More Than 50 Butt-Hurt Subversive Snowflakes To Skip Inauguration

They should consider the fact that the woman they had hoped would be taking the oath will be in attendance.
Probably the only thing I can respect her for.

Correct. She, Bill and Bush and Laura will be there.

The fact that they are so petty as to not attend the inauguration should tell everyone all they need to know about how petty they are.

Petty? Honey, Trump wrote the book on petty.
You'd better get on your knees and kiss the ground of one of the few places in the world where a citizen or elected official can express their dislike of anything or anybody without fear.
The Constitution does more than just give you fucking assholes the right to own a gun.

They all still represent their districts and they will be sponsoring bill for their constituents. I can only hope that Speaker Ryan is taking names and shelves any bill they sponsor in the House or sees to it that does not pass. Payback is a bitch.
I'm good with these democrats showing their true colors. The disrespect they're showing towards our democratic process is very telling. It's something every American should see.

Trump brought out a lot people who voted for their first time. He also won votes from people who normally vote democrat.
These people voted for Trump because they were tired of the status quo. After 8 years of Obama, and seeing things getting worse, they knew it was time to try something different.

Those choosing not to attend the inauguration are a big part of the problem(s) people are tired of.
I believe Trump ought to call out any congress person not there. I'd laugh my balls off.
The media will do that. ;)
I'm good with these democrats showing their true colors. The disrespect they're showing towards our democratic process is very telling. It's something every American should see.

Trump brought out a lot people who voted for their first time. He also won votes from people who normally vote democrat.
These people voted for Trump because they were tired of the status quo. After 8 years of Obama, and seeing things getting worse, they knew it was time to try something different.

Those choosing not to attend the inauguration are a big part of the problem(s) people are tired of.
I believe Trump ought to call out any congress person not there. I'd laugh my balls off.
The media will do that. ;)
I know that, but I think it would be hilarious for trump to thank them for not coming. I'd roll on the floor.
Maybe we should invoke Special House Rule #4451: Members of Congress who miss the new President's inauguration, will also miss the next four years of votes in Congress. After all, there is no legitimate President to sign or veto laws, so why bother?
Trumpers on here need to get used to this, Trump's approval rating is going through the floor. And he's extremely thin-skinned. That's a bad combination and why he has no business being in the White House.


About this result
President-elect Donald Trump's approval rating at 40% - NY Daily News
7 hours ago - A majority of Americans — 54% — have an unfavorable opinion of the incoming president, a Tuesday Washington Post/ABC News poll showed. A second survey, conducted by CNN and ORC, reported that 52% of people do not approve of the way the President-elect has been handling the transition.
Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating ...
Dec 8, 2016 - Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating Of Any President-Elect. By Jason Easley on Thu, Dec 8th, 2016 at 3:04 pm.
Donald Trump to enter office with lowest presidential approval rating in ...
7 hours ago - President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office Friday as the least popular incoming president in at least four decades.
Donald Trump's approval rating is the lowest of any president-elect in ... › News
11 hours ago - Recent Gallup polling shows that just 48 per cent of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his transition - the lowestfigure in its polling history. Its figures only go back to 1992, when President-elect Bill Clinton had a 67 per cent approval rating.
CNN/ORC Poll: Confidence drops in Trump transition -
6 hours ago - Donald Trump will become president Friday with an approval rating of just 40%, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, the lowest of any recent ... the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doingapproval rating polls.
Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades - Politico
Dec 14, 2016 - Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades ... split on how the president-elect is handling his transition into the White House.
I love it when people like you post useless information that means absolutely nothing other than showing us how the left works.


It's too bad people like you are so intellectually lazy.

But you need your safe space, snowflake.


No surprise here:


They should consider the fact that the woman they had hoped would be taking the oath will be in attendance.
Probably the only thing I can respect her for.

Correct. She, Bill and Bush and Laura will be there.

The fact that they are so petty as to not attend the inauguration should tell everyone all they need to know about how petty they are.

Petty? Honey, Trump wrote the book on petty.
You'd better get on your knees and kiss the ground of one of the few places in the world where a citizen or elected official can express their dislike of anything or anybody without fear.
The Constitution does more than just give you fucking assholes the right to own a gun.

They all still represent their districts and they will be sponsoring bill for their constituents. I can only hope that Speaker Ryan is taking names and shelves any bill they sponsor in the House or sees to it that does not pass. Payback is a bitch.
Yes...because we all know that was the theme of this election.......Payback.
Trumpers on here need to get used to this, Trump's approval rating is going through the floor. And he's extremely thin-skinned. That's a bad combination and why he has no business being in the White House.


