More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity

That would be up to the free market.

But you lolberal hypocritical filth don't wish for the free market to make the determination.

Damn but you guys are stupid AND dishonest.

The free market IS who makes that determination, because the free market already is the milieu that makes his "work" possible. That's just the way it is, like it or lump it.

Bullshit. The free market left to its own devices would not include a combination of scumbag activist assholes like you interfering with the business arrangements for the programming.

Your claim of "free market" is belied by your active desire to put your thumb on the scale you dishonest hack.
Yanno.......................getting rid of Rush would clean up the airwaves quite a lot.

Hate and bigotry, like what Rush spews, kind of bores me.

He's a one trick pony, playing to his base.

They've been saying that about him for 25 years now.

I think it's Penis-Envy from the "Air America" crowd.
But you lolberal hypocritical filth don't wish for the free market to make the determination.

Damn but you guys are stupid AND dishonest.

The free market IS who makes that determination, because the free market already is the milieu that makes his "work" possible. That's just the way it is, like it or lump it.

Bullshit. The free market left to its own devices would not include a combination of scumbag activist assholes like you interfering with the business arrangements for the programming.

Your claim of "free market" is belied by your active desire to put your thumb on the scale you dishonest hack.

Oh, is it time for another dance already? OK then, quote me where I said anything about "putting the thumb on the scale" or anything remorely resembling.

Good riddance!

More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

Just a few months after Cumulus media blamed their financial woes on an advertising boycott of Rush Limbaugh following his decision to call Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" on-air, it looks like the company may shake off Limbaugh, along with fellow conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, from their 40-odd stations across the nation.

How unusual: a Leftist happy about silencing opposition voices.

^^^^Wingnut believes people voting with their wallets (economic democracy) = "silencing opposition". :lol:
The free market IS who makes that determination, because the free market already is the milieu that makes his "work" possible. That's just the way it is, like it or lump it.

Bullshit. The free market left to its own devices would not include a combination of scumbag activist assholes like you interfering with the business arrangements for the programming.

Your claim of "free market" is belied by your active desire to put your thumb on the scale you dishonest hack.

Oh, is it time for another dance already? OK then, quote me where I said anything about "putting the thumb on the scale" or anything remorely resembling.


wow. You really are one dense asshole motherfucking stupid dishonest hack bitch.

Try to keep up you hack bitch troll mental midget.

YOU support the efforts of the agitators and a"activists" who seek to persuade advertisers NOT to do business with Rush's show. THAT is metaphorically putting the thumb on the scale, you dopey twat.

Get your thumb OFF the scale and let the audience (JUST the audience) ALONE decide whether or not they wish to listen to Rush's show, and the audience numbers would then advise the advertisers whether or not to put their ads on his show.

But still, no dancing. You aren't my type. I prefer humans. Go have yourself a good cry over it you dishonest lolberal hack.
But you lolberal hypocritical filth don't wish for the free market to make the determination.

Damn but you guys are stupid AND dishonest.

The free market IS who makes that determination, because the free market already is the milieu that makes his "work" possible. That's just the way it is, like it or lump it.

Bullshit. The free market left to its own devices would not include a combination of scumbag activist assholes like you interfering with the business arrangements for the programming.

Your claim of "free market" is belied by your active desire to put your thumb on the scale you dishonest hack.

Who is doing that? And how?
The free market IS who makes that determination, because the free market already is the milieu that makes his "work" possible. That's just the way it is, like it or lump it.

Bullshit. The free market left to its own devices would not include a combination of scumbag activist assholes like you interfering with the business arrangements for the programming.

Your claim of "free market" is belied by your active desire to put your thumb on the scale you dishonest hack.

Who is doing that? And how?

Are you feigning ignorance or are you actually that ignorant, Tranny?
Bullshit. The free market left to its own devices would not include a combination of scumbag activist assholes like you interfering with the business arrangements for the programming.

Your claim of "free market" is belied by your active desire to put your thumb on the scale you dishonest hack.

Oh, is it time for another dance already? OK then, quote me where I said anything about "putting the thumb on the scale" or anything remorely resembling.


wow. You really are one dense asshole motherfucking stupid dishonest hack bitch.

