More Trump Winning: GDP Up; Jobs Up...

Didn't hit 8.3% until February, 2009 AFTER the inauguration. Interesting how unemployment continued to go up to 10%, higher in some localities, 9 months AFTER he entered office.

It was going up at 0.5% a month.

Nov 2008 - 6.8
Dec 2008 - 7.3
Jan 2009 - 7.8
Feb 2009 8.3

If you take those numbers as the AVERAGE during the month and growing 0.125% a week the unemployment rate was already past 8% when Obama took office Jan 20th.

Jan 1 - 7.55
Jan 31 - 8.05
Feb 1 - 8.05
Feb 29 - 8.55
How'd the number of people requiring food stamps do during the Obama error?
we can blame the crash of 2009 on Obama being the left can blame Bush for 9/11 and Pearl Haba
GWB was manning the radar station

By 9-11-2009 Obama pulled the USA out of the Bush "deep" recession.

By 9-11-2001 Bush was finishing up a 3 week vacation, where he ignored being told on August 6th, that Obama planned on attacking the USA.
Didn't hit 8.3% until February, 2009 AFTER the inauguration. Interesting how unemployment continued to go up to 10%, higher in some localities, 9 months AFTER he entered office.

It was going up at 0.5% a month.

Nov 2008 - 6.8
Dec 2008 - 7.3
Jan 2009 - 7.8
Feb 2009 8.3

If you take those numbers as the AVERAGE during the month and growing 0.125% a week the unemployment rate was already past 8% when Obama took office Jan 20th.

Jan 1 - 7.55
Jan 31 - 8.05
Feb 1 - 8.05
Feb 29 - 8.55
How'd the number of people requiring food stamps do during the Obama error?
how can the loons claim we were kicking but in the obama years, yet we were borrowing a trillion a year?? !!
how can the loons claim we were kicking but in the obama years, yet we were borrowing a trillion a year?? !!

The Bush budget Obama inherited, was borrowing $1.5 trillion a year.

$1 trillion a year would be a 30% cut.
2009-2017 Obama blamed Bush for all of the negatives.
that was the mantra right out of the gate deny and blame.

Sounds like Trump's excuse. Every issue he attempts to tackle he starts off by telling us, "you know I really inherited a mess".

No you didn't Don. And even if you did. Didn't you know that when you decided to run?

You guys seem to care what some countries think but not others. If the other countries opinion favors Trump you brag and if you don't like it you blow it off.

Trump says he inherited a mess. What's the world think?
A Pew Research poll of 37 nations showed President Obama got much higher ratings on the world stage than Trump does today.

“To be honest, I inherited a mess,” Trump said, in a news conference that lasted more than an hour and was at times rambling, combative and pointed. “It's a mess. At home and abroad, a mess. Jobs are pouring out of the country.”

Yet moments later, the president seemed to acknowledge the widespread reports of turbulence and upheaval emanating out of his West Wing, only to claim that his White House — which so far has been marred by staff infighting, a controversial travel ban, false statements and myriad leaks — was operating seamlessly.

“I turn on the TV, open the newspapers and I see stories of chaos — chaos,” he said. “Yet it is the exact opposite. This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine, despite the fact that I can't get my Cabinet approved.”
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I wonder if $4 gas helped Bush's numbers. Do you remember we were all spending all of our disposable income on gas?

And I wonder if Haloburton factors in to Bush's numbers too. We paid that "private" company a lot of money. And the son of a bitch moved his HQ to Dubai. All that money bled out of the USA.

Anyways, please don't tell me the Bush era was good. It wasn't.
Why are companies moving offshore?
I don't know or care at the moment. I got a big raise so all I care is I'm doing great. Thanks Obama. Trump keep it up.
WTG Prez! :thup:

US revised second-quarter GDP up 3.0% vs 2.7% rise expected

The U.S. economy grew faster than initially thought in the second quarter, notching its quickest pace in more than two years, and there are signs that the momentum was sustained at the start of the third quarter.

