More vaccine disasters..............................

Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
ooooh a little swelling

tell me what percentage of people have these face fillers?
None of the long term effects are known yet

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.
In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
the long term effects of swelling around facial implants?

and how much do you want to bet that autism case will be overturned.

There is absolutely no evidence that vaccines cause autism.

In fact the rise in diagnosed autism cases has more to do with the expansion of the definition than anything else
No the long term effects of say children born to morons who got the fake vaccine
there will be none.

no vaccine does

That is totally untrue.
All vaccines have some negative side effects, including deaths, increased allergic reactions, etc.
You can not alter the immune system to good effect and not also cause some negative effects.
There already are many things like allergies that are due to an increased immune response, and they are rapidly growing. Like Lupus, HIV, diabetes, peanut allergies,

and what percentage of people have those negative side effects?

And where is your scientifically proven data that vaccines cause lupus HIV diabetes and peanut allergies?
It's been litigated in court and determined that vaccines can actually cause autism.

Next simpleton
no it doesn't

all it proves is people who sat on that jury believe what some lawyer says.
Sorry kid you are losing all the way around as the vaccine court has no jury.


So stop bull shitting your way thru life

so then who passed the judgement?

the rules of law do not cease to exist
If it only affects the vainest among us, it isn't really a disaster.

Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I'm not very sick-------my husband is back in the hospital.
Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you

and yet you believe vaccines cause autism but you can't provide any scientific proof
The court system determined legally that a vaccine caused autism

$1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vaccine Autism Settlement (

Now smile like the tard that you are

Home Page >> News Articles >> $1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vacc..

September 9, 2010, 4:30PM. By Lucy Campbell
Washington, DCThe family of Hannah Poling, a young child who at the age of 18 months allegedly developed autism after receiving vaccines against nine diseases in one doctor's visit, has been awarded $1.5 million.

MORE VACCINE AUTISM NEWSThe case of Hannah Poling was in fact settled by the government in 2008, before going to court. The government then had the documents sealed. And, it has taken more than two years for both sides in the lawsuit to agree on just how much compensation Hannah should receive for her injuries.

Hannah was vaccinated in July 2000, against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae. Her health reportedly declined rapidly following the vaccines, she stopped eating, developed high fevers, didn't respond when spoken to, started having screaming fits, and began to show signs of autism. In 2002 her family filed an autism claim in federal vaccine court.

This settlement is the first award of its kind. There are approximately 4,800 further autism cases awaiting disposition in federal vaccine court.
that is not scientific proof that is a legal decision that most likely will not hold up to appeals

Show me a scientific study that proves vaccines cause autism.
Wrong because there are no appeals in the vaccine court as they only want to silence these issues quickly. Now it could be appealed in the general court system if the case was heard there, but they will not allow these cases there.

and do you have a link saying that there are no appeals ?

this is a civil suit and either party can appeal to a higher court
Wrong the vaccine court is what it is not what you want it to be kid

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program - Wikipedia
What is vaccine court? - Business Insider
CDC Admits in Federal Court It Has No Evidence ‘Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism’ - LewRockwell

The Vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Rohde, Wayne: 9781629144528: Books
Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you

and yet you believe vaccines cause autism but you can't provide any scientific proof
The court system determined legally that a vaccine caused autism

$1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vaccine Autism Settlement (

Now smile like the tard that you are

Home Page >> News Articles >> $1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vacc..

September 9, 2010, 4:30PM. By Lucy Campbell
Washington, DCThe family of Hannah Poling, a young child who at the age of 18 months allegedly developed autism after receiving vaccines against nine diseases in one doctor's visit, has been awarded $1.5 million.

MORE VACCINE AUTISM NEWSThe case of Hannah Poling was in fact settled by the government in 2008, before going to court. The government then had the documents sealed. And, it has taken more than two years for both sides in the lawsuit to agree on just how much compensation Hannah should receive for her injuries.

Hannah was vaccinated in July 2000, against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae. Her health reportedly declined rapidly following the vaccines, she stopped eating, developed high fevers, didn't respond when spoken to, started having screaming fits, and began to show signs of autism. In 2002 her family filed an autism claim in federal vaccine court.