Try to keep up you hack bitch troll mental midget.

YOU support the efforts of the agitators and a"activists" who seek to persuade advertisers NOT to do business with Rush's show. THAT is metaphorically putting the thumb on the scale, you dopey twat.

Get your thumb OFF the scale and let the audience (JUST the audience) ALONE decide whether or not they wish to listen to Rush's show, and the audience numbers would then advise the advertisers whether or not to put their ads on his show.

But still, no dancing. You aren't my type. I prefer humans. Go have yourself a good cry over it you dishonest lolberal hack.

^^^^Only goes into 'full spittle mode' when he knows he's got nothing.
Bullshit. The free market left to its own devices would not include a combination of scumbag activist assholes like you interfering with the business arrangements for the programming.

Your claim of "free market" is belied by your active desire to put your thumb on the scale you dishonest hack.

Who is doing that? And how?

Are you feigning ignorance or are you actually that ignorant, Tranny?

Why do you hate Capitalism and Democracy?

People vote with their wallets.

Wingnuts have no problem with it when it's the Family Research Council boycotting someone, and encouraging America to join them.

One more question: Why are you such a fucking hypocrite?
So what?

The numbers might even be fairly accurate as such estimates go.

There are ebbs and flows. I never said that the liberals cynical efforts to try to silence Rush didn't have any impact.

And if the evidence is that it has come to a halt, then perhaps we shall soon see that reflected in a corresponding increase in those very numbers. Spring 2011 to Spring 2012 to July 2013 is not that long a period of time. If it can go down a point in a year and a couple of months, then it can probably jump back up within a fairly short period of time, too.

Your hang up on all things Rush is always good for a laugh though, Edthesickdick.
So you are admitting that your 11% in one year is nothing but a meaningless short term ebb and flow....Oh wait a minute, one year is an absolute proof for you but too short a time for anyone else.
Never mind.

Nope. I am saying that the indicators suggest that the July numbers will prove to be LOWER than the next numbers that get reported since there appears to be a lag.

Try to smarten up.
And just how long is this "lag?"
Your MessiahRushie has been down at 14+ for a whole quarter now, when will we see this imagined uptick?

Oh, is it time for another dance already? OK then, quote me where I said anything about "putting the thumb on the scale" or anything remorely resembling.


wow. You really are one dense asshole motherfucking stupid dishonest hack bitch.

Try to keep up you hack bitch troll mental midget.

YOU support the efforts of the agitators and a"activists" who seek to persuade advertisers NOT to do business with Rush's show. THAT is metaphorically putting the thumb on the scale, you dopey twat.

Get your thumb OFF the scale and let the audience (JUST the audience) ALONE decide whether or not they wish to listen to Rush's show, and the audience numbers would then advise the advertisers whether or not to put their ads on his show.

But still, no dancing. You aren't my type. I prefer humans. Go have yourself a good cry over it you dishonest lolberal hack.

^^^^Only goes into 'full spittle mode' when he knows he's got nothing.

Which explains why I am nowhere near any spittle mode.

I have truth and facts on my side.

You and your lolberal bretheren typically have no such thing.


A thumb on the scale. It DID have an impact, too.

But whatever else it is, it is not even remotely akin to free market making the determination which was the claim made by your dishonest douche bag pal, pogo.
Bullshit. The free market left to its own devices would not include a combination of scumbag activist assholes like you interfering with the business arrangements for the programming.

Your claim of "free market" is belied by your active desire to put your thumb on the scale you dishonest hack.

Oh, is it time for another dance already? OK then, quote me where I said anything about "putting the thumb on the scale" or anything remorely resembling.


wow. You really are one dense asshole motherfucking stupid dishonest hack bitch.

Try to keep up you hack bitch troll mental midget.

YOU support the efforts of the agitators and a"activists" who seek to persuade advertisers NOT to do business with Rush's show. THAT is metaphorically putting the thumb on the scale, you dopey twat.

Get your thumb OFF the scale and let the audience (JUST the audience) ALONE decide whether or not they wish to listen to Rush's show, and the audience numbers would then advise the advertisers whether or not to put their ads on his show.

