More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity

And this is based on ... what again?

Funny handle name btw. :lol:

She believes it's OUR responsibility to pay for her sex life. It's a load of BS. Slut is a little stong, however, she represents most what is wrong with our country, and that's displacement of responsibility.

You do realize that she was advocating certain types of birth control (which were hormonal), right?

You also realize that she was speaking on behalf of a friend of hers who if she didn't receive the birth control, her cysts would get worse?

BTW................for all you conservative're really against abortion (I mean, since the teabaggers have gotten into office, it's one of their main priorities) but you still refuse to allow birth control.

Did you realize that birth control will result in fewer abortions?

Hey dipshit, birth control does not guarantee there will be no pregnancies. But abstinence most definitely will.

And seeing you're being dishonest as usual I've included the transcript of Fluke's testimony where she does mention a friend but was not speaking on her behalf nor was it the reason for her testimony.

Apparently lying never gets old for you idiots.
And some of us (i.e., you) are unclear on how to be honest.

Definitely deja vu.

The caterwauling, by the way, emanates from the liberals staging and orchestrating these complaints to the stations and the advertisers. Such nonsense has nothing to do with "numbers."

This thread is about Cumulus' business. Was somebody "caterwauling" specifically to Cumulus?
On the other hand, that loss of two million bucks in a quarter IS a Cumulus number. It's right there in the OP article.
Yeah I'd say that has to do with numbers.

$Two million IS a result, you dishonest hack dolt.

It is NOT based on the audience numbers -- which for Rush has INCREASED. TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media"

It is based on advertisers being influenced by the usual suspect liberoidals.

This too shall pass. Wish and dream all you want.

From the linked piece:
Talk Radio/Media Industry News
Thursday, August 1, 2013
TALKERS | August 1, 2013

limbaughrushRush Limbaugh Celebrates 25 Years in Syndication Today. It was 25 years ago today that Rush Limbaugh began his national syndication based at WABC, New York. When Ed McLaughlin’s EFM Media Management began producing and distributing the Rush Limbaugh program in August of 1988 on 56 affiliate stations, many in the industry thought the idea of a midday national talk radio program was absurd and would fail. But Limbaugh’s EIB Network flourished and the rest is history. Of course, Premiere Networks now syndicates the show it’s heard on close to 600 radio stations. In a statement, Limbaugh says, “The relationship we’ve established here – between the audience and myself – is everything. It’s meant more to me than I’ll ever be able to fully describe. It’s the best three hours of the day! We’re going to do this for a long time to come.” Premiere Networks notes, “Mr. Limbaugh also pioneered an entirely new model for talk radio. Defying industry convention, he does not book guests on his program. Centered on the news of the day, he describes his unique approach as ‘a serious discussion of issues, combined with irreverent humor.’ He has enjoyed uninterrupted status since the early 1990s as the leading talk radio host in the U.S., and the program continues to expand its reach. In the past year alone, ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show’ has experienced an 11% audience increase (Source: Arbitron, Nationwide).


Already addressed in another thread, here.

Ratings are normally the goal of commercial broadcasting, since they normally translate to audience reach, and it's normally that simple. But then there's the sticky problem of public image and what the advertiser may or may not wish to be associated with.

By analogy, if the KKK put on a TV show, it would draw attention and ratings. The advertisers it would draw however might be, shall we say, limited.
That's just a part of business; whining about it is just ... what is the word... ah yes, caterwauling.
Last edited:
This thread is about Cumulus' business. Was somebody "caterwauling" specifically to Cumulus?
On the other hand, that loss of two million bucks in a quarter IS a Cumulus number. It's right there in the OP article.
Yeah I'd say that has to do with numbers.

$Two million IS a result, you dishonest hack dolt.

It is NOT based on the audience numbers -- which for Rush has INCREASED. TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media"

It is based on advertisers being influenced by the usual suspect liberoidals.

This too shall pass. Wish and dream all you want.

