More winning. Federal death penalty to be reinstated

No, I'm suggesting that if the penalty is strong enough, it deters criminal activity.

Then why do states with the death penalty have a higher murder rate than states without the death penalty?


I don't know how many times I need to explain this to you. I understand you are a leftist, but even you can follow along.

Capital Punishment is not a deterrent because it takes so long to carry out.

Ok, well you're moving the goal posts then. Here's what you said:

"I'm suggesting that if the penalty is strong enough, it deters criminal activity."

So now...a strong punishment only acts as a deterrent when there isn't a long time to carry out the punishment.

Now that you have your own stupid opinion figured out, exactly what evidence do you have to think this even matters in the first place?

I can't imagine a significant amount of would-be murderers thinking to themselves: "Well I would murder that person if the death penalty took a long time. But if it's a short process, I guess I'll behave."

Sounds ridiculous to me. I'm sure you have some really good evidence to back up your well-articulated opinion though.

Capital punishment is not much of a deterrent, but it's a better deterrent than no capital punishment at all.

Could it be improved? Yes, greatly as I explained.

Let me ask: if you knew you were going to die in 15 years, would you care? If you knew you would die in four months, trust me, you would care much more, especially if you knew you were in control of it.

I wish you and I ran our government. Because if we did, I would make you a bet. My bet would be do it my way, and if murders did not decrease by at least 50% in the fifth year, we would abolish capital punishment. If it did reduce murders by at least 50%, we keep my plan.

You can lie to me, (which I'm sure you would) but ask yourself if you'd really make that bet with me.

Most of our mass murders take place in gun-free zones. Do you think that's because of dumb luck? No, it's because mass murderers don't want any deterrent in committing their crimes.

So you have absolutely nothing to support your stupid argument. Got it.

In your mind, a murderer is going to go through the thought process of "Well I was going to murder that person if the legal system takes a long time. But now that it takes a really short time, I guess I'll behave like a good citizen." That's completely ridiculous.

What do gun-free zones have to do with this? They want to be able to commit the crime and get away with it. That has nothing to do with their thought process regarding the punishment for it, much less the timeline for the punishment.

Yes, I do think that if a potential murderer knew he could be dead in just a few months, that would make him control his anger.

Some of these murders are senseless. Where I live, we lost our mailman because the attacker got five dollars out of his pocket. We lost another fine person who was working at the gas station near my home. The clerk totally backed off with his hands up when the armed robber hopped over the counter to get the 50 bucks out of the register. It didn't matter though, he still shot and killed the clerk.

So I really do believe these murders never would have taken place if we had a quick and harsh death penalty. It's one thing to risk your life for a million dollars, and quite another for ten or twenty bucks. You're not going to take that chance for chump change unless you really want to die anyway.
His father had some political ties, so I believe they reduced his sentence to 7 whacks with the cane. But when asking for clemency, the court responded by saying "We cannot just allow him to go unpunished because he's an American. Here it's very rare for people to spray paint cars, while people in NYC do this to police cars regularly."

Then after all his father did for him, the little punk punched his father in the mouth after he got home.

Actually, this claim was made by Singapore authorities, not really confirmed that it happened at all.

Michael P. Fay - Wikipedia

He did however, develop substance abuse problems afterwards.

But you do have a point, because he was white and affluent, he got less of a sentence... People of color get much worse punishments.

Well you know how thems black people is hated by them Singapore people.
....That's right libs, the federal death penalty is back in the good ole USA. While you focus on killing babies, we are focusing on killing people who actually deserve execution..

So, killing people is winning?

And you claim to be pro-life at the same time



My side wants to execute people who murdered other innocent people. Your side just wants to murder innocent people. See the difference yet?
Then why do states with the death penalty have a higher murder rate than states without the death penalty?


I don't know how many times I need to explain this to you. I understand you are a leftist, but even you can follow along.

Capital Punishment is not a deterrent because it takes so long to carry out.

Ok, well you're moving the goal posts then. Here's what you said:

"I'm suggesting that if the penalty is strong enough, it deters criminal activity."

So now...a strong punishment only acts as a deterrent when there isn't a long time to carry out the punishment.

Now that you have your own stupid opinion figured out, exactly what evidence do you have to think this even matters in the first place?

I can't imagine a significant amount of would-be murderers thinking to themselves: "Well I would murder that person if the death penalty took a long time. But if it's a short process, I guess I'll behave."

