More winning. Federal death penalty to be reinstated

Umm...let’s see who our company is

The Islamic World, China, India, North Korea,Central Africa.......USA

Who has abandoned the death penalty......the rest of North America, South America, Europe, Russia, Australia, South Korea

So are you trying to make a point or something?
Yup...we are among the barbarians

Why? Just look at the states that still execute
Bible Thumpers

Well.....the Holy Bible does teach us an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

The thing that gets me is you liberals and your judges made our prisons a lowlife playground, offering very little deterrent. We have the highest percentage of our population behind bars compared to others around the world. Our prisoners are fed well, have entertainment like football fields, pool rooms, and workout rooms. They are allowed to have an account where family and friends donate money to, and even a little room in case one of these murderers decide to bring their wife in and start a family from prison.

We have the same perks in the outside world. We call them Get Away Weekends and we have to pay for them ourselves.

So I will be for the death penalty until we can turn our prisons back to what they were like in the vintage movie Cool Hand Luke.

Conservatives and Bible Thumpers have given us the largest prison population in the world. Over 2.5 million

They have also made us one of the few industrialized nations in the world to still execute its prisoners

Endless solitary confinement is also a unique US practice

None of these seem to be working

Why we are considered barbarians

Like I said before, the death penalty would work just fine if our legal system wasn't so Fd up and we executed people quickly and in public.

Let me ask: Are you worried about what might happen to you 18 years from today? Well most people are not. That includes criminals. If you knew killing somebody would have you in a graveyard in six or seven months, trust me, you'd be really considering other options to vent your anger.

Criminals don't expect to get caught.
So are you trying to make a point or something?
Yup...we are among the barbarians

Why? Just look at the states that still execute
Bible Thumpers

Well.....the Holy Bible does teach us an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

The thing that gets me is you liberals and your judges made our prisons a lowlife playground, offering very little deterrent. We have the highest percentage of our population behind bars compared to others around the world. Our prisoners are fed well, have entertainment like football fields, pool rooms, and workout rooms. They are allowed to have an account where family and friends donate money to, and even a little room in case one of these murderers decide to bring their wife in and start a family from prison.

We have the same perks in the outside world. We call them Get Away Weekends and we have to pay for them ourselves.

So I will be for the death penalty until we can turn our prisons back to what they were like in the vintage movie Cool Hand Luke.

Conservatives and Bible Thumpers have given us the largest prison population in the world. Over 2.5 million

They have also made us one of the few industrialized nations in the world to still execute its prisoners

Endless solitary confinement is also a unique US practice

None of these seem to be working

Why we are considered barbarians

Like I said before, the death penalty would work just fine if our legal system wasn't so Fd up and we executed people quickly and in public.

Let me ask: Are you worried about what might happen to you 18 years from today? Well most people are not. That includes criminals. If you knew killing somebody would have you in a graveyard in six or seven months, trust me, you'd be really considering other options to vent your anger.

Criminals don't expect to get caught.

Right, because statistics show that most murderers get away.

Criminals may be nuts, but they're not all dumb.
So why should we care about what other countries do? We are not other countries. You on the left seem to love how "other countries" do things, but never move to one of these wonderful places. Why not? Oh, that's right, they won't allow you to.
Umm...let’s see who our company is

The Islamic World, China, India, North Korea,Central Africa.......USA

Who has abandoned the death penalty......the rest of North America, South America, Europe, Russia, Australia, South Korea
So do yourself and us a big favor, leave and move your sorry ass there.
Why don’t you move to a Muslim country?
Then you can watch heads being chopped off

Says the poster that voted for a guy with a Muslim name twice, and kisses his ass repeatedly here on USMB.

Many years ago a middle-east family opened a store very near my home. One night I went there to pickup some beer, and the police were leaving. I asked the young clerk what happened?

Some drunk came in, took four packs of cigarettes off the counter, and left the store. The clerk was amazed that the police told him if the guy came back, give them a call, and they will kick him out of the store.

After he moved here, his grandmother was interested in his new life in the USA, so he sent her a copy of our local newspaper.

She wrote back with great concern stating that our little suburb had more theft in one week than the entire middle-east has in a years time. I asked him if this was true, and he concurred.

He said where he was from, most of the markets were outdoors, and vendors would setup picnic tables and umbrellas for customers to rest. If a woman lay her purse on a table and left, it would likely be there the next day.

