More Trump Voter Fraud Lies Debunked

Do you really think I just got this news off the TV set?

Of course not. You get most of your news from weirdass Trump cult conspiracy blogs.

You wouldn't know that I got it straight from people connected with the election board workers.

We all agree, your hairdresser's cousin's dogwalker's mother's manicurist's brother-in-law is an impeccable source.

TMT, another curious fact I heard was that in Pittsburgh, PA, the #2 city affecting blue state Pennsylvania, FIFTEEN-THOUSAND PEOPLE THERE tried to vote twice, apparently forgetting that they had ALREADY voted by write-in mail ballot. :smoke:

Oh, you "heard" it. Why didn't you say so in the first place? Obviously, that means it must be true.
Of course not. You get most of your news from weirdass Trump cult conspiracy blogs.
No doubt you really believe that. It's vital to preserving your mentality, what little of it you actually have.
Trump and republicans should harass Chicom Biden and undermine his administration the same way that has been done by Chicomcrats the last four years. Only worse. Chicom Biden is not nearly as strong as Trump. It might be possible to hound him into a grave. Leaving the giggling whore Harris masturbating in the oval office.
You'll find that "your masters lied to you" explains all of your crazy claims. To them, your designated role is "Useful Idiot".
Why can't the paranoidal cockamamies grasp that 80 million Americans , when finally given the chance, confirmed the sentiment they had consistently expressed throughout four years of rampant trumpery:

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In what Trump's own cybersecurity expert (who has accumulated bipartisan accolades aplenty) has acknowledged as the most secure election in U.S. history, meticulous scrutiny, court challenges, and a plethora of recounts have verified the will of the People, and an increasingly number of prominent Republicans are trying to get the Cry Baby to stop whining.

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How much longer is the Loser going to keep soiling himself
and befouling the United States and its democratic process?

It's past time that he skulk away and make patriotic Americans happy.


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