More than 100 illegal aliens found in ONE stash house!

We can legalize Marijuana but we can't legalize humans?

Immigration reform is about people. These people.

Legal immigration works just fine when you enforce the laws on the books. What exactly are you looking to reform?

That's not what some rw's say. They choose to ignore the fact that Obama has deported more and enforced more than any other president. They ignore that Arpaio talks a good game but doesn't do shit.

To far too many rw's, any question concerning illegals comes down to hate.

They'll eat the produce and the meat brought to them by their labor while they whine about them taking American jobs. They allow big corp's like Smithfield to advertise for employees in Mexico but talk about paying American workers a decent pay and they whine about unions. And, raising prices so that small family farmers can afford to pay American wages? Never.

Way too many rw's are just tools. Very willing tools.


Do you ever get tired of always being wrong?

Activist Janet Murguía calls Obama 'deporter-in-chief,' says he has deported more immigrants than other presidents | PolitiFact
"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."

The Reagan Liberal Card.


Many rw's believe that all illegals are brown and crossed from the south. They don't seem to know that a lot of them are working in high tech jobs in Chicago!

BUT, what I find the funniest about the stupidity from the anti-human being movement is they actually think we can just round them up and send them home.

And the same brain dead fools who believe that also through a fit at the idea of issuing driver's licenses.

Are they simply unable to think?

Legal immigration works just fine when you enforce the laws on the books. What exactly are you looking to reform?

That's not what some rw's say. They choose to ignore the fact that Obama has deported more and enforced more than any other president. They ignore that Arpaio talks a good game but doesn't do shit.

To far too many rw's, any question concerning illegals comes down to hate.

They'll eat the produce and the meat brought to them by their labor while they whine about them taking American jobs. They allow big corp's like Smithfield to advertise for employees in Mexico but talk about paying American workers a decent pay and they whine about unions. And, raising prices so that small family farmers can afford to pay American wages? Never.

Way too many rw's are just tools. Very willing tools.


Do you ever get tired of always being wrong?

Activist Janet Murguía calls Obama 'deporter-in-chief,' says he has deported more immigrants than other presidents | PolitiFact

And so you post evidence that I am right?

Did you look at the graph? the actual numbers?

President Fiscal years Total deportations Average deportations/year
Ronald Reagan 1981-1988 168,364 21,046
George Bush 1989-1992 141,326 35,332
Bill Clinton 1993-2000 869,646 108,706
George W. Bush 2001-2008 2,012,539 251,567
Barack Obama 2009-2012 1,582,756 395,689

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."

The Reagan Liberal Card.

A one time tradeoff that was supposed to result in border security and immigration enforcement promised by the Democrats.........who lied and didn't follow thru. It's why there is so much resistance this time. Fool me once........

It is a wholly corrupt system that continues to exploit people to this day. Neither party can escape responsibility for it. A bipartisan wink and a nudge. Hell, his immigration stand was one of the only policies of President Bush I could agree with.
We can legalize Marijuana but we can't legalize humans?


The suspected stash house was found during a search for a 24-year-old woman and her two children, a 7-year-old girl and a 5-year-old boy, that were reported missing by relatives late Tuesday after a man failed to meet them as planned at an undisclosed location on the city's north side, said John Cannon, a spokesman for the Houston Police Department.

Many of the people in the home, that authorities said appeared to be part of a human smuggling operation, were dressed only in undergarments and were sitting in filthy conditions and surrounded by trash bags full of old clothing, Cannon said.


The single-family home, in southern Harris County, is about 1,500-square-feet, Cannon said. At first, officers saw only a mattress on the floor and a refrigerator in an exterior room. It was when they went further into the house that they found the people - 94 men, all in their undergarments and shoeless; 15 women; and the woman with her two children - lying in filth in several small rooms, all with access to one bathroom and no hot water.

Many of the women said they had been in the house for three or four days, Cannon said. One woman said she had been there for 15 days. All of them said they were hungry, thirsty and tired.

