More than 70 people overdose in New Haven as park visitors watch in horror

The incidents of these kinds of overdoses are happening where pot is legalized or at least decriminalized. There's no vote to legalize pot. It's already happened. These are the consequences.
The incidents of these kinds of overdoses are happening where pot is legalized or at least decriminalized. There's no vote to legalize pot. It's already happened. These are the consequences.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong and all these states actually voted to legalize/decriminalize pot. I know Alaska for sure did... Hell we Alaskan peeps voted to defy the feds and let them take our federal highway funds back in the 90s ... (Something modern lefties tell me isn't allowed anymore, withholding fed funds for not following fed dictates I mean.) Our politicians said we can't afford it and let the feds strong arm em, lots of Alaskan's left the R party after that "betrayal" by the politicians in power. Now we've got a shit ton of independents; its like 65k R's and 10K D's out of 700k.
The incidents of these kinds of overdoses are happening where pot is legalized or at least decriminalized. There's no vote to legalize pot. It's already happened. These are the consequences.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong and all these states actually voted to legalize/decriminalize pot. I know Alaska for sure did... Hell we Alaskan peeps voted to defy the feds and let them take our federal highway funds back in the 90s ... (Something modern lefties tell me isn't allowed anymore, withholding fed funds for not following fed dictates I mean.) Our politicians said we can't afford it and let the feds strong arm em, lots of Alaskan's left the R party after that "betrayal" by the politicians in power. Now we've got a shit ton of independents; its like 65k R's and 10K D's out of 700k.

Overdose deaths from opioids continue to rise in Alaska | KWHL
The last fentanyl bust got enough of the drug to kill 50 million people. That of course wasn't the only shipment. Absolutely every drug on the streets is being laced with fentanyl. The synthetic pot is laced with fentanyl. This kind of mass poisoning is designed to kill as many people as possible. New users are being lured in as fast as possible, then killed.

This is by design.
@ More than 70 people overdose in New Haven as park visitors watch in horror

Attributed to artificial cannabis

“This was a particularly odd, rare occasion where (there was) call after call for man down, obviously with symptoms of some kind of overdose, and at the time of getting that patient packaged and transported to the hospital, we’d see another immediately fall down, right there,” Jones said. “At that point, we’d go help that patient, and while helping that patient, another person went down. So it became a domino effect.”

A lot of Tweets and videos at the site.
These people should be arrested for taking this dangerous drug.
The incidents of these kinds of overdoses are happening where pot is legalized or at least decriminalized. There's no vote to legalize pot. It's already happened. These are the consequences.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong and all these states actually voted to legalize/decriminalize pot. I know Alaska for sure did... Hell we Alaskan peeps voted to defy the feds and let them take our federal highway funds back in the 90s ... (Something modern lefties tell me isn't allowed anymore, withholding fed funds for not following fed dictates I mean.) Our politicians said we can't afford it and let the feds strong arm em, lots of Alaskan's left the R party after that "betrayal" by the politicians in power. Now we've got a shit ton of independents; its like 65k R's and 10K D's out of 700k.

Overdose deaths from opioids continue to rise in Alaska | KWHL

"with the powerful painkiller fentanyl linked to a larger portion of the deaths last year" and "Fentanyl-related deaths have increased dramatically, linked to 5 in 2016 and 28 last year." aka not pot ODs.

Back when pot was legal up here there was basically zero desire for other drugs, it was a matter of state pride that we smoked locally grown pot - it kept out most of the hard shit. Alaska born, Alaska grown, Alaska stoned - that was the motto when I was in HS. Other drugs, acid, coke, etc, were considered to be "foreign imports" and they were frowned upon and shunned by nearly all of us Alaskan kids and teens - yes pot smoking was wide spread as shit, everyone had tried it and most were still doing it, but it was considered to be "anti-Alaskan" to "pollute" it, I remember us Mustang's (my HS) ran a drug dealer out of town because he laced our shit with acid and a girl got sick on it. We didn't put up with anyone messing with the MTF (Matanuska Thunder Fuck, world renowned to this day; it was grown by a local in Palmer/Wasilla - that's the Matanuska Valley btw) It was "sacred" and that idk ideology kept our shit under control. It was the Fed's forcing us to make it illegal (by withholding Fed funds) that opened the doorway to the current fucking mess of drug shit we have now. I'm actually surprised the OD's aren't 100% spice cause it's fucking up the east side of Anchorage big time; that shits nasty - there was a chick made national news for flipping the fuck out in a restaurant not to long ago, don't see that kinda shit off pot...

