More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity

Actually it was a three day orgy, not "ten minutes".

Hell, this compendium alone is over 7 minutes. Notice he's wearing three different shirts:

53 of Rush Limbaugh's most vile smears against Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke - YouTube

Still waiting for those examples of hatred and bigotry.
Fluke IS a slut. Limbaugh did not make up anything that was not true.
Nobody cares about Ms Fluke except the guys she invites over for their 'turn'.

I see that you have no intention of admitting you are wrong. Par for the course with you.

But tell me - why is she a slut?

Are women who use birth control sluts?

Any woman who says she has a lot of sex with multiple partners in my book is a slut. It's a subjective observation. Deal with it.
And no, a woman who uses birth control is NOT a slut. She is being smart.
Fluke was demanding that her promiscuity entitled to her getting birth control pills at someone else's expense (insurance).
Tell ya what...If you are so sympathetic to her plight, why don't YOU pay for her stuff?
No matter. Limbaugh's and Hannity's shows get great ratings. Usually number one in their time slots among the 18-54 demographic.
That gets under your skin.
I would imagine some form of the old fairness doctrine would have you turning handsprings and drooling with utter joy.
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Still waiting for those examples of hatred and bigotry.
Fluke IS a slut. Limbaugh did not make up anything that was not true.
Nobody cares about Ms Fluke except the guys she invites over for their 'turn'.

I see that you have no intention of admitting you are wrong. Par for the course with you.

But tell me - why is she a slut?

Are women who use birth control sluts?

Any woman who says she has a lot of sex with multiple partners in my book is a slut. It's a subjective observation. Deal with it.
And no, a woman who uses birth control is NOT a slut. She is being smart.
Fluke was demanding that her promiscuity entitled to her getting birth control pills at someone else's expense (insurance).
Tell ya what...If you are so sympathetic to her plight, why don't YOU pay for her stuff?
No matter. Limbaugh's and Hannity's shows get great ratings. Usually number one in their time slots among the 18-54 demographic.
That gets under your skin.
I would imagine some form of the old fairness doctrine would have you turning handsprings and drooling with utter joy.

When did she say that? Link?
American Progressive Nazis are furious that they can't just shut down all opposing views.

My only correction to that is that they are actually Reactionary Liberals, not Progressives. They don't want progress, they want stasis.
General question for the Moonbat Faction:

Many of you use the "Rush Limbaugh Fan" accusation as your entire argument when criticizing what conservatives post. Well, given the fact that 40 stations may drop him, that's an indication that not all conservatives pay any attention to Rush.

What are you going to say now?
Still waiting for those examples of hatred and bigotry.
Fluke IS a slut. Limbaugh did not make up anything that was not true.
Nobody cares about Ms Fluke except the guys she invites over for their 'turn'.

I see that you have no intention of admitting you are wrong. Par for the course with you.

But tell me - why is she a slut?

Are women who use birth control sluts?

Any woman who says she has a lot of sex with multiple partners in my book is a slut. It's a subjective observation. Deal with it.
And no, a woman who uses birth control is NOT a slut. She is being smart.
Fluke was demanding that her promiscuity entitled to her getting birth control pills at someone else's expense (insurance).
Tell ya what...If you are so sympathetic to her plight, why don't YOU pay for her stuff?
No matter. Limbaugh's and Hannity's shows get great ratings. Usually number one in their time slots among the 18-54 demographic.
That gets under your skin.
I would imagine some form of the old fairness doctrine would have you turning handsprings and drooling with utter joy.
The only woman who said that was your MessiahRushie.
Still waiting for those examples of hatred and bigotry.
Fluke IS a slut. Limbaugh did not make up anything that was not true.
Nobody cares about Ms Fluke except the guys she invites over for their 'turn'.

I see that you have no intention of admitting you are wrong. Par for the course with you.

But tell me - why is she a slut?

Are women who use birth control sluts?

Any woman who says she has a lot of sex with multiple partners in my book is a slut. It's a subjective observation. Deal with it.
And no, a woman who uses birth control is NOT a slut. She is being smart.
Fluke was demanding that her promiscuity entitled to her getting birth control pills at someone else's expense (insurance).
Tell ya what...If you are so sympathetic to her plight, why don't YOU pay for her stuff?
No matter. Limbaugh's and Hannity's shows get great ratings. Usually number one in their time slots among the 18-54 demographic.
That gets under your skin.
I would imagine some form of the old fairness doctrine would have you turning handsprings and drooling with utter joy.
Yet another lie only from the mouth of your MessiahRushie!
I laugh at these threads, they must still be ticked because Air America couldn't make it and the left wing talk shows hardly anyone listens to them..

take PmsNbc for a reason WHY...liberal idiot shriekers on that station and their ratings...IN THE

lefties and that green eyed monster, isn't pretty
If Democrats were so concerned about false accusations they would demand MSNBC news/entertainment/Obama leg shiver-ers be taken off the air not only for their lies and half truths but from sheer and understandable embarrassment...
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If Democrats were so concerned about false accusations they would demand MSNBC news/entertainment/Obama leg shivers be taken off the air not only for their lies but from sheer and understandable embarrassment....yup.

