More Vindication for Ben Carson, Politico's Lies Becomong More Obvious


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Well, well, it turns out that a West Point website and other West Point sources say that someone who gets an appointment to West Point receives "a full scholarship," notes Ross Kaminsky in an article in American Spectator:

On Friday morning, the website, continuing its steady journey into the realm of just-another-propaganda-arm-of-the-DNC, posted a big bold story, intended no doubt to let the air out of the trustworthy sails of Dr. Ben Carson’s political ambitions: “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship.” The article’s subtitle read, “Carson's campaign on Friday admitted that a central point in his inspirational personal story was fabricated.”​

After furious denials from the Carson campaign, Politico edited the article so that the title now reads “Exclusive: Carson claimed West Point ‘scholarship’ but never applied” and the subtitle states “Republican hits POLITICO story, later admits to The New York Times he wasn’t offered aid.” In this first stealth edit, Politico offered no editor’s note pointing out that any change had been made, much less one as enormous as removing the word “fabricated.” As the Washington Post’s Dave Weigel (nobody’s idea of a conservative) noted, “taking ‘fabrication’ out of that headline is like taking uranium out of an A-bomb.”​

Eventually, Politico added an editor’s note in which they argue that Ben Carson lied about claiming to have “received a ‘full scholarship’ to West Point” because “in fact he did not and there is actually no such thing as a ‘full scholarship’ to the taxpayer-funded academy.” Politico reiterates later “there are no ‘full scholarships’” at West Point.​

Somebody should alert Lt. Gen Caslen, the current Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, that his website is wrong.

The online “prospectus” for West Point (see p. 32 here) explicitly states that “As a cadet, you are a member of the U.S. Army and receive a full scholarship…” The website, a non-profit organization “connecting almost 30,000 USMA grads, parents, and friends of West Point,” notes the same thing. A book entitled From the Army to College confirms: “A full scholarship paying tuition and room and board is awarded to each student.” Another document from the West Point website itself states, “At the United States Military Academy all students receive a full scholarship…” [emphasis added in each case]​

This stuff is not hard to find; for the Politico reporter to repeat emphatically that there are no full scholarships at West Point means simply that he did not take 15 seconds to search the Web because he was in such a hurry to torpedo Ben Carson. A half-competent editor would also have found this glaring and article-disqualifying error had he not shared the same excitement over becoming a hero at liberal cocktail parties everywhere. ( Politico’s Friday Fabrications )
Also, David French has a good article on National Review about the media's smear campaign against Carson. Here's an excerpt:

At the same time, CNN’s effort to call into question Carson’s story about his childhood anger issues is both weak and malicious. The network interviewed ten people from his neighborhood about 50-year-old incidents that Carson claims they never witnessed, and now peddle a story raising doubts about claims in Carson’s biography. What? Is it now the case that CNN can interview ten people about decades-old life events that didn’t happen to them and now breathlessly proclaim a “scoop.”

Hovering over the feeding frenzy is the absurd media spectacle of mainstream reporters claiming they’re merely “doing their job” by diving into 50-year-old details of Ben Carson’s childhood. The same reporters who were not just incurious about the details of Barack Obama’s background in 2008 but actively hostile to those who asked reasonable questions about his relationship with admitted domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his years of religious instruction from Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright. ( Ben Carson: Liberal Media Target Him | National Review Online )​
The best news Carson has got all month

Actually, he's gotten a bunch of good news this month. Over the last couple weeks he's risen to first or second place in poll after poll, and donations to his campaign have increased even more than they did in the previous few weeks, thanks to the media's smear campaign against him.

More and more people are catching on that most major "news" outlets are operatives for the Democratic Party.
Lol Carson writes in his own words that he was offered a full scholarship to West Point but turned it down; then it's revealed he was never offered a scholarship, which is a fact, but somehow Politico is lying? Don't make me laugh.

As for his youth violence, seems to me Trayvon and Michael Brown could have been his sons! :rofl:
Lol Carson writes in his own words that he was offered a full scholarship to West Point but turned it down; then it's revealed he was never offered a scholarship, which is a fact, but somehow Politico is lying? Don't make me laugh.