Gross domestic product increased at a 3.0 percent annual rate in the April-June period, the Commerce Department said in its second estimate on Wednesday. The upward revision from the 2.6 percent pace reported last month reflected robust consumer spending as well as strong business investment.

Growth last quarter was the best since the first quarter of 2015 and followed a 1.2 percent pace in the January-March period. Economists had expected that second-quarter GDP growth would be raised to a 2.7 percent rate.

Retail sales and business spending data so far suggest the economy maintained its stamina early in the third quarter...

US second-quarter GDP growth revised up, fastest in over two years
Obama is the only POTUS in history to never get a 3% annual GDP, even those who died during their first term. That was a success for Obama, glad we now have someone who loves America in office now.


Thanks Obama.

hiring plus market growth make people liars when they claim there was no growth ... people who ran a business bitch so obviously they didnt know how to run a business.

You do know Hussein ain't the Prez no mo, don't ya? Seriously, ya gotta get over your butthurt rage. Hussein is done, and so is Clinton.
WTG Prez! :thup:

US revised second-quarter GDP up 3.0% vs 2.7% rise expected

The U.S. economy grew faster than initially thought in the second quarter, notching its quickest pace in more than two years, and there are signs that the momentum was sustained at the start of the third quarter.

Gross domestic product increased at a 3.0 percent annual rate in the April-June period, the Commerce Department said in its second estimate on Wednesday. The upward revision from the 2.6 percent pace reported last month reflected robust consumer spending as well as strong business investment.

Growth last quarter was the best since the first quarter of 2015 and followed a 1.2 percent pace in the January-March period. Economists had expected that second-quarter GDP growth would be raised to a 2.7 percent rate.

Retail sales and business spending data so far suggest the economy maintained its stamina early in the third quarter...

US second-quarter GDP growth revised up, fastest in over two years
Obama is the only POTUS in history to never get a 3% annual GDP, even those who died during their first term. That was a success for Obama, glad we now have someone who loves America in office now.


Thanks Obama.

hiring plus market growth make people liars when they claim there was no growth ... people who ran a business bitch so obviously they didnt know how to run a business.

You do know Hussein ain't the Prez no mo, don't ya? Seriously, ya gotta get over your butthurt rage. Hussein is done, and so is Clinton.
It was a good 16. Will Trump get 8?
Got things to do, gotta run. But enjoy the Democrat Trump derangement on the thread. They really have no idea how hilarious their hissy fits are. Oh well, i guess good news for Americans, is bad news for them at this point. What a sad pathetic way to live. Anyway, have a great day y'all. And... GO TRUMP! :dance:

Why was 4%+ growth Qs under Obama not good news but Trump's 3% is?

Cute try. As you know, and know well, he couldn't maintain any reasonable growth and his annual average came out to be a pitiful 1.48% over eight years.

Lol Trump had one decent (not even good by his own 4% standard) Q and you are talking about maintaining something?

So you aren't disputing Hussein's miserable failure. Cool. I think you're finally making some progress. :thup:
Last edited:
i wish the democrats could get excited about their next candidate. our economy is the success of business, nothing more nothing less. not to be a killjoy, but obama's inflation time bomb is just around the corner.
too many politicians chasing too few goods. guns and butter.

I wish dipshits would read the board and quit duplicating the same damn thread.

Trump hasnt done dick to take any responsibility for this.

The GDP rose at 2.6% Because of Trump or in spite of him?

I remember very well the Obama dick lickers willing to give him credit after only 7 months in office when something went well yet refusing to blame him for bad things that happened during that same time span. I believe their excuse for the failure to do so was because he hadn't been in office long enough to get blamed. Funny how someone can be in office long enough to get credit but not blame despite the time frame being the same amount.
2009-2017 Obama blamed Bush for all of the negatives.
that was the mantra right out of the gate deny and blame.

