More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity

No one can/will take Rush or Hannity down. They are solid and have millions of loyal fans--some since the day they started. They are pretty much bullet-proof, too. Rush's fans got pissed/disappointed with the pain killer issue but forgave him. Liberal gods do SO much worse! And liberals can't even show ONE good media guy/chick. Losers...

Technically that's incorrect. If Rush went head to head with either Jon Stewart or Stephen Corbert, it would probably be a good match. Though, to be fair, both hide behind comedy because they are intellectual light weights. When ever I see Mr. Stewart pinned in an actual debate? He falls back on "I'm only a comedian" cop out. You've probably seen this when he goes toe to toe with Mr. O'Riley.

Corbert? Well, he won't even get serious enough for a second, his tac is classic political satire to make a point, there is no serious dialog there.

None the less, those are very popular media fellows to be taken seriously. They have a lot more pull with the liberals, and the independents than Bill Marr ever did. My dad is a die hard conservative, and he trusts the news he gets from Jon Stewart more than any of the nightly Anchors. Stewart gets the interviews, he gets the scoops, and he generally tells the truth. Both from a conservative, and liberal point of view. He has a classic American moderate thinking. Is he heavily liberal biased? Sure. But he doesn't try to hide it, that makes him different from the mainstream anchors of the networks. Plus, his comedy isn't as blatantly hateful, it is more, I don't know, good natured. Rush's humor tends to be a bit nasty, like a school yard bully. That can even turn off even some conservatives.

Let's put it this way, Jon Stewart has more conservative fans than Rush Limbaugh has Liberal fans, Okay?
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You notice these people with a hardon for Rush and Hannity never call out any of the left winger idiot talking heads? or whine about PmsNbc?

it's Rush, Hannity, rush, Hannity, rush, news fox news, blaaa blaaa

such hypocrites..that's why they can't be taken seriously
Cumulus isn't dropping either Rush or Hannity. When the contracts end, Rush and Hannity will negotiate better deals with Clear Channel which has way more outlets that Cumulus. This is business not ideology. Cumulus would keep both of them, if they could afford it, but they can't.
Good riddance!

More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

Just a few months after Cumulus media blamed their financial woes on an advertising boycott of Rush Limbaugh following his decision to call Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" on-air, it looks like the company may shake off Limbaugh, along with fellow conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, from their 40-odd stations across the nation.

I don't dislike Rush because I disagree with all of the things he says (he brings up good points from time to time), I just dislike him because he's a driving force of cynicism and negativity throughout our country. Sometimes I think guys like him (they exist on both right and left) would like nothing more than to see the country erupt into a violent bloodbath.

Much rather listen to a guy like Art Bell, which I hear is coming back!

We need to think more positively about each other.

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Cumulus isn't dropping either Rush or Hannity. When the contracts end, Rush and Hannity will negotiate better deals with Clear Channel which has way more outlets that Cumulus. This is business not ideology. Cumulus would keep both of them, if they could afford it, but they can't.

Or, EIB will take less money, which is what will probably happen.

If ratings are falling and advertisers are deserting in droves, why would Clear Channel pay more than Cumulus? Clear Channel isn't stupid. If Cumulus is losing $100 million on the shows, why would Clear Channel sign a more lucrative contract?
Good riddance!

More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

Just a few months after Cumulus media blamed their financial woes on an advertising boycott of Rush Limbaugh following his decision to call Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" on-air, it looks like the company may shake off Limbaugh, along with fellow conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, from their 40-odd stations across the nation.

I dislike Rush not because I necessarily disagree with all of the things he says, I just dislike him because he's a driving force of cynicism and hate throughout our country. Sometimes I think guys like him (they exist on both right and left) would like nothing more than to see the country erupt into a violent bloodbath.

We need to think more positively about each other.


Hear hear, this hits the nail on the noggin.

Lush Rimjob didn't invent divisiveness, yet in a way he did as regards media. His stated goal isn't to disseminate news or opinion but in his words "to make you mad" so he can charge "confiscatory ad rates". What he does in making a living off ad hominem and demonization is self-serving, manipulative, and in large part responsible for the degree of division in discourse we "enjoy" today.
Cumulus isn't dropping either Rush or Hannity. When the contracts end, Rush and Hannity will negotiate better deals with Clear Channel which has way more outlets that Cumulus. This is business not ideology. Cumulus would keep both of them, if they could afford it, but they can't.

Or, EIB will take less money, which is what will probably happen.

If ratings are falling and advertisers are deserting in droves, why would Clear Channel pay more than Cumulus? Clear Channel isn't stupid. If Cumulus is losing $100 million on the shows, why would Clear Channel sign a more lucrative contract?

Ummmm. Because it isn't true. It's just what liberals say is true. Advertisers aren't deserting in droves, whose who left Rush to make a political point want to come back and he won't let them. Ratings haven't fallen, liberals just say they have fallen. Business executives don't make decisions on the basis of what falls from the lips of George Soros, they look at the real numbers.