As for his youth violence, seems to me Trayvon and Michael Brown could have been his sons! :rofl:

I don't know how Carson hasn't dropped out already, surely it's only a matter of time, he's rapidly losing credibility. I think Jeb Bush will have to drop out soon also, his poll numbers are increasingly embarrassing.
Well, well, it turns out that a West Point website and other West Point sources say that someone who gets an appointment to West Point receives "a full scholarship," notes Ross Kaminsky in an article in American Spectator:

On Friday morning, the website, continuing its steady journey into the realm of just-another-propaganda-arm-of-the-DNC, posted a big bold story, intended no doubt to let the air out of the trustworthy sails of Dr. Ben Carson’s political ambitions: “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship.” The article’s subtitle read, “Carson's campaign on Friday admitted that a central point in his inspirational personal story was fabricated.”​

After furious denials from the Carson campaign, Politico edited the article so that the title now reads “Exclusive: Carson claimed West Point ‘scholarship’ but never applied” and the subtitle states “Republican hits POLITICO story, later admits to The New York Times he wasn’t offered aid.” In this first stealth edit, Politico offered no editor’s note pointing out that any change had been made, much less one as enormous as removing the word “fabricated.” As the Washington Post’s Dave Weigel (nobody’s idea of a conservative) noted, “taking ‘fabrication’ out of that headline is like taking uranium out of an A-bomb.”​

Eventually, Politico added an editor’s note in which they argue that Ben Carson lied about claiming to have “received a ‘full scholarship’ to West Point” because “in fact he did not and there is actually no such thing as a ‘full scholarship’ to the taxpayer-funded academy.” Politico reiterates later “there are no ‘full scholarships’” at West Point.​

Somebody should alert Lt. Gen Caslen, the current Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, that his website is wrong.

The online “prospectus” for West Point (see p. 32 here) explicitly states that “As a cadet, you are a member of the U.S. Army and receive a full scholarship…” The website, a non-profit organization “connecting almost 30,000 USMA grads, parents, and friends of West Point,” notes the same thing. A book entitled From the Army to College confirms: “A full scholarship paying tuition and room and board is awarded to each student.” Another document from the West Point website itself states, “At the United States Military Academy all students receive a full scholarship…” [emphasis added in each case]​

This stuff is not hard to find; for the Politico reporter to repeat emphatically that there are no full scholarships at West Point means simply that he did not take 15 seconds to search the Web because he was in such a hurry to torpedo Ben Carson. A half-competent editor would also have found this glaring and article-disqualifying error had he not shared the same excitement over becoming a hero at liberal cocktail parties everywhere. ( Politico’s Friday Fabrications )
Also, David French has a good article on National Review about the media's smear campaign against Carson. Here's an excerpt:

At the same time, CNN’s effort to call into question Carson’s story about his childhood anger issues is both weak and malicious. The network interviewed ten people from his neighborhood about 50-year-old incidents that Carson claims they never witnessed, and now peddle a story raising doubts about claims in Carson’s biography. What? Is it now the case that CNN can interview ten people about decades-old life events that didn’t happen to them and now breathlessly proclaim a “scoop.”

Hovering over the feeding frenzy is the absurd media spectacle of mainstream reporters claiming they’re merely “doing their job” by diving into 50-year-old details of Ben Carson’s childhood. The same reporters who were not just incurious about the details of Barack Obama’s background in 2008 but actively hostile to those who asked reasonable questions about his relationship with admitted domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his years of religious instruction from Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright. ( Ben Carson: Liberal Media Target Him | National Review Online )​
Mild mannered Ben Carson wants people to think he used to be a bad ass in his youth but somehow overcame that to win a "scholarship" that every cadet receives. It wasn't an honor or a gift over and above what anyone else received. And as for the 50 year old questions, the birthers are still convinced Obama's family planted a fake birth announcement in the Hawaiian press and that he is not a U.S. citizen. Did Carson not expect to have his life examined to the nth degree? Anyone that naive has no business running for president.
Lol Carson writes in his own words that he was offered a full scholarship to West Point but turned it down; then it's revealed he was never offered a scholarship, which is a fact, but somehow Politico is lying? Don't make me laugh.

As for his youth violence, seems to me Trayvon and Michael Brown could have been his sons! :rofl:

Sorry, Politico has been debunked...
Lol Carson writes in his own words that he was offered a full scholarship to West Point but turned it down; then it's revealed he was never offered a scholarship, which is a fact, but somehow Politico is lying? Don't make me laugh.

As for his youth violence, seems to me Trayvon and Michael Brown could have been his sons! :rofl:

Sorry, Politico has been debunked...
Lol no it hasn't.
Lol Carson writes in his own words that he was offered a full scholarship to West Point but turned it down; then it's revealed he was never offered a scholarship, which is a fact, but somehow Politico is lying? Don't make me laugh.

As for his youth violence, seems to me Trayvon and Michael Brown could have been his sons! :rofl:

Sorry, Politico has been debunked...

Really? When was it proven that West Point offered Carson a full scholarship, or admittance, or anything of the sort?

