More than 1,000 weapons stashed at biker shooting scene

Tens of thousands??? Really??? Did you know most deaths from gunshot are suicides? Who pays for improper gun safety during a suicide? If they didn't kill themselves with a gun they will probably try it another way. How are you going to stop a person from slicing their wrists or taking a bottle of sleeping pills......outlaw knives and issue pills one at a time?

As reported on January 16, 2013

Just the facts Gun violence in America - U.S. News

  • Every day in the U.S., an average of 289 people are shot. Eighty-six of them die: 30 are murdered, 53 kill themselves, two die accidentally, and one is shot in a police intervention, the Brady Campaign reports.
  • Between 2000 and 2010, a total of 335,609 people died from guns -- more than the population of St. Louis, Mo. (318,069), Pittsburgh (307,484), Cincinnati, Ohio (296,223), Newark, N.J. (277,540), and Orlando, Fla. (243,195) (sources: CDF, U.S. Census; CDC)
  • One person is killed by a firearm every 17 minutes, 87 people are killed during an average day, and 609 are killed every week. (source: CDC)
Homicides by weapon:

  • Handguns comprised 72.5 percent of the firearms used in murder and non-negligent manslaughter incidents in 2011; 4.1 percent were with shotguns; 3.8 percent were with rifles; 18.5 percent were with unspecified firearms.
  • 13.3 percent of homicides were done with knives or other cutting instruments.
  • 5.8 percent of homicides were from the use of hands, fists, feet, etc. (source: FBI)
Guns and kids:

  • 82 children under five years old died from firearms in 2010 compared with 58 law enforcement officers killed by firearms in the line of duty (sources: CDF, CDC, FBI)
  • More kids ages 0-19 died from firearms every three days in 2010 than died in the 2012 Newtown, Conn., massacre (source:CDF, CDC)
  • Nearly three times more kids (15,576) were injured by firearms in 2010 than the number of U.S. soldiers (5,247) wounded in action that year in the war in Afghanistan (source: CDF, CDC, Department of Defense)
  • Half of all juveniles murdered in 2010 were killed with a firearm (source: Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention)
You're not telling me anything I don't already know. 2/3rds of all gun deaths are by suicide and only a tiny percentage are accidents. Most who are murdered are with illegally obtained guns.

Most of those are killed by approx.1.2% of the total population. Most of those are repeat offenders, and 70% of those are either black or Latino. Seems to me your problem goes away if you just lock those assholes up and make sure they never get out again. The problem isn't guns....but criminals with guns.

Now list all of the millions that die from heart disease or cancer every year. How about the hundreds of thousands that die in auto wrecks. Gun homicides pale in comparison to these.

When I post statistics, I cite my sources. You? Not so much. Makes it more difficult to consider your claims to be credible, IMHO. By the way, your comparison of gun deaths with heart disease and cancer is simply ridiculous. Gun deaths are largely preventable. Get rid of the fucking guns. Japan managed to do it. Are you saying that Japan is better than we are because we must have guns to be safe while they don't? No wonder we are sliding into the third world.

Japan never had personal ownership of firearms in the first place.

That is not true. Their current firearm laws took effect in 1971. before then, people were allowed to own rifles (but not handguns). They can still buy shotguns today, though it is strictly controlled.

marty said:
Plus you are comparing a mono-ethnic population, with a propensity for order and a deference to the State with a multi-ethnic population with a propensity for individual liberties.

Are you are saying that a mono-ethnic population is the only kind of population that can prevent gun-related deaths? If so, that quite a racist attitude there. Of the 23 richest countries in the world, the U.S. has more gun-rated deaths than the other 22 combined. And last time I looked, they weren't all mono-ethnic populations.

marty said:
Why should I give up my right to a firearm because criminals use them illegally, and some morons decide to off themselves from time to time?

Why should my family live in fear so you can have your hobby?

The population doesn't want to own guns, and ownership is not protected in their constitution.

I'm saying you can't compare their culture to ours, Europeans also come from a culture where only the elite were allowed arms, you know, the culture our ancestors left long ago.

And it's my RIGHT, not my hobby. If you are that scared of your fellow citizens here I suggest moving to one of your gun free paradises. you will not be missed.
Tens of thousands??? Really??? Did you know most deaths from gunshot are suicides? Who pays for improper gun safety during a suicide? If they didn't kill themselves with a gun they will probably try it another way. How are you going to stop a person from slicing their wrists or taking a bottle of sleeping pills......outlaw knives and issue pills one at a time?

As reported on January 16, 2013

Just the facts Gun violence in America - U.S. News

  • Every day in the U.S., an average of 289 people are shot. Eighty-six of them die: 30 are murdered, 53 kill themselves, two die accidentally, and one is shot in a police intervention, the Brady Campaign reports.
  • Between 2000 and 2010, a total of 335,609 people died from guns -- more than the population of St. Louis, Mo. (318,069), Pittsburgh (307,484), Cincinnati, Ohio (296,223), Newark, N.J. (277,540), and Orlando, Fla. (243,195) (sources: CDF, U.S. Census; CDC)
  • One person is killed by a firearm every 17 minutes, 87 people are killed during an average day, and 609 are killed every week. (source: CDC)
Homicides by weapon:

  • Handguns comprised 72.5 percent of the firearms used in murder and non-negligent manslaughter incidents in 2011; 4.1 percent were with shotguns; 3.8 percent were with rifles; 18.5 percent were with unspecified firearms.
  • 13.3 percent of homicides were done with knives or other cutting instruments.
  • 5.8 percent of homicides were from the use of hands, fists, feet, etc. (source: FBI)
Guns and kids:

  • 82 children under five years old died from firearms in 2010 compared with 58 law enforcement officers killed by firearms in the line of duty (sources: CDF, CDC, FBI)
  • More kids ages 0-19 died from firearms every three days in 2010 than died in the 2012 Newtown, Conn., massacre (source:CDF, CDC)
  • Nearly three times more kids (15,576) were injured by firearms in 2010 than the number of U.S. soldiers (5,247) wounded in action that year in the war in Afghanistan (source: CDF, CDC, Department of Defense)
  • Half of all juveniles murdered in 2010 were killed with a firearm (source: Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention)
You're not telling me anything I don't already know. 2/3rds of all gun deaths are by suicide and only a tiny percentage are accidents. Most who are murdered are with illegally obtained guns.

Most of those are killed by approx.1.2% of the total population. Most of those are repeat offenders, and 70% of those are either black or Latino. Seems to me your problem goes away if you just lock those assholes up and make sure they never get out again. The problem isn't guns....but criminals with guns.

Now list all of the millions that die from heart disease or cancer every year. How about the hundreds of thousands that die in auto wrecks. Gun homicides pale in comparison to these.

When I post statistics, I cite my sources. You? Not so much. Makes it more difficult to consider your claims to be credible, IMHO. By the way, your comparison of gun deaths with heart disease and cancer is simply ridiculous. Gun deaths are largely preventable. Get rid of the fucking guns. Japan managed to do it. Are you saying that Japan is better than we are because we must have guns to be safe while they don't? No wonder we are sliding into the third world.
Problem is...Your statistics don't support your conclusions. Mine they support.

Japan is a totally different situation. They have an extremely harsh penal code and strict drug enforcement, they raise their children to fear and respect authority and they are living on an a series of islands with right immigration controls.

BTW, suicide is big in Japan....regardless the almost total absence of guns.

Japan has the lowest gun death rate in the industrialized world, and one of the lowest incarceration rates. You make it sound like have a strict penal code and drug enforcement is a bad thing. Let's see. You are saying that Americans were never raised to fear and respect authority? Because from where I sit, that has always been a part of Americana. As for tight immigration controls, I agree that is a problem for them because they are causing them a lot of economic problems, something that immigration fear mongers here in the states should think about more seriously. But those immigration controls have nothing to do with the fact that they don't allow guns.

You're just trying to save face at this point.

The problem in America isn't's both economic and societal. Poverty and a lack of respect for our laws leads to crime. Our president literally encourages lawbreaking. Anyone who attacks police officers are intentionally making the situation worse. Obama has worked diligently at causing income stagnation while purposefully jacking up the costs of food and energy.

The best way to decrease poverty is to provide jobs. Obama simply makes it extremely difficult to do business in the same time he's bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees from Central America and the Middle-East. He also has been turning loose tens of thousands of convicted criminals. Just letting them roam the streets looking for trouble.

Of course crime is going up. We have a criminal running the Whitehouse who was put there by one of the most notorious criminal organizations in our history.....The Weather Underground.
As reported on January 16, 2013

Just the facts Gun violence in America - U.S. News

  • Every day in the U.S., an average of 289 people are shot. Eighty-six of them die: 30 are murdered, 53 kill themselves, two die accidentally, and one is shot in a police intervention, the Brady Campaign reports.
  • Between 2000 and 2010, a total of 335,609 people died from guns -- more than the population of St. Louis, Mo. (318,069), Pittsburgh (307,484), Cincinnati, Ohio (296,223), Newark, N.J. (277,540), and Orlando, Fla. (243,195) (sources: CDF, U.S. Census; CDC)
  • One person is killed by a firearm every 17 minutes, 87 people are killed during an average day, and 609 are killed every week. (source: CDC)
Homicides by weapon:

  • Handguns comprised 72.5 percent of the firearms used in murder and non-negligent manslaughter incidents in 2011; 4.1 percent were with shotguns; 3.8 percent were with rifles; 18.5 percent were with unspecified firearms.
  • 13.3 percent of homicides were done with knives or other cutting instruments.
  • 5.8 percent of homicides were from the use of hands, fists, feet, etc. (source: FBI)
Guns and kids:

  • 82 children under five years old died from firearms in 2010 compared with 58 law enforcement officers killed by firearms in the line of duty (sources: CDF, CDC, FBI)
  • More kids ages 0-19 died from firearms every three days in 2010 than died in the 2012 Newtown, Conn., massacre (source:CDF, CDC)
  • Nearly three times more kids (15,576) were injured by firearms in 2010 than the number of U.S. soldiers (5,247) wounded in action that year in the war in Afghanistan (source: CDF, CDC, Department of Defense)
  • Half of all juveniles murdered in 2010 were killed with a firearm (source: Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention)
You're not telling me anything I don't already know. 2/3rds of all gun deaths are by suicide and only a tiny percentage are accidents. Most who are murdered are with illegally obtained guns.

Most of those are killed by approx.1.2% of the total population. Most of those are repeat offenders, and 70% of those are either black or Latino. Seems to me your problem goes away if you just lock those assholes up and make sure they never get out again. The problem isn't guns....but criminals with guns.

Now list all of the millions that die from heart disease or cancer every year. How about the hundreds of thousands that die in auto wrecks. Gun homicides pale in comparison to these.