In any event, it's not pot causing OD's up here, its always been the other shit, shit that didn't become popular until the Feds decided to make the punishment for pot the same as for hard drugs - now-a-days MTF is gone, the Feds destroyed the plant strain, and kids figure if you're going to get caught and be destroyed for life, you might as well do the hard shit. As usual, the government fucks up everything they touch. Besides, if folks want to OD on drugs, let em die happy. Hammer down on those who deal to kids; throw those fuckers away, but the adults that want to get stupid dead? Let em (and btw those OD's up here, the 108 last year, were almost all folks age 25-44 - adults playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes.)

Oh and for the record here; 108 ODs in Alaska in 2016 and we had 109 deaths because of Alzheimer's in 2016 too. That's listed as number 9 on the "leading causes of death" in Alaska - #1 is Malignant neoplasms at 974 and #2 is heart disease at 815...
Last edited:
I'd have just orderd 70 body bags.
Pest Control Is Not PC

Poison the drug supply. These junkies are childish escapists and unfit for inclusion in any society that has a future. If a drug dealer gets busted, he should be let go to get out of town and keep his money if he agrees to pass out lethally spiked drugs to all his regular customers. In order to keep us in our place, our self-appointed deciders turn these subhumans loose on us and call them "victims."
The incidents of these kinds of overdoses are happening where pot is legalized or at least decriminalized. There's no vote to legalize pot. It's already happened. These are the consequences.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong and all these states actually voted to legalize/decriminalize pot. I know Alaska for sure did... Hell we Alaskan peeps voted to defy the feds and let them take our federal highway funds back in the 90s ... (Something modern lefties tell me isn't allowed anymore, withholding fed funds for not following fed dictates I mean.) Our politicians said we can't afford it and let the feds strong arm em, lots of Alaskan's left the R party after that "betrayal" by the politicians in power. Now we've got a shit ton of independents; its like 65k R's and 10K D's out of 700k.

Overdose deaths from opioids continue to rise in Alaska | KWHL

"with the powerful painkiller fentanyl linked to a larger portion of the deaths last year" and "Fentanyl-related deaths have increased dramatically, linked to 5 in 2016 and 28 last year." aka not pot ODs.

Back when pot was legal up here there was basically zero desire for other drugs, it was a matter of state pride that we smoked locally grown pot - it kept out most of the hard shit. Alaska born, Alaska grown, Alaska stoned - that was the motto when I was in HS. Other drugs, acid, coke, etc, were considered to be "foreign imports" and they were frowned upon and shunned by nearly all of us Alaskan kids and teens - yes pot smoking was wide spread as shit, everyone had tried it and most were still doing it, but it was considered to be "anti-Alaskan" to "pollute" it, I remember us Mustang's (my HS) ran a drug dealer out of town because he laced our shit with acid and a girl got sick on it. We didn't put up with anyone messing with the MTF (Matanuska Thunder Fuck, world renowned to this day; it was grown by a local in Palmer/Wasilla - that's the Matanuska Valley btw) It was "sacred" and that idk ideology kept our shit under control. It was the Fed's forcing us to make it illegal (by withholding Fed funds) that opened the doorway to the current fucking mess of drug shit we have now. I'm actually surprised the OD's aren't 100% spice cause it's fucking up the east side of Anchorage big time; that shits nasty - there was a chick made national news for flipping the fuck out in a restaurant not to long ago, don't see that kinda shit off pot...

In any event, it's not pot causing OD's up here, its always been the other shit, shit that didn't become popular until the Feds decided to make the punishment for pot the same as for hard drugs - now-a-days MTF is gone, the Feds destroyed the plant strain, and kids figure if you're going to get caught and be destroyed for life, you might as well do the hard shit. As usual, the government fucks up everything they touch. Besides, if folks want to OD on drugs, let em die happy. Hammer down on those who deal to kids; throw those fuckers away, but the adults that want to get stupid dead? Let em (and btw those OD's up here, the 108 last year, were almost all folks age 25-44 - adults playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes.)

