More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity

The liberal agitators go to the advertisers to try to convince them that if they air their ads with Rush, the lolberals will boycott the companies' products.

When the advertisers react to THAT blackmail, they are NOT responding to "market forces" at all. They are caving-in to blackmail.

No, that is Capitalism. With a side order of Free Speech.

Was it blackmail when the FRC boycotted Marilyn Manson and put public pressure on Wal*Mart to not carry his CDs?

You supported them.

Was it blackmail when Clear Channel stations refused to play Dixie Chick songs because of supposed threats of listener boycotts?

You supported them.

Why do you hate Freedom of Choice?

And why is your poutrage with the people who are boycotting, instead of with the radio stations who, in your mind I guess, don't have a backbone?
I will have to check back for your response since you take so damn long, Liability - gotta go make a bank deposit. :)

Try to keep up, Tranny.

YOU asked the question:

My post was a way to alleviate your feigned (or real) ignorance.

And if you don't understand what is "wrong" with it, then there's no purpose served in even asking that question. You will never figure it out.

The point is that your comrade in liberal stupidity, pogo, CLAIMED (falsely) that the MARKET would make the determination on whether Rush would succeed. I noted that it was NOT a market matter. The "market" would be:

Rush puts out a program.

Audience responds favorably (large ratings) or unfavorably (poor ratings).

Advertisers would respond to THOSE numbers.​

However, the liberal agitators (instead) put their collective THUMB on the scale by deliberately seeking to short-circuit such normal "market" decisions. The liberal agitators go to the advertisers to try to convince them that if they air their ads with Rush, the lolberals will boycott the companies' products.

When the advertisers react to THAT blackmail, they are NOT responding to "market forces" at all. They are caving-in to blackmail.

And the PURPOSE of the liberal boycott effort is to TRY (as best they can) to SILENCE Rush. They are hostile to free speech and their actions are antithetical to our fundamental notions of free speech in the ONE arena (politics) where it has the greatest urgency.

When ploddo claimed that I was somehow "against" free speech, he was lying and deliberately inverting the truth. Not unexpected. It's a predictable and typical hack lib bitch move. Again, when pogo claims (falsely) that market forces will be determinative of Rush's show's future, he is pretending (i.e., lying again) that market forces have anything to do with the matter.

That fuckin' guy is so full of shit that he equates "blackmail" with "market forces" and with "free speech." pogo is a disgrace to real liberals.

So to sum up this harebrained Welsh rare-wit logic:
1) commercial advertisers have only ad rates, not public image, to worry about;
2) only "liberal agitators" have the power to influence the market with buying power;
3) said advertisers are powerless to resist these "liberal agitators" (while fully capable of resisting "conservative agitators")
4) that inability to resist is Pogo's doing;
5) Welsh people can see inside the minds of these "agitators" as to their motives;
6) the idea of agitators making statements is "antithetical to our fundamental notions of free speech";
7) the idea of Limblob making statements is not (monologue good; audience response bad)
8) the Lush Rimjob show -- a commercial entity existing in a commercial venue in a free market, subsisting by (ostensibly) selling commercials -- is controlled by forces outside the market.


“No one with daughters the age of Sandra Fluke, and I have two, could possibly abide the insult and abuse heaped upon this courageous and well-intentioned young lady. Mr. Limbaugh, with his highly personal attacks on Miss Fluke, overstepped any reasonable bounds of decency. Even though Mr. Limbaugh has now issued an apology, we have nonetheless decided to withdraw our advertising from his show. We hope that our action, along with the other advertisers who have already withdrawn their ads, will ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse.” -- David Friend, CEO of Carbonite, just after Slutgate

Interestingly it's been noted that today is the 25th anniversary of Limblob's going national. Which is significant: 25 years ago means 1988. The Fairness Doctrine, which ensured that a broadcaster couldn't spew one-sided crap without offering equal time for counterpoint, was eliminated in 1987.

Pressuring a broadcaster to air both sides with a government agency?? No, we can't have that. Should be the people who decide.
Pressuring a broadcaster with a popular movement? No, we can't have that either. I know I just said the people should decide, but they're not the right people.


Ein monologue. Ein ideology. EIN Limblob!
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The liberal agitators go to the advertisers to try to convince them that if they air their ads with Rush, the lolberals will boycott the companies' products.

When the advertisers react to THAT blackmail, they are NOT responding to "market forces" at all. They are caving-in to blackmail.

No, that is Capitalism. With a side order of Free Speech.

No. It's not. It's black mail.

As I already (correctly) said, capitalism would be market forces. Show. Audience. Advertising decisions based on ratings.

BUT when you inject the side order of BLACKMAIl, the proverbial thumb on the scale, you are interfering with capitalism.