From the linked piece:
Talk Radio/Media Industry News
Thursday, August 1, 2013
TALKERS | August 1, 2013

limbaughrushRush Limbaugh Celebrates 25 Years in Syndication Today. It was 25 years ago today that Rush Limbaugh began his national syndication based at WABC, New York. When Ed McLaughlin’s EFM Media Management began producing and distributing the Rush Limbaugh program in August of 1988 on 56 affiliate stations, many in the industry thought the idea of a midday national talk radio program was absurd and would fail. But Limbaugh’s EIB Network flourished and the rest is history. Of course, Premiere Networks now syndicates the show it’s heard on close to 600 radio stations. In a statement, Limbaugh says, “The relationship we’ve established here – between the audience and myself – is everything. It’s meant more to me than I’ll ever be able to fully describe. It’s the best three hours of the day! We’re going to do this for a long time to come.” Premiere Networks notes, “Mr. Limbaugh also pioneered an entirely new model for talk radio. Defying industry convention, he does not book guests on his program. Centered on the news of the day, he describes his unique approach as ‘a serious discussion of issues, combined with irreverent humor.’ He has enjoyed uninterrupted status since the early 1990s as the leading talk radio host in the U.S., and the program continues to expand its reach. In the past year alone, ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show’ has experienced an 11% audience increase (Source: Arbitron, Nationwide).


Already addressed in another thread, here.

Ratings are normally the goal of commercial broadcasting, since they normally translate to audience reach, and it's normally that simple. But then there's the sticky problem of public image and what the advertiser may or may not wish to be associated with.

By analogy, if the KKK put on a TV show, it would draw attention and ratings. The advertisers it would draw however might be, shall we say, limited.
That's just a part of business; whining about it is just ... what is the word... ah yes, caterwauling.

You intentionally and studiously miss the real point.

The ORCHESTRATED effort to persaude the ADVERTISERS to jump ship is the caterwauling.

Try to keep up.

We all see that honesty aint your thing, but you do tend to be heavy handed and plodding in your unpersuasive propaganda mission.
$Two million IS a result, you dishonest hack dolt.

It is NOT based on the audience numbers -- which for Rush has INCREASED. TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media"

It is based on advertisers being influenced by the usual suspect liberoidals.

This too shall pass. Wish and dream all you want.

From the linked piece:


Already addressed in another thread, here.

Ratings are normally the goal of commercial broadcasting, since they normally translate to audience reach, and it's normally that simple. But then there's the sticky problem of public image and what the advertiser may or may not wish to be associated with.

By analogy, if the KKK put on a TV show, it would draw attention and ratings. The advertisers it would draw however might be, shall we say, limited.
That's just a part of business; whining about it is just ... what is the word... ah yes, caterwauling.

You intentionally and studiously miss the real point.

The ORCHESTRATED effort to persaude the ADVERTISERS to jump ship is the caterwauling.

Try to keep up.

We all see that honesty aint your thing, but you do tend to be heavy handed and plodding in your unpersuasive propaganda mission.

Ah. So to cut to the chase, you're against the First Amendment.

Start a petition then. And rotsa ruck.

Ilar Meilyr... Ilar Meilyr... that's Welsh isn't it?
I might be a bit more circumspect about flinging turds of 'dishonest'... :eusa_whistle:
Last edited:
Already addressed in another thread, here.

Ratings are normally the goal of commercial broadcasting, since they normally translate to audience reach, and it's normally that simple. But then there's the sticky problem of public image and what the advertiser may or may not wish to be associated with.

By analogy, if the KKK put on a TV show, it would draw attention and ratings. The advertisers it would draw however might be, shall we say, limited.
That's just a part of business; whining about it is just ... what is the word... ah yes, caterwauling.

You intentionally and studiously miss the real point.

The ORCHESTRATED effort to persaude the ADVERTISERS to jump ship is the caterwauling.

Try to keep up.

We all see that honesty aint your thing, but you do tend to be heavy handed and plodding in your unpersuasive propaganda mission.

Ah. So to cut to the chase, you're against the First Amendment.

Start a petition then. And rotsa ruck.

Ilar Meilyr... Ilar Meilyr... that's Welsh isn't it?
I might be a bit more circumspect about flinging turds of 'dishonest'... :eusa_whistle:

I don't take advice from dishonest hack propagandists, you lame ass lying liberal tool.

And the name IlarMeilyr is indeed WELSH. That's why I CHOSE it as a username, you plodding hack troll douche bag. As YOU know, I had been falsely accused of welshing. Thus, I just had to give the usual suspects something to play with. I can't help it. Being a conservative, I tend to naturally be very giving like that.

As for the First Amendment, unlike you hypocritical and dishonest modern American lolberals, I am a huge proponent of the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech. That's why I object when you hypocritical and wholly dishonest lolberal idiots orchestrate activities designed to stifle speech for which you don't care.
You intentionally and studiously miss the real point.

