More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity

Sandra Fluke is a slut. She wants to Fuk on our dime.

And this is based on ... what again?

Funny handle name btw. :lol:

She believes it's OUR responsibility to pay for her sex life. It's a load of BS. Slut is a little stong, however, she represents most what is wrong with our country, and that's displacement of responsibility.


And when did she talk about her sex life? What did she say? Do tell. I mean seeing as how we're talking "displacement of responsibility" and all...

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Good riddance!

More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

Just a few months after Cumulus media blamed their financial woes on an advertising boycott of Rush Limbaugh following his decision to call Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" on-air, it looks like the company may shake off Limbaugh, along with fellow conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, from their 40-odd stations across the nation.

Yeah...and the Benghazi massacre was caused by a youtube video protest....
Sandra Fluke is a slut. She wants to Fuk on our dime.

And this is based on ... what again?

Funny handle name btw. :lol:

She believes it's OUR responsibility to pay for her sex life. It's a load of BS. Slut is a little stong, however, she represents most what is wrong with our country, and that's displacement of responsibility.

You do realize that she was advocating certain types of birth control (which were hormonal), right?

You also realize that she was speaking on behalf of a friend of hers who if she didn't receive the birth control, her cysts would get worse?

BTW................for all you conservative're really against abortion (I mean, since the teabaggers have gotten into office, it's one of their main priorities) but you still refuse to allow birth control.

Did you realize that birth control will result in fewer abortions?
Sandra Fluke is a slut. She wants to Fuk on our dime.

And this is based on ... what again?

Funny handle name btw. :lol:

She believes it's OUR responsibility to pay for her sex life. It's a load of BS. Slut is a little stong, however, she represents most what is wrong with our country, and that's displacement of responsibility.

Just the opposite. She is being responsible by not risking unwanted pregnancy.

Would you rather she forgo the birth control, end up getting pregnant, then having an abortion?

ETA: I see ABikerSailor beat me to it.
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Good riddance!

More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

Just a few months after Cumulus media blamed their financial woes on an advertising boycott of Rush Limbaugh following his decision to call Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" on-air, it looks like the company may shake off Limbaugh, along with fellow conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, from their 40-odd stations across the nation.

Yeah...and the Benghazi massacre was caused by a youtube video protest....
^^^at least one RightWinger gets it right!
Sandra Fluke is a slut. She wants to Fuk on our dime.

And this is based on ... what again?

Funny handle name btw. :lol:

She believes it's OUR responsibility to pay for her sex life. It's a load of BS. Slut is a little stong, however, she represents most what is wrong with our country, and that's displacement of responsibility.

Let's get a couple things straight here.

The issue was not getting birth control on "our dime". Ms. Fluke and other students at Georgetown pay up to $30,000 a year in tuition, tuiition that INCLUDES health coverage. In short, she is paying for insurance.

And although often the conduct of insurance companies is reprehensible, in this case, the insurance companies are not the issue. They realize that paying for birth control is cheaper than paying for a pregnancy that often results in the student dropping out of school .

The stickler is the Catholic Church, which although they DO provide reproductive health coverage in the plans for their faculty, do not provide it for the students because their magic man in the sky says no.

If only the Bishops showed as much concern when their priests were sodomizing altar boys. But I digress.
And this is based on ... what again?

Funny handle name btw. :lol:

She believes it's OUR responsibility to pay for her sex life. It's a load of BS. Slut is a little stong, however, she represents most what is wrong with our country, and that's displacement of responsibility.

You do realize that she was advocating certain types of birth control (which were hormonal), right?

You also realize that she was speaking on behalf of a friend of hers who if she didn't receive the birth control, her cysts would get worse?

BTW................for all you conservative're really against abortion (I mean, since the teabaggers have gotten into office, it's one of their main priorities) but you still refuse to allow birth control.

Did you realize that birth control will result in fewer abortions?

They also don't seem to realize that the amount of birth control you take isn't related to the amount of sex you engage in -- if you engage in any at all.

Welcome to another edition of "Think it Through", starring Rush Limblob and Flaming Dittoes. And another deep-reading poster makes it to the exit door in record time.
Then again, they might not.

And when some stations do drop him, that frees up the ability of other stations to take his show on.

The loopey looney lunatic liberals detest the ability of anybody to express thoughts contrary to liberal group think. And yet,

after all these years, Rush's program is still on the air, the single biggest radio show in the land.