"It was just filth, very squalid-like conditions inside. Trash bags with clothing piled as high as you can see," Cannon said. "They were very surprised at the numbers of people inside. Some were just sitting on top of one another because there was just no room."


Immigration reform is about people. These people.

The correct name is "amnesty for illegal aliens." They aren't Americans. There isn't a single good reason for granting them amnesty. There are good reasons for legalizing pot.
"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."

The Reagan Liberal Card.

A one time tradeoff that was supposed to result in border security and immigration enforcement promised by the Democrats.........who lied and didn't follow thru. It's why there is so much resistance this time. Fool me once........

It is a wholly corrupt system that continues to exploit people to this day. Neither party can escape responsibility for it. A bipartisan wink and a nudge. Hell, his immigration stand was one of the only policies of President Bush I could agree with.

A majority of Americans disagreed with him. That's why they couldn't get a bill through Congress.
That's not what some rw's say. They choose to ignore the fact that Obama has deported more and enforced more than any other president. They ignore that Arpaio talks a good game but doesn't do shit.

To far too many rw's, any question concerning illegals comes down to hate.

They'll eat the produce and the meat brought to them by their labor while they whine about them taking American jobs. They allow big corp's like Smithfield to advertise for employees in Mexico but talk about paying American workers a decent pay and they whine about unions. And, raising prices so that small family farmers can afford to pay American wages? Never.

Way too many rw's are just tools. Very willing tools.


Do you ever get tired of always being wrong?

Activist Janet Murguía calls Obama 'deporter-in-chief,' says he has deported more immigrants than other presidents | PolitiFact

And so you post evidence that I am right?

Did you look at the graph? the actual numbers?

President Fiscal years Total deportations Average deportations/year
Ronald Reagan 1981-1988 168,364 21,046
George Bush 1989-1992 141,326 35,332
Bill Clinton 1993-2000 869,646 108,706
George W. Bush 2001-2008 2,012,539 251,567
Barack Obama 2009-2012 1,582,756 395,689


Why yes Puddly Pillowbite, I did read it. That's why I posted it.

"Our ruling

Murguía defended her "deporter-in-chief" nickname for Obama by saying he’s deported more people than any other president. Her office pointed to a set of statistics that counts departures in a different way than what most people would think of as deportations. We looked at statistics that used more a literal definition of deportation. By that standard, Obama is on track to outpace Bush by the end of his term, but he’s not quite there yet, according to Homeland Security data. At nearly 1.6 million deportations, that's still some distance from "approaching 2 million."
It’s too soon to say that Obama has deported more people than any other president. But with the information available, it looks like he’s on track to do so. We rate her claim Half True."

Read it, learn it, live it.
A one time tradeoff that was supposed to result in border security and immigration enforcement promised by the Democrats.........who lied and didn't follow thru. It's why there is so much resistance this time. Fool me once........

It is a wholly corrupt system that continues to exploit people to this day. Neither party can escape responsibility for it. A bipartisan wink and a nudge. Hell, his immigration stand was one of the only policies of President Bush I could agree with.

A majority of Americans disagreed with him. That's why they couldn't get a bill through Congress.

Tyranny by Democracy is what you favor now or just selectively?

In reality it was the Echo Chamber flexing it's muscle and putting enough pressure on the incumbents to make them worry about their next election.
It is a wholly corrupt system that continues to exploit people to this day. Neither party can escape responsibility for it. A bipartisan wink and a nudge. Hell, his immigration stand was one of the only policies of President Bush I could agree with.

A majority of Americans disagreed with him. That's why they couldn't get a bill through Congress.

Tyranny by Democracy is what you favor now or just selectively?

In reality it was the Echo Chamber flexing it's muscle and putting enough pressure on the incumbents to make them worry about their next election.

it is not the job of either Party to roll over and play dead for a wannabe dictator president
A majority of Americans disagreed with him. That's why they couldn't get a bill through Congress.