This settlement is the first award of its kind. There are approximately 4,800 further autism cases awaiting disposition in federal vaccine court.
that is not scientific proof that is a legal decision that most likely will not hold up to appeals

Show me a scientific study that proves vaccines cause autism.
Wrong because there are no appeals in the vaccine court as they only want to silence these issues quickly. Now it could be appealed in the general court system if the case was heard there, but they will not allow these cases there.

and do you have a link saying that there are no appeals ?

this is a civil suit and either party can appeal to a higher court
Wrong the vaccine court is what it is not what you want it to be kid

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program - Wikipedia
What is vaccine court? - Business Insider
CDC Admits in Federal Court It Has No Evidence ‘Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism’ - LewRockwell

The Vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Rohde, Wayne: 9781629144528: Books
what you are calling a court of law is not a court of law

it is a medical review board so your entire premise that a court of law proved that vaccines cause autism is false.

and if you look at the vaccines the REVIEW BOARD includes and the injuries that there is compensation for and you will find that autism is not among them.
Last edited:
Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you

and yet you believe vaccines cause autism but you can't provide any scientific proof
The court system determined legally that a vaccine caused autism

$1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vaccine Autism Settlement (

Now smile like the tard that you are

Home Page >> News Articles >> $1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vacc..

September 9, 2010, 4:30PM. By Lucy Campbell
Washington, DCThe family of Hannah Poling, a young child who at the age of 18 months allegedly developed autism after receiving vaccines against nine diseases in one doctor's visit, has been awarded $1.5 million.

MORE VACCINE AUTISM NEWSThe case of Hannah Poling was in fact settled by the government in 2008, before going to court. The government then had the documents sealed. And, it has taken more than two years for both sides in the lawsuit to agree on just how much compensation Hannah should receive for her injuries.

Hannah was vaccinated in July 2000, against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae. Her health reportedly declined rapidly following the vaccines, she stopped eating, developed high fevers, didn't respond when spoken to, started having screaming fits, and began to show signs of autism. In 2002 her family filed an autism claim in federal vaccine court.

This settlement is the first award of its kind. There are approximately 4,800 further autism cases awaiting disposition in federal vaccine court.
that is not scientific proof that is a legal decision that most likely will not hold up to appeals

Show me a scientific study that proves vaccines cause autism.
Wrong because there are no appeals in the vaccine court as they only want to silence these issues quickly. Now it could be appealed in the general court system if the case was heard there, but they will not allow these cases there.

and do you have a link saying that there are no appeals ?

this is a civil suit and either party can appeal to a higher court
Wrong the vaccine court is what it is not what you want it to be kid

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program - Wikipedia
What is vaccine court? - Business Insider
CDC Admits in Federal Court It Has No Evidence ‘Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism’ - LewRockwell

The Vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Rohde, Wayne: 9781629144528: Books

and it was the ruling that the vaccine aggravated a mitochondrial disorder
Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you

and yet you believe vaccines cause autism but you can't provide any scientific proof
The court system determined legally that a vaccine caused autism

$1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vaccine Autism Settlement (

Now smile like the tard that you are

Home Page >> News Articles >> $1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vacc..

September 9, 2010, 4:30PM. By Lucy Campbell
Washington, DCThe family of Hannah Poling, a young child who at the age of 18 months allegedly developed autism after receiving vaccines against nine diseases in one doctor's visit, has been awarded $1.5 million.

MORE VACCINE AUTISM NEWSThe case of Hannah Poling was in fact settled by the government in 2008, before going to court. The government then had the documents sealed. And, it has taken more than two years for both sides in the lawsuit to agree on just how much compensation Hannah should receive for her injuries.

Hannah was vaccinated in July 2000, against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae. Her health reportedly declined rapidly following the vaccines, she stopped eating, developed high fevers, didn't respond when spoken to, started having screaming fits, and began to show signs of autism. In 2002 her family filed an autism claim in federal vaccine court.