The ORCHESTRATED effort to persaude the ADVERTISERS to jump ship is the caterwauling.

Try to keep up.

We all see that honesty aint your thing, but you do tend to be heavy handed and plodding in your unpersuasive propaganda mission.

Ah. So to cut to the chase, you're against the First Amendment.

Start a petition then. And rotsa ruck.

Ilar Meilyr... Ilar Meilyr... that's Welsh isn't it?
I might be a bit more circumspect about flinging turds of 'dishonest'... :eusa_whistle:

I don't take advice from dishonest hack propagandists, you lame ass lying liberal tool.

And the name IlarMeilyr is indeed WELSH. That's why I CHOSE it as a username, you plodding hack troll douche bag. As YOU know, I had been falsely accused of welshing. Thus, I just had to give the usual suspects something to play with. I can't help it. Being a conservative, I tend to naturally be very giving like that.

As for the First Amendment, unlike you hypocritical and dishonest modern American lolberals, I am a huge proponent of the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech. That's why I object when you hypocritical and wholly dishonest lolberal idiots orchestrate activities designed to stifle speech for which you don't care.

Oh yeah, you be a giver. Boldly so.

Stellar logic here: you object to the objections to your Messiah on the basis of "free speech", which is apparently a one-way street: Messiah gets it; nobody's allowed to find fault.

Blasphemy! Off with their heads! :lol:
Ah. So to cut to the chase, you're against the First Amendment.

Start a petition then. And rotsa ruck.

Ilar Meilyr... Ilar Meilyr... that's Welsh isn't it?
I might be a bit more circumspect about flinging turds of 'dishonest'... :eusa_whistle:

I don't take advice from dishonest hack propagandists, you lame ass lying liberal tool.

And the name IlarMeilyr is indeed WELSH. That's why I CHOSE it as a username, you plodding hack troll douche bag. As YOU know, I had been falsely accused of welshing. Thus, I just had to give the usual suspects something to play with. I can't help it. Being a conservative, I tend to naturally be very giving like that.

As for the First Amendment, unlike you hypocritical and dishonest modern American lolberals, I am a huge proponent of the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech. That's why I object when you hypocritical and wholly dishonest lolberal idiots orchestrate activities designed to stifle speech for which you don't care.

Oh yeah, you be a giver. Boldly so.

Stellar logic here: you object to the objections to your Messiah on the basis of "free speech", which is apparently a one-way street: Messiah gets it; nobody's allowed to find fault.

Blasphemy! Off with their heads! :lol:

I know you are too stupid and plodding to understand this, but what the hey? I'll try it out for your benefit all the same.

I have objected to NO free speech.

I do think it is tawdry of you dishonest hypocritical lolberals -- and antithetical to ACTUAL free speech -- to orchestrate some misbegotten campaign designed to STIFLE the political speech with which you happen to disagree.

And the Obamessiah gets ALL the free speech anybody could want. So I don't know why you brought President Dumbass into this discussion.

Other than the fact that you made no sense at all, that was a really poor post you put up there. Try to work you way up to just useless.
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And some of us (i.e., you) are unclear on how to be honest.

Definitely deja vu.

The caterwauling, by the way, emanates from the liberals staging and orchestrating these complaints to the stations and the advertisers. Such nonsense has nothing to do with "numbers."

This thread is about Cumulus' business. Was somebody "caterwauling" specifically to Cumulus?
On the other hand, that loss of two million bucks in a quarter IS a Cumulus number. It's right there in the OP article.
Yeah I'd say that has to do with numbers.

$Two million IS a result, you dishonest hack dolt.

It is NOT based on the audience numbers -- which for Rush has INCREASED. TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media"

It is based on advertisers being influenced by the usual suspect liberoidals.

This too shall pass. Wish and dream all you want.

