20 trillion in debt as it is.

Go look at what you spend on your militarist empire son, money has never been the issue.

Being able to defend this country is in our Constitution. High speed trains are not.
We haven't defended anything since WWII. We occupy the planet for the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class.
Kommie Kailfornia leads the US in state debt, in addition to poverty and the worst education system.

You would think that those Left Wing assholes would figure out that you can't borrow your way to prosperity. We know they can't figure out that you can't tax your way to prosperity.

The middle class is leaving California in droves. They are being replaced with Illegals because it is a stupid Sanctuary state with tremendous welfare benefits.

Soon the only people left will be the Illegals and the Limousine Liberals that helped to financed the stupid Democrats that fucked everything up. Of course they get to build walls around their mansions to keep the Illegals out and can afford to hire men with guns to protect them so why should they care?

And didn't they introduce a measure to give everybody healthcare coverage in that state?

Eventually the federal government will have to bail them out when their debt is un-payable, and we are already over 20 trillion in debt as it is.

Go look at what you spend on your militarist empire son, money has never been the issue.

Being able to defend this country is in our Constitution. High speed trains are not.
We haven't defended anything since WWII. We occupy the planet for the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class.

In time of peace, prepare for war.

Having a strong military is a deterrent so we don't have to go to war. And we can't wait until our enemies are on our beach before we react. That's why we go overseas.
Elect a shithead Democrat commie as governor and get taxes on drinking water. What could possibly go wrong?

Communists love to tax the shit out of everybody. If they didn't have a such a tremendous state welfare burden because of the illegals they wouldn't have to tax so much, would they?

No wonder the filthy ass state leads the country in poverty, piss poor education and cost of government. That is what happens when you allow third world Beaners to flood into your state and vote in Democrats.

Democrats screw up everything they touch. Only an idiot would ever vote for a Democrat.

California's Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget | Breitbart

California’s Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget

California Governor Gavin Newsom proposed his first budget for the state on Friday, and it includes a tax on drinking water.

The budget, titled “California for All,” declares drinking water a “fundamental right,” and adds: “The Budget includes short-term measures to bring immediate relief to communities without safe drinking water and also proposes an ongoing sustainable funding source to address this problem into the future.”

That source is a new fund, the “Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund”:

Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund—Establish a new special fund, with a dedicated funding source from new water, fertilizer, and dairy fees, to enable the State Water Resources Control Board to assist communities, particularly disadvantaged communities, in paying for the short-term and long-term costs of obtaining access to safe and affordable drinking water. This proposal is consistent with the policy framework of SB 623, introduced in the 2017-18 legislative session. The Budget also includes $4.9 million General Fund on a one-time basis for the State Water Resources Control Board and the Department of Food and Agriculture to take initial steps toward implementation of this new Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Program, including (1) implementation of fee collection systems, (2) adoption of an annual implementation plan, and (3) development of a map of high-risk aquifers used as drinking water sources.

If you choose to live in California you deserve every shitty thing coming your way.
So far in my 70 years being here nothing shitty has come my way other than Ronnie Ray Goon. Life is grand when you realize there is more to it than money.

I go out there for work all the time. You couldn’t pay me to live there around all those Looney Tunes
Did you here about the 100 Billion dollar High Speed Train that if it's ever finished will probably not make top speed...........LOL

Who needs stinking water when you have a train..............choo choo California............
And those same Californians scream about $5 billion for the wall... lol
My state has NEVER, ever, ever, ever had a good governer; each one has been a train wreck seemingly even worse than the last one. And don't give me Reagan - that asshole shut down our state-run mental institutions, flooding the streets with god knows how many thousands of severe schizophrenics who were completely physical unable to function and take care of themselves.

Yes, I know that motherfucker Gavin Newsome is going to be a clone of bald fuck Jerry Brown-as-in-shit (who resembles the Talosians in Star Trek's original pilot). I'm just gritting my teeth and bracing myself for whatever bizarre horrors I know he's going to inflict on us.
dont you just hate it when governments want to pay for their spending ?

it totally fucks the Republican free ride when they do that.
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

dont you just hate it when governments want to pay for their spending ?

it totally fucks the Republican free ride when they do that.
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

Sure sounds like him...........did he forget what sock he was posting on????
water is a “fundamental right,” long as you pay for it.....

True, however we are paying them to clean it for us. Remember, everything you drink has already been through someone's kidneys before.......... :aug08_031:
i get that Taz....but the governor is saying water is a fundamental right for all....a fundamental right is described thus..... Fundamental rights are a group of rights that have been recognized by the Supreme Court as requiring a high degree of protection from government encroachment. not taxing it government encroachment?...

And corporations are people. Only no govt is no "encroachment" to the aristocracy. Feudalism wasn't all that bad, ya get used to it.
/——/ The USSC declared that corporations are artificial people so they can be taxed, sued and regulated. Now don’t you feel stupid?
Let all the poverty stricken asshole Beaners in Mexico and Central America flood into the state and put them all on welfare. What could possibly to wrong?
Elect a shithead Democrat commie as governor and get taxes on drinking water. What could possibly go wrong?

