More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity

Yanno.......................getting rid of Rush would clean up the airwaves quite a lot.

Hate and bigotry, like what Rush spews, kind of bores me.

He's a one trick pony, playing to his base.

Give examples of hate an bigotry. Be specific.
ANd if you roll out Sandra Fluke, forget it. That lasted all of 10 minutes.
The chick is a hussie that got used and tossed aside by the Obama admin. They milked that cow for all they could get.
Nobody cared then. And nobody cares now.
So...Those example, hmmm.
Good riddance!

More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

Just a few months after Cumulus media blamed their financial woes on an advertising boycott of Rush Limbaugh following his decision to call Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" on-air, it looks like the company may shake off Limbaugh, along with fellow conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, from their 40-odd stations across the nation.

Conclusive proof liberals will believe anything...

Rush & Hannity will remain on talk radio for years to come...
Was it called air america or something like that? Another liberal failure.

Yep.. It topped out at about 400,000 total listeners. In some markets the ratings were so low, Arbitron did not list them. Meaning the rating was less than 0.1
Or less than 1,000 listeners in a given 15 minute segment. OUCH.
No wonder why that shit company was bouncing pay checks.
Was it called air america or something like that? Another liberal failure.

Yep.. It topped out at about 400,000 total listeners. In some markets the ratings were so low, Arbitron did not list them. Meaning the rating was less than 0.1
Or less than 1,000 listeners in a given 15 minute segment. OUCH.
No wonder why that shit company was bouncing pay checks.

Yep, but that paragon of supporting the little man Al Franken (who was also an owner) got his money. Even screwed some poor youth group to get his.... Fucking prick....
Yanno.......................getting rid of Rush would clean up the airwaves quite a lot.

Hate and bigotry, like what Rush spews, kind of bores me.

He's a one trick pony, playing to his base.

Hannity is worse. Imho
Yanno.......................getting rid of Rush would clean up the airwaves quite a lot.

Hate and bigotry, like what Rush spews, kind of bores me.

He's a one trick pony, playing to his base.

Give examples of hate an bigotry. Be specific.
ANd if you roll out Sandra Fluke, forget it. That lasted all of 10 minutes.
The chick is a hussie that got used and tossed aside by the Obama admin. They milked that cow for all they could get.
Nobody cared then. And nobody cares now.
So...Those example, hmmm.
Yanno.......................getting rid of Rush would clean up the airwaves quite a lot.

Hate and bigotry, like what Rush spews, kind of bores me.

He's a one trick pony, playing to his base.

Give examples of hate an bigotry. Be specific.
ANd if you roll out Sandra Fluke, forget it. That lasted all of 10 minutes.
The chick is a hussie that got used and tossed aside by the Obama admin. They milked that cow for all they could get.
Nobody cared then. And nobody cares now.
So...Those example, hmmm.

Actually it was a three day orgy, not "ten minutes".

Hell, this compendium alone is over 7 minutes. Notice he's wearing three different shirts:

[ame=]53 of Rush Limbaugh's most vile smears against Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke - YouTube[/ame]
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Yanno.......................getting rid of Rush would clean up the airwaves quite a lot.

Hate and bigotry, like what Rush spews, kind of bores me.

He's a one trick pony, playing to his base.

Give examples of hate an bigotry. Be specific.
ANd if you roll out Sandra Fluke, forget it. That lasted all of 10 minutes.
The chick is a hussie that got used and tossed aside by the Obama admin. They milked that cow for all they could get.
Nobody cared then. And nobody cares now.
So...Those example, hmmm.

If you didn't lie, you would have nothing to say:

On February 29, 2012, Rush Limbaugh initiated a three-day smear campaign against Sandra Fluke, launching 46 personal attacks against her. This moment and Limbaugh's subsequent refusal to apologize for, or even acknowledge, all but two of those attacks put the spotlight on the right-wing talk business model that Limbaugh helped construct.
btw. isn't Sandra Fluke that freeloading slut that demanded taxpayers pay for her bimbo lifestyle.

Naw, she's the woman who put an end to Limbaugh.

I doubt she did that... rare and wishful thinker...:lol:

The guy makes well over 40 million a year and has for several years as far as I know. If he decided to retire now he couldn't spend all his wealth. He certainly could piss off Liberals/Democrats/Establishment Republicans at will, no problem, especially unencumbered by contractual obligations..

Sometimes what you hope for ends up biting your ass far worse than friend.

Radio is a fickle business. Just ask Dr. Laura or Howard Stern.

Frankly, getting rid of Limbaugh would be the best thing for the GOP, as he does more damage than good.

Let us go back to the Fluke issue as an example.

Now, there actually was a perfectly valid policy issue here. That issue being, should employers be required to fund medical treatments that violate their religious beliefs. My own opinion is they should. If you hire someone, they didn't sign on to your superstitions. But there really was a valid argument to be made there as to the limits of freedom and government.