Sounds like Trump's excuse. Every issue he attempts to tackle he starts off by telling us, "you know I really inherited a mess".

No you didn't Don. And even if you did. Didn't you know that when you decided to run?

You guys seem to care what some countries think but not others. If the other countries opinion favors Trump you brag and if you don't like it you blow it off.

Trump says he inherited a mess. What's the world think?
A Pew Research poll of 37 nations showed President Obama got much higher ratings on the world stage than Trump does today.

“To be honest, I inherited a mess,” Trump said, in a news conference that lasted more than an hour and was at times rambling, combative and pointed. “It's a mess. At home and abroad, a mess. Jobs are pouring out of the country.”

Yet moments later, the president seemed to acknowledge the widespread reports of turbulence and upheaval emanating out of his West Wing, only to claim that his White House — which so far has been marred by staff infighting, a controversial travel ban, false statements and myriad leaks — was operating seamlessly.

“I turn on the TV, open the newspapers and I see stories of chaos — chaos,” he said. “Yet it is the exact opposite. This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine, despite the fact that I can't get my Cabinet approved.”

Trump isn't making excuses. He doesn't need to.... Record Low Illegal Immigration, Low Unemployment, Low Gas Prices, Record High Stock Market, and so on. He's doing just fine. And guess what? Hussein isn't the President anymore. Time for you to accept that.
I wish dipshits would read the board and quit duplicating the same damn thread.

Trump hasnt done dick to take any responsibility for this.

The GDP rose at 2.6% Because of Trump or in spite of him?

I remember very well the Obama dick lickers willing to give him credit after only 7 months in office when something went well yet refusing to blame him for bad things that happened during that same time span. I believe their excuse for the failure to do so was because he hadn't been in office long enough to get blamed. Funny how someone can be in office long enough to get credit but not blame despite the time frame being the same amount.
2009-2017 Obama blamed Bush for all of the negatives.
that was the mantra right out of the gate deny and blame.

Sounds like Trump's excuse. Every issue he attempts to tackle he starts off by telling us, "you know I really inherited a mess".

No you didn't Don. And even if you did. Didn't you know that when you decided to run?

You guys seem to care what some countries think but not others. If the other countries opinion favors Trump you brag and if you don't like it you blow it off.

Trump says he inherited a mess. What's the world think?
A Pew Research poll of 37 nations showed President Obama got much higher ratings on the world stage than Trump does today.

“To be honest, I inherited a mess,” Trump said, in a news conference that lasted more than an hour and was at times rambling, combative and pointed. “It's a mess. At home and abroad, a mess. Jobs are pouring out of the country.”

Yet moments later, the president seemed to acknowledge the widespread reports of turbulence and upheaval emanating out of his West Wing, only to claim that his White House — which so far has been marred by staff infighting, a controversial travel ban, false statements and myriad leaks — was operating seamlessly.

“I turn on the TV, open the newspapers and I see stories of chaos — chaos,” he said. “Yet it is the exact opposite. This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine, despite the fact that I can't get my Cabinet approved.”

Trump isn't making excuses. He doesn't need to.... Record Low Illegal Immigration, Low Unemployment, Low Gas Prices, Record High Stock Market, and so on. He's doing just fine. And guess what? Hussein isn't the President anymore. Time for you to accept that.
I have accepted it. I'm doing great too. Trump better not fuck up like bush
WTG Prez! :thup:

US revised second-quarter GDP up 3.0% vs 2.7% rise expected

The U.S. economy grew faster than initially thought in the second quarter, notching its quickest pace in more than two years, and there are signs that the momentum was sustained at the start of the third quarter.

Gross domestic product increased at a 3.0 percent annual rate in the April-June period, the Commerce Department said in its second estimate on Wednesday. The upward revision from the 2.6 percent pace reported last month reflected robust consumer spending as well as strong business investment.

