More White Americans Are Dying Than Being Born In One-Third Of US


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
this will have a huge impact going forward

Dec 2, 2016 12:06 PM
A study from the University of New Hampshire shows that the disparity is the greatest in American history, with 17 states — together accounting for nearly 40 percent of the nation’s population — having more deaths of non-Hispanic white people than births. There were only four states experiencing that trend in 2004. And the researchers think the gap will only grow wider: “Our analysis of the demographic factors ... suggests that the pace is likely to pick up in the future.”

The demographic shift among whites was not mirrored in other populations: “Births exceed deaths by a considerable margin among the younger Latino population, and the combination of these very different demographic trends is increasing the diversity of the U.S. population.” T

White People Are Dying Faster Than They Can Be Born
Is that a bad thing?
I read recently that many Hispanics coming to this country are from rural areas where farm folks traditionally have large families. They have studied second and third generation Hispanics here and find that they do not have so many kids. The tradition slowly fades when away from a rural farm economy.
Has anyone ever seen a person who is this transfixed and excited about the literal deaths of a specific group of people?
. He is following the attitude that is being spouted by the black activist that constantly monitor such things in hopes that the agenda was working in order to reduce the white population in hopes of. Some of the black host on some of the main stream media outlets would spout such bull crap or use stats as I recall, and then the internet had it's share of wishful thinkers as well. Hey with Hollywood and the activism that has been going on, probably has led to these kinds of things to be true as the shifts take place, but what led to the shifts ???? Complex answers, but maybe not so complex at all.
You know what...this is not the first time I have read this. It's very interesting. Especially when you consider that 75% of suicide victims in America were white males in 2012 and since then it is projected to increase. And also looking at the constant reality of white children being abducted and killed more than any other race of child. So...they can say blacks kill each other all they want. But they are killing themselves and their children. And now we are hit with this new information. Karma is an ol mean, ugly, nasty, funky bitch.
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Has anyone ever seen a person who is this transfixed and excited about the literal deaths of a specific group of people?
Of course. We have seen black people abused and killed for enjoyment. Also Jews. Also homosexuals. But I didn't get that the person is expressing joy over it. I think they were just posting some information.
Has anyone ever seen a person who is this transfixed and excited about the literal deaths of a specific group of people?
Of course. We have seen black people abused and killed for enjoyment. Also Jews. Also homosexuals. But I didn't get that the person is expressing joy over it. I think they were just posting some information.
You're new. The OP has a long history here of celebrating the deaths of whites.

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