Post that offer.
Lol Carson writes in his own words that he was offered a full scholarship to West Point but turned it down; then it's revealed he was never offered a scholarship, which is a fact, but somehow Politico is lying? Don't make me laugh.

As for his youth violence, seems to me Trayvon and Michael Brown could have been his sons! :rofl:

Sorry, Politico has been debunked...

Really? When was it proven that West Point offered Carson a full scholarship, or admittance, or anything of the sort?

Post that offer.

Carson, who was head of his ROTC unit said he met with Westmorland who told him that he'd make a fine cadet and he could make that happen. The crux of the issue with Carson seems to be that WP doesn't have scholarships.. well, go on their website, they actually do.. Anyone appointed gets a full scholarship.

Carson never claimed he was appointed.

He didn't lie.
Lol Carson writes in his own words that he was offered a full scholarship to West Point but turned it down; then it's revealed he was never offered a scholarship, which is a fact, but somehow Politico is lying? Don't make me laugh.

As for his youth violence, seems to me Trayvon and Michael Brown could have been his sons! :rofl:

Sorry, Politico has been debunked...

Really? When was it proven that West Point offered Carson a full scholarship, or admittance, or anything of the sort?

Post that offer.

Carson, who was head of his ROTC unit said he met with Westmorland who told him that he'd make a fine cadet and he could make that happen. The crux of the issue with Carson seems to be that WP doesn't have scholarships.. well, go on their website, they actually do.. Anyone appointed gets a full scholarship.

Carson never claimed he was appointed.

He didn't lie.
Carson wrote and said multiple times "I was offered a full scholarship by West Point." Carson was never offered a full scholarship.

It's not that hard.
Lol Carson writes in his own words that he was offered a full scholarship to West Point but turned it down; then it's revealed he was never offered a scholarship, which is a fact, but somehow Politico is lying? Don't make me laugh.

As for his youth violence, seems to me Trayvon and Michael Brown could have been his sons! :rofl:

Sorry, Politico has been debunked...

Really? When was it proven that West Point offered Carson a full scholarship, or admittance, or anything of the sort?

Post that offer.

Carson, who was head of his ROTC unit said he met with Westmorland who told him that he'd make a fine cadet and he could make that happen. The crux of the issue with Carson seems to be that WP doesn't have scholarships.. well, go on their website, they actually do.. Anyone appointed gets a full scholarship.

Carson never claimed he was appointed.

He didn't lie.

He claimed he was offered a scholarship.
Lol Carson writes in his own words that he was offered a full scholarship to West Point but turned it down; then it's revealed he was never offered a scholarship, which is a fact, but somehow Politico is lying? Don't make me laugh.

As for his youth violence, seems to me Trayvon and Michael Brown could have been his sons! :rofl:

Sorry, Politico has been debunked...

Really? When was it proven that West Point offered Carson a full scholarship, or admittance, or anything of the sort?

Post that offer.

Carson, who was head of his ROTC unit said he met with Westmorland who told him that he'd make a fine cadet and he could make that happen. The crux of the issue with Carson seems to be that WP doesn't have scholarships.. well, go on their website, they actually do.. Anyone appointed gets a full scholarship.

Carson never claimed he was appointed.

He didn't lie.
Carson wrote and said multiple times "I was offered a full scholarship by West Point." Carson was never offered a full scholarship.

It's not that hard.

It is when you have RWnuts inside the RWnut circle of wagons, ready to deny until their last bullet.
Lol Carson writes in his own words that he was offered a full scholarship to West Point but turned it down; then it's revealed he was never offered a scholarship, which is a fact, but somehow Politico is lying? Don't make me laugh.

As for his youth violence, seems to me Trayvon and Michael Brown could have been his sons! :rofl:

Sorry, Politico has been debunked...

Really? When was it proven that West Point offered Carson a full scholarship, or admittance, or anything of the sort?

Post that offer.

Carson, who was head of his ROTC unit said he met with Westmorland who told him that he'd make a fine cadet and he could make that happen. The crux of the issue with Carson seems to be that WP doesn't have scholarships.. well, go on their website, they actually do.. Anyone appointed gets a full scholarship.

Carson never claimed he was appointed.

He didn't lie.
Carson wrote and said multiple times "I was offered a full scholarship by West Point." Carson was never offered a full scholarship.

It's not that hard.

Well, even Politifact says the story is mostly true that only some details need clearing up.... I rank it right up there with Clinton's claim she is named after Hillary the guy who climbed Everest after she was born. If you read the details of that story, it is mostly true... although some details were omitted.
You get a scholarship is the way West Point explained it. If you do the six years after graduation as an officer. If you don't do the officer time, it isn't free.

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