Sounds ridiculous to me. I'm sure you have some really good evidence to back up your well-articulated opinion though.

Capital punishment is not much of a deterrent, but it's a better deterrent than no capital punishment at all.

Could it be improved? Yes, greatly as I explained.

Let me ask: if you knew you were going to die in 15 years, would you care? If you knew you would die in four months, trust me, you would care much more, especially if you knew you were in control of it.

I wish you and I ran our government. Because if we did, I would make you a bet. My bet would be do it my way, and if murders did not decrease by at least 50% in the fifth year, we would abolish capital punishment. If it did reduce murders by at least 50%, we keep my plan.

You can lie to me, (which I'm sure you would) but ask yourself if you'd really make that bet with me.

Most of our mass murders take place in gun-free zones. Do you think that's because of dumb luck? No, it's because mass murderers don't want any deterrent in committing their crimes.

So you have absolutely nothing to support your stupid argument. Got it.

In your mind, a murderer is going to go through the thought process of "Well I was going to murder that person if the legal system takes a long time. But now that it takes a really short time, I guess I'll behave like a good citizen." That's completely ridiculous.

What do gun-free zones have to do with this? They want to be able to commit the crime and get away with it. That has nothing to do with their thought process regarding the punishment for it, much less the timeline for the punishment.

Yes, I do think that if a potential murderer knew he could be dead in just a few months, that would make him control his anger.

Some of these murders are senseless. Where I live, we lost our mailman because the attacker got five dollars out of his pocket. We lost another fine person who was working at the gas station near my home. The clerk totally backed off with his hands up when the armed robber hopped over the counter to get the 50 bucks out of the register. It didn't matter though, he still shot and killed the clerk.

So I really do believe these murders never would have taken place if we had a quick and harsh death penalty. It's one thing to risk your life for a million dollars, and quite another for ten or twenty bucks. You're not going to take that chance for chump change unless you really want to die anyway.


So murderers are senseless who will put their lives on the line for ten or twenty bucks.

But you also think they will carefully evaluate the time it takes to process their death sentence, which will change their mind regarding committing the crime at all.

Are you listening to yourself? :20:
My side wants to execute people who murdered other innocent people. Your side just wants to murder innocent people. See the difference yet?

again, you were the one who dismissed 159 wrongly executed/convicted people as "They did something".

And fetuses aren't people. Sorry.
Yes, I do think that if a potential murderer knew he could be dead in just a few months, that would make him control his anger.

Some of these murders are senseless. Where I live, we lost our mailman because the attacker got five dollars out of his pocket. We lost another fine person who was working at the gas station near my home. The clerk totally backed off with his hands up when the armed robber hopped over the counter to get the 50 bucks out of the register. It didn't matter though, he still shot and killed the clerk.

So I really do believe these murders never would have taken place if we had a quick and harsh death penalty. It's one thing to risk your life for a million dollars, and quite another for ten or twenty bucks. You're not going to take that chance for chump change unless you really want to die anyway.

Not seeing how anyone desperate enough to kill someone for $5.00 or $50.00 is going to be deterred by a death penalty.

I'm willing to bet both of these incidents you describe probably involved people with serious substance abuse problems.
When was the last time we executed a rich white guy? oh, that's right, we don't. Yes, race and poverty are factors here.

So who was the last rich guy who killed somebody in the commission of another crime?

Blacks currently make up 55% of death row inmates. That means the other 45% are whites or other groups of people. However blacks are the largest group of murderers in this country. So if anything, the scales are tipped in their favor over whites.

Capital punishment in the US is proportional with the murders by race.

The only difference between OJ and other black defendants is he had enough money to poke holes in the prosecution's case. Again 159 people that we either executed wrongly or put on death row and were later exonerated. Mostly because they were too poor to get good lawyers.

Mostly because nearly all those cases were judged years ago when we didn't have the ability to provide empirical evidence as we can today.

OJ got off because they dragged the case on forever and jurors wanted to just go home. Plus the fact he was a celebrity greatly helped in the case.

Except witnesses still lie, cops still plant evidence, poor people still can't get good lawyers. prosecutors still don't hand over exculpatory evidence.

Technology allows us to correct past mistakes, it won't prevent future ones.

And let's not forget, what you've said you want to do is ramp up the execution rate. That means more rushing through and not reviewing.