When I post statistics, I cite my sources. You? Not so much. Makes it more difficult to consider your claims to be credible, IMHO. By the way, your comparison of gun deaths with heart disease and cancer is simply ridiculous. Gun deaths are largely preventable. Get rid of the fucking guns. Japan managed to do it. Are you saying that Japan is better than we are because we must have guns to be safe while they don't? No wonder we are sliding into the third world.

Japan never had personal ownership of firearms in the first place.

That is not true. Their current firearm laws took effect in 1971. before then, people were allowed to own rifles (but not handguns). They can still buy shotguns today, though it is strictly controlled.

marty said:
Plus you are comparing a mono-ethnic population, with a propensity for order and a deference to the State with a multi-ethnic population with a propensity for individual liberties.

Are you are saying that a mono-ethnic population is the only kind of population that can prevent gun-related deaths? If so, that quite a racist attitude there. Of the 23 richest countries in the world, the U.S. has more gun-rated deaths than the other 22 combined. And last time I looked, they weren't all mono-ethnic populations.

marty said:
Why should I give up my right to a firearm because criminals use them illegally, and some morons decide to off themselves from time to time?

Why should my family live in fear so you can have your hobby?

The population doesn't want to own guns, and ownership is not protected in their constitution.

No it is not protected in their constitution, and it shouldn't be protected in ours. And I disagree that their population doesn't want to own guns. In Hawaii, the people who frequent rifles ranges the most are Japanese tourists.

I'm saying you can't compare their culture to ours, Europeans also come from a culture where only the elite were allowed arms, you know, the culture our ancestors left long ago.

Europe is not one country. The laws there vary widely. The biggest difference is that theirs are enforced.

And it's my RIGHT, not my hobby. If you are that scared of your fellow citizens here I suggest moving to one of your gun free paradises. you will not be missed.

I don't have to move to another country. This is as much my country as it is yours. My family has been here since 1640. What about yours?
You're not telling me anything I don't already know. 2/3rds of all gun deaths are by suicide and only a tiny percentage are accidents. Most who are murdered are with illegally obtained guns.

Most of those are killed by approx.1.2% of the total population. Most of those are repeat offenders, and 70% of those are either black or Latino. Seems to me your problem goes away if you just lock those assholes up and make sure they never get out again. The problem isn't guns....but criminals with guns.

Now list all of the millions that die from heart disease or cancer every year. How about the hundreds of thousands that die in auto wrecks. Gun homicides pale in comparison to these.

When I post statistics, I cite my sources. You? Not so much. Makes it more difficult to consider your claims to be credible, IMHO. By the way, your comparison of gun deaths with heart disease and cancer is simply ridiculous. Gun deaths are largely preventable. Get rid of the fucking guns. Japan managed to do it. Are you saying that Japan is better than we are because we must have guns to be safe while they don't? No wonder we are sliding into the third world.

Japan never had personal ownership of firearms in the first place.

That is not true. Their current firearm laws took effect in 1971. before then, people were allowed to own rifles (but not handguns). They can still buy shotguns today, though it is strictly controlled.

marty said:
Plus you are comparing a mono-ethnic population, with a propensity for order and a deference to the State with a multi-ethnic population with a propensity for individual liberties.

Are you are saying that a mono-ethnic population is the only kind of population that can prevent gun-related deaths? If so, that quite a racist attitude there. Of the 23 richest countries in the world, the U.S. has more gun-rated deaths than the other 22 combined. And last time I looked, they weren't all mono-ethnic populations.

marty said:
Why should I give up my right to a firearm because criminals use them illegally, and some morons decide to off themselves from time to time?

Why should my family live in fear so you can have your hobby?

The population doesn't want to own guns, and ownership is not protected in their constitution.

No it is not protected in their constitution, and it shouldn't be protected in ours. And I disagree that their population doesn't want to own guns. In Hawaii, the people who frequent rifles ranges the most are Japanese tourists.

I'm saying you can't compare their culture to ours, Europeans also come from a culture where only the elite were allowed arms, you know, the culture our ancestors left long ago.

Europe is not one country. The laws there vary widely. The biggest difference is that theirs are enforced.

And it's my RIGHT, not my hobby. If you are that scared of your fellow citizens here I suggest moving to one of your gun free paradises. you will not be missed.

I don't have to move to another country. This is as much my country as it is yours. My family has been here since 1640. What about yours?

Seems to me...many legal immigrants have a greater respect for America than you. They can tell you categorically that you're full of shit.
As reported on January 16, 2013

Just the facts Gun violence in America - U.S. News

  • Every day in the U.S., an average of 289 people are shot. Eighty-six of them die: 30 are murdered, 53 kill themselves, two die accidentally, and one is shot in a police intervention, the Brady Campaign reports.
  • Between 2000 and 2010, a total of 335,609 people died from guns -- more than the population of St. Louis, Mo. (318,069), Pittsburgh (307,484), Cincinnati, Ohio (296,223), Newark, N.J. (277,540), and Orlando, Fla. (243,195) (sources: CDF, U.S. Census; CDC)
  • One person is killed by a firearm every 17 minutes, 87 people are killed during an average day, and 609 are killed every week. (source: CDC)
Homicides by weapon:

  • Handguns comprised 72.5 percent of the firearms used in murder and non-negligent manslaughter incidents in 2011; 4.1 percent were with shotguns; 3.8 percent were with rifles; 18.5 percent were with unspecified firearms.
  • 13.3 percent of homicides were done with knives or other cutting instruments.
  • 5.8 percent of homicides were from the use of hands, fists, feet, etc. (source: FBI)
Guns and kids:

  • 82 children under five years old died from firearms in 2010 compared with 58 law enforcement officers killed by firearms in the line of duty (sources: CDF, CDC, FBI)
  • More kids ages 0-19 died from firearms every three days in 2010 than died in the 2012 Newtown, Conn., massacre (source:CDF, CDC)
  • Nearly three times more kids (15,576) were injured by firearms in 2010 than the number of U.S. soldiers (5,247) wounded in action that year in the war in Afghanistan (source: CDF, CDC, Department of Defense)
  • Half of all juveniles murdered in 2010 were killed with a firearm (source: Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention)
You're not telling me anything I don't already know. 2/3rds of all gun deaths are by suicide and only a tiny percentage are accidents. Most who are murdered are with illegally obtained guns.

Most of those are killed by approx.1.2% of the total population. Most of those are repeat offenders, and 70% of those are either black or Latino. Seems to me your problem goes away if you just lock those assholes up and make sure they never get out again. The problem isn't guns....but criminals with guns.

Now list all of the millions that die from heart disease or cancer every year. How about the hundreds of thousands that die in auto wrecks. Gun homicides pale in comparison to these.

When I post statistics, I cite my sources. You? Not so much. Makes it more difficult to consider your claims to be credible, IMHO. By the way, your comparison of gun deaths with heart disease and cancer is simply ridiculous. Gun deaths are largely preventable. Get rid of the fucking guns. Japan managed to do it. Are you saying that Japan is better than we are because we must have guns to be safe while they don't? No wonder we are sliding into the third world.
Problem is...Your statistics don't support your conclusions. Mine they support.

Japan is a totally different situation. They have an extremely harsh penal code and strict drug enforcement, they raise their children to fear and respect authority and they are living on an a series of islands with right immigration controls.

BTW, suicide is big in Japan....regardless the almost total absence of guns.

Japan has the lowest gun death rate in the industrialized world, and one of the lowest incarceration rates. You make it sound like have a strict penal code and drug enforcement is a bad thing. Let's see. You are saying that Americans were never raised to fear and respect authority? Because from where I sit, that has always been a part of Americana. As for tight immigration controls, I agree that is a problem for them because they are causing them a lot of economic problems, something that immigration fear mongers here in the states should think about more seriously. But those immigration controls have nothing to do with the fact that they don't allow guns.

You're just trying to save face at this point.

The problem in America isn't's both economic and societal. Poverty and a lack of respect for our laws leads to crime. Our president literally encourages lawbreaking. Anyone who attacks police officers are intentionally making the situation worse. Obama has worked diligently at causing income stagnation while purposefully jacking up the costs of food and energy.

The best way to decrease poverty is to provide jobs. Obama simply makes it extremely difficult to do business in the same time he's bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees from Central America and the Middle-East. He also has been turning loose tens of thousands of convicted criminals. Just letting them roam the streets looking for trouble.

Of course crime is going up. We have a criminal running the Whitehouse who was put there by one of the most notorious criminal organizations in our history.....The Weather Underground.

Right. According to the gun lobby, the problem with America is never the guns - it's Americans themselves. Get real.
You're not telling me anything I don't already know. 2/3rds of all gun deaths are by suicide and only a tiny percentage are accidents. Most who are murdered are with illegally obtained guns.

Most of those are killed by approx.1.2% of the total population. Most of those are repeat offenders, and 70% of those are either black or Latino. Seems to me your problem goes away if you just lock those assholes up and make sure they never get out again. The problem isn't guns....but criminals with guns.

Now list all of the millions that die from heart disease or cancer every year. How about the hundreds of thousands that die in auto wrecks. Gun homicides pale in comparison to these.

When I post statistics, I cite my sources. You? Not so much. Makes it more difficult to consider your claims to be credible, IMHO. By the way, your comparison of gun deaths with heart disease and cancer is simply ridiculous. Gun deaths are largely preventable. Get rid of the fucking guns. Japan managed to do it. Are you saying that Japan is better than we are because we must have guns to be safe while they don't? No wonder we are sliding into the third world.

Japan never had personal ownership of firearms in the first place.

That is not true. Their current firearm laws took effect in 1971. before then, people were allowed to own rifles (but not handguns). They can still buy shotguns today, though it is strictly controlled.

marty said:
Plus you are comparing a mono-ethnic population, with a propensity for order and a deference to the State with a multi-ethnic population with a propensity for individual liberties.

Are you are saying that a mono-ethnic population is the only kind of population that can prevent gun-related deaths? If so, that quite a racist attitude there. Of the 23 richest countries in the world, the U.S. has more gun-rated deaths than the other 22 combined. And last time I looked, they weren't all mono-ethnic populations.

marty said:
Why should I give up my right to a firearm because criminals use them illegally, and some morons decide to off themselves from time to time?

Why should my family live in fear so you can have your hobby?

The population doesn't want to own guns, and ownership is not protected in their constitution.

No it is not protected in their constitution, and it shouldn't be protected in ours. And I disagree that their population doesn't want to own guns. In Hawaii, the people who frequent rifles ranges the most are Japanese tourists.

I'm saying you can't compare their culture to ours, Europeans also come from a culture where only the elite were allowed arms, you know, the culture our ancestors left long ago.

