More winning-Obamacare on the ropes

Trump is scared shitless.

Call the ACA unconstitutional & watch Trump & the Republicans flail to fix it as millions lose their health insurance & people with pre-existing conditions get thrown out in the streets.

Right in time for the election.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate

Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.
Some other arrangements must be made-we can't go on this way. How are the Dems coming with their fix as promised in the 2018 elections?
Trump’s still president
The Dems said they would fix what the Republicans did not-where is it? Or did they over promise?
Impeach 45 is what I heard
Republicans lack the balls

They know that if they break it.....they bought it
The wealthy like Tramp help pay for the ACA and they do not want their money to go to paupers or low lifes, the poor who have pre-existing conditions and those who make under 100 grand a year with 2 kids.

He serves the RICH, which means, only people that can pay a high price for healthcare deserve it, and the rest are fed the crumbs.

He would rather walk over one dying than give a red cent of his money. The greed at the top is atrocious.
Oh shut up you know that’s fake news fool
The wealthy like Tramp help pay for the ACA and they do not want their money to go to paupers or low lifes, the poor who have pre-existing conditions and those who make under 100 grand a year with 2 kids.

He serves the RICH, which means, only people that can pay a high price for healthcare deserve it, and the rest are fed the crumbs.

He would rather walk over one dying than give a red cent of his money. The greed at the top is atrocious.
Oh shut up you know that’s fake news fool

Prove otherwise. He has done everything he could to get rid of the ACA and what is his plan. Oh return things to the way they were. Block grants for Medicaid. Next they will strike down expanded Medicaid.

What is his pre-existing conditions clause, jus to cover one if one has enough money, back to the same way it was before the ACA.
Dear yidnar
the best way I know is to AGREE with them.
Then add to what they are saying by promoting
the SOLUTION that backs up what they are lobbying for.

A1. for example, if they want "universal care"
A2. You say YES, and the way to get to universal care
is to set up health care cooperatives. This will cut the
costs so much, you don't need to legislate to stop high
profit insurance. You can go ahead and negotiate
medicare pricing directly without any further legislation needed.

B1. if they want free education and health care
B2. You say YES, by reforming the prison system,
and converting them into medical schools and
teaching hospitals, we can treat the sick to prevent
crime, and the money saved can pay for education where
doctors and nurses in training can serve in public health.

Then ask them do they support Spiritual Healing that
can cure mental and criminal illness for FREE in order
to prevent crime, so taxes can go toward health care instead.

C1. if they want programs to help immigrants instead of a wall
C2. You say YES, liberals and Democrats should fund education
and jobs for immigrants and let Conservatives and Republicans
fund the wall and military security. If the right wants their wall,
then the left should get to defund the death penalty and pay
for treatment centers and teaching hospitals on the border
to serve the prison and immigrant populations.
Some other arrangements must be made-we can't go on this way. How are the Dems coming with their fix as promised in the 2018 elections?
Trump’s still president
The Dems said they would fix what the Republicans did not-where is it? Or did they over promise?
Impeach 45
Not happening-this term.

Not ever happening. The dems never mentioned it in their debate. Nor Mueller. Thats just red meat to keep their Communist base riled up.

Regime change begins at home: Communist Party USA

and you have a problem with those aspects. Sure beats far right wing stuff which is what tramp and GOP have become.

Founded in 1919, the Communist Party USA has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, women’s equality, racial justice and peace for 97 years. The Communist Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive movement of the United States, from the struggle against Jim Crow segregation, the organizing of the industrial unions, from the canneries of California, to the sweatshops of New York City.

Sounds more like democracy.
Dear yidnar
the best way I know is to AGREE with them.
Then add to what they are saying by promoting
the SOLUTION that backs up what they are lobbying for.

A1. for example, if they want "universal care"
A2. You say YES, and the way to get to universal care
is to set up health care cooperatives. This will cut the
costs so much, you don't need to legislate to stop high
profit insurance. You can go ahead and negotiate
medicare pricing directly without any further legislation needed.

B1. if they want free education and health care
B2. You say YES, by reforming the prison system,
and converting them into medical schools and
teaching hospitals, we can treat the sick to prevent
crime, and the money saved can pay for education where
doctors and nurses in training can serve in public health.