Free speech does not seek to stifle one's opponent.

I can tell you are a liberal because even these simple BASIC concepts confuse the snot out of you . . . always.

Was it blackmail when the FRC boycotted Marilyn Manson and put public pressure on Wal*Mart to not carry his CDs?

You supported them.

No. I didn't. You are not free to make such shit up and speak for me with your lies, you dishonest twat.

And by the way, just to get to the point DESPITE your display of typical lolberal dishonesty on your part, you need to come to terms with a couple of basic concepts. If I dislike what the Dixy Chunks said about President Bush during his Administration while THOSE nasty skanks were over in Europe, I am free to boycott their records. Small loss to them. I wasn't buying their shit anyway.

That is not blackmail.

But if I go to advertisers of a show discussing matters of politics and tell them that if they dare to put ads on the show, I will arrange a boycott of their product as punishment, that very much IS blackmail. Indeed, it is intended to be blackmail ad to deny it is dishonest of you. No surprise there, Tranny.

Was it blackmail when Clear Channel stations refused to play Dixie Chick songs because of supposed threats of listener boycotts?

You supported them.

I actually did elect against buying any Dixie Shits albums but once again, YOU don't have the right to make up facts, you dishonest twat.

Why do you hate Freedom of Choice?

I don't. Why do you hate being honest ... ever?

And why is your poutrage with the people who are boycotting, instead of with the radio stations who, in your mind I guess, don't have a backbone?

I don't have any outrage or poutrage whatever that might mean. I am disgusted. Not the same thing.

Lolberals are 'all about" free speech EXCEPT when they decide it's simply inconvenient. It is your standard fare of lolberal hypcorisy and dishonesty I find disagreeable.
OK. Explain what you think is wrong with any of that, please.

Try to keep up, Tranny.

YOU asked the question:

My post was a way to alleviate your feigned (or real) ignorance.

And if you don't understand what is "wrong" with it, then there's no purpose served in even asking that question. You will never figure it out.

The point is that your comrade in liberal stupidity, pogo, CLAIMED (falsely) that the MARKET would make the determination on whether Rush would succeed. I noted that it was NOT a market matter. The "market" would be:

Rush puts out a program.

Audience responds favorably (large ratings) or unfavorably (poor ratings).

Advertisers would respond to THOSE numbers.​

However, the liberal agitators (instead) put their collective THUMB on the scale by deliberately seeking to short-circuit such normal "market" decisions. The liberal agitators go to the advertisers to try to convince them that if they air their ads with Rush, the lolberals will boycott the companies' products.

When the advertisers react to THAT blackmail, they are NOT responding to "market forces" at all. They are caving-in to blackmail.

And the PURPOSE of the liberal boycott effort is to TRY (as best they can) to SILENCE Rush. They are hostile to free speech and their actions are antithetical to our fundamental notions of free speech in the ONE arena (politics) where it has the greatest urgency.

When ploddo claimed that I was somehow "against" free speech, he was lying and deliberately inverting the truth. Not unexpected. It's a predictable and typical hack lib bitch move. Again, when pogo claims (falsely) that market forces will be determinative of Rush's show's future, he is pretending (i.e., lying again) that market forces have anything to do with the matter.

That fuckin' guy is so full of shit that he equates "blackmail" with "market forces" and with "free speech." pogo is a disgrace to real liberals.

So to sum up * * * *

YOU can't sum up for me, ploddo, since that would require honesty and you have none.

I will permit my own words to do the talking for MY position. I will not permit your dishonest efforts to engage in revisionism to go unrebutted.
No, that's how the free market works. If your product or service has a bad rep, you suffer. That's why commercial entities try not to have them.

black·mail (blkml)
a. Extortion of money or something else of value from a person by the threat of exposing a criminal act or discreditable information.
b. Something of value extorted in this manner.

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Try to keep up, Tranny.

YOU asked the question:

My post was a way to alleviate your feigned (or real) ignorance.

And if you don't understand what is "wrong" with it, then there's no purpose served in even asking that question. You will never figure it out.

The point is that your comrade in liberal stupidity, pogo, CLAIMED (falsely) that the MARKET would make the determination on whether Rush would succeed. I noted that it was NOT a market matter. The "market" would be:

Rush puts out a program.

Audience responds favorably (large ratings) or unfavorably (poor ratings).

Advertisers would respond to THOSE numbers.​

However, the liberal agitators (instead) put their collective THUMB on the scale by deliberately seeking to short-circuit such normal "market" decisions. The liberal agitators go to the advertisers to try to convince them that if they air their ads with Rush, the lolberals will boycott the companies' products.

When the advertisers react to THAT blackmail, they are NOT responding to "market forces" at all. They are caving-in to blackmail.