Oh and for the record here; 108 ODs in Alaska in 2016 and we had 109 deaths because of Alzheimer's in 2016 too. That's listed as number 9 on the "leading causes of death" in Alaska - #1 is Malignant neoplasms at 974 and #2 is heart disease at 815...

Dunno if it's the same strain, but I came across some Alaskan Thunder Fuck in a 420 shop in CO. And HELL YEAH!!!!!! That was some OUTSTANDING smoke!
The incidents of these kinds of overdoses are happening where pot is legalized or at least decriminalized. There's no vote to legalize pot. It's already happened. These are the consequences.

Apparently, you don't know many stoners, do you? Many of the people that I have been around prefer naturally grown smoke to any kind of "synthetic" that you can get. Why? Because synthetics are harder on the lungs and taste like crap. A long long time ago, I bought a packet of that because it was billed as a legal alternative to marijuana. One puff, and I threw it away because it was so nasty.

Now, give me a good quality Sativa like Red Headed Stranger, or Hulk? I'm a happy boy, because not only does it smoke really well, but various strains have different tastes to them. Some taste have pine notes, some have citrus aftertastes, some even have a sunflower note to them. Strawberry Cough actually has a strawberry aftertaste to it. And, it's all naturally grown.
@ More than 70 people overdose in New Haven as park visitors watch in horror

Attributed to artificial cannabis

“This was a particularly odd, rare occasion where (there was) call after call for man down, obviously with symptoms of some kind of overdose, and at the time of getting that patient packaged and transported to the hospital, we’d see another immediately fall down, right there,” Jones said. “At that point, we’d go help that patient, and while helping that patient, another person went down. So it became a domino effect.”

A lot of Tweets and videos at the site.
Society has a way of culling itself.
The incidents of these kinds of overdoses are happening where pot is legalized or at least decriminalized. There's no vote to legalize pot. It's already happened. These are the consequences.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong and all these states actually voted to legalize/decriminalize pot. I know Alaska for sure did... Hell we Alaskan peeps voted to defy the feds and let them take our federal highway funds back in the 90s ... (Something modern lefties tell me isn't allowed anymore, withholding fed funds for not following fed dictates I mean.) Our politicians said we can't afford it and let the feds strong arm em, lots of Alaskan's left the R party after that "betrayal" by the politicians in power. Now we've got a shit ton of independents; its like 65k R's and 10K D's out of 700k.

Overdose deaths from opioids continue to rise in Alaska | KWHL

"with the powerful painkiller fentanyl linked to a larger portion of the deaths last year" and "Fentanyl-related deaths have increased dramatically, linked to 5 in 2016 and 28 last year." aka not pot ODs.

Back when pot was legal up here there was basically zero desire for other drugs, it was a matter of state pride that we smoked locally grown pot - it kept out most of the hard shit. Alaska born, Alaska grown, Alaska stoned - that was the motto when I was in HS. Other drugs, acid, coke, etc, were considered to be "foreign imports" and they were frowned upon and shunned by nearly all of us Alaskan kids and teens - yes pot smoking was wide spread as shit, everyone had tried it and most were still doing it, but it was considered to be "anti-Alaskan" to "pollute" it, I remember us Mustang's (my HS) ran a drug dealer out of town because he laced our shit with acid and a girl got sick on it. We didn't put up with anyone messing with the MTF (Matanuska Thunder Fuck, world renowned to this day; it was grown by a local in Palmer/Wasilla - that's the Matanuska Valley btw) It was "sacred" and that idk ideology kept our shit under control. It was the Fed's forcing us to make it illegal (by withholding Fed funds) that opened the doorway to the current fucking mess of drug shit we have now. I'm actually surprised the OD's aren't 100% spice cause it's fucking up the east side of Anchorage big time; that shits nasty - there was a chick made national news for flipping the fuck out in a restaurant not to long ago, don't see that kinda shit off pot...

In any event, it's not pot causing OD's up here, its always been the other shit, shit that didn't become popular until the Feds decided to make the punishment for pot the same as for hard drugs - now-a-days MTF is gone, the Feds destroyed the plant strain, and kids figure if you're going to get caught and be destroyed for life, you might as well do the hard shit. As usual, the government fucks up everything they touch. Besides, if folks want to OD on drugs, let em die happy. Hammer down on those who deal to kids; throw those fuckers away, but the adults that want to get stupid dead? Let em (and btw those OD's up here, the 108 last year, were almost all folks age 25-44 - adults playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes.)