Growth last quarter was the best since the first quarter of 2015 and followed a 1.2 percent pace in the January-March period. Economists had expected that second-quarter GDP growth would be raised to a 2.7 percent rate.

Retail sales and business spending data so far suggest the economy maintained its stamina early in the third quarter...

US second-quarter GDP growth revised up, fastest in over two years
Trump said 3 percent GDP is a disaster

Where is the four percent he promised ?

When he gets there, y'all wingnuts will just make up more shite to whine about. You're deranged. :cuckoo:
WTG Prez! :thup:

US revised second-quarter GDP up 3.0% vs 2.7% rise expected

The U.S. economy grew faster than initially thought in the second quarter, notching its quickest pace in more than two years, and there are signs that the momentum was sustained at the start of the third quarter.

Gross domestic product increased at a 3.0 percent annual rate in the April-June period, the Commerce Department said in its second estimate on Wednesday. The upward revision from the 2.6 percent pace reported last month reflected robust consumer spending as well as strong business investment.

Growth last quarter was the best since the first quarter of 2015 and followed a 1.2 percent pace in the January-March period. Economists had expected that second-quarter GDP growth would be raised to a 2.7 percent rate.

Retail sales and business spending data so far suggest the economy maintained its stamina early in the third quarter...

US second-quarter GDP growth revised up, fastest in over two years
Obama is the only POTUS in history to never get a 3% annual GDP, even those who died during their first term. That was a success for Obama, glad we now have someone who loves America in office now.


Thanks Obama.

hiring plus market growth make people liars when they claim there was no growth ... people who ran a business bitch so obviously they didnt know how to run a business.

You do know Hussein ain't the Prez no mo, don't ya? Seriously, ya gotta get over your butthurt rage. Hussein is done, and so is Clinton.
It was a good 16. Will Trump get 8?

Hussein's a Has-been, and you should be ashamed of yourself for supporting the most corrupt US Presidential Candidate in history. Her and Wasserman-Schultz rigged your Party's Nomination process. They should both be in prison. But regardless, you need to stop living in the past and expressing butthurt rage. It's time.
I remember very well the Obama dick lickers willing to give him credit after only 7 months in office when something went well yet refusing to blame him for bad things that happened during that same time span. I believe their excuse for the failure to do so was because he hadn't been in office long enough to get blamed. Funny how someone can be in office long enough to get credit but not blame despite the time frame being the same amount.
2009-2017 Obama blamed Bush for all of the negatives.
that was the mantra right out of the gate deny and blame.

Sounds like Trump's excuse. Every issue he attempts to tackle he starts off by telling us, "you know I really inherited a mess".

No you didn't Don. And even if you did. Didn't you know that when you decided to run?

You guys seem to care what some countries think but not others. If the other countries opinion favors Trump you brag and if you don't like it you blow it off.

Trump says he inherited a mess. What's the world think?
A Pew Research poll of 37 nations showed President Obama got much higher ratings on the world stage than Trump does today.

“To be honest, I inherited a mess,” Trump said, in a news conference that lasted more than an hour and was at times rambling, combative and pointed. “It's a mess. At home and abroad, a mess. Jobs are pouring out of the country.”

Yet moments later, the president seemed to acknowledge the widespread reports of turbulence and upheaval emanating out of his West Wing, only to claim that his White House — which so far has been marred by staff infighting, a controversial travel ban, false statements and myriad leaks — was operating seamlessly.

“I turn on the TV, open the newspapers and I see stories of chaos — chaos,” he said. “Yet it is the exact opposite. This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine, despite the fact that I can't get my Cabinet approved.”

Trump isn't making excuses. He doesn't need to.... Record Low Illegal Immigration, Low Unemployment, Low Gas Prices, Record High Stock Market, and so on. He's doing just fine. And guess what? Hussein isn't the President anymore. Time for you to accept that.
I have accepted it. I'm doing great too. Trump better not fuck up like bush

Well you don't sound like you're 'doing great', kid. You sound very bitter and whiny.

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