More Trump Winning: GDP Up; Jobs Up...

Unemployment going up over 10% despite Obama saying the stimulus would keep it below 8% is good?

Obama said that before taking office. The Bush recession was so bad, that by the time Obama was sworn in, the 7% unemployment he based his estimates on, had gone up to 8.3%

Now that's inheriting a mess.
Unemployment going up over 10% despite Obama saying the stimulus would keep it below 8% is good?

Obama said that before taking office. The Bush recession was so bad, that by the time Obama was sworn in, the 7% unemployment he based his estimates on, had gone up to 8.3%

Now that's inheriting a mess.

Didn't hit 8.3% until February, 2009 AFTER the inauguration. Interesting how unemployment continued to go up to 10%, higher in some localities, 9 months AFTER he entered office.
There is a big problem with your list. Perhaps you didn't notice that just above the big bold letters it says OPINION. Why do you continue to post opinions and call them facts?

It lists both the lie, and the proof. It's in the opinion section, because it's too long tor fit anywhere else.

There are shorter lists with only HUNDREDS of Trump lies.

Remember, your Obama lies came to less than one a month.

Trump is averaging 5 a day.
There is a big problem with your list. Perhaps you didn't notice that just above the big bold letters it says OPINION. Why do you continue to post opinions and call them facts?

It lists both the lie, and the proof. It's in the opinion section, because it's too long tor fit anywhere else.

There are shorter lists with only HUNDREDS of Trump lies.

Remember, your Obama lies came to less than one a month.

Trump is averaging 5 a day.

It lists someone's opinion on it being a lie and what their opinion is as to why. OPINION at the top means something except to NL like you.
He promised 3% in his first year.
First 6 months will do vs. Obama's War on Business 1% GDP for 8 years.
by this time in 2009....we were at -42.00 job growth

And at 10% unemployment despite claims that it wouldn't go over 8% if a stimulus was passed.
i thought the blue states that took the stimulus pretty much used it to pay off some debt,,,,but joe biden claimed we were going to create 500,000 jobs a month!
WTG Prez! :thup:

US revised second-quarter GDP up 3.0% vs 2.7% rise expected

The U.S. economy grew faster than initially thought in the second quarter, notching its quickest pace in more than two years, and there are signs that the momentum was sustained at the start of the third quarter.

Gross domestic product increased at a 3.0 percent annual rate in the April-June period, the Commerce Department said in its second estimate on Wednesday. The upward revision from the 2.6 percent pace reported last month reflected robust consumer spending as well as strong business investment.

Growth last quarter was the best since the first quarter of 2015 and followed a 1.2 percent pace in the January-March period. Economists had expected that second-quarter GDP growth would be raised to a 2.7 percent rate.

Retail sales and business spending data so far suggest the economy maintained its stamina early in the third quarter...

US second-quarter GDP growth revised up, fastest in over two years
Without passing any economic legislation? Wow Trump must be a magical fairy.
obama was a magical fairy. :wink:
From a Democrat Congress who began an Environmental a Legislative War on American business for a two full years Before Obama took Office with a Super Majority which he promptly frittered away on the worst piece of job killing legislation to ever come out of Congress and represented a Marxist takeover of 1/6th of the economy.

He promised 3% in his first year.
First 6 months will do vs. Obama's War on Business 1% GDP for 8 years.
by this time in 2009....we were at -42.00 job growth

Obama inherited 770,000 job losses per month.
From a Democrat Congress who began an Environmental a Legislative War on business for a two full years Before Obama took Office with a Super Majority.

He promised 3% in his first year.
First 6 months will do vs. Obama's War on Business 1% GDP for 8 years.
by this time in 2009....we were at -42.00 job growth

Obama inherited 770,000 job losses per month.
we can blame the crash of 2009 on Obama being the left can blame Bush for 9/11 and Pearl Haba
Other than cancelling half of Obamas regulations so far?
20,642 New Regulations Added in the Obama Presidency

Trump cancelled 0.1% of Obama regulations

That's not half.
Just think how great it will be as he cancels more.

Well at the rate Trump is cancelling Obama regulations, that will take about 500 years/
3% growth with 0.1% cancelled. This will be great.
From a Democrat Congress who began an Environmental a Legislative War on business for a two full years Before Obama took Office with a Super Majority.

He promised 3% in his first year.
First 6 months will do vs. Obama's War on Business 1% GDP for 8 years.
by this time in 2009....we were at -42.00 job growth

Obama inherited 770,000 job losses per month.
we can blame the crash of 2009 on Obama being the left can blame Bush for 9/11 and Pearl Haba
GWB was manning the radar station
Didn't hit 8.3% until February, 2009 AFTER the inauguration. Interesting how unemployment continued to go up to 10%, higher in some localities, 9 months AFTER he entered office.

It was going up at 0.5% a month.

Nov 2008 - 6.8
Dec 2008 - 7.3
Jan 2009 - 7.8
Feb 2009 8.3

If you take those numbers as the AVERAGE during the month and growing 0.125% a week the unemployment rate was already past 8% when Obama took office Jan 20th.

Jan 1 - 7.55
Jan 31 - 8.05
Feb 1 - 8.05
Feb 29 - 8.55
From a Democrat Congress who began an Environmental a Legislative War on business for a two full years Before Obama took Office with a Super Majority.

He promised 3% in his first year.
First 6 months will do vs. Obama's War on Business 1% GDP for 8 years.
by this time in 2009....we were at -42.00 job growth

Obama inherited 770,000 job losses per month.
we can blame the crash of 2009 on Obama being the left can blame Bush for 9/11 and Pearl Haba
GWB was manning the radar station
GWB was also loving his hot white gyne patients

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