Then ask them do they support Spiritual Healing that
can cure mental and criminal illness for FREE in order
to prevent crime, so taxes can go toward health care instead.

C1. if they want programs to help immigrants instead of a wall
C2. You say YES, liberals and Democrats should fund education
and jobs for immigrants and let Conservatives and Republicans
fund the wall and military security. If the right wants their wall,
then the left should get to defund the death penalty and pay
for treatment centers and teaching hospitals on the border
to serve the prison and immigrant populations.

Screw health care cooperatives, most people do now want to depend on Christian or join Christian clubs or join any club.. While you pray to God for healing, most of us realists prefer the medical community.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Obamacare in Jeopardy as Appeals Court Hears Case Backed by Trump

Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.
Hospitals don’t throw people out! They find alternative ways to treat! Please fking stop misrepresenting medical procedures

They tell one to follow up with a family doctor after they take care of your emergency.

To which they come back to the emergency room and are treated again.
The wealthy like Tramp help pay for the ACA and they do not want their money to go to paupers or low lifes, the poor who have pre-existing conditions and those who make under 100 grand a year with 2 kids.

He serves the RICH, which means, only people that can pay a high price for healthcare deserve it, and the rest are fed the crumbs.

He would rather walk over one dying than give a red cent of his money. The greed at the top is atrocious.
Oh shut up you know that’s fake news fool

Prove otherwise. He has done everything he could to get rid of the ACA and what is his plan. Oh return things to the way they were. Block grants for Medicaid. Next they will strike down expanded Medicaid.

What is his pre-existing conditions clause, jus to cover one if one has enough money, back to the same way it was before the ACA.

Dear Penelope
Cooperatives can be set up where the members pay for services at cost,
based on Medicare pricing that providers agree to because through
Coops they don't have to pay admin costs of govt filing or insurance claims.
So it pays equal or the same as insurance pays them, but without the high overhead.

There are NO exclusions or exceptions for "pre-existing" conditions.

People who qualify for federal funded clinics can still go to those
clinics within their provider region.
While others who either don't qualify or don't want to go through govt clinics
can choose to pay for provider services either on retainer or through discounted
rates based on Medicare pricing.

Coops can also offer hospital indemnity insurance
and catastrophic insurance, again at the lowest rates
and without the high deductibles, copays, exceptions/exclusions
that for profit insurance involves.

So you're best bet to solve all the problems with health care
costs and pricing is through cooperatives, in particular the nonprofit
that operate at cost with about 6% for minimum admin staff.

That's more effective, better benefits, and lower costs
that trying to legislate, regulate and manage centrally through govt.

Dear yidnar
the best way I know is to AGREE with them.
Then add to what they are saying by promoting
the SOLUTION that backs up what they are lobbying for.

A1. for example, if they want "universal care"
A2. You say YES, and the way to get to universal care
is to set up health care cooperatives. This will cut the
costs so much, you don't need to legislate to stop high
profit insurance. You can go ahead and negotiate
medicare pricing directly without any further legislation needed.

B1. if they want free education and health care
B2. You say YES, by reforming the prison system,
and converting them into medical schools and
teaching hospitals, we can treat the sick to prevent
crime, and the money saved can pay for education where
doctors and nurses in training can serve in public health.

Then ask them do they support Spiritual Healing that
can cure mental and criminal illness for FREE in order
to prevent crime, so taxes can go toward health care instead.

C1. if they want programs to help immigrants instead of a wall
C2. You say YES, liberals and Democrats should fund education
and jobs for immigrants and let Conservatives and Republicans
fund the wall and military security. If the right wants their wall,
then the left should get to defund the death penalty and pay
for treatment centers and teaching hospitals on the border
to serve the prison and immigrant populations.

Screw health care cooperatives, most people do now want to depend on Christian or join Christian clubs or join any club.. While you pray to God for healing, most of us realists prefer the medical community.

NOPE Penelope this isn't a Christian health share ministry.
it's a secular nonprofit similar to Habitat for Humanity
where people can work together to build their own clinic center
and provider networks.

And YES, the cooperatives are getting the MEDICAL COMMUNITY
to support and participate in the coops because they get paid
directly without having to mess with insurance claims and nonpayments/collections.
The coop pays them directly, so it saves costs and improves services
for both the physicians and the patients.