Europe is not one country. The laws there vary widely. The biggest difference is that theirs are enforced.

And it's my RIGHT, not my hobby. If you are that scared of your fellow citizens here I suggest moving to one of your gun free paradises. you will not be missed.

I don't have to move to another country. This is as much my country as it is yours. My family has been here since 1640. What about yours?

Tourists, they are the people who want to mess with something banned to them.

You didn't acknowledge the basis of my point, nice dodge.

Again, its my right. Don't like it, work to overturn the 2nd amendment. until then, kindly go pound sand, and cower in your corner, scared of your fellow citizens.

Also, are you really going with the native/know-nothing argument? 3/4 of my grandparents families came over from 1923-1930, 1/4 has been here since the 1850's, but considering it is meaningless, again, go pound sand.
When I post statistics, I cite my sources. You? Not so much. Makes it more difficult to consider your claims to be credible, IMHO. By the way, your comparison of gun deaths with heart disease and cancer is simply ridiculous. Gun deaths are largely preventable. Get rid of the fucking guns. Japan managed to do it. Are you saying that Japan is better than we are because we must have guns to be safe while they don't? No wonder we are sliding into the third world.

Japan never had personal ownership of firearms in the first place.

That is not true. Their current firearm laws took effect in 1971. before then, people were allowed to own rifles (but not handguns). They can still buy shotguns today, though it is strictly controlled.

marty said:
Plus you are comparing a mono-ethnic population, with a propensity for order and a deference to the State with a multi-ethnic population with a propensity for individual liberties.

Are you are saying that a mono-ethnic population is the only kind of population that can prevent gun-related deaths? If so, that quite a racist attitude there. Of the 23 richest countries in the world, the U.S. has more gun-rated deaths than the other 22 combined. And last time I looked, they weren't all mono-ethnic populations.

marty said:
Why should I give up my right to a firearm because criminals use them illegally, and some morons decide to off themselves from time to time?

Why should my family live in fear so you can have your hobby?

The population doesn't want to own guns, and ownership is not protected in their constitution.

No it is not protected in their constitution, and it shouldn't be protected in ours. And I disagree that their population doesn't want to own guns. In Hawaii, the people who frequent rifles ranges the most are Japanese tourists.

I'm saying you can't compare their culture to ours, Europeans also come from a culture where only the elite were allowed arms, you know, the culture our ancestors left long ago.

Europe is not one country. The laws there vary widely. The biggest difference is that theirs are enforced.

And it's my RIGHT, not my hobby. If you are that scared of your fellow citizens here I suggest moving to one of your gun free paradises. you will not be missed.

I don't have to move to another country. This is as much my country as it is yours. My family has been here since 1640. What about yours?

Tourists, they are the people who want to mess with something banned to them.

You didn't acknowledge the basis of my point, nice dodge.

Again, its my right. Don't like it, work to overturn the 2nd amendment. until then, kindly go pound sand, and cower in your corner, scared of your fellow citizens.

Also, are you really going with the native/know-nothing argument? 3/4 of my grandparents families came over from 1923-1930, 1/4 has been here since the 1850's, but considering it is meaningless, again, go pound sand.

Yes I recognize it is our right, but such recognition doesn't solve the problem, does it?
You're not telling me anything I don't already know. 2/3rds of all gun deaths are by suicide and only a tiny percentage are accidents. Most who are murdered are with illegally obtained guns.

Most of those are killed by approx.1.2% of the total population. Most of those are repeat offenders, and 70% of those are either black or Latino. Seems to me your problem goes away if you just lock those assholes up and make sure they never get out again. The problem isn't guns....but criminals with guns.

Now list all of the millions that die from heart disease or cancer every year. How about the hundreds of thousands that die in auto wrecks. Gun homicides pale in comparison to these.

When I post statistics, I cite my sources. You? Not so much. Makes it more difficult to consider your claims to be credible, IMHO. By the way, your comparison of gun deaths with heart disease and cancer is simply ridiculous. Gun deaths are largely preventable. Get rid of the fucking guns. Japan managed to do it. Are you saying that Japan is better than we are because we must have guns to be safe while they don't? No wonder we are sliding into the third world.
Problem is...Your statistics don't support your conclusions. Mine they support.

Japan is a totally different situation. They have an extremely harsh penal code and strict drug enforcement, they raise their children to fear and respect authority and they are living on an a series of islands with right immigration controls.

BTW, suicide is big in Japan....regardless the almost total absence of guns.

Japan has the lowest gun death rate in the industrialized world, and one of the lowest incarceration rates. You make it sound like have a strict penal code and drug enforcement is a bad thing. Let's see. You are saying that Americans were never raised to fear and respect authority? Because from where I sit, that has always been a part of Americana. As for tight immigration controls, I agree that is a problem for them because they are causing them a lot of economic problems, something that immigration fear mongers here in the states should think about more seriously. But those immigration controls have nothing to do with the fact that they don't allow guns.

You're just trying to save face at this point.

The problem in America isn't's both economic and societal. Poverty and a lack of respect for our laws leads to crime. Our president literally encourages lawbreaking. Anyone who attacks police officers are intentionally making the situation worse. Obama has worked diligently at causing income stagnation while purposefully jacking up the costs of food and energy.

The best way to decrease poverty is to provide jobs. Obama simply makes it extremely difficult to do business in the same time he's bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees from Central America and the Middle-East. He also has been turning loose tens of thousands of convicted criminals. Just letting them roam the streets looking for trouble.