From the linked piece:
Talk Radio/Media Industry News
Thursday, August 1, 2013
TALKERS | August 1, 2013

limbaughrushRush Limbaugh Celebrates 25 Years in Syndication Today. It was 25 years ago today that Rush Limbaugh began his national syndication based at WABC, New York. When Ed McLaughlin’s EFM Media Management began producing and distributing the Rush Limbaugh program in August of 1988 on 56 affiliate stations, many in the industry thought the idea of a midday national talk radio program was absurd and would fail. But Limbaugh’s EIB Network flourished and the rest is history. Of course, Premiere Networks now syndicates the show it’s heard on close to 600 radio stations. In a statement, Limbaugh says, “The relationship we’ve established here – between the audience and myself – is everything. It’s meant more to me than I’ll ever be able to fully describe. It’s the best three hours of the day! We’re going to do this for a long time to come.” Premiere Networks notes, “Mr. Limbaugh also pioneered an entirely new model for talk radio. Defying industry convention, he does not book guests on his program. Centered on the news of the day, he describes his unique approach as ‘a serious discussion of issues, combined with irreverent humor.’ He has enjoyed uninterrupted status since the early 1990s as the leading talk radio host in the U.S., and the program continues to expand its reach. In the past year alone, ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show’ has experienced an 11% audience increase (Source: Arbitron, Nationwide).

Funny how your own source,, shows a steady decline in audience!!!



This thread is about Cumulus' business. Was somebody "caterwauling" specifically to Cumulus?
On the other hand, that loss of two million bucks in a quarter IS a Cumulus number. It's right there in the OP article.
Yeah I'd say that has to do with numbers.

$Two million IS a result, you dishonest hack dolt.

It is NOT based on the audience numbers -- which for Rush has INCREASED. TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media"

It is based on advertisers being influenced by the usual suspect liberoidals.

This too shall pass. Wish and dream all you want.

From the linked piece:
Talk Radio/Media Industry News
Thursday, August 1, 2013
TALKERS | August 1, 2013

limbaughrushRush Limbaugh Celebrates 25 Years in Syndication Today. It was 25 years ago today that Rush Limbaugh began his national syndication based at WABC, New York. When Ed McLaughlin’s EFM Media Management began producing and distributing the Rush Limbaugh program in August of 1988 on 56 affiliate stations, many in the industry thought the idea of a midday national talk radio program was absurd and would fail. But Limbaugh’s EIB Network flourished and the rest is history. Of course, Premiere Networks now syndicates the show it’s heard on close to 600 radio stations. In a statement, Limbaugh says, “The relationship we’ve established here – between the audience and myself – is everything. It’s meant more to me than I’ll ever be able to fully describe. It’s the best three hours of the day! We’re going to do this for a long time to come.” Premiere Networks notes, “Mr. Limbaugh also pioneered an entirely new model for talk radio. Defying industry convention, he does not book guests on his program. Centered on the news of the day, he describes his unique approach as ‘a serious discussion of issues, combined with irreverent humor.’ He has enjoyed uninterrupted status since the early 1990s as the leading talk radio host in the U.S., and the program continues to expand its reach. In the past year alone, ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show’ has experienced an 11% audience increase (Source: Arbitron, Nationwide).

Funny how your own source,, shows a steady decline in audience!!!




So what?

The numbers might even be fairly accurate as such estimates go.

There are ebbs and flows. I never said that the liberals cynical efforts to try to silence Rush didn't have any impact.

And if the evidence is that it has come to a halt, then perhaps we shall soon see that reflected in a corresponding increase in those very numbers. Spring 2011 to Spring 2012 to July 2013 is not that long a period of time. If it can go down a point in a year and a couple of months, then it can probably jump back up within a fairly short period of time, too.

Your hang up on all things Rush is always good for a laugh though, Edthesickdick.
$Two million IS a result, you dishonest hack dolt.

It is NOT based on the audience numbers -- which for Rush has INCREASED. TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media"

It is based on advertisers being influenced by the usual suspect liberoidals.

This too shall pass. Wish and dream all you want.

From the linked piece:
Talk Radio/Media Industry News
Thursday, August 1, 2013
TALKERS | August 1, 2013

limbaughrushRush Limbaugh Celebrates 25 Years in Syndication Today. It was 25 years ago today that Rush Limbaugh began his national syndication based at WABC, New York. When Ed McLaughlin’s EFM Media Management began producing and distributing the Rush Limbaugh program in August of 1988 on 56 affiliate stations, many in the industry thought the idea of a midday national talk radio program was absurd and would fail. But Limbaugh’s EIB Network flourished and the rest is history. Of course, Premiere Networks now syndicates the show it’s heard on close to 600 radio stations. In a statement, Limbaugh says, “The relationship we’ve established here – between the audience and myself – is everything. It’s meant more to me than I’ll ever be able to fully describe. It’s the best three hours of the day! We’re going to do this for a long time to come.” Premiere Networks notes, “Mr. Limbaugh also pioneered an entirely new model for talk radio. Defying industry convention, he does not book guests on his program. Centered on the news of the day, he describes his unique approach as ‘a serious discussion of issues, combined with irreverent humor.’ He has enjoyed uninterrupted status since the early 1990s as the leading talk radio host in the U.S., and the program continues to expand its reach. In the past year alone, ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show’ has experienced an 11% audience increase

Funny how your own source,, shows a steady decline in audience!!!