This settlement is the first award of its kind. There are approximately 4,800 further autism cases awaiting disposition in federal vaccine court.
that is not scientific proof that is a legal decision that most likely will not hold up to appeals

Show me a scientific study that proves vaccines cause autism.
Wrong because there are no appeals in the vaccine court as they only want to silence these issues quickly. Now it could be appealed in the general court system if the case was heard there, but they will not allow these cases there.

and do you have a link saying that there are no appeals ?

this is a civil suit and either party can appeal to a higher court
Wrong the vaccine court is what it is not what you want it to be kid

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program - Wikipedia
What is vaccine court? - Business Insider
CDC Admits in Federal Court It Has No Evidence ‘Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism’ - LewRockwell

The Vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Rohde, Wayne: 9781629144528: Books
what you are calling a court of law is not a court of law

it is a medical review board so your entire premise that a court of law proved that vaccines cause autism is false.

and if you look at the vaccines the REVIEW BOARD includes and the injuries that there is compensation for and you will find that autism is not among them.
It is the vaccine court, created to hide vaccine deaths from the real court. That said it is a real court, just no jury
Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you


You know nothing of the kind. You pretend. That is all.
Obey, believe, wear mask, repeat

Stay on topic.
In other words I must not question the lie and OBEY



There is no "in other words". Just get back on topic.
The topic is people like you who believe everything that they see and hear on the TV news and do not actually think for themselves

The topic is socialist governors requiring nursing homes to take covid positive patients so that everyone might die.

The topic is brainwashed people like you rushing to get a vaccine for the virus that causes the common cold

The topic is permanent injuries resulting in 4 billion dollars worth damages caused by vaccines

The topic is that vaccines cause so much physical and psychological damage that there is a dedicated vaccine court

The topic is that I had covid and was told not to wear a mask

The topic is that you want to discuss your lie as you were programmed and I will not comply


Then you should have written the OP differently. As it stands, the topic is a specific reaction to the covid vaccine. Perhaps other reactions to vaccines are included. But certainly not this conspiracy theory nonsense you have tried to make it.
Liberals beware the vaccine! A new side-effect has been discovered: you skin will turn orange and you'll die! Shot down or bashed with a concrete block by a peaceful demonstrator mistaking you for President Trump!

Lefties: DO NOT VACCINATE if you want to live (a little longer)
Last edited:
Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you


You know nothing of the kind. You pretend. That is all.
Obey, believe, wear mask, repeat

Stay on topic.
In other words I must not question the lie and OBEY



There is no "in other words". Just get back on topic.
The topic is people like you who believe everything that they see and hear on the TV news and do not actually think for themselves

The topic is socialist governors requiring nursing homes to take covid positive patients so that everyone might die.

The topic is brainwashed people like you rushing to get a vaccine for the virus that causes the common cold

The topic is permanent injuries resulting in 4 billion dollars worth damages caused by vaccines

The topic is that vaccines cause so much physical and psychological damage that there is a dedicated vaccine court

The topic is that I had covid and was told not to wear a mask

The topic is that you want to discuss your lie as you were programmed and I will not comply


Then you should have written the OP differently. As it stands, the topic is a specific reaction to the covid vaccine. Perhaps other reactions to vaccines are included. But certainly not this conspiracy theory nonsense you have tried to make it.
The vaccine is a reaction to a fabricated situation where governors deliberately killed as many old people in nursing homes as possible as you continue living in your government orchestrated delusion. 80,000 Americans died from the flu in 2018 and you did not care. Why did you not care? because the government did not tell you to care.

I pity you

Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you

and yet you believe vaccines cause autism but you can't provide any scientific proof
The court system determined legally that a vaccine caused autism

$1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vaccine Autism Settlement (

Now smile like the tard that you are

Home Page >> News Articles >> $1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vacc..

September 9, 2010, 4:30PM. By Lucy Campbell
Washington, DCThe family of Hannah Poling, a young child who at the age of 18 months allegedly developed autism after receiving vaccines against nine diseases in one doctor's visit, has been awarded $1.5 million.

MORE VACCINE AUTISM NEWSThe case of Hannah Poling was in fact settled by the government in 2008, before going to court. The government then had the documents sealed. And, it has taken more than two years for both sides in the lawsuit to agree on just how much compensation Hannah should receive for her injuries.

Hannah was vaccinated in July 2000, against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae. Her health reportedly declined rapidly following the vaccines, she stopped eating, developed high fevers, didn't respond when spoken to, started having screaming fits, and began to show signs of autism. In 2002 her family filed an autism claim in federal vaccine court.

This settlement is the first award of its kind. There are approximately 4,800 further autism cases awaiting disposition in federal vaccine court.
that is not scientific proof that is a legal decision that most likely will not hold up to appeals

Show me a scientific study that proves vaccines cause autism.
Wrong because there are no appeals in the vaccine court as they only want to silence these issues quickly. Now it could be appealed in the general court system if the case was heard there, but they will not allow these cases there.