Of course crime is going up. We have a criminal running the Whitehouse who was put there by one of the most notorious criminal organizations in our history.....The Weather Underground.

Right. According to the gun lobby, the problem with America is never the guns - it's Americans themselves. Get real.

You get real.

You refuse to face up to reality.

Taking away our right to bear arms would cause more trouble that you could imagine.......and that shit you saw in Baltimore would be at your home in little or no time.
When I post statistics, I cite my sources. You? Not so much. Makes it more difficult to consider your claims to be credible, IMHO. By the way, your comparison of gun deaths with heart disease and cancer is simply ridiculous. Gun deaths are largely preventable. Get rid of the fucking guns. Japan managed to do it. Are you saying that Japan is better than we are because we must have guns to be safe while they don't? No wonder we are sliding into the third world.
Problem is...Your statistics don't support your conclusions. Mine they support.

Japan is a totally different situation. They have an extremely harsh penal code and strict drug enforcement, they raise their children to fear and respect authority and they are living on an a series of islands with right immigration controls.

BTW, suicide is big in Japan....regardless the almost total absence of guns.

Japan has the lowest gun death rate in the industrialized world, and one of the lowest incarceration rates. You make it sound like have a strict penal code and drug enforcement is a bad thing. Let's see. You are saying that Americans were never raised to fear and respect authority? Because from where I sit, that has always been a part of Americana. As for tight immigration controls, I agree that is a problem for them because they are causing them a lot of economic problems, something that immigration fear mongers here in the states should think about more seriously. But those immigration controls have nothing to do with the fact that they don't allow guns.

You're just trying to save face at this point.

The problem in America isn't's both economic and societal. Poverty and a lack of respect for our laws leads to crime. Our president literally encourages lawbreaking. Anyone who attacks police officers are intentionally making the situation worse. Obama has worked diligently at causing income stagnation while purposefully jacking up the costs of food and energy.

The best way to decrease poverty is to provide jobs. Obama simply makes it extremely difficult to do business in the same time he's bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees from Central America and the Middle-East. He also has been turning loose tens of thousands of convicted criminals. Just letting them roam the streets looking for trouble.

Of course crime is going up. We have a criminal running the Whitehouse who was put there by one of the most notorious criminal organizations in our history.....The Weather Underground.

Right. According to the gun lobby, the problem with America is never the guns - it's Americans themselves. Get real.

You get real.

You refuse to face up to reality.

Taking away our right to bear arms would cause more trouble that you could imagine.......and that shit you saw in Baltimore would be at your home in little or no time.

Straw man.
Right. According to the gun lobby, the problem with America is never the guns - it's Americans themselves. Get real.
You're the one with his head in a cloud. You used to be able to order guns out of catalogs. Walk in a hardware store and buy a gun. No background checks, period. So explain to us how guns evolved into the menace they are today if it isn't a human problem?
Japan never had personal ownership of firearms in the first place.

That is not true. Their current firearm laws took effect in 1971. before then, people were allowed to own rifles (but not handguns). They can still buy shotguns today, though it is strictly controlled.

marty said:
Plus you are comparing a mono-ethnic population, with a propensity for order and a deference to the State with a multi-ethnic population with a propensity for individual liberties.

Are you are saying that a mono-ethnic population is the only kind of population that can prevent gun-related deaths? If so, that quite a racist attitude there. Of the 23 richest countries in the world, the U.S. has more gun-rated deaths than the other 22 combined. And last time I looked, they weren't all mono-ethnic populations.

marty said:
Why should I give up my right to a firearm because criminals use them illegally, and some morons decide to off themselves from time to time?

Why should my family live in fear so you can have your hobby?

The population doesn't want to own guns, and ownership is not protected in their constitution.

No it is not protected in their constitution, and it shouldn't be protected in ours. And I disagree that their population doesn't want to own guns. In Hawaii, the people who frequent rifles ranges the most are Japanese tourists.

I'm saying you can't compare their culture to ours, Europeans also come from a culture where only the elite were allowed arms, you know, the culture our ancestors left long ago.

Europe is not one country. The laws there vary widely. The biggest difference is that theirs are enforced.

And it's my RIGHT, not my hobby. If you are that scared of your fellow citizens here I suggest moving to one of your gun free paradises. you will not be missed.

I don't have to move to another country. This is as much my country as it is yours. My family has been here since 1640. What about yours?

Tourists, they are the people who want to mess with something banned to them.

You didn't acknowledge the basis of my point, nice dodge.

Again, its my right. Don't like it, work to overturn the 2nd amendment. until then, kindly go pound sand, and cower in your corner, scared of your fellow citizens.

Also, are you really going with the native/know-nothing argument? 3/4 of my grandparents families came over from 1923-1930, 1/4 has been here since the 1850's, but considering it is meaningless, again, go pound sand.

Yes I recognize it is our right, but such recognition doesn't solve the problem, does it?

Guess what, getting rid of the right won't solve the problem either. Stopping law abiding people from owning guns won't stop criminals from trying to get them.
So, let's see, you want to imply all were guns, don't you? Or are you calling for chains, knives and brass knuckles also be banned? And it seems they erred on their count.

And a follow up on that count-
According to the statement, the total was 318 weapons “and still counting. We do expect the numbers to continue to rise.”

