More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity

btw. isn't Sandra Fluke that freeloading slut that demanded taxpayers pay for her bimbo lifestyle.

Naw, she's the woman who put an end to Limbaugh.

I doubt she did that... rare and wishful thinker...:lol:

The guy makes well over 40 million a year and has for several years as far as I know. If he decided to retire now he couldn't spend all his wealth. He certainly could piss off Liberals/Democrats/Establishment Republicans at will, no problem, especially unencumbered by contractual obligations..

Sometimes what you hope for ends up biting your ass far worse than friend.
I personally don't listen to the blowhard Limbaugh or his echo chamber Hannity.

But because liberals shake in fear at even the mere mention of their names.

I give them both a hearty double thumbs up!! .. :thup: :thup:

Believe it or not, Rush is smart ass supremo and you would probably love his humor. He's really a dry wit and his take kills left and right.

He keeps me laughing daily. I've been a fan for over two decades. Rush really is funny. Not at all what the libs tell you on the board.

AND he makes you laugh at yourself if you ever get serious.
Put the end to Limbaugh..........................
Oh seriously are we kidding here?
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wow, this must orgasmic for some people..they get off on just, THEY MIGHT..

such shallow people
No one can/will take Rush or Hannity down. They are solid and have millions of loyal fans--some since the day they started. They are pretty much bullet-proof, too. Rush's fans got pissed/disappointed with the pain killer issue but forgave him. Liberal gods do SO much worse! And liberals can't even show ONE good media guy/chick. Losers...
Might is a mighty big word but it's possible that Culumus radio might shoot themselves in the foot but not likely. It would mean ....gasp... that Hannity and Limbaugh might only have twenty times instead of 22 times more radio stations than the nearest liberal. They can hope though. I guess hope is the only thing the left has these days.
Good riddance!

More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

Just a few months after Cumulus media blamed their financial woes on an advertising boycott of Rush Limbaugh following his decision to call Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" on-air, it looks like the company may shake off Limbaugh, along with fellow conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, from their 40-odd stations across the nation.

we've heard this all before...

always turns out to merely be a lib wet dream... :)

False. This isn't about outrage, or boycotts. This is about money.

Clear Channel charges too much for 2 shows that don't produce the advertisers or the revenue. Cumulus has a history of not wanting to spend money without concrete results, and always plays hardball at negotiations.

It's not a Left/Right issue, it's that they can get the lunatic Savage for a hell of a lot less money than Rush.
So why do you listen to him?

Actually, the only time I listened to him was when I was forced to by my supervisor in the squadron (VFA-131).

We had to listen to that blowhard because our Chief liked to hear him during the afternoon.

Me personally? I figured out he was full of shit after a couple of shows, I just listened to him because my Chief thought he was a good person, and I tuned most of it out after the first couple of shows.

Since then? I don't listen to what he says, unless it's brought to my attention because of the news networks saying that they can't believe how much this bigoted asshat needs to keep talking.

To tell you the truth? If he died tomorrow, I'd remember it happened, but I wouldn't really miss him or his bullshit.

I have to watch CNN when Im in an airport
They keep TVs in the men's room?

The people who are getting the most joy out of anything bad happening to Rush or Hannity are always liberals. Always. They are haters.
I personally don't listen to the blowhard Limbaugh or his echo chamber Hannity.

But because liberals shake in fear at even the mere mention of their names.

I give them both a hearty double thumbs up!! .. :thup: :thup:

Believe it or not, Rush is smart ass supremo and you would probably love his humor. He's really a dry wit and his take kills left and right.

He keeps me laughing daily. I've been a fan for over two decades. Rush really is funny. Not at all what the libs tell you on the board.

AND he makes you laugh at yourself if you ever get serious.
This post explains SO much!
More left wing B.S. about trying to silence information sources they don't like. Too bad we still have that stodgy old 1st Amendment around.
Yanno.......................getting rid of Rush would clean up the airwaves quite a lot.

Hate and bigotry, like what Rush spews, kind of bores me.

He's a one trick pony, playing to his base.

You mean like this douchebag?

[ame=]Ed Schultz: Hateful? - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]MSNBC's Ed Schultz Has Psychotic Incident With Radio Caller - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]MSNBC Libtalker: We Ought To Rip Out Cheney's Heart - YouTube[/ame]
A lot of woman may just be prostitutes. Still those advertisers have a right to do what they want.

And another low-information individual strikes back. Carry-on Mathew.

Yeah yeah yeah....This is Hyman Roth dying of the same heart attack for the last 20 years. Nobody cares.
It is because in every market Cumulus is in, another company will pick up the shows.
No business owner worth his salt would allow such a financial opportunity to pass him by.
Cumulus is of no consequence.
In those 40 markets, the company will have to fill 6 hours of programming. And if they are lucky, get 1/10 the ratings.
The sad part is, in those markets, a lot of Cumulus employees are going to lose their jobs.
It's one company with 40 stations that may drop Hannity and Rush, but they if they do they will pick Mark Levin, Savage, and others to replace them.

Never trust a Liberal with an agenda to tell the whole truth.


The entire premise for the thread is a piece of shit based on not reading the linked article.

"Assuming the negotiations don't go through, Hannity and Limbaugh's show would move to Clear Channel stations in the markets lost from Cumulus. "

Time to 'boycott' Clear Channel boys and girls.

LOL... and loving it!
That's like a fly taking a dump in the ocean in attempt to foul a beach.

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