The vaccine court does not stop a case from being heard in traditional civil courts. The VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) was created to make it easier to present these cases. It does not limit them.

And yes, the results can be appealed. In fact, the petitioner who lost in "vaccine court" can still appeal and can still sue in the regular civil court.

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program | Official web site of the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (
" The special master's decision may be appealed and petitioners who reject the decision of the court (or withdraw their petitions within certain timelines) may file a claim in civil court against the vaccine company and/or the health care provider who administered the vaccine."
Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you

and yet you believe vaccines cause autism but you can't provide any scientific proof
The court system determined legally that a vaccine caused autism

$1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vaccine Autism Settlement (

Now smile like the tard that you are

Home Page >> News Articles >> $1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vacc..

September 9, 2010, 4:30PM. By Lucy Campbell
Washington, DCThe family of Hannah Poling, a young child who at the age of 18 months allegedly developed autism after receiving vaccines against nine diseases in one doctor's visit, has been awarded $1.5 million.

MORE VACCINE AUTISM NEWSThe case of Hannah Poling was in fact settled by the government in 2008, before going to court. The government then had the documents sealed. And, it has taken more than two years for both sides in the lawsuit to agree on just how much compensation Hannah should receive for her injuries.

Hannah was vaccinated in July 2000, against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae. Her health reportedly declined rapidly following the vaccines, she stopped eating, developed high fevers, didn't respond when spoken to, started having screaming fits, and began to show signs of autism. In 2002 her family filed an autism claim in federal vaccine court.

This settlement is the first award of its kind. There are approximately 4,800 further autism cases awaiting disposition in federal vaccine court.
that is not scientific proof that is a legal decision that most likely will not hold up to appeals

Show me a scientific study that proves vaccines cause autism.
Wrong because there are no appeals in the vaccine court as they only want to silence these issues quickly. Now it could be appealed in the general court system if the case was heard there, but they will not allow these cases there.


Wrong. They can be appealed.

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program | Official web site of the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (
" The special master's decision may be appealed and petitioners who reject the decision of the court (or withdraw their petitions within certain timelines) may file a claim in civil court against the vaccine company and/or the health care provider who administered the vaccine. "
Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you


You know nothing of the kind. You pretend. That is all.
Obey, believe, wear mask, repeat

Stay on topic.
In other words I must not question the lie and OBEY



There is no "in other words". Just get back on topic.
The topic is people like you who believe everything that they see and hear on the TV news and do not actually think for themselves

The topic is socialist governors requiring nursing homes to take covid positive patients so that everyone might die.

The topic is brainwashed people like you rushing to get a vaccine for the virus that causes the common cold

The topic is permanent injuries resulting in 4 billion dollars worth damages caused by vaccines

The topic is that vaccines cause so much physical and psychological damage that there is a dedicated vaccine court

The topic is that I had covid and was told not to wear a mask

The topic is that you want to discuss your lie as you were programmed and I will not comply


Then you should have written the OP differently. As it stands, the topic is a specific reaction to the covid vaccine. Perhaps other reactions to vaccines are included. But certainly not this conspiracy theory nonsense you have tried to make it.
The vaccine is a reaction to a fabricated situation where governors deliberately killed as many old people in nursing homes as possible as you continue living in your government orchestrated delusion. 80,000 Americans died from the flu in 2018 and you did not care. Why did you not care? because the government did not tell you to care.

I pity you


Of the 80,000 deaths from the flu, how many had underlying conditions? You dismiss those deaths with underlying conditions with covid. You need to do the same with the flu.
Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you

and yet you believe vaccines cause autism but you can't provide any scientific proof
The court system determined legally that a vaccine caused autism

$1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vaccine Autism Settlement (

Now smile like the tard that you are

Home Page >> News Articles >> $1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vacc..

September 9, 2010, 4:30PM. By Lucy Campbell
Washington, DCThe family of Hannah Poling, a young child who at the age of 18 months allegedly developed autism after receiving vaccines against nine diseases in one doctor's visit, has been awarded $1.5 million.

MORE VACCINE AUTISM NEWSThe case of Hannah Poling was in fact settled by the government in 2008, before going to court. The government then had the documents sealed. And, it has taken more than two years for both sides in the lawsuit to agree on just how much compensation Hannah should receive for her injuries.