And the PURPOSE of the liberal boycott effort is to TRY (as best they can) to SILENCE Rush. They are hostile to free speech and their actions are antithetical to our fundamental notions of free speech in the ONE arena (politics) where it has the greatest urgency.

When ploddo claimed that I was somehow "against" free speech, he was lying and deliberately inverting the truth. Not unexpected. It's a predictable and typical hack lib bitch move. Again, when pogo claims (falsely) that market forces will be determinative of Rush's show's future, he is pretending (i.e., lying again) that market forces have anything to do with the matter.

That fuckin' guy is so full of shit that he equates "blackmail" with "market forces" and with "free speech." pogo is a disgrace to real liberals.

So to sum up * * * *

YOU can't sum up for me, ploddo, since that would require honesty and you have none.

I will permit my own words to do the talking for MY position. I will not permit your dishonest efforts to engage in revisionism to go unrebutted.

You just did.

And I quote:
" * * * * "

So to sum up * * * *

YOU can't sum up for me, ploddo, since that would require honesty and you have none.

I will permit my own words to do the talking for MY position. I will not permit your dishonest efforts to engage in revisionism to go unrebutted.

You just did.

And I quote:
" * * * * "


I realize that an intellectual lightweight such as you is unfamiliar with basic grammatical conventions like the use of ellipses.

But it denotes that I snipped YOUR bogus attempt to "summarize" what would supposedly have been my position.

You are far from deep. Intellectually, you drown in the shallows. Fuck, you'd drown in a puddle.
YOU can't sum up for me, ploddo, since that would require honesty and you have none.

I will permit my own words to do the talking for MY position. I will not permit your dishonest efforts to engage in revisionism to go unrebutted.

You just did.

And I quote:
" * * * * "


I realize that an intellectual lightweight such as you is unfamiliar with basic grammatical conventions like the use of ellipses.

But it denotes that I snipped YOUR bogus attempt to "summarize" what would supposedly have been my position.

You are far from deep. Intellectually, you drown in the shallows. Fuck, you'd drown in a puddle.

It's not the "ellipsis" (which actually goes "...") to shortcut my post, but the complete absence of any response thereto.

I understand you're into monologues where nobody gets to respond, but I'm not, so you're free to offer one.

That is if you even have one...
You just did.

And I quote:
" * * * * "


I realize that an intellectual lightweight such as you is unfamiliar with basic grammatical conventions like the use of ellipses.

But it denotes that I snipped YOUR bogus attempt to "summarize" what would supposedly have been my position.

You are far from deep. Intellectually, you drown in the shallows. Fuck, you'd drown in a puddle.

It's not the "ellipsis" (which actually goes "...") to shortcut my post, but the complete absence of any response thereto.

I understand you're into monologues where nobody gets to respond, but I'm not, so you're free to offer one.

That is if you even have one...

The plural of ellipsis is ellipses, you ignorant twit.

And it is usually made with a series of periods, but the use of a period is NOT required. Your ignorance is really endless. Funny to see, but endless.

And this isn't a monolog, you twit. You can respond and you have been. I have responded to your bullshit and to Synthia's usual display of misinformation.

That said, when YOU attempt to recast what I have already said, I will continue to reject your typically dishonest efforts -- with or without your consent.

As to the actual topic of this thread, it remains what has happened to Rush. You lolberals dislike what he has said, so your reaction is (not unexpectedly considering how much you loathe true free speech) is to attempt to stifle his ability to even have an audience.

It is quite a sad commentary on the state of "liberalism" when we have to see how low you assholes have sunk.
btw. isn't Sandra Fluke that freeloading slut that demanded taxpayers pay for her bimbo lifestyle.

If you listened to Rushing Limp Idiot, then yeah.......................

But then again, Rush has a low opinion of women.

He's also a bigoted asshole.

The irony of that post knocked at least 10 women out of their chairs.

no kidding, have you seen his posting on Sarah Palin?
and he's suppose to be in the military..absolutely shameful
I realize that an intellectual lightweight such as you is unfamiliar with basic grammatical conventions like the use of ellipses.

But it denotes that I snipped YOUR bogus attempt to "summarize" what would supposedly have been my position.

You are far from deep. Intellectually, you drown in the shallows. Fuck, you'd drown in a puddle.

It's not the "ellipsis" (which actually goes "...") to shortcut my post, but the complete absence of any response thereto.

I understand you're into monologues where nobody gets to respond, but I'm not, so you're free to offer one.

That is if you even have one...

The plural of ellipsis is ellipses, you ignorant twit.

And it is usually made with a series of periods, but the use of a period is NOT required. Your ignorance is really endless. Funny to see, but endless.

And this isn't a monolog, you twit. You can respond and you have been. I have responded to your bullshit and to Synthia's usual display of misinformation.