He said you see, if you got caught stealing, the police cut off your hand, and not in a hospital either. Get caught stealing again, the other hand was cutoff. A third time is your last time.

So they solved a problem that's been ongoing in our country my entire life and still is.
Singapore has very little crime and few people in jail. They have many more laws than we do. Chewing gum is against the law for instance. Littering is illegal. They have alternative sentencing. No jail time. No fines. It's caning and whipping. An American teen thought he could get away with graffiti. He got 20 lashes with a cane and was cured of his need to decorate.

His father had some political ties, so I believe they reduced his sentence to 7 whacks with the cane. But when asking for clemency, the court responded by saying "We cannot just allow him to go unpunished because he's an American. Here it's very rare for people to spray paint cars, while people in NYC do this to police cars regularly."

Then after all his father did for him, the little punk punched his father in the mouth after he got home.

Singapore also has little problems with recreational drugs. If you are caught selling drugs in Singapore, you are executed or placed in prison for life. Here, we lose over 60,000 Americans to overdoses every year, and it's growing.
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Correct, it's not going to happen unfortunately.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh

Awesome, we agree that it's not realistic.

So...then what exactly are you basing this stupid bullshit opinion of yours on if it's not based in reality?

A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried. That is reality. Check out my reply in post number 68.

You're suggesting that we amputate people for stealing?

No, I'm suggesting that if the penalty is strong enough, it deters criminal activity.

Then why do states with the death penalty have a higher murder rate than states without the death penalty?


I don't know how many times I need to explain this to you. I understand you are a leftist, but even you can follow along.

Capital Punishment is not a deterrent because it takes so long to carry out.
Awesome, we agree that it's not realistic.

So...then what exactly are you basing this stupid bullshit opinion of yours on if it's not based in reality?

A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried. That is reality. Check out my reply in post number 68.

You're suggesting that we amputate people for stealing?

No, I'm suggesting that if the penalty is strong enough, it deters criminal activity.

Then why do states with the death penalty have a higher murder rate than states without the death penalty?


I don't know how many times I need to explain this to you. I understand you are a leftist, but even you can follow along.

Capital Punishment is not a deterrent because it takes so long to carry out.

Ok, well you're moving the goal posts then. Here's what you said:

"I'm suggesting that if the penalty is strong enough, it deters criminal activity."

So now...a strong punishment only acts as a deterrent when there isn't a long time to carry out the punishment.

Now that you have your own stupid opinion figured out, exactly what evidence do you have to think this even matters in the first place?

I can't imagine a significant amount of would-be murderers thinking to themselves: "Well I would murder that person if the death penalty took a long time. But if it's a short process, I guess I'll behave."

Sounds ridiculous to me. I'm sure you have some really good evidence to back up your well-articulated opinion though.
A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried. That is reality. Check out my reply in post number 68.

You're suggesting that we amputate people for stealing?

No, I'm suggesting that if the penalty is strong enough, it deters criminal activity.

Then why do states with the death penalty have a higher murder rate than states without the death penalty?


I don't know how many times I need to explain this to you. I understand you are a leftist, but even you can follow along.

Capital Punishment is not a deterrent because it takes so long to carry out.

Ok, well you're moving the goal posts then. Here's what you said:

"I'm suggesting that if the penalty is strong enough, it deters criminal activity."

So now...a strong punishment only acts as a deterrent when there isn't a long time to carry out the punishment.

Now that you have your own stupid opinion figured out, exactly what evidence do you have to think this even matters in the first place?

I can't imagine a significant amount of would-be murderers thinking to themselves: "Well I would murder that person if the death penalty took a long time. But if it's a short process, I guess I'll behave."

Sounds ridiculous to me. I'm sure you have some really good evidence to back up your well-articulated opinion though.

Capital punishment is not much of a deterrent, but it's a better deterrent than no capital punishment at all.

Could it be improved? Yes, greatly as I explained.

Let me ask: if you knew you were going to die in 15 years, would you care? If you knew you would die in four months, trust me, you would care much more, especially if you knew you were in control of it.

I wish you and I ran our government. Because if we did, I would make you a bet. My bet would be do it my way, and if murders did not decrease by at least 50% in the fifth year, we would abolish capital punishment. If it did reduce murders by at least 50%, we keep my plan.