Hannah was vaccinated in July 2000, against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae. Her health reportedly declined rapidly following the vaccines, she stopped eating, developed high fevers, didn't respond when spoken to, started having screaming fits, and began to show signs of autism. In 2002 her family filed an autism claim in federal vaccine court.

This settlement is the first award of its kind. There are approximately 4,800 further autism cases awaiting disposition in federal vaccine court.
that is not scientific proof that is a legal decision that most likely will not hold up to appeals

Show me a scientific study that proves vaccines cause autism.
Wrong because there are no appeals in the vaccine court as they only want to silence these issues quickly. Now it could be appealed in the general court system if the case was heard there, but they will not allow these cases there.


The vaccine court does not stop a case from being heard in traditional civil courts. The VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) was created to make it easier to present these cases. It does not limit them.

And yes, the results can be appealed. In fact, the petitioner who lost in "vaccine court" can still appeal and can still sue in the regular civil court.

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program | Official web site of the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (
" The special master's decision may be appealed and petitioners who reject the decision of the court (or withdraw their petitions within certain timelines) may file a claim in civil court against the vaccine company and/or the health care provider who administered the vaccine."
LOL, but you are still to incompetent to accept that vaccines are dangerous as they kill and maim and have caused autism.

So is there a special court for car accidents, or for slippery sidewalks?

Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you


You know nothing of the kind. You pretend. That is all.
Obey, believe, wear mask, repeat

Stay on topic.
In other words I must not question the lie and OBEY



There is no "in other words". Just get back on topic.
The topic is people like you who believe everything that they see and hear on the TV news and do not actually think for themselves

The topic is socialist governors requiring nursing homes to take covid positive patients so that everyone might die.

The topic is brainwashed people like you rushing to get a vaccine for the virus that causes the common cold

The topic is permanent injuries resulting in 4 billion dollars worth damages caused by vaccines

The topic is that vaccines cause so much physical and psychological damage that there is a dedicated vaccine court

The topic is that I had covid and was told not to wear a mask

The topic is that you want to discuss your lie as you were programmed and I will not comply


Then you should have written the OP differently. As it stands, the topic is a specific reaction to the covid vaccine. Perhaps other reactions to vaccines are included. But certainly not this conspiracy theory nonsense you have tried to make it.
The vaccine is a reaction to a fabricated situation where governors deliberately killed as many old people in nursing homes as possible as you continue living in your government orchestrated delusion. 80,000 Americans died from the flu in 2018 and you did not care. Why did you not care? because the government did not tell you to care.

I pity you


Of the 80,000 deaths from the flu, how many had underlying conditions? You dismiss those deaths with underlying conditions with covid. You need to do the same with the flu.
And you just made my point that they are counting differently now, if they counted flu deaths like they counted covid deaths there would have been just as many flu deaths.

Thanks kid
Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you

and yet you believe vaccines cause autism but you can't provide any scientific proof
The court system determined legally that a vaccine caused autism

$1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vaccine Autism Settlement (

Now smile like the tard that you are

Home Page >> News Articles >> $1.5 Million Awarded in First Ever Vacc..

September 9, 2010, 4:30PM. By Lucy Campbell
Washington, DCThe family of Hannah Poling, a young child who at the age of 18 months allegedly developed autism after receiving vaccines against nine diseases in one doctor's visit, has been awarded $1.5 million.

MORE VACCINE AUTISM NEWSThe case of Hannah Poling was in fact settled by the government in 2008, before going to court. The government then had the documents sealed. And, it has taken more than two years for both sides in the lawsuit to agree on just how much compensation Hannah should receive for her injuries.

Hannah was vaccinated in July 2000, against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae. Her health reportedly declined rapidly following the vaccines, she stopped eating, developed high fevers, didn't respond when spoken to, started having screaming fits, and began to show signs of autism. In 2002 her family filed an autism claim in federal vaccine court.

This settlement is the first award of its kind. There are approximately 4,800 further autism cases awaiting disposition in federal vaccine court.
that is not scientific proof that is a legal decision that most likely will not hold up to appeals

Show me a scientific study that proves vaccines cause autism.
Wrong because there are no appeals in the vaccine court as they only want to silence these issues quickly. Now it could be appealed in the general court system if the case was heard there, but they will not allow these cases there.