The weapons recovered were: 118 handguns, 157 knives and 43 others, including brass knuckles and chains.
LA Times
So, let's see, you want to imply all were guns, don't you? Or are you calling for chains, knives and brass knuckles also be banned? And it seems they erred on their count.

And a follow up on that count-
According to the statement, the total was 318 weapons “and still counting. We do expect the numbers to continue to rise.”

The weapons recovered were: 118 handguns, 157 knives and 43 others, including brass knuckles and chains.
LA Times

but....if they are already could they have handguns? the laws we already have says they can't be in possession of any guns....they can't even pass background checks.....say it ain't so.....
Problem is...Your statistics don't support your conclusions. Mine they support.

Japan is a totally different situation. They have an extremely harsh penal code and strict drug enforcement, they raise their children to fear and respect authority and they are living on an a series of islands with right immigration controls.

BTW, suicide is big in Japan....regardless the almost total absence of guns.

Japan has the lowest gun death rate in the industrialized world, and one of the lowest incarceration rates. You make it sound like have a strict penal code and drug enforcement is a bad thing. Let's see. You are saying that Americans were never raised to fear and respect authority? Because from where I sit, that has always been a part of Americana. As for tight immigration controls, I agree that is a problem for them because they are causing them a lot of economic problems, something that immigration fear mongers here in the states should think about more seriously. But those immigration controls have nothing to do with the fact that they don't allow guns.

You're just trying to save face at this point.

The problem in America isn't's both economic and societal. Poverty and a lack of respect for our laws leads to crime. Our president literally encourages lawbreaking. Anyone who attacks police officers are intentionally making the situation worse. Obama has worked diligently at causing income stagnation while purposefully jacking up the costs of food and energy.

The best way to decrease poverty is to provide jobs. Obama simply makes it extremely difficult to do business in the same time he's bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees from Central America and the Middle-East. He also has been turning loose tens of thousands of convicted criminals. Just letting them roam the streets looking for trouble.

Of course crime is going up. We have a criminal running the Whitehouse who was put there by one of the most notorious criminal organizations in our history.....The Weather Underground.

Right. According to the gun lobby, the problem with America is never the guns - it's Americans themselves. Get real.

You get real.

You refuse to face up to reality.

Taking away our right to bear arms would cause more trouble that you could imagine.......and that shit you saw in Baltimore would be at your home in little or no time.

Straw man.
Nope.....just a reality everywhere it's been done before.
If you want to live in the Soviet Union,......move.
Japan has the lowest gun death rate in the industrialized world, and one of the lowest incarceration rates. You make it sound like have a strict penal code and drug enforcement is a bad thing. Let's see. You are saying that Americans were never raised to fear and respect authority? Because from where I sit, that has always been a part of Americana. As for tight immigration controls, I agree that is a problem for them because they are causing them a lot of economic problems, something that immigration fear mongers here in the states should think about more seriously. But those immigration controls have nothing to do with the fact that they don't allow guns.

You're just trying to save face at this point.

The problem in America isn't's both economic and societal. Poverty and a lack of respect for our laws leads to crime. Our president literally encourages lawbreaking. Anyone who attacks police officers are intentionally making the situation worse. Obama has worked diligently at causing income stagnation while purposefully jacking up the costs of food and energy.

The best way to decrease poverty is to provide jobs. Obama simply makes it extremely difficult to do business in the same time he's bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees from Central America and the Middle-East. He also has been turning loose tens of thousands of convicted criminals. Just letting them roam the streets looking for trouble.

Of course crime is going up. We have a criminal running the Whitehouse who was put there by one of the most notorious criminal organizations in our history.....The Weather Underground.

Right. According to the gun lobby, the problem with America is never the guns - it's Americans themselves. Get real.

You get real.

You refuse to face up to reality.

Taking away our right to bear arms would cause more trouble that you could imagine.......and that shit you saw in Baltimore would be at your home in little or no time.

Straw man.
Nope.....just a reality everywhere it's been done before.
If you want to live in the Soviet Union,......move.

Wow, another straw man. Got any more?
Oh, these gun nuts have plenty more. And when the gun deaths surpass the auto deaths this year, they actually believe that is a bragging point. Kind of like the dopers that hear of a new drug causing a lot deaths commenting, "That must be some good shit". Same kind of psychology.
Oh, these gun nuts have plenty more. And when the gun deaths surpass the auto deaths this year, they actually believe that is a bragging point. Kind of like the dopers that hear of a new drug causing a lot deaths commenting, "That must be some good shit". Same kind of psychology.

No...gun deaths will not surpass car deaths this year...the anti-gun nuts use suicide to boost their death numbers which is a lie.....since Japan and South Korea have no access to guns and have 2 times the suicide rate that we anyone comitting suicide who couldn't get a gun can still commit suicide just like the Japanese and South Koreans do.....

and as to car vs. gun numbers....

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


so comparing apples to apples.....

Accidental Car deaths 2013.....35,369

Accidental gun deaths 2013....505

Non fatal car accident injuries...2.31 million....

Non fatal gun accident injuries....17,000 (number is from brain)

so need to stop buying the anti-gun nutter propaganda.....
There is your right to bear arms at work:

More than 1 000 weapons stashed at biker shooting scene National News - WLKY Home

WACO, Texas (CNN) —A gun stuffed inside a bag of tortilla chips. Weapons wedged between bags of flour. A handgun left in a toilet.

Days after a massive shootout left nine bikers dead, police are finding more evidence and clues about what happened at a Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas.

Among them: More than 1,000 weapons left behind. And some bikers may have stashed away even more, police said.