It doesn't take 15 to 18 years to review a case, especially in open and shut ones.


  • 514px-USA_2009._Percent_of_adult_males_incarcerated_by_race_and_ethnicity.svg.png
    27.6 KB · Views: 13
Yes, I do think that if a potential murderer knew he could be dead in just a few months, that would make him control his anger.

Some of these murders are senseless. Where I live, we lost our mailman because the attacker got five dollars out of his pocket. We lost another fine person who was working at the gas station near my home. The clerk totally backed off with his hands up when the armed robber hopped over the counter to get the 50 bucks out of the register. It didn't matter though, he still shot and killed the clerk.

So I really do believe these murders never would have taken place if we had a quick and harsh death penalty. It's one thing to risk your life for a million dollars, and quite another for ten or twenty bucks. You're not going to take that chance for chump change unless you really want to die anyway.

Not seeing how anyone desperate enough to kill someone for $5.00 or $50.00 is going to be deterred by a death penalty.

I'm willing to bet both of these incidents you describe probably involved people with serious substance abuse problems.

So what if they did? Does it matter what reason somebody killed your brother or sister? Of course not. They are dead and you will be tormented the rest of your life because of it.

You have to understand that in the black community, going go prison is sort of a resume enhancer. That is not to say they want to go to prison, but if they do, so what? They will likely be with friends and perhaps family. It's a place they are familiar with. It's one of the reasons our recidivism rate is so high in the US. Prison is not that much of a deterrent for lowlifes.

Death? That's a whole different subject. Your street fame will be short lived and certainly not worth the ten or twenty bucks you stole.
I don't know how many times I need to explain this to you. I understand you are a leftist, but even you can follow along.

Capital Punishment is not a deterrent because it takes so long to carry out.

Ok, well you're moving the goal posts then. Here's what you said:

"I'm suggesting that if the penalty is strong enough, it deters criminal activity."

So now...a strong punishment only acts as a deterrent when there isn't a long time to carry out the punishment.

Now that you have your own stupid opinion figured out, exactly what evidence do you have to think this even matters in the first place?

I can't imagine a significant amount of would-be murderers thinking to themselves: "Well I would murder that person if the death penalty took a long time. But if it's a short process, I guess I'll behave."

Sounds ridiculous to me. I'm sure you have some really good evidence to back up your well-articulated opinion though.

Capital punishment is not much of a deterrent, but it's a better deterrent than no capital punishment at all.

Could it be improved? Yes, greatly as I explained.

Let me ask: if you knew you were going to die in 15 years, would you care? If you knew you would die in four months, trust me, you would care much more, especially if you knew you were in control of it.

I wish you and I ran our government. Because if we did, I would make you a bet. My bet would be do it my way, and if murders did not decrease by at least 50% in the fifth year, we would abolish capital punishment. If it did reduce murders by at least 50%, we keep my plan.

You can lie to me, (which I'm sure you would) but ask yourself if you'd really make that bet with me.

Most of our mass murders take place in gun-free zones. Do you think that's because of dumb luck? No, it's because mass murderers don't want any deterrent in committing their crimes.

So you have absolutely nothing to support your stupid argument. Got it.

In your mind, a murderer is going to go through the thought process of "Well I was going to murder that person if the legal system takes a long time. But now that it takes a really short time, I guess I'll behave like a good citizen." That's completely ridiculous.

What do gun-free zones have to do with this? They want to be able to commit the crime and get away with it. That has nothing to do with their thought process regarding the punishment for it, much less the timeline for the punishment.

Yes, I do think that if a potential murderer knew he could be dead in just a few months, that would make him control his anger.

Some of these murders are senseless. Where I live, we lost our mailman because the attacker got five dollars out of his pocket. We lost another fine person who was working at the gas station near my home. The clerk totally backed off with his hands up when the armed robber hopped over the counter to get the 50 bucks out of the register. It didn't matter though, he still shot and killed the clerk.

So I really do believe these murders never would have taken place if we had a quick and harsh death penalty. It's one thing to risk your life for a million dollars, and quite another for ten or twenty bucks. You're not going to take that chance for chump change unless you really want to die anyway.


So murderers are senseless who will put their lives on the line for ten or twenty bucks.

But you also think they will carefully evaluate the time it takes to process their death sentence, which will change their mind regarding committing the crime at all.