The vaccine court does not stop a case from being heard in traditional civil courts. The VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) was created to make it easier to present these cases. It does not limit them.

And yes, the results can be appealed. In fact, the petitioner who lost in "vaccine court" can still appeal and can still sue in the regular civil court.

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program | Official web site of the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (
" The special master's decision may be appealed and petitioners who reject the decision of the court (or withdraw their petitions within certain timelines) may file a claim in civil court against the vaccine company and/or the health care provider who administered the vaccine."
LOL, but you are still to incompetent to accept that vaccines are dangerous as they kill and maim and have caused autism.

So is there a special court for car accidents, or for slippery sidewalks?


Suing someone over a slippery sidewalk or a car accident does not result in pulling sidewalks and cars from the market. I could very well result in pulling vaccines off the market.

And the VICP rarely results in compensation.

What Is the Vaccine Court and How Does It Work? (
" Compensation by the VICP is extraordinarily rare. Of the more than 3.7 billion doses of VICP-covered vaccines distributed in the U.S. from 2006 to 2018, only around 7,000 cases were decided by the vaccine court, and only about 4,800 were awarded compensation.4 Put another way, for every million doses of vaccine, only about one has resulted in compensation by the court thus far."
Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
It seems like you WANT the vaccine to fail. Is it just this vaccine or is it all vaccines?
I do not need a vaccine for a disease that I already had, I have no problem with your wanting or getting it, but bring heavy weapons when you come to stick me

This claim about you having had it and it was no worse than a cold, is no more valid than it was the other dozen times you made the claim.

First, I doubt you had it.
Second, no one ever said that every case is of equal severity.
And third, given your comments about wearing a mask, you no doubt, went out in public without a mask for the time you were contagious. You probably infected others, who then infected more people, some of whom may have underlying conditions which made the covid infection life threatening.
I had it
Day 1 Wednesday Severe fever during lunch became drenched in sweat, lasted about an hour no other symptoms
Day 2 Thursday Severe stomach pains at work, told everyone and took next day off
Day 3 Friday Woke up starving no pains at all, had severe shits that night
Day 4 Saturday All better until dinner when I pushed away my food because I could not taste it

The wife lost her hearing for a week, we could not have gotten tested if we begged so fuck you all

According to the experts, you were contagious for 7 to 10 days prior to having symptoms. How many people did you come in contact with, without a mask, during that time?
LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

I don't slink from trolls.
Actually what you slunk away from was the truth that I brought forth as the government abhors. If you need to call me a troll because this gives you emotional solace and alleviates your embarrassment in response to your barefaced, glaring ignorance, feel free to do so. However this will not free you to see the truth or raise your unintellectual IQ.

Ignoring science and believing conspiracy theories is not intellect.
Your science told me not to wear a mask.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

I bow


What science says changes with the available evidence. You choose to listen to one statement, on one occasion. And you ignore the rest. Dr. Fauci later said to wear masks. Yet you hold one statement as gospel and ignore everything else. Because you seek not truth, but verification of your own biases and wants.

How many people did you expose to covid when you had it? How many of them went home to elderly parents and grandparents? All because you demand that you followed recommendations that changed?
When I had this I took off from work, and I was not advised to wear a mask by Fauci who later admitted that he lied because he wanted all mask to go to health care workers as he did not give two shits about me or the public

Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

My science did nothing of the kind. You, however, sent people home to elderly parents with a lethal virus. Or so you claim.
Your science condemned old people to mass murder in nursing homes that were required to take all covid positive patients instead of requiring they be treated at hospitals.
So your idea of science is much like Dr. Josef Mengele's

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients (

I bow


My science did no such thing.

You, however, with your "don't wear a mask" and ridiculing and denigrating the new vaccines, are advocating ignoring anyone who is endangered by the covid-19 virus.

Hate to break the bad news to you but both I and my husband wear the masks out in public and we both got the covid.

But neither one of you are very sick, are you? Depends on the viral load and if other's are wearing correctly and what type of mask you're wearing.
I am not sick and never wear a mask


Because I was sick in March and now am immune

And you have no idea how many people you infected. Or how many of them have elderly family members at home. Or live with people who have underlying conditions that make covid infection life threatening.

Glad to see your obvious concern for your fellow man.
The CDC told me not to wear a mask, so blame the idiots in charge not me

LOL retard alert, when I had covid the experts said that there was no need to wear a mask.