NOTE: the nonprofit I cited in Houston already has licensing set up
through the State of Texas to operate statewide, and has the largest
Surgical Group in Houston signed on. All the other providers they have
invited either agreed to serve on retainer or agreed to be within the
network where members can still get discounted Medicare rates.
Very few turn down the invitation, usually if they already are maxed
out serving a full patient base who already have good paying relations.

These are professional hospitals like St. Luke's and Memorial
that agreed to serve the coop clients.

The other group I already heard about on the radio is
the Atlas MD coop in Wichita KS. I think that is for profit
and they still work more cost effectively than trying to
mandate and manage costs and services through govt.

The coop in Houston is nonprofit and I've introduced
the head founder to various nonprofit community
groups in order to help those neighborhoods start
organizing a stable structure to build their own jobs
and health program network instead of not being
able to afford high profit insurance.

Where the health share programs may fit in:
if people get the membership in Coops for the Medicare
pricing discounts, then join a health share ministry that
pays their bills, the cost will be half as much to pay for.
So maybe that way, they can skip on buying the additional
hospital indemnity and the catastrophic if they combine
coop discounts with health share funding to pay the costs
that would still be minimalized at medicare rates by the coop plans.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate


What I'd recommend DOTR and Deno
is to argue that the difference in coverage
should be paid for by the politicians, parties and taxpayers
who endorsed ACA because they BELIEVE in paying for health care through govt.

Whichever people violated the Constitution by passing
and enforcing this law through govt should be compelled
to pay the costs themselves to keep those provisions going
they set up for people as they promised.

So I'd start naming people and groups responsible
and assess the costs that should be charged to them.

Since judges can't write that into law, it may take
lawyers writing it up and asking for it as part
of the order.
Dear yidnar
the best way I know is to AGREE with them.
Then add to what they are saying by promoting
the SOLUTION that backs up what they are lobbying for.

A1. for example, if they want "universal care"
A2. You say YES, and the way to get to universal care
is to set up health care cooperatives. This will cut the
costs so much, you don't need to legislate to stop high
profit insurance. You can go ahead and negotiate
medicare pricing directly without any further legislation needed.

B1. if they want free education and health care
B2. You say YES, by reforming the prison system,
and converting them into medical schools and
teaching hospitals, we can treat the sick to prevent
crime, and the money saved can pay for education where
doctors and nurses in training can serve in public health.

Then ask them do they support Spiritual Healing that
can cure mental and criminal illness for FREE in order
to prevent crime, so taxes can go toward health care instead.

C1. if they want programs to help immigrants instead of a wall
C2. You say YES, liberals and Democrats should fund education
and jobs for immigrants and let Conservatives and Republicans
fund the wall and military security. If the right wants their wall,
then the left should get to defund the death penalty and pay
for treatment centers and teaching hospitals on the border
to serve the prison and immigrant populations.

Screw health care cooperatives, most people do now want to depend on Christian or join Christian clubs or join any club.. While you pray to God for healing, most of us realists prefer the medical community.

NOPE Penelope this isn't a Christian health share ministry.
it's a secular nonprofit similar to Habitat for Humanity
where people can work together to build their own clinic center
and provider networks.

And YES, the cooperatives are getting the MEDICAL COMMUNITY
to support and participate in the coops because they get paid
directly without having to mess with insurance claims and nonpayments/collections.
The coop pays them directly, so it saves costs and improves services
for both the physicians and the patients.

NOTE: the nonprofit I cited in Houston already has licensing set up
through the State of Texas to operate statewide, and has the largest
Surgical Group in Houston signed on. All the other providers they have
invited either agreed to serve on retainer or agreed to be within the
network where members can still get discounted Medicare rates.
Very few turn down the invitation, usually if they already are maxed
out serving a full patient base who already have good paying relations.

These are professional hospitals like St. Luke's and Memorial
that agreed to serve the coop clients.

The other group I already heard about on the radio is
the Atlas MD coop in Wichita KS. I think that is for profit
and they still work more cost effectively than trying to
mandate and manage costs and services through govt.

The coop in Houston is nonprofit and I've introduced
the head founder to various nonprofit community
groups in order to help those neighborhoods start
organizing a stable structure to build their own jobs
and health program network instead of not being
able to afford high profit insurance.