Oh and for the record here; 108 ODs in Alaska in 2016 and we had 109 deaths because of Alzheimer's in 2016 too. That's listed as number 9 on the "leading causes of death" in Alaska - #1 is Malignant neoplasms at 974 and #2 is heart disease at 815...

Dunno if it's the same strain, but I came across some Alaskan Thunder Fuck in a 420 shop in CO. And HELL YEAH!!!!!! That was some OUTSTANDING smoke!

If it was post say '94 I figure then it was almost certainly a remake. The original strain was destroyed by the Feds in 1993. Not to worry, Alaskan's have a long history of growing great pot so the new shit is no doubt nearly as good as the 8th gen MTF was back when I was growing up. That shit ya'll grow in the lower 48 was harsh as fuck, I recall it was like smoking hay. MTF was that perfect blend of smooth and potent; just enough to get a great buzz off a couple hits, no need to spend a fortune on taking the edge off.

That's why a bunch of the Vets up here went ballistic about it being taken away by the Feds, worked way better for dulling their pain then the fentanyl strain type crap Tipsy [accidentally?] mentioned was ODing folks up here - less addictive and less dangerous to boot. Vet pressure made medical pot legal up here pretty quick, 2000 maybe?, then it went away again due to Fed pressure and their stupid war on drugs, then Vet pressure brought it back in like 2010ish I think. Its been a really long fight up here over pot and it wasn't the casual drug users or criminals fighting for legalization either...
The incidents of these kinds of overdoses are happening where pot is legalized or at least decriminalized. There's no vote to legalize pot. It's already happened. These are the consequences.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong and all these states actually voted to legalize/decriminalize pot. I know Alaska for sure did... Hell we Alaskan peeps voted to defy the feds and let them take our federal highway funds back in the 90s ... (Something modern lefties tell me isn't allowed anymore, withholding fed funds for not following fed dictates I mean.) Our politicians said we can't afford it and let the feds strong arm em, lots of Alaskan's left the R party after that "betrayal" by the politicians in power. Now we've got a shit ton of independents; its like 65k R's and 10K D's out of 700k.

Overdose deaths from opioids continue to rise in Alaska | KWHL

"with the powerful painkiller fentanyl linked to a larger portion of the deaths last year" and "Fentanyl-related deaths have increased dramatically, linked to 5 in 2016 and 28 last year." aka not pot ODs.

Back when pot was legal up here there was basically zero desire for other drugs, it was a matter of state pride that we smoked locally grown pot - it kept out most of the hard shit. Alaska born, Alaska grown, Alaska stoned - that was the motto when I was in HS. Other drugs, acid, coke, etc, were considered to be "foreign imports" and they were frowned upon and shunned by nearly all of us Alaskan kids and teens - yes pot smoking was wide spread as shit, everyone had tried it and most were still doing it, but it was considered to be "anti-Alaskan" to "pollute" it, I remember us Mustang's (my HS) ran a drug dealer out of town because he laced our shit with acid and a girl got sick on it. We didn't put up with anyone messing with the MTF (Matanuska Thunder Fuck, world renowned to this day; it was grown by a local in Palmer/Wasilla - that's the Matanuska Valley btw) It was "sacred" and that idk ideology kept our shit under control. It was the Fed's forcing us to make it illegal (by withholding Fed funds) that opened the doorway to the current fucking mess of drug shit we have now. I'm actually surprised the OD's aren't 100% spice cause it's fucking up the east side of Anchorage big time; that shits nasty - there was a chick made national news for flipping the fuck out in a restaurant not to long ago, don't see that kinda shit off pot...

In any event, it's not pot causing OD's up here, its always been the other shit, shit that didn't become popular until the Feds decided to make the punishment for pot the same as for hard drugs - now-a-days MTF is gone, the Feds destroyed the plant strain, and kids figure if you're going to get caught and be destroyed for life, you might as well do the hard shit. As usual, the government fucks up everything they touch. Besides, if folks want to OD on drugs, let em die happy. Hammer down on those who deal to kids; throw those fuckers away, but the adults that want to get stupid dead? Let em (and btw those OD's up here, the 108 last year, were almost all folks age 25-44 - adults playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes.)