Clear Channel isn't stupid and they want those highly rated shows and will pay more money to get them.

Now IF, just hypothetically IF, it was true that conservative radio listeners were deserting in droves, then surely Cumulus would not be trying to get Mark Levin and Michael Savage under contract. Both of them individually are far more virulent and toxic than the more mild Rush and Hannity. But they are cheaper and that's where it's at.
Cumulus isn't dropping either Rush or Hannity. When the contracts end, Rush and Hannity will negotiate better deals with Clear Channel which has way more outlets that Cumulus. This is business not ideology. Cumulus would keep both of them, if they could afford it, but they can't.

Or, EIB will take less money, which is what will probably happen.

If ratings are falling and advertisers are deserting in droves, why would Clear Channel pay more than Cumulus? Clear Channel isn't stupid. If Cumulus is losing $100 million on the shows, why would Clear Channel sign a more lucrative contract?

Ummmm. Because it isn't true. It's just what liberals say is true. Advertisers aren't deserting in droves, whose who left Rush to make a political point want to come back and he won't let them.

And you're basing this on what? His word? :lmao:

Ratings haven't fallen, liberals just say they have fallen. Business executives don't make decisions on the basis of what falls from the lips of George Soros, they look at the real numbers.

Actually the real numbers say not only have the ratings been in decline, they were already in decline for three years before FlukeFest. That's why he put FlukeFest on the air -- to prop up ratings. :banghead:

>> As The Daily Beast’s John Avlon reported last week, the audience for right-wing talk has been shrinking since 2009. In some urban markets, Limbaugh’s audience has dropped by as much as half over the past three years. Limbaugh and other right-wing talkers have responded to this economic squeeze by a strategy familiar to Republican politicians: they have played to the base.

But even more than the total size of the audience, radio advertisers care about a measure called TSL: time spent listening. The people who listen longest are of course the most ideologically intense.

Here’s how this operates in the real world. Limbaugh knows that his share of big markets like Dallas or Atlanta has dropped from his old 5 percent in any given hour to, say, 3 percent. But if he can entice that 3 percent to listen twice as long, he can more than make up the loss.

That imperative explains why Limbaugh kept talking about Sandra Fluke for so long. He was boosting his TSL to compensate for his dwindling market share.
<< (David Frum, from 2012)

Frum's a conservative, FWIW...

The Daily Beast article he refers to about declining ratings is here. It's worth a read too.
>> Right-wing talk-radio ratings have been declining, at least in part because of PPMs, a new, more accurate way of measuring listenership. In Chicago, Boston, and Minneapolis, local talk-radio stations outperform the station that airs Rush and his national conservative-talk cohort. In San Diego, Philadelphia, and Washington, the local NPR station outranks the Rush affiliates. <<
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I dislike Rush not because I necessarily disagree with all of the things he says, I just dislike him because he's a driving force of cynicism and hate throughout our country. Sometimes I think guys like him (they exist on both right and left) would like nothing more than to see the country erupt into a violent bloodbath.

We need to think more positively about each other.


Hear hear, this hits the nail on the noggin.

Lush Rimjob didn't invent divisiveness, yet in a way he did as regards media. His stated goal isn't to disseminate news or opinion but in his words "to make you mad" so he can charge "confiscatory ad rates". What he does in making a living off ad hominem and demonization is self-serving, manipulative, and in large part responsible for the degree of division in discourse we "enjoy" today.

oh for crying out loud...just because you people can't separate a talk show from your real lives doesn't mean other's can't...
and what is the purpose of Bill Maher? to spread some loving?
Rush is still the highest rated radio show on the air. If his ratings have declined, they must have been astronomical to start with or he would not be the highest rated show today.
What is this the 847,623,487,563,487,562,934,609,876,495,678,079,560,784,576,235th time lefties have predicted the demise of Limbaugh and/or Hannity?

What is this the 847,623,487,563,487,562,934,609,876,495,678,079,560,784,576,235th time lefties have predicted the demise of Limbaugh and/or Hannity?


About the same number of times the lefties have predicted that Fox's ratings were falling and they would soon be off the air. Followed by statements that Fox fired Sarah Palin because she was too harmful to Fox, when they actually hired her back once they got the contract straightened out.

The left lies. It's what they do.
No crazy there.

Facts upset liberals...

Fact: Presidential election scoreboard --> Obama 2 conservatives 0.

Fact: Republicans lost to the worst President in history. Well, the worst since Bush.

Fact: Low intelligence Republicans blame their crushing loss on "fraud" rather than themselves.
No crazy there.

Facts upset liberals...

Fact: Presidential election scoreboard --> Obama 2 conservatives 0.

Fact: Republicans lost to the worst President in history. Well, the worst since Bush.

Fact: Low intelligence Republicans blame their crushing loss on "fraud" rather than themselves.

alright now...those are fighting words...:lol:
you're on a roll today eh?
the op acts like this isn't something that can happen to anyone in talk radio...

just ask Air

the obsession of some in left wing is damn petty

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