Where the health share programs may fit in:
if people get the membership in Coops for the Medicare
pricing discounts, then join a health share ministry that
pays their bills, the cost will be half as much to pay for.
So maybe that way, they can skip on buying the additional
hospital indemnity and the catastrophic if they combine
coop discounts with health share funding to pay the costs
that would still be minimalized at medicare rates by the coop plans.

Well you can join one if you want but I do not want to belong to an HMO.

Also you still need insurance. Real insurance.

“As a patient of Atlas MD, will I still need health insurance?”
Yes. We recommend our patients continue a major medical plan with a high deductible and health savings account to ensure financial help should hospitalization or referral to a specialist be necessary. We’re happy to refer you to insurance representatives who can help customize an insurance plan to your specific needs.

“If I have Medicare, can I still join Atlas MD?”
Yes. You need only sign a one-time waiver declaring that neither you nor your doctor will directly bill Medicare for our services. Medicare will still cover any laboratory testing, imaging, medications, or hospitalizations prescribed by our offices.
Does not sound like its for me. I want independence that they do not have it. Talk about us knowing you, sometimes that can get way to personal, that is why people get 2nd and 3rd opinions, and every doctor retires, dies or moves.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate


What I'd recommend DOTR and Deno
is to argue that the difference in coverage
should be paid for by the politicians, parties and taxpayers
who endorsed ACA because they BELIEVE in paying for health care through govt.

Whichever people violated the Constitution by passing
and enforcing this law through govt should be compelled
to pay the costs themselves to keep those provisions going
they set up for people as they promised.

So I'd start naming people and groups responsible
and assess the costs that should be charged to them.

Since judges can't write that into law, it may take
lawyers writing it up and asking for it as part
of the order.

The ACA and universal healthcare ins, is the thing of the future. Accept it. You can belong to anything you want, but when universal healthcare takes root, you will pay the taxes for it.
Republicans have no exit strategy if Obamacare gets repealed

Taking health insurance away from 20-30 million people in an election is not a popular thing to do
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate

Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.
Some other arrangements must be made-we can't go on this way. How are the Dems coming with their fix as promised in the 2018 elections?
Trump’s still president
The Dems said they would fix what the Republicans did not-where is it? Or did they over promise?
Impeach 45 is what I heard
Deflection-WHERE is their FIX?
Dear yidnar
the best way I know is to AGREE with them.
Then add to what they are saying by promoting
the SOLUTION that backs up what they are lobbying for.

A1. for example, if they want "universal care"
A2. You say YES, and the way to get to universal care
is to set up health care cooperatives. This will cut the
costs so much, you don't need to legislate to stop high
profit insurance. You can go ahead and negotiate
medicare pricing directly without any further legislation needed.

B1. if they want free education and health care
B2. You say YES, by reforming the prison system,
and converting them into medical schools and
teaching hospitals, we can treat the sick to prevent
crime, and the money saved can pay for education where
doctors and nurses in training can serve in public health.

Then ask them do they support Spiritual Healing that
can cure mental and criminal illness for FREE in order
to prevent crime, so taxes can go toward health care instead.

C1. if they want programs to help immigrants instead of a wall
C2. You say YES, liberals and Democrats should fund education
and jobs for immigrants and let Conservatives and Republicans
fund the wall and military security. If the right wants their wall,
then the left should get to defund the death penalty and pay
for treatment centers and teaching hospitals on the border
to serve the prison and immigrant populations.

Screw health care cooperatives, most people do now want to depend on Christian or join Christian clubs or join any club.. While you pray to God for healing, most of us realists prefer the medical community.

NOPE Penelope this isn't a Christian health share ministry.
it's a secular nonprofit similar to Habitat for Humanity
where people can work together to build their own clinic center
and provider networks.

And YES, the cooperatives are getting the MEDICAL COMMUNITY
to support and participate in the coops because they get paid
directly without having to mess with insurance claims and nonpayments/collections.
The coop pays them directly, so it saves costs and improves services
for both the physicians and the patients.