It isn't going to go away, and certainly not over the liberal temper tantrums.

Apparently not all of us are entirely clear on the distinction between a corporation analyzing its own business trends, and "liberal temper tantrums".

Wonder what kind of radio they're listening to that creates such distinctions...
Apparently not all of us are entirely clear on the distinction between a corporation analyzing its own business trends, and "liberal temper tantrums".

Wonder what kind of radio they're listening to that creates such distinctions...

Not all of "us" are clear about when a corporation confuses "analyzing {alleged} business trends" versus when a corporation caves-in to the caterwauling of orchestrated "protests" directed at advertisers.

Wonder what you've been sniffing.
Apparently some of us are unclear on the distinction between numbers (a company losing two million bucks in one quarter and planning course corrections), and "caterwauling".

I thought I just said this. Must be dèjá vu.
Apparently some of us are unclear on the distinction between numbers (a company losing two million bucks in one quarter and planning course corrections), and "caterwauling".

I thought I just said this. Must be dèjá vu.

And some of us (i.e., you) are unclear on how to be honest.

Definitely deja vu.

The caterwauling, by the way, emanates from the liberals staging and orchestrating these complaints to the stations and the advertisers. Such nonsense has nothing to do with "numbers."
Apparently some of us are unclear on the distinction between numbers (a company losing two million bucks in one quarter and planning course corrections), and "caterwauling".

I thought I just said this. Must be dèjá vu.

And some of us (i.e., you) are unclear on how to be honest.

Definitely deja vu.

The caterwauling, by the way, emanates from the liberals staging and orchestrating these complaints to the stations and the advertisers. Such nonsense has nothing to do with "numbers."

This thread is about Cumulus' business. Was somebody "caterwauling" specifically to Cumulus?
On the other hand, that loss of two million bucks in a quarter IS a Cumulus number. It's right there in the OP article.
Yeah I'd say that has to do with numbers.
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Apparently some of us are unclear on the distinction between numbers (a company losing two million bucks in one quarter and planning course corrections), and "caterwauling".

I thought I just said this. Must be dèjá vu.

And some of us (i.e., you) are unclear on how to be honest.

Definitely deja vu.

The caterwauling, by the way, emanates from the liberals staging and orchestrating these complaints to the stations and the advertisers. Such nonsense has nothing to do with "numbers."

This thread is about Cumulus' business. Was somebody "caterwauling" specifically to Cumulus?
On the other hand, that loss of two million bucks in a quarter IS a Cumulus number. It's right there in the OP article.
Yeah I'd say that has to do with numbers.

$Two million IS a result, you dishonest hack dolt.

It is NOT based on the audience numbers -- which for Rush has INCREASED. TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media"

It is based on advertisers being influenced by the usual suspect liberoidals.

This too shall pass. Wish and dream all you want.

From the linked piece:
Talk Radio/Media Industry News
Thursday, August 1, 2013
TALKERS | August 1, 2013

limbaughrushRush Limbaugh Celebrates 25 Years in Syndication Today. It was 25 years ago today that Rush Limbaugh began his national syndication based at WABC, New York. When Ed McLaughlin’s EFM Media Management began producing and distributing the Rush Limbaugh program in August of 1988 on 56 affiliate stations, many in the industry thought the idea of a midday national talk radio program was absurd and would fail. But Limbaugh’s EIB Network flourished and the rest is history. Of course, Premiere Networks now syndicates the show it’s heard on close to 600 radio stations. In a statement, Limbaugh says, “The relationship we’ve established here – between the audience and myself – is everything. It’s meant more to me than I’ll ever be able to fully describe. It’s the best three hours of the day! We’re going to do this for a long time to come.” Premiere Networks notes, “Mr. Limbaugh also pioneered an entirely new model for talk radio. Defying industry convention, he does not book guests on his program. Centered on the news of the day, he describes his unique approach as ‘a serious discussion of issues, combined with irreverent humor.’ He has enjoyed uninterrupted status since the early 1990s as the leading talk radio host in the U.S., and the program continues to expand its reach. In the past year alone, ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show’ has experienced an 11% audience increase (Source: Arbitron, Nationwide).

The orchestrated campaign to try to silence Rush is largely a product of Media Matters.

More on that later. Good thing it's a not for profit company which is not supposed to engage in propaganda. Imagine how bad it would be if it DID legitimately engage in propaganda?

For now, let's store this gem away for future reference.

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