You can lie to me, (which I'm sure you would) but ask yourself if you'd really make that bet with me.

Most of our mass murders take place in gun-free zones. Do you think that's because of dumb luck? No, it's because mass murderers don't want any deterrent in committing their crimes.
Yup...we are among the barbarians

Why? Just look at the states that still execute
Bible Thumpers

Well.....the Holy Bible does teach us an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

The thing that gets me is you liberals and your judges made our prisons a lowlife playground, offering very little deterrent. We have the highest percentage of our population behind bars compared to others around the world. Our prisoners are fed well, have entertainment like football fields, pool rooms, and workout rooms. They are allowed to have an account where family and friends donate money to, and even a little room in case one of these murderers decide to bring their wife in and start a family from prison.

We have the same perks in the outside world. We call them Get Away Weekends and we have to pay for them ourselves.

So I will be for the death penalty until we can turn our prisons back to what they were like in the vintage movie Cool Hand Luke.

Conservatives and Bible Thumpers have given us the largest prison population in the world. Over 2.5 million

They have also made us one of the few industrialized nations in the world to still execute its prisoners

Endless solitary confinement is also a unique US practice

None of these seem to be working

Why we are considered barbarians

Like I said before, the death penalty would work just fine if our legal system wasn't so Fd up and we executed people quickly and in public.

Let me ask: Are you worried about what might happen to you 18 years from today? Well most people are not. That includes criminals. If you knew killing somebody would have you in a graveyard in six or seven months, trust me, you'd be really considering other options to vent your anger.

Criminals don't expect to get caught.

Right, because statistics show that most murderers get away.

Criminals may be nuts, but they're not all dumb.

Not statistics do not. Not even worth replying any further.
Like I said before, the death penalty would work just fine if our legal system wasn't so Fd up and we executed people quickly and in public.

Why do you think that?

There's only three reasons why people kill.

1) They are mentally ill. There's no way that a DP is going to deter that.
2) They are caught up in a moment of rage. The DP isn't going to deter that, either.
3) They think they can get away with it, because they believe they are clever enough. They don't expect to get caught, so the DP won't discourage them, either.

Nobody thinks, "Yeah, I can murder someone, because I'll get a life sentence and get out in six years with a plea-bargain."

Let me ask: Are you worried about what might happen to you 18 years from today? Well most people are not. That includes criminals. If you knew killing somebody would have you in a graveyard in six or seven months, trust me, you'd be really considering other options to vent your anger.

again, you work on the assumption that this kind of rational thought process goes on. It really doesn't.
(CNN)The federal government is set to bring back capital punishment after 16 years with the executions of five inmates.

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday ordered the Bureau of Prisons to adopt an updated execution protocol, clearing the way for five death row inmates to be put to death. The executions are scheduled to begin in December 2019, though legal challenges could potentially delay them.
These are the inmates who will be executed:

These 5 inmates will be executed after Attorney General William Barr told the federal government to reinstate death penalty - CNN

That's right libs, the federal death penalty is back in the good ole USA. While you focus on killing babies, we are focusing on killing people who actually deserve execution.

Now it's just a matter of liberals crying about these poor innocent people who became the people they are thanks to a failed society. But wait! There's something in this for the left as well! One of the first people on that list is a white supremacist.

See, something for everybody, that is until the ACLU or some other leftist group plugs the courts up with lawsuits.
These are some really bad animals. They should have left this world long ago
Changing the subject to race? How unusual for you.

When was the last time we executed a rich white guy? oh, that's right, we don't. Yes, race and poverty are factors here.

Like I stated earlier, we should only execute people that we have empirical evidence against. That would leave your favorite darkie (OJ Simpson) still a free man.

The only difference between OJ and other black defendants is he had enough money to poke holes in the prosecution's case. Again 159 people that we either executed wrongly or put on death row and were later exonerated. Mostly because they were too poor to get good lawyers.

You want to go back in history when we didn't have nearly the technology we have today to gather evidence. Well we do have that technology today, so it's not like before where you could get executed because of a case of mistaken identity or a terrible video quality from those old cameras.

Except witnesses still lie, cops still plant evidence, poor people still can't get good lawyers. prosecutors still don't hand over exculpatory evidence.

