More than 300 groups urge UN to probe China human rights violations


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I have no choice but to be blunt and critical in particular of British intel, or, at least those in position of authority in the past 15 years or so. These guys are supposed to know better, they are supposed to find the best, most objective and laser focused on the issues that matter. Yet, they continued to focus on Russia when it was clear that China was by FAR the greater threat.

Now they take Hong Kong with only a whimper and the same European allies who pretended they cared about human rights turn their back on the issue, "hey, HK wasn't our cash cow, let England speak out". The same silence they showed when Russia took Crimea, an avoidable outcome if some had been more alert and forceful with assistance. Why focus on one threat if you can't even prevent it when the time comes?

I hope Western intel get their act together and the U.S, in particular, with all of your resources and skill follow the most pressing needs. The days of looking for white surpremists or Jihad radicals should be left to junior agents. These are minor issues, a blip on the global scene compared to China and their allies in their orbit of influence. Taiwan, Japan and Australia in particular need major intel support and cohesiveness. If China is allowed to run Rickshaw again, God help us all. I mean that.

NOW is the time to apply maximum pressure and continue to speak openly about China so that ALL parties are FORCED to take a tough stance. I have serious doubt of the intentions of many politicians in the West...

More than 300 groups urge UN to probe China human rights violations

A global coalition of more than 300 organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, are calling on the United Nations Wednesday to create a watchdog to investigate human rights violations carried out by the Chinese government.

The request in an open letter for an "impartial and independent U.N. mechanism" to probe China heaps further pressure on Beijing over its handling of issues like protests in Hong Kong and detention centers for Uighur Muslims and others in the western Xinjiang region, which the government has been describing as vocational or training centers.

“The international community can no longer sit back and allow the Chinese authorities to trample on human rights at home and abroad,” Joshua Rosenzweig, the head of Amnesty International’s China team, said in a statement.

“Without decisive action now, things will only get worse,” he added. “It is urgent for U.N. member states to work together and ensure that violations committed by Beijing are officially monitored and meaningfully challenged. No state should be above the law.”

The appeal comes before the start of the 47-member-state U.N. Human Rights Council's fall session on Monday
China stands as the largest danger to the free world right now....but there are a lot of people in China and nations and companies want access to them....but the workers of these companies and people of the nations get screwed.....and people like Biden and Obama get rich by moderating between the two....its a dangerous game and Trumps instincts to pull back from China and hold them in check is spot on what needs to happen......better wake up never Trumpers....
I have no choice but to be blunt and critical in particular of British intel, or, at least those in position of authority in the past 15 years or so. These guys are supposed to know better, they are supposed to find the best, most objective and laser focused on the issues that matter. Yet, they continued to focus on Russia when it was clear that China was by FAR the greater threat.

Now they take Hong Kong with only a whimper and the same European allies who pretended they cared about human rights turn their back on the issue, "hey, HK wasn't our cash cow, let England speak out". The same silence they showed when Russia took Crimea, an avoidable outcome if some had been more alert and forceful with assistance. Why focus on one threat if you can't even prevent it when the time comes?

I hope Western intel get their act together and the U.S, in particular, with all of your resources and skill follow the most pressing needs. The days of looking for white surpremists or Jihad radicals should be left to junior agents. These are minor issues, a blip on the global scene compared to China and their allies in their orbit of influence. Taiwan, Japan and Australia in particular need major intel support and cohesiveness. If China is allowed to run Rickshaw again, God help us all. I mean that.

NOW is the time to apply maximum pressure and continue to speak openly about China so that ALL parties are FORCED to take a tough stance. I have serious doubt of the intentions of many politicians in the West...

More than 300 groups urge UN to probe China human rights violations

A global coalition of more than 300 organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, are calling on the United Nations Wednesday to create a watchdog to investigate human rights violations carried out by the Chinese government.

The request in an open letter for an "impartial and independent U.N. mechanism" to probe China heaps further pressure on Beijing over its handling of issues like protests in Hong Kong and detention centers for Uighur Muslims and others in the western Xinjiang region, which the government has been describing as vocational or training centers.

“The international community can no longer sit back and allow the Chinese authorities to trample on human rights at home and abroad,” Joshua Rosenzweig, the head of Amnesty International’s China team, said in a statement.

“Without decisive action now, things will only get worse,” he added. “It is urgent for U.N. member states to work together and ensure that violations committed by Beijing are officially monitored and meaningfully challenged. No state should be above the law.”

The appeal comes before the start of the 47-member-state U.N. Human Rights Council's fall session on Monday

Was one of those groups the NBA? Where is King Lebron James on that issue?

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