NOTE: the nonprofit I cited in Houston already has licensing set up
through the State of Texas to operate statewide, and has the largest
Surgical Group in Houston signed on. All the other providers they have
invited either agreed to serve on retainer or agreed to be within the
network where members can still get discounted Medicare rates.
Very few turn down the invitation, usually if they already are maxed
out serving a full patient base who already have good paying relations.

These are professional hospitals like St. Luke's and Memorial
that agreed to serve the coop clients.

The other group I already heard about on the radio is
the Atlas MD coop in Wichita KS. I think that is for profit
and they still work more cost effectively than trying to
mandate and manage costs and services through govt.

The coop in Houston is nonprofit and I've introduced
the head founder to various nonprofit community
groups in order to help those neighborhoods start
organizing a stable structure to build their own jobs
and health program network instead of not being
able to afford high profit insurance.

Where the health share programs may fit in:
if people get the membership in Coops for the Medicare
pricing discounts, then join a health share ministry that
pays their bills, the cost will be half as much to pay for.
So maybe that way, they can skip on buying the additional
hospital indemnity and the catastrophic if they combine
coop discounts with health share funding to pay the costs
that would still be minimalized at medicare rates by the coop plans.

Well you can join one if you want but I do not want to belong to an HMO.

Also you still need insurance. Real insurance.

“As a patient of Atlas MD, will I still need health insurance?”
Yes. We recommend our patients continue a major medical plan with a high deductible and health savings account to ensure financial help should hospitalization or referral to a specialist be necessary. We’re happy to refer you to insurance representatives who can help customize an insurance plan to your specific needs.

“If I have Medicare, can I still join Atlas MD?”
Yes. You need only sign a one-time waiver declaring that neither you nor your doctor will directly bill Medicare for our services. Medicare will still cover any laboratory testing, imaging, medications, or hospitalizations prescribed by our offices.
Does not sound like its for me. I want independence that they do not have it. Talk about us knowing you, sometimes that can get way to personal, that is why people get 2nd and 3rd opinions, and every doctor retires, dies or moves.

Again, Penelope
the team that developed the cooperative nonprofit in Houston
already worked since the 70's on HMO. They understand the
differences in medical setups, contracts, and where the costs
are and where the money goes if it isn't going toward costs.

This is NOT an HMO. Memorial hospital that has its own
HMO is going to gear its programs toward serving itself first.

the Cooperatives are owned and managed by their members
DEMOCRATICALLY. So it's what you want from govt but
without the govt bureaucracy, and problems and limited choices.

And YES people can CHOOSE to add insurance at HALF
the cost with NO deductibles on two levels offered:
* hospital indemnity which covers $2000 a day
under their pricing at medicare costs that keeps it
at this cost or under
* catastrophic insurance covering up to 5 million
where the patient pays 10% of the costs and the
other 90 is paid by the underwriting company
(and in many cases, as long as the provider
receives that 90 percent, they tend to WAIVE
the 10 percent that the patient would pay)

What the cooperative covers best is
* removing the high deductibles, where
the medical services covered by retainer
payments are BELOW what insurance
covers but are priced at cost where
these are affordable
* offering INSURANCE but at half the
cost (and again reducing the copays
and deductibles to low or zero)
because it's NONPROFIT
* DIRECT payments to providers
WITHOUT requiring complex claims
and process that otherwise jacks up costs
* members forming relations with their
own local providers so there is no advertising
and marketing costs involved as with big
for profit companies. The money they pay
either pays for services or goes into setting up
their own clinic centers so they control their
choices of providers to hire and pay for.

Penelope the advocates with Universal Health Care
and Health Care for All Texas that I invited to
look at the program UNDERSTOOD that this is the
way to reduce medical care AT COST to get to
universal care. Our only disagreement is how long
it will take to set up this LONGTERM sustainable
solution, so the liberal approach and habit is to
lobby to push for health care through Govt.

But even the Govt would have to adopt the
cooperative structure to get the costs down
and reduce the bureaucracy so patients can
access localized services. So either way,
even if you got federal or govt funding, these
cooperative programs are the way to provide
medical services most cost effectively and
removing high profit and extraneous costs
so all the money goes into services (with
only about 6 percent for administrative mgmt)

That's the very minimum it takes.
You can't beat that Penelope
Even the Govt would have to follow this model
in order to afford universal care and still have
responsive services accountable to the patients
because they have direct relationships.

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