More war crimes in Iraq

pegwinn said:
BTW Never forget that no matter who you hate, it could be worse. There are a couple of guys that, if in charge, would simply level every nation suspected of supporting Terrorism. Then we'd divide it among the coalition nations and start over.
Not to mention a substantial portion of the citizenry ready to back them. If push comes to shove, that is where this is all heading.
pegwinn said:
BTW Never forget that no matter who you hate, it could be worse. There are a couple of guys that, if in charge, would simply level every nation suspected of supporting Terrorism. Then we'd divide it among the coalition nations and start over.

Present! :rock:
Merlin1047 said:
Yeah, I got a couple of posts that start "be glad GW is in charge and not me" laying around somewhere. Good to see you around.
Theregular said:
Going back the the Geneva convention isnt in your intrest, please show me where it says its ok to attack a heavily populated city (more than 250,000 civilians) with tanks and f-16's which with no doubt would kill thousands of civilians who you clame you came to free!!

Going to the Geneva Convention IS in our best intereest. Please feel free to post just how, with unbiased verifiable evidence, that it is not. Just for your info, the Unifrom Code of Military Justice and Code of Conduct far surpass anything in the Geneva Accords, and all military personnel are bound by both.

-=d=-, regaring the 9/11 attacks, sure I have the degnity and courage to call them crimes, unlike you who laugh at other people death, its you who have no deginty i am afraid, making fun of dead kids under the rubbel of a house destroyed by american bombings is cowered.

You can see through your computer, huh? WHO exactly is laughing at someone else's death, unless it is one or more of the murdering bottom-feeders whose cause you champion?

And I'll be the first to say EVERY SINGLE fanatical Islamic murderer bent on genocide that is killed puts a BIG smile on my face.

For those of you who said, oh these images where broadcasted by aljazeera, do you mean these images where faked?? these are real war crimes and yes they are war crimes, bombing a civilian city to get rid of insurgents your army isnt able to get rid off is a war crime. and btw all what your amry did is kill civilains, the insurgenst are now stronger because of your stupid attacks, more poeple join them as a result of your crimes, the last attacks against the US army that took place in Falloja clearly shows that, the operation (as all other operations) didnt do anything to them.

I doubt the photos are faked. YOUR lies that they are due to US attrocities is what is fake. Why do people like you think you can just make up your own story to go with the pics and everyone will beleive you? It may work that way in YOUR country, but not in this one.
The attacks targeting only iraqi civilians is carried out by special forces in the US army as well as the kurd militias to destroy the image of the resistance movement which is fighting for the freedom of the iraqi people, in no way the iraqi FREEDOM FIGHTERS would target the very own people they are fighting to free, all fo the bullshit news presented to you are lies, and to further proof what i say, I ask, did you hear about the blog that a US soldier started (Kevin) when he returned from the war, with his own words he said that lots of the US soldiers used kids as human shields especially in the areas where the soldiers are likely to be attacked, he says they used candy among other things to get children to surround them so that iraqi fighters wouldnt attack them.
Of course the US army, once it noticed his blog's content, ordered it removed and ordered any soldier who want to put content on the internet to show it to his commander first.

You can check his blog here:

One of the 10%. He wants his pic in the paper and is doing a John Kerry in an attempt to get it. He's about as honest as YOU are.
Yesterday while i was watching Inside edition, there was a report from Iraq about the "rumers" that where spreading in Iraq and between the iraqi people about the american role in the death of children and iraqi civilains, perhaps some of you watched it, what I ask is, could you, while sitting thousands of miles away know better than the iraqi people who are right in the middle of things?? I dont think so, the iraqi people believe that it is the US army who are behind this, and I tend to believe the people who are fighitng this, who on the ground and of course know what is going on.

You're dumb. All they need is political motive to lie, requiring no more than a few anti-US religious nutjobs like you to make the accusation, and some freakin' retard to spread their lies through the media/on the web.

Why don't you try honesty for once? Even though I wouldn't hesitate to kill one, and I think they're brainwashed loonies, at least these homicide bombers are honest in their methods while you slink around trying to sell bullshit by the ton on the net.

Grow some balls and go be among those that think like you. One thing about AQ, they are always in need of more bombers ... they only work once.
Going back the the Geneva convention isnt in your intrest, please show me where it says its ok to attack a heavily populated city (more than 250,000 civilians) with tanks and f-16's which with no doubt would kill thousands of civilians who you clame you came to free!!