Tyranny by Democracy is what you favor now or just selectively?

In reality it was the Echo Chamber flexing it's muscle and putting enough pressure on the incumbents to make them worry about their next election.

it is not the job of either Party to roll over and play dead for a wannabe dictator president

Right, it's the Party's job to help them win re-election!
Tyranny by Democracy is what you favor now or just selectively?

In reality it was the Echo Chamber flexing it's muscle and putting enough pressure on the incumbents to make them worry about their next election.

it is not the job of either Party to roll over and play dead for a wannabe dictator president

Right, it's the Party's job to help them win re-election!

you're drooling on the library's computer arent you?
I was doing a little random reading and found this:
"Noem has been active promoting legislation to end human trafficking and sexual slavery. On February 23, 2014, Nome held a conference to promote anti-trafficking legislation in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Noem is a co-sponsor of H.R.4058 in the 113th Congress (2013-2014) Preventing Sex Trafficking and Improving Opportunities for Youth in Foster Care Act and other U.S. House resolutions designed to end human trafficking."
Kristi Noem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is why I absolutely no respect for Republicans. Rep. Noem claims she cares about human trafficking and yet 100 people being trafficked are found crammed inside a house and she has nothing to say. Nothing to say about putting Immigration Reform up for a vote. I am glad she got elected on the Tea party platform because she sure did not win the election on the "I have principles" platform. Republican pick some "I am a human too" topic to throw it in their campaign so they can get to Washington and vote to strip mine America.
I should probably put this in a separate thread but maybe later I will start one. Seems Rep. Noem is about the most hypocritical person on the planet.

South Dakota Tribes Accuse State Of Violating Indian Welfare Act : NPR
For years now, council members of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe in South Dakota have watched as the state's Department of Social Services removed children from the reservation and placed many of them in white foster homes, far from tribal lands. Many of the children were later adopted, losing their connection to their families and heritage.


This week, officials from the Crow Creek Sioux Nation and seven other tribes in the state sent an to Congress accusing South Dakota of systematically violating the 35-year-old federal Indian Child Welfare Act. The federal law says that, with some exceptions, if the state removes a Native American child, the state must place that child with relatives, tribal members or other Native Americans.


An found that 87 percent of the Native American children in foster care in South Dakota are placed in white foster homes or group homes.

The 22-page report from the tribes also charges that the state has a financial incentive to remove Native American children from their tribes. It says the state gains federal dollars for every native child it places into its foster care system.


State officials have taken issue with NPR's series last year examining the issue. NPR found the state receives almost $100 million a year from the federal government for all of the state's foster care children, more than half of whom are Native American. According to the state's budget, the state receives at least $45 million in federal funding, including administrative costs and federal grants under a program called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. The state also receives tens of millions more in Medicaid reimbursements.

More specifically, Native American children are provided health care by a federal program directly through the Indian Health Service. Officials with that agency say that when native children are placed in foster care, South Dakota and other states generally move the children onto Medicaid, which is heavily subsidized by millions in federal dollars.


I will get to the voter suppression of Native Americans in South Dakota in a later post. I am doing research on the state Representative that does not represent. To give a little clue South Dakota has only one U.S. Representative.
Legal immigration works just fine when you enforce the laws on the books. What exactly are you looking to reform?

I know this wasn't directed to me - so I apologize for butting in, but in my opinion immigration reform needs to create an easier path to citizenship
Present laws already have that.

Probably true. But now those quotas must be adjusted to take in the people who have already "immigrated" - the 20 million people who have walked across the border already.

So if we raise the quotas from, say, 10 million immigrants per year, to 2 million... then we've already filled the (new) quota for the next ten years. That means ZERO more immigrants for the next ten years, until the 20 million illegals are absorbed... unless some or all of them go back. When can we expect that to happen?

If we implement and enforce a law that would jail any employer who knowingly hires an illegal, these folks would head back fairly quick. With no source of income, they'd have no choice.

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