But still, no dancing. You aren't my type. I prefer humans. Go have yourself a good cry over it you dishonest lolberal hack.


Cheeses, you're a basket case.
Again, I repeat, go ahead and quote where I've commented at all on the bold. Or admit you're making it up.

And try sitting in a bucket of ice. Or at least wear a bib. Spittle on shirt is uncool. :cuckoo:
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Oh, is it time for another dance already? OK then, quote me where I said anything about "putting the thumb on the scale" or anything remorely resembling.


wow. You really are one dense asshole motherfucking stupid dishonest hack bitch.

Try to keep up you hack bitch troll mental midget.

YOU support the efforts of the agitators and a"activists" who seek to persuade advertisers NOT to do business with Rush's show. THAT is metaphorically putting the thumb on the scale, you dopey twat.

Get your thumb OFF the scale and let the audience (JUST the audience) ALONE decide whether or not they wish to listen to Rush's show, and the audience numbers would then advise the advertisers whether or not to put their ads on his show.

But still, no dancing. You aren't my type. I prefer humans. Go have yourself a good cry over it you dishonest lolberal hack.


Cheeses, you're a basket case.
Again, I repeat, go ahead and quote where I've commented at all on the bold. Or admit you're making it up.

And try sitting in a bucket of ice. :cuckoo:

Your comments are all right here. What's the matter? Simply don't recall what you've said here, you stupid transparent hack?

I have no butt hurt or hurt butt.

YOU seem awfully hopeful, though.

Won't you be disappointed when Rush just keeps plowing onward?
So you are admitting that your 11% in one year is nothing but a meaningless short term ebb and flow....Oh wait a minute, one year is an absolute proof for you but too short a time for anyone else.
Never mind.

Nope. I am saying that the indicators suggest that the July numbers will prove to be LOWER than the next numbers that get reported since there appears to be a lag.

Try to smarten up.
And just how long is this "lag?"
Your MessiahRushie has been down at 14+ for a whole quarter now, when will we see this imagined uptick?


14 seems to be leading the pack by a wide margin, don't you think? Look where Alan Colmes is....2.75.

Hmmmmm, the slight drop might have something to do with this not being an election year and people are a little fed up with politics.

Besides, Obama and the Dems will just cheat anyway. Where's the suspense?
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Try to keep up, Tranny.

YOU asked the question:

My post was a way to alleviate your feigned (or real) ignorance.

And if you don't understand what is "wrong" with it, then there's no purpose served in even asking that question. You will never figure it out.

The point is that your comrade in liberal stupidity, pogo, CLAIMED (falsely) that the MARKET would make the determination on whether Rush would succeed. I noted that it was NOT a market matter. The "market" would be:

Rush puts out a program.

Audience responds favorably (large ratings) or unfavorably (poor ratings).

Advertisers would respond to THOSE numbers.​

However, the liberal agitators (instead) put their collective THUMB on the scale by deliberately seeking to short-circuit such normal "market" decisions. The liberal agitators go to the advertisers to try to convince them that if they air their ads with Rush, the lolberals will boycott the companies' products.

When the advertisers react to THAT blackmail, they are NOT responding to "market forces" at all. They are caving-in to blackmail.

And the PURPOSE of the liberal boycott effort is to TRY (as best they can) to SILENCE Rush. They are hostile to free speech and their actions are antithetical to our fundamental notions of free speech in the ONE arena (politics) where it has the greatest urgency.

When ploddo claimed that I was somehow "against" free speech, he was lying and deliberately inverting the truth. Not unexpected. It's a predictable and typical hack lib bitch move. Again, when pogo claims (falsely) that market forces will be determinative of Rush's show's future, he is pretending (i.e., lying again) that market forces have anything to do with the matter.

That fuckin' guy is so full of shit that he equates "blackmail" with "market forces" and with "free speech." pogo is a disgrace to real liberals.
Looks like Liability has run away, the little bitch. :lol:

I was composing (and editing) a reply to one of the series of questions asked by you, you whining twat, and by your comrade in dishonesty, pogo the pussy.

Try a little patience, you stupid lib ****.

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