Are you listening to yourself? :20:

Yes, and it makes perfect sense.
Ok, well you're moving the goal posts then. Here's what you said:

"I'm suggesting that if the penalty is strong enough, it deters criminal activity."

So now...a strong punishment only acts as a deterrent when there isn't a long time to carry out the punishment.

Now that you have your own stupid opinion figured out, exactly what evidence do you have to think this even matters in the first place?

I can't imagine a significant amount of would-be murderers thinking to themselves: "Well I would murder that person if the death penalty took a long time. But if it's a short process, I guess I'll behave."

Sounds ridiculous to me. I'm sure you have some really good evidence to back up your well-articulated opinion though.

Capital punishment is not much of a deterrent, but it's a better deterrent than no capital punishment at all.

Could it be improved? Yes, greatly as I explained.

Let me ask: if you knew you were going to die in 15 years, would you care? If you knew you would die in four months, trust me, you would care much more, especially if you knew you were in control of it.

I wish you and I ran our government. Because if we did, I would make you a bet. My bet would be do it my way, and if murders did not decrease by at least 50% in the fifth year, we would abolish capital punishment. If it did reduce murders by at least 50%, we keep my plan.

You can lie to me, (which I'm sure you would) but ask yourself if you'd really make that bet with me.

Most of our mass murders take place in gun-free zones. Do you think that's because of dumb luck? No, it's because mass murderers don't want any deterrent in committing their crimes.

So you have absolutely nothing to support your stupid argument. Got it.

In your mind, a murderer is going to go through the thought process of "Well I was going to murder that person if the legal system takes a long time. But now that it takes a really short time, I guess I'll behave like a good citizen." That's completely ridiculous.

What do gun-free zones have to do with this? They want to be able to commit the crime and get away with it. That has nothing to do with their thought process regarding the punishment for it, much less the timeline for the punishment.

Yes, I do think that if a potential murderer knew he could be dead in just a few months, that would make him control his anger.

Some of these murders are senseless. Where I live, we lost our mailman because the attacker got five dollars out of his pocket. We lost another fine person who was working at the gas station near my home. The clerk totally backed off with his hands up when the armed robber hopped over the counter to get the 50 bucks out of the register. It didn't matter though, he still shot and killed the clerk.

So I really do believe these murders never would have taken place if we had a quick and harsh death penalty. It's one thing to risk your life for a million dollars, and quite another for ten or twenty bucks. You're not going to take that chance for chump change unless you really want to die anyway.


So murderers are senseless who will put their lives on the line for ten or twenty bucks.

But you also think they will carefully evaluate the time it takes to process their death sentence, which will change their mind regarding committing the crime at all.

Are you listening to yourself? :20:

Yes, and it makes perfect sense.

If that makes sense to you, then I think you may be going senile.
You have to understand that in the black community, going go prison is sort of a resume enhancer. That is not to say they want to go to prison, but if they do, so what? They will likely be with friends and perhaps family. It's a place they are familiar with. It's one of the reasons our recidivism rate is so high in the US. Prison is not that much of a deterrent for lowlifes.

I've never met a black person who thought time in prison was a resume enhancer, and I've written a lot of resumes.

