More than 20 dead after shooting at Sutherland Springs church

This is the killer Devon P. Kelley


Seems like he did live about 26 miles away.
Which would be Sunday Church do able there.
As he had a car.

Reported to have driven, then tried to run, away.
A person's life killed in single act of gun violence is not worth less than the life of someone killed in a mass shooting. :)

Do you think 25 people would have been killed by a guy that walked into that church with a knife?
Again, you make a red herring argument. No one has ever said that the life taken by a mass shooter is any less than the life taken by a thug on a city street. Yet, in those places where the gun laws are the strictest on the planet, they are dying by the hundreds, nearly the thousands, every year.

You need to pick a talking point and stick to it. This shotgun approach isn't working to well for you.

You just said there was. Why are you quoting stats about the number of people killed in a mass shooting separately from those killed by guns period?

I mean I can understand you taking the ignorant side of an argument, but it makes it even worse when you can't properly do it.
You are the only ignorant one in the entire conversation.

I chose to separate those killed in mass shootings as compared to gun killings as a whole in order to contrast and highlight the fact that being killed in a mass shooting in American is so very unlikely as to make the point that it is not a crisis as you and your ilk would portray it. Do try to keep up.

Maybe if you go do some research on your own, you may hit upon a valid talking point. As it stands, unless a person lives in an urban area with massive gun control laws, Americans have very little to actually fear from mass shootings and guns in general.

ALL gun victims matter. Mass shootings are an important facto however because without guns like the ones used in Vegas, Orlando, today, etc. wouldn't have killed as many people as they did if it weren't for those types of guns being available.

Your argument is so untrue about people being shot outside of urban areas, today is a good example. They are reporting that the town consists of less than 600 people.
Yet, hundreds die every week in the urban areas. You need to pull your head out of your ass and think.

How many people this year have died in mass shootings? Go look it up.

Now divide the number by the number of people who live in America. Take the number and multiply it by 100. That will give you the percentage of people who have died in this country just this year by mass shootings.

Then get back to Me if you than that tiny little fucking number is such a crisis that we have to do away with an entire guaranteed right as outlined by the U.S. Consitution.

Then go do some research on the number of deaths in this country by other things and tell Me which is the biggest crisis.

I'm done arguing with you. You don't understand simple concepts, which makes it impossible to have any kind of useful conversation.
So when you rid yourselves of guns they will simply run over you with a truck or bomb you.

That sounds like a terrorist attack. This isn't a terrorist by the sounds of it. Just some whack job. And the US being a heavily armed society really really worked out for the people in the church, and LV, and Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook....
It is a fact that America has a gun violence problem.

A solution to this problem must be found.

But more government regulation and restrictions are not a solution.

If you have a viable, constructive solution to offer that doesn’t involve more government regulation and restrictions, we’d like to hear it.
This is has been discussed ad nausea.

This happened in America and it affects Americans. The solutions or fears are wholly American.

So, you can deal with the facts of this or you can try and go outside this country to a group of cultures that have been bred and brainwashed into thinking that government is the answer to these kinds of things, all the while ignoring the fact that they haven't solved this or any issue any better than we have.

No, you can talk about the fact that people in America have far fewer reasons to fear guns than they do their own government, their own highway system, or their own medical care system.

It's an AMERICAN issue because of the gun laws. The only way to study if it is working or not, is to compare it to other nations in the world.

This isn't a difficult concept, I'm sorry you can't keep up with that.
Other nations have not solved it because it is NOT a gun law issue. We have laws against using guns to kill people. Law abiding people do not kill people with guns. We have murder laws, yet people still manage to murder others, even in these other countries.

What you are talking about is punishing the innocent for the crimes of a few. That is what OTHER nations do. Other Nations can suck it.

You are insane. You know why? You keep thinking that doing the same thing over and over will eventually change things.

Now go explain to the families of those killed in Orlando, Las Vegas, and now Texas that you think the gun laws are ok.
You're the one who is insane. It has been proven that taking guns away from law-abiding citizens does not stop crime or the mass shootings you so fear.

Why don't you go explain to the families of the 104 people killed today on our nation's roads why the automobile is evil and apologize for not doing more to ban them.

There is PROOF that stricter gun laws save lives. PROOF of it. Rock solid PROOF of it.
So you think criminals will observe stricter gun laws dew yew?
Sutherland Springs Shooter confirmed dead, 27 dead, at least 30 innocent people hurt. Not information yet on the shooter. And NPR is fixated on gay suffrage, ironically given Harvey Milk was SHOT, but they chose to ignore breaking topics. Which is why I first responded.
WTF? Indeed. Please, make a point already.Is that too hard for you?
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A lady is being interviewed on MSNBC and she said another news channel was identifying two different people as the shooter, one was her son who lost a child in the shooting and has another child who may not make it... how sad is that?
This had better be the last unarmed church service in the country. Certainly in Texas. Kelly looks like antifa!

He looks like ANTIFA? He's a white middle-aged male... and he LOOKS like ANTIFA?

He's formerly military. Does that SOUND like ANTIFA?
Middle aged! At 26 years old, that's middle aged to you?

Antifa is white, 20s, anti American, usually dressed in black. Yep, he sure looks like antifa to me.

He left his facebook account. There will likely be more from that.

If you are white in your 20's and wear something black you are ANTIFA?

Holy shit, you have taken stereotyping to a whole new level.

Well, including shooting up a church, - yeah.
This had better be the last unarmed church service in the country. Certainly in Texas. Kelly looks like antifa!

He looks like ANTIFA? He's a white middle-aged male... and he LOOKS like ANTIFA?

He's formerly military. Does that SOUND like ANTIFA?
Middle aged! At 26 years old, that's middle aged to you?

Antifa is white, 20s, anti American, usually dressed in black. Yep, he sure looks like antifa to me.

He left his facebook account. There will likely be more from that.

If you are white in your 20's and wear something black you are ANTIFA?

Holy shit, you have taken stereotyping to a whole new level.

Well, including shooting up a church, - yeah.

I hate to tell you, but whackos who are able to get a hold of guns kill people too. This guy is supposedly ex-military and taught Bible school.
This had better be the last unarmed church service in the country. Certainly in Texas. Kelly looks like antifa!

He looks like ANTIFA? He's a white middle-aged male... and he LOOKS like ANTIFA?

He's formerly military. Does that SOUND like ANTIFA?
------------------------------------- he looks antifa type to me , watch some videos of 'antifa' going after normal Free Speech demonstrators at Berkely . Also 'heard' that he was discharged under bad conditions Lew !!
The guy on the news just said if he was dishonorably discharged from the military he isn't supposed to own a gun? I had never heard that law before. Of course they haven't said that he had actually been dishonorably discharged, that was just one reason they said he could have been prohibited from owning one.

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