Communists love to tax the shit out of everybody. If they didn't have a such a tremendous state welfare burden because of the illegals they wouldn't have to tax so much, would they?

No wonder the filthy ass state leads the country in poverty, piss poor education and cost of government. That is what happens when you allow third world Beaners to flood into your state and vote in Democrats.

Democrats screw up everything they touch. Only an idiot would ever vote for a Democrat.

California's Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget | Breitbart

California’s Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget

California Governor Gavin Newsom proposed his first budget for the state on Friday, and it includes a tax on drinking water.

The budget, titled “California for All,” declares drinking water a “fundamental right,” and adds: “The Budget includes short-term measures to bring immediate relief to communities without safe drinking water and also proposes an ongoing sustainable funding source to address this problem into the future.”

That source is a new fund, the “Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund”:

Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund—Establish a new special fund, with a dedicated funding source from new water, fertilizer, and dairy fees, to enable the State Water Resources Control Board to assist communities, particularly disadvantaged communities, in paying for the short-term and long-term costs of obtaining access to safe and affordable drinking water. This proposal is consistent with the policy framework of SB 623, introduced in the 2017-18 legislative session. The Budget also includes $4.9 million General Fund on a one-time basis for the State Water Resources Control Board and the Department of Food and Agriculture to take initial steps toward implementation of this new Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Program, including (1) implementation of fee collection systems, (2) adoption of an annual implementation plan, and (3) development of a map of high-risk aquifers used as drinking water sources.

If you choose to live in California you deserve every shitty thing coming your way.
So far in my 70 years being here nothing shitty has come my way other than Ronnie Ray Goon. Life is grand when you realize there is more to it than money.

I go out there for work all the time. You couldn’t pay me to live there around all those Looney Tunes

I would never set foot in that filth again. Not with the political correctness, high taxation, crime, poverty, drugs, Beaners, traffic, regulations and stupid Moon Bats everywhere.

I worked on an engineering proposal in Irvine for a few months in 1996. The assholes tried to collect state income tax from me after I came back to Florida even though my paycheck was from a Florida based company.

It is too bad because California is a beautiful state. Too bad the Liberals have fucked it up so bad.
Almost 60K homeless in LA alone.

Liberal shithole. That is what these stupid Moon Bats would like for all of America to be like.

Elect a shithead Democrat commie as governor and get taxes on drinking water. What could possibly go wrong?

Communists love to tax the shit out of everybody. If they didn't have a such a tremendous state welfare burden because of the illegals they wouldn't have to tax so much, would they?

No wonder the filthy ass state leads the country in poverty, piss poor education and cost of government. That is what happens when you allow third world Beaners to flood into your state and vote in Democrats.

Democrats screw up everything they touch. Only an idiot would ever vote for a Democrat.

California's Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget | Breitbart

California’s Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget

California Governor Gavin Newsom proposed his first budget for the state on Friday, and it includes a tax on drinking water.

The budget, titled “California for All,” declares drinking water a “fundamental right,” and adds: “The Budget includes short-term measures to bring immediate relief to communities without safe drinking water and also proposes an ongoing sustainable funding source to address this problem into the future.”

That source is a new fund, the “Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund”:

Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund—Establish a new special fund, with a dedicated funding source from new water, fertilizer, and dairy fees, to enable the State Water Resources Control Board to assist communities, particularly disadvantaged communities, in paying for the short-term and long-term costs of obtaining access to safe and affordable drinking water. This proposal is consistent with the policy framework of SB 623, introduced in the 2017-18 legislative session. The Budget also includes $4.9 million General Fund on a one-time basis for the State Water Resources Control Board and the Department of Food and Agriculture to take initial steps toward implementation of this new Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Program, including (1) implementation of fee collection systems, (2) adoption of an annual implementation plan, and (3) development of a map of high-risk aquifers used as drinking water sources.
/----/ NJ to tax rain water.
‘Rain Tax’ Likely To Become Reality In New Jersey
Save it for a rainy day. Some of your hard-earned dollars may be taken away as the weather turns ugly and rain drops fall on the Garden State. A new bill calls for the creation of local or regional storm water utilities, giving local counties and municipalities the power to collect a tax from properties with large paved surfaces such as parking lots, CBS2’s Meg Baker reported.

That’s businesses and homeowners.
Elect a shithead Democrat commie as governor and get taxes on drinking water. What could possibly go wrong?

Communists love to tax the shit out of everybody. If they didn't have a such a tremendous state welfare burden because of the illegals they wouldn't have to tax so much, would they?

No wonder the filthy ass state leads the country in poverty, piss poor education and cost of government. That is what happens when you allow third world Beaners to flood into your state and vote in Democrats.

Democrats screw up everything they touch. Only an idiot would ever vote for a Democrat.

California's Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget | Breitbart

California’s Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget

California Governor Gavin Newsom proposed his first budget for the state on Friday, and it includes a tax on drinking water.

The budget, titled “California for All,” declares drinking water a “fundamental right,” and adds: “The Budget includes short-term measures to bring immediate relief to communities without safe drinking water and also proposes an ongoing sustainable funding source to address this problem into the future.”