That said, when YOU attempt to recast what I have already said, I will continue to reject your typically dishonest efforts -- with or without your consent.

As to the actual topic of this thread, it remains what has happened to Rush. You lolberals dislike what he has said, so your reaction is (not unexpectedly considering how much you loathe true free speech) is to attempt to stifle his ability to even have an audience.

It is quite a sad commentary on the state of "liberalism" when we have to see how low you assholes have sunk.

Translation: "I have nothing".

STILL waiting for evidence of this "stifling"...

Btw I didn't opine on what the plural of ellipsis is but at least I know not to write "is is" in a sentence. :lmao:
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It's not the "ellipsis" (which actually goes "...") to shortcut my post, but the complete absence of any response thereto.

I understand you're into monologues where nobody gets to respond, but I'm not, so you're free to offer one.

That is if you even have one...

The plural of ellipsis is ellipses, you ignorant twit.

And it is usually made with a series of periods, but the use of a period is NOT required. Your ignorance is really endless. Funny to see, but endless.

And this isn't a monolog, you twit. You can respond and you have been. I have responded to your bullshit and to Synthia's usual display of misinformation.

That said, when YOU attempt to recast what I have already said, I will continue to reject your typically dishonest efforts -- with or without your consent.

As to the actual topic of this thread, it remains what has happened to Rush. You lolberals dislike what he has said, so your reaction is (not unexpectedly considering how much you loathe true free speech) is to attempt to stifle his ability to even have an audience.

It is quite a sad commentary on the state of "liberalism" when we have to see how low you assholes have sunk.

Translation: "I have nothing".

STILL waiting for evidence of "stifling"...

Btw I didn't opine on what the plural of ellipsis is but at least I know not to write "is is" in a sentence. :lmao:

Nope. No "other words." I rebutted your bullshit and you have no valid rejoinder.

That much is clear to all.

As for what you are "waiting" for, there's nothing TO wait for. I already provided links to even the NY Slimes.

And you did offer an inherent correction of the spelling of ellipses,. You are clearly not up to the difficult task of being honest.

As for catching my missed error, I congratulate you on your established ability to be massively petty.


Now, back on point.

Why do you lolberals seek to silence Rush?
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It's about time !!

Cheesy Limburger should have been dropped years ago, when his inflammatory rhetoric fed the atmosphere that led up to the Kansas City Bombing!!

Good riddance to bad rubbish.


It's about time !!

Cheesy Limburger should have been dropped years ago, when his inflammatory rhetoric fed the atmosphere that led up to the Kansas City Bombing!!

Good riddance to bad rubbish.


^ noman may be a witless ignorant sack of lolberal pus, but he is at least honest enough to acknowledge that (like lots of other asshole liberals) he DOES seek to silence the voices of political opposition to the positions he prefers.

The plural of ellipsis is ellipses, you ignorant twit.

And it is usually made with a series of periods, but the use of a period is NOT required. Your ignorance is really endless. Funny to see, but endless.

And this isn't a monolog, you twit. You can respond and you have been. I have responded to your bullshit and to Synthia's usual display of misinformation.

That said, when YOU attempt to recast what I have already said, I will continue to reject your typically dishonest efforts -- with or without your consent.

As to the actual topic of this thread, it remains what has happened to Rush. You lolberals dislike what he has said, so your reaction is (not unexpectedly considering how much you loathe true free speech) is to attempt to stifle his ability to even have an audience.

It is quite a sad commentary on the state of "liberalism" when we have to see how low you assholes have sunk.

Translation: "I have nothing".

STILL waiting for evidence of "stifling"...

Btw I didn't opine on what the plural of ellipsis is but at least I know not to write "is is" in a sentence. :lmao:

Nope. No "other words." I rebutted your bullshit and you have no valid rejoinder.

That much is clear to all.

As for what you are "waiting" for, there's nothing TO wait for. I already provided links to even the NY Slimes.

And you did offer an inherent correction of the spelling of ellipses,. You are clearly not up to the difficult task of being honest.

As for catching my missed error, I congratulate you on your established ability to be massively petty.


Now, back on point.

Why do you lolberals seek to silence Rush?

Maybe you should ask this guy since you're reading his posts instead of mine...


"Petty" huh? After inventing an allusion to "ellipses"??
Tough crowd. Good thing I didn't mention monolog [sic]...
I remember seeing Limburger right after the Kansas City Bombing.

He was visibly sweating and squirming -- he knew how guilty he was !!

I remember seeing Limburger right after the Kansas City Bombing.

He was visibly sweating and squirming -- he knew how guilty he was !!


noman recalls no such thing. noman = :eusa_liar:

And guilty of what?

I am sure Rush was not near Kansas City that day, you retard.


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