no kidding, now how funny they don't...ummmm
Fluke was an idiot. She could have gotten her pills from Walmart for $3/mo and saved herself a boatload of embarrassment. Except she probably isn't embarrassed. She should be. What a pig...
Fluke was an idiot. She could have gotten her pills from Walmart for $3/mo and saved herself a boatload of embarrassment. Except she probably isn't embarrassed. She should be. What a pig...
Yeah, women don't need no doctor's examination. Men know what's best for women's reproductive organs. Just go to Walmart and get the cheapest shit from China they got. :asshole:
I wouldn't fuck Sandy Fluke with Michelle Obama's dick


Yeah, women don't need no doctor's examination. Men know what's best for women's reproductive organs. Just go to Walmart and get the cheapest shit from China they got. :asshole:

I never said anything about getting them without a script. BC pills are mostly the same. Generics are generics and almost the exact same as name brand. Idiotic/ignorant comment...
I see that you have no intention of admitting you are wrong. Par for the course with you.

But tell me - why is she a slut?

Are women who use birth control sluts?

Any woman who says she has a lot of sex with multiple partners in my book is a slut. It's a subjective observation. Deal with it.
And no, a woman who uses birth control is NOT a slut. She is being smart.
Fluke was demanding that her promiscuity entitled to her getting birth control pills at someone else's expense (insurance).
Tell ya what...If you are so sympathetic to her plight, why don't YOU pay for her stuff?
No matter. Limbaugh's and Hannity's shows get great ratings. Usually number one in their time slots among the 18-54 demographic.
That gets under your skin.
I would imagine some form of the old fairness doctrine would have you turning handsprings and drooling with utter joy.

When did she say that? Link?
Based on this link, Fluke spends more time on her back than standing....LOL..
The PJ Tatler » Sandra Fluke has become the Poster Child for the No Morals Movement.

Look, who cares. The woman wants someone else to pay for her recreational activities.
And this thread has been hijacked long enough.
Limbaugh and Hannity are not going away...
Too bad for you.
Any woman who says she has a lot of sex with multiple partners in my book is a slut. It's a subjective observation. Deal with it.
And no, a woman who uses birth control is NOT a slut. She is being smart.
Fluke was demanding that her promiscuity entitled to her getting birth control pills at someone else's expense (insurance).
Tell ya what...If you are so sympathetic to her plight, why don't YOU pay for her stuff?
No matter. Limbaugh's and Hannity's shows get great ratings. Usually number one in their time slots among the 18-54 demographic.
That gets under your skin.
I would imagine some form of the old fairness doctrine would have you turning handsprings and drooling with utter joy.

When did she say that? Link?
Based on this link, Fluke spends more time on her back than standing....LOL..
The PJ Tatler » Sandra Fluke has become the Poster Child for the No Morals Movement.

Look, who cares. The woman wants someone else to pay for her recreational activities.
And this thread has been hijacked long enough.
Limbaugh and Hannity are not going away...
Too bad for you.
Again, no direct quote, just another right-wing liar making shit up. Just another mindless asshole parroting your MessiahRushie's stupid claim that Fluke needs a pill each and every time she has sex thus needing to have sex 5 times a day.

Which goes to show, no matter how stupid and moronic the rationalization Limburger gives for his premeditated lies, the DittoNazis will swallow his shit whole without question, and then accuse everyone with more knowledge on the subject of being "low-information" voters!.
When did she say that? Link?
Based on this link, Fluke spends more time on her back than standing....LOL..
The PJ Tatler » Sandra Fluke has become the Poster Child for the No Morals Movement.

Look, who cares. The woman wants someone else to pay for her recreational activities.
And this thread has been hijacked long enough.
Limbaugh and Hannity are not going away...
Too bad for you.
Again, no direct quote, just another right-wing liar making shit up. Just another mindless asshole parroting your MessiahRushie's stupid claim that Fluke needs a pill each and every time she has sex thus needing to have sex 5 times a day.

Which goes to show, no matter how stupid and moronic the rationalization Limburger gives for his premeditated lies, the DittoNazis will swallow his shit whole without question, and then accuse everyone with more knowledge on the subject of being "low-information" voters!.

Like I stated earlier. Nobody cares whether Fluke is DC's best known hose bag or pure as the driven snow.
It's a non-sequitur.
Both shows are not going away. Period.
Manchelle is a beast. Ugh.

When did she say that? Link?
Based on this link, Fluke spends more time on her back than standing....LOL..
The PJ Tatler » Sandra Fluke has become the Poster Child for the No Morals Movement.

Look, who cares. The woman wants someone else to pay for her recreational activities.
And this thread has been hijacked long enough.
Limbaugh and Hannity are not going away...
Too bad for you.
Again, no direct quote, just another right-wing liar making shit up. Just another mindless asshole parroting your MessiahRushie's stupid claim that Fluke needs a pill each and every time she has sex thus needing to have sex 5 times a day.

Which goes to show, no matter how stupid and moronic the rationalization Limburger gives for his premeditated lies, the DittoNazis will swallow his shit whole without question, and then accuse everyone with more knowledge on the subject of being "low-information" voters!.
Yeah..Blah blah blah. You're spouting nonsense.
Rush and Hannity are not the liars or losers. Fluke is a pig. Most liberals are lowlifes who support her godless behavior.

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