That source is a new fund, the “Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund”:

Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund—Establish a new special fund, with a dedicated funding source from new water, fertilizer, and dairy fees, to enable the State Water Resources Control Board to assist communities, particularly disadvantaged communities, in paying for the short-term and long-term costs of obtaining access to safe and affordable drinking water. This proposal is consistent with the policy framework of SB 623, introduced in the 2017-18 legislative session. The Budget also includes $4.9 million General Fund on a one-time basis for the State Water Resources Control Board and the Department of Food and Agriculture to take initial steps toward implementation of this new Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Program, including (1) implementation of fee collection systems, (2) adoption of an annual implementation plan, and (3) development of a map of high-risk aquifers used as drinking water sources.

If you choose to live in California you deserve every shitty thing coming your way.
So far in my 70 years being here nothing shitty has come my way other than Ronnie Ray Goon. Life is grand when you realize there is more to it than money.

Evidently you haven't spent much time in S.F., if you go, make sure to get one of their newer maps.
Elect a shithead Democrat commie as governor and get taxes on drinking water. What could possibly go wrong?

Communists love to tax the shit out of everybody. If they didn't have a such a tremendous state welfare burden because of the illegals they wouldn't have to tax so much, would they?

No wonder the filthy ass state leads the country in poverty, piss poor education and cost of government. That is what happens when you allow third world Beaners to flood into your state and vote in Democrats.

Democrats screw up everything they touch. Only an idiot would ever vote for a Democrat.

California's Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget | Breitbart

California’s Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget

California Governor Gavin Newsom proposed his first budget for the state on Friday, and it includes a tax on drinking water.

The budget, titled “California for All,” declares drinking water a “fundamental right,” and adds: “The Budget includes short-term measures to bring immediate relief to communities without safe drinking water and also proposes an ongoing sustainable funding source to address this problem into the future.”

That source is a new fund, the “Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund”:

Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund—Establish a new special fund, with a dedicated funding source from new water, fertilizer, and dairy fees, to enable the State Water Resources Control Board to assist communities, particularly disadvantaged communities, in paying for the short-term and long-term costs of obtaining access to safe and affordable drinking water. This proposal is consistent with the policy framework of SB 623, introduced in the 2017-18 legislative session. The Budget also includes $4.9 million General Fund on a one-time basis for the State Water Resources Control Board and the Department of Food and Agriculture to take initial steps toward implementation of this new Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Program, including (1) implementation of fee collection systems, (2) adoption of an annual implementation plan, and (3) development of a map of high-risk aquifers used as drinking water sources.

If you choose to live in California you deserve every shitty thing coming your way.
So far in my 70 years being here nothing shitty has come my way other than Ronnie Ray Goon. Life is grand when you realize there is more to it than money.

Evidently you haven't spent much time in S.F., if you go, make sure to get one of their newer maps.
I do not need a map to travel San Francisco. I know where just about everything is and that it will stay there unlike flooodida where the water will claim what little land is showing now.
Elect a shithead Democrat commie as governor and get taxes on drinking water. What could possibly go wrong?

Communists love to tax the shit out of everybody. If they didn't have a such a tremendous state welfare burden because of the illegals they wouldn't have to tax so much, would they?

No wonder the filthy ass state leads the country in poverty, piss poor education and cost of government. That is what happens when you allow third world Beaners to flood into your state and vote in Democrats.

Democrats screw up everything they touch. Only an idiot would ever vote for a Democrat.

California's Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget | Breitbart

California’s Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget

California Governor Gavin Newsom proposed his first budget for the state on Friday, and it includes a tax on drinking water.

The budget, titled “California for All,” declares drinking water a “fundamental right,” and adds: “The Budget includes short-term measures to bring immediate relief to communities without safe drinking water and also proposes an ongoing sustainable funding source to address this problem into the future.”

That source is a new fund, the “Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund”:

Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund—Establish a new special fund, with a dedicated funding source from new water, fertilizer, and dairy fees, to enable the State Water Resources Control Board to assist communities, particularly disadvantaged communities, in paying for the short-term and long-term costs of obtaining access to safe and affordable drinking water. This proposal is consistent with the policy framework of SB 623, introduced in the 2017-18 legislative session. The Budget also includes $4.9 million General Fund on a one-time basis for the State Water Resources Control Board and the Department of Food and Agriculture to take initial steps toward implementation of this new Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Program, including (1) implementation of fee collection systems, (2) adoption of an annual implementation plan, and (3) development of a map of high-risk aquifers used as drinking water sources.

If you choose to live in California you deserve every shitty thing coming your way.
So far in my 70 years being here nothing shitty has come my way other than Ronnie Ray Goon. Life is grand when you realize there is more to it than money.

Evidently you haven't spent much time in S.F., if you go, make sure to get one of their newer maps.
I do not need a map to travel San Francisco. I know where just about everything is and that it will stay there unlike flooodida where the water will claim what little land is showing now.

When the Big One comes San Francisco and all the queers and Illegals that live there now will be at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

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