Of course going back to the Geneva convention is in my interest. For instance, we can discuss how the "insurgents" enjoy hiding among civilians, pretend to be civilians, pretended to be wounded and injured, or helping people who do so, hide and fight out of religious buildings, hospitals, weapons and equipment in those buildings...knowing that the US/Iraqi forces will be more hesitant in following them there.

Fighting a war in a city is NOT a violation of the Geneva Convention, theregular, despite how badly you would like it to be in this case...what the insurgents are doing however, is a BLATANT violation of many of the sections of the document you claim "isn't something I should go back to."

Civilians die in wars. That is the bottom line and it is horrible and grotesque. Everyone here has agreed on that. However the United States has not violated the Geneva Convention by fighting a dangerous and bloody war in a heavily populated city...however the people we are fighting have violated the Geneva Convention again and again...which you seem to be willing to overlook, ignore, and excuse.
Well, that's the THIRD time I've asked the irregular to substantiate his allegations with ZERO evidence brought forward.

If you're going to make the allegations, boy, back 'em up or suck eggs. YOUR choice.
i will just say this...if, and god forbid when, these "poor missunderstood" folks blow up something in my neighborhood and "war" ensues on these shores...i will shoot those that are not shooting at these "poor missunderstood" if i happen to hit this moron...oh well...i will post a pic and say...oops :asshole:
manu1959 said:
i will just say this...if, and god forbid when, these "poor missunderstood" folks blow up something in my neighborhood and "war" ensues on these shores...i will shoot those that are not shooting at these "poor missunderstood" if i happen to hit this moron...oh well...i will post a pic and say...oops :asshole:

I don't see 'em in my neighborhood. They ain't THAT dumb. Too many gun-toting rednecks around here for their health.
GunnyL said:
I don't see 'em in my neighborhood. They ain't THAT dumb. Too many gun-toting rednecks around here for their health.

cool then when the shyte hits the on out to california and we can go huntin for some morons
manu1959 said:
cool then when the shyte hits the on out to california and we can go huntin for some morons

I don't have enough rounds to shoot all the morons in CA. I spent half my career there. 29 Palms, MCRD San Diego, and Camp Pendleton. Thanks for the invite, but I'll pass. :)
manu1959 said:
cool then when the shyte hits the on out to california and we can go huntin for some morons

Don't you mean when the shi'ite hits the fan? Couldn't help it, stupid jokes run in the family.

Sorry dude. I left Camp Pendleton the day after the retirement parade/bbq/beerbusttoendallbusts doing 80 and aint looked back. Now if you want to herd them in my direction, I can help you out.
>Perhaps these images where "doctored" as well as one member accused the images i posted earlier.<

Not doctored but taken and put out of context.

>The pictures speack for them selves for what your army men and women are doing in Iraq, as one other member decribed it by doing a "good job", iam sure you dont see any of this in your media as it only represent lies, all what you see is images of soldiers handing out candy to kids, well this what you dont see.<

Yes these pictures “SPEACK for them selves”. Looks to me like a U.S. APC vehicle moving forward with a poor dead Iraqi woman that was killed by terrorists a few minutes before. Also I’m deeply disturbed by all the children pictured that were harmed by terrorist depicted in the pictures. :boohoo:
GunnyL said:
I don't have enough rounds to shoot all the morons in CA. I spent half my career there. 29 Palms, MCRD San Diego, and Camp Pendleton. Thanks for the invite, but I'll pass. :)

No sir, you will not pass!!! :spank3: You will go where you are needed. :salute:

That is the difference between those who give selfless service, and those that just bitch about everything. :thanks: :thanks:

I have connections and will make sure you have plenty of ammunition. Plus, your marksmanship scores will increase because you can't miss with all the available targets! :firing:
kurtsprincess said:
No sir, you will not pass!!! :spank3: You will go where you are needed. :salute:

That is the difference between those who give selfless service, and those that just bitch about everything. :thanks: :thanks:

I have connections and will make sure you have plenty of ammunition. Plus, your marksmanship scores will increase because you can't miss with all the available targets! :firing:


***starts packing seabag with weapons***
Soldiers that gripe and bitch are happy soldiers. I will hold down the east coast....along with a couple of young stud puppies I know who have already had some experience at this sort of thing...
CSM said:
Soldiers that gripe and bitch are happy soldiers. I will hold down the east coast....along with a couple of young stud puppies I know who have already had some experience at this sort of thing...

Yay! We east coasters need plenty of help too. :beer:
CSM said:
Soldiers that gripe and bitch are happy soldiers. I will hold down the east coast....along with a couple of young stud puppies I know who have already had some experience at this sort of thing...

I got Texas.

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