"These were vicious criminals that knew that they were in trouble, and they were trying to dispose of evidence," Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said.

With 170 suspects in custody, authorities have a complex investigation on their hands. All of the suspects face charges of engaging in organized crime, and each one has bail set at $1 million.

So far, only one person has made bail. Jeff Battey, 40, bonded out of the McLennan County jail on Wednesday, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation said.

More at the link.
There's nothing wrong with the Second Amendment or people "bearing arms" as long as they do it in a lawful manner.

When tens of thousands die each year from guns shots, it is clear that people aren't doing it lawfully. Maybe we should tax gun owners to pay for all the court costs and personal damage.

How about holding those who misuse firearms and are criminals responsible and making THEM pay all the court costs and personal damage? Too radical a concept for you?
There's nothing wrong with the Second Amendment or people "bearing arms" as long as they do it in a lawful manner.

When tens of thousands die each year from guns shots, it is clear that people aren't doing it lawfully. Maybe we should tax gun owners to pay for all the court costs and personal damage.
How many thousands die from gunshots and how many millions of people in this country own firearms? How many thousands of people die from automobile accidents, stabbings, poison, and straight up assaults?

Read my lips. There is NO justification for the tens of thousands of gun-related deaths in the U.S. So you want to compare gun deaths versus auto deaths? We can do that:


The biggest difference between an automobile and a gun is that automobiles are not designed specifically to kill. To say nothing of the fact that automobile deaths have dropped by nearly a third in 12 years while gun-related deaths have risen by 25%.

No...they include suicides in the gun deaths which, since we are talking about Japan as well, Japan has 2 times the suicides as the United States and Japanese citizens have no guns to do it with....

Again....gun murders in 2013- 8-11,000 (FBI 8,454...CDC over 11,000)

Car deaths...35,000

90 million homes with guns, over 11.1 million gun owners carry guns for self defense...

accidental gun deaths for 2013 from the CDC table 10.........505

90 million homes with guns, and over 11.1 million carrying guns ever day...and only 505 accidental gun deaths......that shows that American gun owners are very responsible......

And then you want to throw criminals...who cannot legally own guns, into the mix as they kill each other in inner cities...

Stop criminals and you stop gun murder....real gun control = locking up criminals who use guns in crimes and felons caught in possession of guns

A gun death is a gun death, dude. ONLY 505 accidental gun deaths? And of course, in your view, that's a fucking good thing. You know how many Japan had in the last ten years? I'll let you look it up as punishment for making such a callous statement.

If the firearm was not available, it would be impossible to commit suicide? Or could someone get a rope and hang themselves? Or could a person who wanted to commit suicide take a knife and kill themselves without a firearm? Or, could they jump out a window?

Surely you're trying to parody an anti-gun loon because not even one of them is as stupid as you are making yourself appear.
You're not telling me anything I don't already know. 2/3rds of all gun deaths are by suicide and only a tiny percentage are accidents. Most who are murdered are with illegally obtained guns.

Most of those are killed by approx.1.2% of the total population. Most of those are repeat offenders, and 70% of those are either black or Latino. Seems to me your problem goes away if you just lock those assholes up and make sure they never get out again. The problem isn't guns....but criminals with guns.

Now list all of the millions that die from heart disease or cancer every year. How about the hundreds of thousands that die in auto wrecks. Gun homicides pale in comparison to these.

When I post statistics, I cite my sources. You? Not so much. Makes it more difficult to consider your claims to be credible, IMHO. By the way, your comparison of gun deaths with heart disease and cancer is simply ridiculous. Gun deaths are largely preventable. Get rid of the fucking guns. Japan managed to do it. Are you saying that Japan is better than we are because we must have guns to be safe while they don't? No wonder we are sliding into the third world.
Problem is...Your statistics don't support your conclusions. Mine they support.

Japan is a totally different situation. They have an extremely harsh penal code and strict drug enforcement, they raise their children to fear and respect authority and they are living on an a series of islands with right immigration controls.

BTW, suicide is big in Japan....regardless the almost total absence of guns.

Japan has the lowest gun death rate in the industrialized world, and one of the lowest incarceration rates. You make it sound like have a strict penal code and drug enforcement is a bad thing. Let's see. You are saying that Americans were never raised to fear and respect authority? Because from where I sit, that has always been a part of Americana. As for tight immigration controls, I agree that is a problem for them because they are causing them a lot of economic problems, something that immigration fear mongers here in the states should think about more seriously. But those immigration controls have nothing to do with the fact that they don't allow guns.

You're just trying to save face at this point.

The problem in America isn't's both economic and societal. Poverty and a lack of respect for our laws leads to crime. Our president literally encourages lawbreaking. Anyone who attacks police officers are intentionally making the situation worse. Obama has worked diligently at causing income stagnation while purposefully jacking up the costs of food and energy.

The best way to decrease poverty is to provide jobs. Obama simply makes it extremely difficult to do business in the same time he's bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees from Central America and the Middle-East. He also has been turning loose tens of thousands of convicted criminals. Just letting them roam the streets looking for trouble.

Of course crime is going up. We have a criminal running the Whitehouse who was put there by one of the most notorious criminal organizations in our history.....The Weather Underground.

Right. According to the gun lobby, the problem with America is never the guns - it's Americans themselves. Get real.

I've owned a firearm for more than 40 years and it's NEVER fired itself. People ARE the problem. You get real.

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