All of which got overshadowed by Limbaugh screaming "slut" and "prostitute" at this woman for three days until his sponsors told him to knock it off.
Actually, the only time I listened to him was when I was forced to by my supervisor in the squadron (VFA-131).

We had to listen to that blowhard because our Chief liked to hear him during the afternoon.

Me personally? I figured out he was full of shit after a couple of shows, I just listened to him because my Chief thought he was a good person, and I tuned most of it out after the first couple of shows.

Since then? I don't listen to what he says, unless it's brought to my attention because of the news networks saying that they can't believe how much this bigoted asshat needs to keep talking.

To tell you the truth? If he died tomorrow, I'd remember it happened, but I wouldn't really miss him or his bullshit.

I have to watch CNN when Im in an airport
They keep TVs in the men's room?


He just has a "wide Stance"....
I personally don't listen to the blowhard Limbaugh or his echo chamber Hannity.

But because liberals shake in fear at even the mere mention of their names.

I give them both a hearty double thumbs up!! .. :thup: :thup:

Believe it or not, Rush is smart ass supremo and you would probably love his humor. He's really a dry wit and his take kills left and right.

He keeps me laughing daily. I've been a fan for over two decades. Rush really is funny. Not at all what the libs tell you on the board.

AND he makes you laugh at yourself if you ever get serious.

I used to listen to Rush for years, until I realized he was the tool of the wealthy and was only getting people riled up about the other stuff to keep their eyes off what they were doing to the country.
More left wing B.S. about trying to silence information sources they don't like. Too bad we still have that stodgy old 1st Amendment around.

It's not a First Amendment Issue. Although it would be nice if we brought back the equal time and fairness doctrines to PUBLIC airwaves so we get a more balanced variety of views.
I laughed when Rachel Madcow mocked Bush mercilessly and then attacked Repubs for daring to speak the truth about Hussein. I laughed when that idiot Randi Rhodes called for a hit on Bush ON THE AIR and was not fired. I laughed even harder when that dreaded Patriot Act prevented TWO hits on Hussein but the libs still despise it! Liberals are the worst hypocrites, idiots and biggest maggots this country has ever seen.
Yanno.......................getting rid of Rush would clean up the airwaves quite a lot.

Hate and bigotry, like what Rush spews, kind of bores me.

He's a one trick pony, playing to his base.

Give examples of hate an bigotry. Be specific.
ANd if you roll out Sandra Fluke, forget it. That lasted all of 10 minutes.
The chick is a hussie that got used and tossed aside by the Obama admin. They milked that cow for all they could get.
Nobody cared then. And nobody cares now.
So...Those example, hmmm.

Yeah.... Loose, promiscuous, hose bag, cum dumpster.
Ability to suck start a Chevrolet....Get it?
Still waiting for those examples.
Yanno.......................getting rid of Rush would clean up the airwaves quite a lot.

Hate and bigotry, like what Rush spews, kind of bores me.

He's a one trick pony, playing to his base.

Give examples of hate an bigotry. Be specific.
ANd if you roll out Sandra Fluke, forget it. That lasted all of 10 minutes.
The chick is a hussie that got used and tossed aside by the Obama admin. They milked that cow for all they could get.
Nobody cared then. And nobody cares now.
So...Those example, hmmm.

Actually it was a three day orgy, not "ten minutes".

Hell, this compendium alone is over 7 minutes. Notice he's wearing three different shirts:

[ame=]53 of Rush Limbaugh's most vile smears against Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke - YouTube[/ame]

Still waiting for those examples of hatred and bigotry.
Fluke IS a slut. Limbaugh did not make up anything that was not true.
Nobody cares about Ms Fluke except the guys she invites over for their 'turn'.

There's deluded, then there's JoeB Deluded


He's about to lose WABC, KABC and WLS... National Stations everyone has heard of.

And he's already been booted off WPHT (formerly WCAU), which although not a Cumulus station, is another clear channel station like those.
That was a while ago.
Booted? Please.
These are business decisions. Some are political. Who cares.

And the show was picked up by WWIQ- FM...a 38Kw Station with a coverage area that encompasses all of Southeasterm PA, Southern NJ and Northern DE....
Any questions?
Give examples of hate an bigotry. Be specific.
ANd if you roll out Sandra Fluke, forget it. That lasted all of 10 minutes.
The chick is a hussie that got used and tossed aside by the Obama admin. They milked that cow for all they could get.
Nobody cared then. And nobody cares now.
So...Those example, hmmm.

Actually it was a three day orgy, not "ten minutes".

Hell, this compendium alone is over 7 minutes. Notice he's wearing three different shirts:

[ame=""]53 of Rush Limbaugh's most vile smears against Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke - YouTube[/ame]

Still waiting for those examples of hatred and bigotry.
Fluke IS a slut. Limbaugh did not make up anything that was not true.
Nobody cares about Ms Fluke except the guys she invites over for their 'turn'.

I see that you have no intention of admitting you are wrong. Par for the course with you.

But tell me - why is she a slut?

Are women who use birth control sluts?

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