Technology allows us to correct past mistakes, it won't prevent future ones.

And let's not forget, what you've said you want to do is ramp up the execution rate. That means more rushing through and not reviewing.
His father had some political ties, so I believe they reduced his sentence to 7 whacks with the cane. But when asking for clemency, the court responded by saying "We cannot just allow him to go unpunished because he's an American. Here it's very rare for people to spray paint cars, while people in NYC do this to police cars regularly."

Then after all his father did for him, the little punk punched his father in the mouth after he got home.

Actually, this claim was made by Singapore authorities, not really confirmed that it happened at all.

Michael P. Fay - Wikipedia

He did however, develop substance abuse problems afterwards.

But you do have a point, because he was white and affluent, he got less of a sentence... People of color get much worse punishments.
(CNN)The federal government is set to bring back capital punishment after 16 years with the executions of five inmates.

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday ordered the Bureau of Prisons to adopt an updated execution protocol, clearing the way for five death row inmates to be put to death. The executions are scheduled to begin in December 2019, though legal challenges could potentially delay them.
These are the inmates who will be executed:

These 5 inmates will be executed after Attorney General William Barr told the federal government to reinstate death penalty - CNN

That's right libs, the federal death penalty is back in the good ole USA. While you focus on killing babies, we are focusing on killing people who actually deserve execution.

Now it's just a matter of liberals crying about these poor innocent people who became the people they are thanks to a failed society. But wait! There's something in this for the left as well! One of the first people on that list is a white supremacist.

See, something for everybody, that is until the ACLU or some other leftist group plugs the courts up with lawsuits.

Clearly the death penalty is a failure if the goal is to be a deterrent. At the same time I can’t get worked up about condemned killers being put to death.

The reason it's not a deterrent is because of how it's carried out. Trust me, if we executed people within six months of their sentence, all appeals exhausted, had the execution on television, and used hanging instead of medication, it would cut down our murder rate by about 90%.

You're making up bullshit. Again.

Well let's try it my way for five years and see what happens.

Wouldn’t States wh the death penalty (like Florida) have the lowest murder rates ? If the DP was such a deterrent.

Same goes with our massive incarceration rate
You're suggesting that we amputate people for stealing?

No, I'm suggesting that if the penalty is strong enough, it deters criminal activity.

Then why do states with the death penalty have a higher murder rate than states without the death penalty?


I don't know how many times I need to explain this to you. I understand you are a leftist, but even you can follow along.

Capital Punishment is not a deterrent because it takes so long to carry out.

Ok, well you're moving the goal posts then. Here's what you said:

"I'm suggesting that if the penalty is strong enough, it deters criminal activity."

So now...a strong punishment only acts as a deterrent when there isn't a long time to carry out the punishment.

Now that you have your own stupid opinion figured out, exactly what evidence do you have to think this even matters in the first place?

I can't imagine a significant amount of would-be murderers thinking to themselves: "Well I would murder that person if the death penalty took a long time. But if it's a short process, I guess I'll behave."

Sounds ridiculous to me. I'm sure you have some really good evidence to back up your well-articulated opinion though.

Capital punishment is not much of a deterrent, but it's a better deterrent than no capital punishment at all.

Could it be improved? Yes, greatly as I explained.

Let me ask: if you knew you were going to die in 15 years, would you care? If you knew you would die in four months, trust me, you would care much more, especially if you knew you were in control of it.

I wish you and I ran our government. Because if we did, I would make you a bet. My bet would be do it my way, and if murders did not decrease by at least 50% in the fifth year, we would abolish capital punishment. If it did reduce murders by at least 50%, we keep my plan.

You can lie to me, (which I'm sure you would) but ask yourself if you'd really make that bet with me.

Most of our mass murders take place in gun-free zones. Do you think that's because of dumb luck? No, it's because mass murderers don't want any deterrent in committing their crimes.

So you have absolutely nothing to support your stupid argument. Got it.

In your mind, a murderer is going to go through the thought process of "Well I was going to murder that person if the legal system takes a long time. But now that it takes a really short time, I guess I'll behave like a good citizen." That's completely ridiculous.

What do gun-free zones have to do with this? They want to be able to commit the crime and get away with it. That has nothing to do with their thought process regarding the punishment for it, much less the timeline for the punishment.

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