Oh and for the record here; 108 ODs in Alaska in 2016 and we had 109 deaths because of Alzheimer's in 2016 too. That's listed as number 9 on the "leading causes of death" in Alaska - #1 is Malignant neoplasms at 974 and #2 is heart disease at 815...

Dunno if it's the same strain, but I came across some Alaskan Thunder Fuck in a 420 shop in CO. And HELL YEAH!!!!!! That was some OUTSTANDING smoke!

If it was post say '94 I figure then it was almost certainly a remake. The original strain was destroyed by the Feds in 1993. Not to worry, Alaskan's have a long history of growing great pot so the new shit is no doubt nearly as good as the 8th gen MTF was back when I was growing up. That shit ya'll grow in the lower 48 was harsh as fuck, I recall it was like smoking hay. MTF was that perfect blend of smooth and potent; just enough to get a great buzz off a couple hits, no need to spend a fortune on taking the edge off. That's why all the Vets up here went ballistic about it being taken away by the Feds, worked way better for dulling their pain then the fentanyl strain type crap Tipsy mentioned - less addictive and dangerous to boot. Vet pressure made medical pot legal up here pretty quick, 2000 maybe?, then it went away again due to Fed pressure and their stupid war on drugs, then Vet pressure brought it back in like 2010ish I think. Its been a really long fight up here over pot and it wasn't the casual drug users or criminals fighting for legalization either...

Apparently, you haven't been down here since CO legalized it. Not only is there a whole butt load of new strains being developed, but the smoke is nothing like the crap you used to get. Go to any 420 shop in CO, and be pleasantly surprised.

As far as the veteran thing? I'm retired Navy, and I always am wearing a ball cap that says as much. When I go to CO, I always end up meeting a vet or two in the shops, and they all to a person have told me how much of a blessing it was that they could now smoke legally. A lot of them came back with problems, and the drugs the VA put them on messed them up because of the side effects. Some of the guys were taking 10 to 15 pills/day before legalization, and when it was legalized, they tried that instead of the prescription pills. Not only did it work better, but they also got healthier because they no longer had to deal with the side effects of the prescription drugs. They also said that all the marijuana did to them for a side effect was make them hungry and put them to sleep.

Know what a lot of prescription drugs do? They make you constipated. Especially opiates.
I'm pretty sure you're wrong and all these states actually voted to legalize/decriminalize pot. I know Alaska for sure did... Hell we Alaskan peeps voted to defy the feds and let them take our federal highway funds back in the 90s ... (Something modern lefties tell me isn't allowed anymore, withholding fed funds for not following fed dictates I mean.) Our politicians said we can't afford it and let the feds strong arm em, lots of Alaskan's left the R party after that "betrayal" by the politicians in power. Now we've got a shit ton of independents; its like 65k R's and 10K D's out of 700k.

Overdose deaths from opioids continue to rise in Alaska | KWHL

"with the powerful painkiller fentanyl linked to a larger portion of the deaths last year" and "Fentanyl-related deaths have increased dramatically, linked to 5 in 2016 and 28 last year." aka not pot ODs.

Back when pot was legal up here there was basically zero desire for other drugs, it was a matter of state pride that we smoked locally grown pot - it kept out most of the hard shit. Alaska born, Alaska grown, Alaska stoned - that was the motto when I was in HS. Other drugs, acid, coke, etc, were considered to be "foreign imports" and they were frowned upon and shunned by nearly all of us Alaskan kids and teens - yes pot smoking was wide spread as shit, everyone had tried it and most were still doing it, but it was considered to be "anti-Alaskan" to "pollute" it, I remember us Mustang's (my HS) ran a drug dealer out of town because he laced our shit with acid and a girl got sick on it. We didn't put up with anyone messing with the MTF (Matanuska Thunder Fuck, world renowned to this day; it was grown by a local in Palmer/Wasilla - that's the Matanuska Valley btw) It was "sacred" and that idk ideology kept our shit under control. It was the Fed's forcing us to make it illegal (by withholding Fed funds) that opened the doorway to the current fucking mess of drug shit we have now. I'm actually surprised the OD's aren't 100% spice cause it's fucking up the east side of Anchorage big time; that shits nasty - there was a chick made national news for flipping the fuck out in a restaurant not to long ago, don't see that kinda shit off pot...