About this result
President-elect Donald Trump's approval rating at 40% - NY Daily News
7 hours ago - A majority of Americans — 54% — have an unfavorable opinion of the incoming president, a Tuesday Washington Post/ABC News poll showed. A second survey, conducted by CNN and ORC, reported that 52% of people do not approve of the way the President-elect has been handling the transition.
Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating ...
Dec 8, 2016 - Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating Of Any President-Elect. By Jason Easley on Thu, Dec 8th, 2016 at 3:04 pm.
Donald Trump to enter office with lowest presidential approval rating in ...
7 hours ago - President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office Friday as the least popular incoming president in at least four decades.
Donald Trump's approval rating is the lowest of any president-elect in ... › News
11 hours ago - Recent Gallup polling shows that just 48 per cent of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his transition - the lowestfigure in its polling history. Its figures only go back to 1992, when President-elect Bill Clinton had a 67 per cent approval rating.
CNN/ORC Poll: Confidence drops in Trump transition -
6 hours ago - Donald Trump will become president Friday with an approval rating of just 40%, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, the lowest of any recent ... the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doingapproval rating polls.
Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades - Politico
Dec 14, 2016 - Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades ... split on how the president-elect is handling his transition into the White House.
I love it when people like you post useless information that means absolutely nothing other than showing us how the left works.


It's too bad people like you are so intellectually lazy.

But you need your safe space, snowflake.


No surprise here:


why do you all like to post up nonsense? I tell you, you must go to bed with your poll in your hand.
Trumpers on here need to get used to this, Trump's approval rating is going through the floor.
You obviously missed the news reports and the separate thread about how it is being reported that the butt-hurt snowflake 'All-In' news media has been CAUGHT manipulating the Poll numbers - the same ones you are so arrogantly and misguidedly reciting - to present what they want to show.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

'Fake News', 'Rigging Primaries and Polls', 'All-In Media' strikes again! :p

More Trump propaganda, you poor idiot.

Pew Research is not fake news.


The very fact that the All-In medias' poll numbers regarding the prediction of Hillary's 'landslide victory' were SOOOOOO far off from the truth shows (FAILED) liberal manipulation of the polls for sometime.

There is no other explanation...except that libetals today suck at polls. :p
No one would dare answer to the affirmative that is familiar with the dnc tactics, just as they didn't before the election. Even more have been awakened since then.
Trumpers on here need to get used to this, Trump's approval rating is going through the floor. And he's extremely thin-skinned. That's a bad combination and why he has no business being in the White House.


About this result
President-elect Donald Trump's approval rating at 40% - NY Daily News
7 hours ago - A majority of Americans — 54% — have an unfavorable opinion of the incoming president, a Tuesday Washington Post/ABC News poll showed. A second survey, conducted by CNN and ORC, reported that 52% of people do not approve of the way the President-elect has been handling the transition.
Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating ...
Dec 8, 2016 - Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating Of Any President-Elect. By Jason Easley on Thu, Dec 8th, 2016 at 3:04 pm.
Donald Trump to enter office with lowest presidential approval rating in ...
7 hours ago - President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office Friday as the least popular incoming president in at least four decades.
Donald Trump's approval rating is the lowest of any president-elect in ... › News
11 hours ago - Recent Gallup polling shows that just 48 per cent of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his transition - the lowestfigure in its polling history. Its figures only go back to 1992, when President-elect Bill Clinton had a 67 per cent approval rating.
CNN/ORC Poll: Confidence drops in Trump transition -
6 hours ago - Donald Trump will become president Friday with an approval rating of just 40%, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, the lowest of any recent ... the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doingapproval rating polls.
Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades - Politico
Dec 14, 2016 - Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades ... split on how the president-elect is handling his transition into the White House.
They should consider the fact that the woman they had hoped would be taking the oath will be in attendance.
Probably the only thing I can respect her for.

Correct. She, Bill and Bush and Laura will be there.

The fact that they are so petty as to not attend the inauguration should tell everyone all they need to know about how petty they are.

Petty? Honey, Trump wrote the book on petty.
You'd better get on your knees and kiss the ground of one of the few places in the world where a citizen or elected official can express their dislike of anything or anybody without fear.
The Constitution does more than just give you fucking assholes the right to own a gun.

They all still represent their districts and they will be sponsoring bill for their constituents. I can only hope that Speaker Ryan is taking names and shelves any bill they sponsor in the House or sees to it that does not pass. Payback is a bitch.
Yes...because we all know that was the theme of this election.......Payback.
corrections and that's all.
Trumpers on here need to get used to this, Trump's approval rating is going through the floor.
You obviously missed the news reports and the separate thread about how it is being reported that the butt-hurt snowflake 'All-In' news media has been CAUGHT manipulating the Poll numbers - the same ones you are so arrogantly and misguidedly reciting - to present what they want to show.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

'Fake News', 'Rigging Primaries and Polls', 'All-In Media' strikes again! :p

More Trump propaganda, you poor idiot.