Idiots all of you

Did they convince you that you could win something?

You will slink away just like the FBI did

I have one thing that you will never match

The truth

You keep talking about me slinking away. And yet, here I am.
You slunk away from reality a long time ago, you have become a brainwashed government parrot. You do not even know what you say as you just repeat the aholes in the media.

I still pity you and all your friends

You remind me of James Comey staring aimlessly at a tree looking for the meaning in his lie of a life

Lol. For someone who claims to know so much, you sure spend a lot of time making shit up about people. Your estimation of me is way off.
You live in denial.


You don't know me. And yet you insist you know how I live and what I think or believe. That is simply sad.

No, I do not live in denial. I live in happiness, wonder, and appreciation.
I know that you never think anything that the media does not tell you to think. As such your brain is not under your control, you will not know this until you are deprogrammed, if ever.

I still pity you


You know nothing of the kind. You pretend. That is all.
Obey, believe, wear mask, repeat

Stay on topic.
In other words I must not question the lie and OBEY



There is no "in other words". Just get back on topic.
The topic is people like you who believe everything that they see and hear on the TV news and do not actually think for themselves

The topic is socialist governors requiring nursing homes to take covid positive patients so that everyone might die.

The topic is brainwashed people like you rushing to get a vaccine for the virus that causes the common cold

The topic is permanent injuries resulting in 4 billion dollars worth damages caused by vaccines

The topic is that vaccines cause so much physical and psychological damage that there is a dedicated vaccine court

The topic is that I had covid and was told not to wear a mask

The topic is that you want to discuss your lie as you were programmed and I will not comply


Then you should have written the OP differently. As it stands, the topic is a specific reaction to the covid vaccine. Perhaps other reactions to vaccines are included. But certainly not this conspiracy theory nonsense you have tried to make it.
The vaccine is a reaction to a fabricated situation where governors deliberately killed as many old people in nursing homes as possible as you continue living in your government orchestrated delusion. 80,000 Americans died from the flu in 2018 and you did not care. Why did you not care? because the government did not tell you to care.

I pity you


Of the 80,000 deaths from the flu, how many had underlying conditions? You dismiss those deaths with underlying conditions with covid. You need to do the same with the flu.
And you just made my point that they are counting differently now, if they counted flu deaths like they counted covid deaths there would have been just as many flu deaths.

Thanks kid

No, you are pretending again.

There were a reported 80,000 deaths from the flu in 2018 (the highest number in decades). That is the total number of deaths with the flu. Covid has 300k deaths reported.

In one case you want to dismiss all those with underlying conditions. In the other you do not even want to know the number with underlying conditions because it would ruin your argument, such as it is.
Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers | Fox News

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.

"So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body."
ooooh a little swelling

tell me what percentage of people have these face fillers?
None of the long term effects are known yet

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.
In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
the long term effects of swelling around facial implants?

and how much do you want to bet that autism case will be overturned.

There is absolutely no evidence that vaccines cause autism.

In fact the rise in diagnosed autism cases has more to do with the expansion of the definition than anything else
No the long term effects of say children born to morons who got the fake vaccine
there will be none.

no vaccine does

That is totally untrue.
All vaccines have some negative side effects, including deaths, increased allergic reactions, etc.
You can not alter the immune system to good effect and not also cause some negative effects.
There already are many things like allergies that are due to an increased immune response, and they are rapidly growing. Like Lupus, HIV, diabetes, peanut allergies,

and what percentage of people have those negative side effects?

And where is your scientifically proven data that vaccines cause lupus HIV diabetes and peanut allergies?
It's been litigated in court and determined that vaccines can actually cause autism.

Next simpleton
no it doesn't

all it proves is people who sat on that jury believe what some lawyer says.
Sorry kid you are losing all the way around as the vaccine court has no jury.


So stop bull shitting your way thru life

so then who passed the judgement?

the rules of law do not cease to exist

The VCIP or vaccine court is a voluntary mediation program. There is no jury. But there is also not the huge expense of taking a big company to court.

Despite being in VCIP, you CAN appeal the ruling and you CAN still sue in civil court.

Here are 2 links explaining it. Esalla should read them too, since he obviously doesn't understand them.

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program | Official web site of the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (

What Is the Vaccine Court and How Does It Work? (

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