In any event, it's not pot causing OD's up here, its always been the other shit, shit that didn't become popular until the Feds decided to make the punishment for pot the same as for hard drugs - now-a-days MTF is gone, the Feds destroyed the plant strain, and kids figure if you're going to get caught and be destroyed for life, you might as well do the hard shit. As usual, the government fucks up everything they touch. Besides, if folks want to OD on drugs, let em die happy. Hammer down on those who deal to kids; throw those fuckers away, but the adults that want to get stupid dead? Let em (and btw those OD's up here, the 108 last year, were almost all folks age 25-44 - adults playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes.)

Oh and for the record here; 108 ODs in Alaska in 2016 and we had 109 deaths because of Alzheimer's in 2016 too. That's listed as number 9 on the "leading causes of death" in Alaska - #1 is Malignant neoplasms at 974 and #2 is heart disease at 815...

Dunno if it's the same strain, but I came across some Alaskan Thunder Fuck in a 420 shop in CO. And HELL YEAH!!!!!! That was some OUTSTANDING smoke!

If it was post say '94 I figure then it was almost certainly a remake. The original strain was destroyed by the Feds in 1993. Not to worry, Alaskan's have a long history of growing great pot so the new shit is no doubt nearly as good as the 8th gen MTF was back when I was growing up. That shit ya'll grow in the lower 48 was harsh as fuck, I recall it was like smoking hay. MTF was that perfect blend of smooth and potent; just enough to get a great buzz off a couple hits, no need to spend a fortune on taking the edge off. That's why all the Vets up here went ballistic about it being taken away by the Feds, worked way better for dulling their pain then the fentanyl strain type crap Tipsy mentioned - less addictive and dangerous to boot. Vet pressure made medical pot legal up here pretty quick, 2000 maybe?, then it went away again due to Fed pressure and their stupid war on drugs, then Vet pressure brought it back in like 2010ish I think. Its been a really long fight up here over pot and it wasn't the casual drug users or criminals fighting for legalization either...

Apparently, you haven't been down here since CO legalized it. Not only is there a whole butt load of new strains being developed, but the smoke is nothing like the crap you used to get. Go to any 420 shop in CO, and be pleasantly surprised.

As far as the veteran thing? I'm retired Navy, and I always am wearing a ball cap that says as much. When I go to CO, I always end up meeting a vet or two in the shops, and they all to a person have told me how much of a blessing it was that they could now smoke legally. A lot of them came back with problems, and the drugs the VA put them on messed them up because of the side effects. Some of the guys were taking 10 to 15 pills/day before legalization, and when it was legalized, they tried that instead of the prescription pills. Not only did it work better, but they also got healthier because they no longer had to deal with the side effects of the prescription drugs. They also said that all the marijuana did to them for a side effect was make them hungry and put them to sleep.

Know what a lot of prescription drugs do? They make you constipated. Especially opiates.

Not likely to happen, I quit smoking back in 1991 and have zero interest nor desire.

Pretty much the same story from Vets up here, though I hadn't heard they blocked the shit track up before. (Probably a bit TMI for the general's daughter hahaha) Still damn if ya'll vets don't have enough god damn problems dealing with the memories and the fucking VA. I'm voting for ya'll every time... Veteran's Party of America is the closest I've come to being part of "a political party" in my forty some years.
I am unfortunately all too familiar with pot addicts. For years and unfortunately my grandson in an addict. No matter how much damage his addiction has done to him he can't give it up. But, pot isn't in issue. It's people who don't want to pay the price for legal weed including taxes and think that synthetic pot is just as good. And that's what's killing them. More and more every day.

I would not really permit potheads in my personal life. Said addict grandson has an addict girlfriend (the decent woman threw him out) and she has a dying
mother who sucks on weed daily. She sucks up so much that she forgets to change her colostomy bag and it gets septic. "Can't you be friends with my mom. Visit once in a while.".

Nope. Your mom is a drug addict and I don't want that near me.
@ More than 70 people overdose in New Haven as park visitors watch in horror

Attributed to artificial cannabis

“This was a particularly odd, rare occasion where (there was) call after call for man down, obviously with symptoms of some kind of overdose, and at the time of getting that patient packaged and transported to the hospital, we’d see another immediately fall down, right there,” Jones said. “At that point, we’d go help that patient, and while helping that patient, another person went down. So it became a domino effect.”

A lot of Tweets and videos at the site.
Progressives have always been fucked in the head

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