Pew Research is not fake news.


The very fact that the All-In medias' poll numbers regarding the prediction of Hillary's 'landslide victory' were SOOOOOO far off from the truth shows (FAILED) liberal manipulation of the polls for sometime.

There is no other explanation...except that libetals today suck at polls. :p
they take their polls to bed with them and hold them tight in their hands.
More than 50 Democrats have announced they will skip Donald Trump’s inauguration - Hot Air

"There are now more than 50 House Democrats — 52, at last count — who have declared that they will not attend the inauguration on Capitol Hill this week"

"National Review
points out that this is not the first time Rep. Lewis and members of the Congressional Black Caucus have decided to skip the inauguration of a Republican president. The same thing happened when George W. Bush was inaugurated. From a 2001 Washington"
Letter I sent to my Congressman and Senators:

As a veteran who served with the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, I was shocked that Donald Trump said, and I quote, "I like people that weren't captured" referring to American soldiers who were captured during times of war.

Since 1941, over 41,000 Americans were captured. In Asia, in many places American soldiers were held, more than half died from starvation and torture.

Donald Trump has never come close to apologizing for such an outrageous comment. As long as he isn't held accountable, what happens to Americans captured under his administration? I could never vote for someone who supports this terrible man by attending his inauguration. He needs, minimum, to apologize to American Veterans.


Nice to know what Republicans actually think of our soldiers. No wonder they are always trying to cut their benefits and screw them over.
too funny.
So....I see. You think it's funny to denigrate our POWs. Ok. That fits in with the Alt-Right/Right Wing standards.
Quote where he did that? that means a link. I'm waiting.

You've got to be kidding? You've forgotten this? What a fucking loser you are.

Back to the OP....

Liberals are inciting violence and their leaders are skipping the inauguration - all hail the kings and queens of intolerance and subversive division.
They should consider the fact that the woman they had hoped would be taking the oath will be in attendance.
Probably the only thing I can respect her for.

Correct. She, Bill and Bush and Laura will be there.

The fact that they are so petty as to not attend the inauguration should tell everyone all they need to know about how petty they are.

Petty? Honey, Trump wrote the book on petty.
You'd better get on your knees and kiss the ground of one of the few places in the world where a citizen or elected official can express their dislike of anything or anybody without fear.
The Constitution does more than just give you fucking assholes the right to own a gun.

They all still represent their districts and they will be sponsoring bill for their constituents. I can only hope that Speaker Ryan is taking names and shelves any bill they sponsor in the House or sees to it that does not pass. Payback is a bitch.
Yes...because we all know that was the theme of this election.......Payback.

You can count on it!
I'm good with these democrats showing their true colors. The disrespect they're showing towards our democratic process is very telling. It's something every American should see.

Trump brought out a lot people who voted for their first time. He also won votes from people who normally vote democrat.
These people voted for Trump because they were tired of the status quo. After 8 years of Obama, and seeing things getting worse, they knew it was time to try something different.

Those choosing not to attend the inauguration are a big part of the problem(s) people are tired of.

Get used to it. Most people either voted for Hillary or voted against her, and NOT for Trump. Now that the huckster is heading for the Oval Office, the shitstorm is just getting started.
So they should be forced to attend?
No. They should voluntarily demonstrate some class by attending...but I guess you can't demonstrate what you don't have.

"Class" is a matter of opinion, and they have a right to express theirs just like you have a right to express your desire for this country to be run by a despot, which you have.
We already voted against Hillary. And we are keeping an eye on trump.
As for class, if they didn't want to come no need to show up. The lack of class comes from them making a bruhaha about not coming. It's a temper tantrum.

Yeah, just like this was a temper tantrum:


Or this was a temper tantrum:


Or this was:


You fucking idiots ought to spend a little time outside your cocoon and cozy American borders so you can truly understand how fortunate you are.

The Tea Party was an act of rebellion.

The others were peaceful marches to promote constitutional amendments and policy change. Which is not what dems are telling people to do. They are telling people to RIOT and to REJECT the democratic process by which we elect our presidents.

That's okay. Maybe they'll get gunned down for their trouble. I hope so.
Trump is always two steps ahead of these guys. He wants the boycotters to turn in their tickets. There are ordinary folks that would like to go. Turn in the tickets.

They won't because they are going to sneak in anyway.
He's always been a few steps ahead of others. The guy is a lot smarter than some people realize.

If you have a daddy that gives you money and bails you out of trouble, you can usually look pretty smart on the surface.

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