The reason why recidivism is so high is that we put a scarlet letter behind their name for the rest of their lives that renders them unemployable.
Here's my take on capital punishment.
To start with life means life at hard labor to earn your own keep and there is no chance for parole or endless legal appeal. You're simply going away to exist for the remainder of your miserable life however long that may be. Theres no TV, movies, internet access, no entertainment whatsoever and no days off. Your future prospects for life are grim indeed for the rest of your miserable existence.
You're awaken daily and begin your day with a breakfast meal with enough calories to sustain you and your labor. After that it's off to work to fulfill your allotted quota of work. Dont meet your quota and there's no dinner. Then it's back to your solitary cell with no cellmate to abuse, intimidate or amuse yourself with.There is no recreation or time off, just work and sleep, you're allowed to keep breathing, work, sleep and that's all. However at any time upon your request you will be provided with the means to take your own life. Razor blade., gun with one bullet, a noose and stool, poison hemlock whatever. This will be your last and only free choice to make for the rest of your natural life. If disease over takes you, tough titty, nature will be allowed to take her course until you die.
At the end, however that may come, your body is dumped into an obscure hole at some unmarked location, covered over and you're forgotten.
Theres no moral struggle that anyone else need bother with and little cost. Your end came whenever and however it came were matters entirely of your own choice and doing.
They say, you can judge a society by how it treats its criminals. Maybe. But even more to the point, you can judge a society by the type of criminals it HAS. Now, if its "humane" when animals are euthanized that harm humans, I agree. I apply that same logic to humans that hurt other humans. Don't house and feed or maintain them indefinitely, that isn't fair to society or to the criminals. Euthanize them humanely. For liberals out there, think of it more of a post partum abortion. Put it in perspective.
Here's my take on capital punishment.
To start with life means life at hard labor to earn your own keep and there is no chance for parole or endless legal appeal. You're simply going away to exist for the remainder of your miserable life however long that may be. Theres no TV, movies, internet access, no entertainment whatsoever and no days off. Your future prospects for life are grim indeed for the rest of your miserable existence.
You're awaken daily and begin your day with a breakfast meal with enough calories to sustain you and your labor. After that it's off to work to fulfill your allotted quota of work. Dont meet your quota and there's no dinner. Then it's back to your solitary cell with no cellmate to abuse, intimidate or amuse yourself with.There is no recreation or time off, just work and sleep, you're allowed to keep breathing, work, sleep and that's all. However at any time upon your request you will be provided with the means to take your own life. Razor blade., gun with one bullet, a noose and stool, poison hemlock whatever. This will be your last and only free choice to make for the rest of your natural life. If disease over takes you, tough titty, nature will be allowed to take her course until you die.
At the end, however that may come, your body is dumped into an obscure hole at some unmarked location, covered over and you're forgotten.
Theres no moral struggle that anyone else need bother with and little cost. Your end came whenever and however it came were matters entirely of your own choice and doing.

The problem with that? Two words: Liberal judges.
You have to understand that in the black community, going go prison is sort of a resume enhancer. That is not to say they want to go to prison, but if they do, so what? They will likely be with friends and perhaps family. It's a place they are familiar with. It's one of the reasons our recidivism rate is so high in the US. Prison is not that much of a deterrent for lowlifes.

I've never met a black person who thought time in prison was a resume enhancer, and I've written a lot of resumes.

The reason why recidivism is so high is that we put a scarlet letter behind their name for the rest of their lives that renders them unemployable.

It's because we have no laws that force employers to hire them. They are a problem for most employers so why would anybody hire a problem?

But I know people that got jobs after they got out. They still ended up back in prison.
(CNN)The federal government is set to bring back capital punishment after 16 years with the executions of five inmates.

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday ordered the Bureau of Prisons to adopt an updated execution protocol, clearing the way for five death row inmates to be put to death. The executions are scheduled to begin in December 2019, though legal challenges could potentially delay them.
These are the inmates who will be executed:

These 5 inmates will be executed after Attorney General William Barr told the federal government to reinstate death penalty - CNN

That's right libs, the federal death penalty is back in the good ole USA. While you focus on killing babies, we are focusing on killing people who actually deserve execution.

Now it's just a matter of liberals crying about these poor innocent people who became the people they are thanks to a failed society. But wait! There's something in this for the left as well! One of the first people on that list is a white supremacist.

See, something for everybody, that is until the ACLU or some other leftist group plugs the courts up with lawsuits.
Why is torturing people “winning”, troll boy?

Because it bothers normal people?

So much for your pretend pro life BS
(CNN)The federal government is set to bring back capital punishment after 16 years with the executions of five inmates.

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday ordered the Bureau of Prisons to adopt an updated execution protocol, clearing the way for five death row inmates to be put to death. The executions are scheduled to begin in December 2019, though legal challenges could potentially delay them.
These are the inmates who will be executed:

These 5 inmates will be executed after Attorney General William Barr told the federal government to reinstate death penalty - CNN

That's right libs, the federal death penalty is back in the good ole USA. While you focus on killing babies, we are focusing on killing people who actually deserve execution.

Now it's just a matter of liberals crying about these poor innocent people who became the people they are thanks to a failed society. But wait! There's something in this for the left as well! One of the first people on that list is a white supremacist.

See, something for everybody, that is until the ACLU or some other leftist group plugs the courts up with lawsuits.
Why is torturing people “winning”, troll boy?

Because it bothers normal people?

So much for your pretend pro life BS

So where in my OP do I say anything about torturing anybody bimbo broad?

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