So what?

The numbers might even be fairly accurate as such estimates go.

There are ebbs and flows. I never said that the liberals cynical efforts to try to silence Rush didn't have any impact.

And if the evidence is that it has come to a halt, then perhaps we shall soon see that reflected in a corresponding increase in those very numbers. Spring 2011 to Spring 2012 to July 2013 is not that long a period of time. If it can go down a point in a year and a couple of months, then it can probably jump back up within a fairly short period of time, too.

Your hang up on all things Rush is always good for a laugh though, Edthesickdick.
So you are admitting that your 11% in one year is nothing but a meaningless short term ebb and flow....Oh wait a minute, one year is an absolute proof for you but too short a time for anyone else.
Never mind.
You know he is getting desperate when he submits to being questioned by anyone.

Rush Limbaugh's Whirlwind Fox News Press Tour

Fox News' Greta Van Susteren sat down with Rush Limbaugh for the full hour of her program last night, telling her viewers that she had secured a "rare interview" with the conservative talk radio host. Van Susteren's interrogation of Rush was anything but harsh and never touched on any of Limbaugh's ongoing contractual and advertiser problems -- pretty much what you'd expect from a Fox News interview. Her characterization of the interview as "rare," however, wasn't quite accurate. In the past, Limbaugh has indeed been reticent to appear on cable news and even boasted that any platform other than his own was a waste of his time. Something has changed: Limbaugh's July 30 interview with Van Susteren marked the third time Rush has appeared on Fox News this month.

That's a dramatic shift from Limbaugh's longstanding disregard for TV appearances. In July 2010, a caller to Rush's radio show asked him why he doesn't spend more time on TV, and Rush said it was beneath him: "I don't want to go on television shows with one-tenth the audience the radio show has, and I don't like talking with people who don't know what they're talking about and get into contrived arguments and debates where nothing is solved."
Good riddance!

More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

Just a few months after Cumulus media blamed their financial woes on an advertising boycott of Rush Limbaugh following his decision to call Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" on-air, it looks like the company may shake off Limbaugh, along with fellow conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, from their 40-odd stations across the nation.

How unusual: a Leftist happy about silencing opposition voices.
Good riddance!

More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

Just a few months after Cumulus media blamed their financial woes on an advertising boycott of Rush Limbaugh following his decision to call Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" on-air, it looks like the company may shake off Limbaugh, along with fellow conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, from their 40-odd stations across the nation.

How unusual: a Leftist happy about silencing opposition voices.

LOTS of these modern American "liberals" are actually an embarrassment to what used to be known as "liberalism.

To be a MODERN American "liberal," it is apparently a requirement that they take a vow of hostility to tolerating any contrary political view points. They must oppose free speech for all "others."
Funny how your own source,, shows a steady decline in audience!!!




So what?

The numbers might even be fairly accurate as such estimates go.

There are ebbs and flows. I never said that the liberals cynical efforts to try to silence Rush didn't have any impact.

And if the evidence is that it has come to a halt, then perhaps we shall soon see that reflected in a corresponding increase in those very numbers. Spring 2011 to Spring 2012 to July 2013 is not that long a period of time. If it can go down a point in a year and a couple of months, then it can probably jump back up within a fairly short period of time, too.

Your hang up on all things Rush is always good for a laugh though, Edthesickdick.
So you are admitting that your 11% in one year is nothing but a meaningless short term ebb and flow....Oh wait a minute, one year is an absolute proof for you but too short a time for anyone else.
Never mind.

Nope. I am saying that the indicators suggest that the July numbers will prove to be LOWER than the next numbers that get reported since there appears to be a lag.

Try to smarten up.
Why don't all you liberal nutjobs hold your breath until Limbaugh is off the air. Should be any second now right?


That would be up to the free market.

But you lolberal hypocritical filth don't wish for the free market to make the determination.

Damn but you guys are stupid AND dishonest.

The free market IS who makes that determination, because the free market already is the milieu that makes his "work" possible. That's just the way it is, like it or lump it.

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