“More Women become Only Fans stars than Teachers”

The authority I point to uses science. Which source do you get your notions from? Still too chicken shit to say? 😄
Your posts are not based on any kind of authority. Biden supporters have not responded to data in this thread.

Most of those taking antidepressants are women.

Radical feminist have brought us a brutal society. With a high divorce rate, high suicide rate, Mass school shootings. Filth and degradation across America.

We have huge numbers of single-parent households in America more than ever. That was never a problem with the 1940s. You’re not responding to any of these points or you’re just blowing them over
Your posts are not based on any kind of authority. Biden supporters have not responded to data in this thread.

Most of those taking antidepressants are women.

Radical feminist have brought us a brutal society. With a high divorce rate, high suicide rate, Mass school shootings. Filth and degradation across America.

We have huge numbers of single-parent households in America more than ever. That was never a problem with the 1940s. You’re not responding to any of these points or you’re just blowing them over
No. Abused women not being able to escape their marriages was the problem in the 40s. The issue is you're to stupid to parse causation from correlation.
I’ve watched about 43 minutes of this very interesting interview of the YouTuber Pearl Davis. Of course, the knee-jerk reaction of the far left to people like Pearl is to use personal attacks. They see thread titles like this, or videos like this, and they are almost always incapable capable of holding a conversation. Perhaps that’s why we have so many problems in America today.
Matthew 7:1-5
Have any of the Biden supporters responded to this fax?

50% of strippers develop mental disorders. Huge amount of women on only fans have mental problems later in life. Most of those taking antidepressants in America are single women. Divorced women.

“ oh but women’s empowerment. Personal freedom.”

At what point do people say enough is enough. How many people have to kill themselves before Biden supporters wake the hell up

Right, because it is all the women's fault. And the dark people. They are why we are declining. If they just knew their place, we could be in a Golden Age again.
Have any of the Biden supporters responded to this fax?

50% of strippers develop mental disorders. Huge amount of women on only fans have mental problems later in life. Most of those taking antidepressants in America are single women. Divorced women.

“ oh but women’s empowerment. Personal freedom.”

At what point do people say enough is enough. How many people have to kill themselves before Biden supporters wake the hell up

Is it the stripping or were the women already mentally ill? I have known some strippers who were happy with it, mainly because they made a shitload of money.

But most women don't get into stripping as a first choice. Just like most Only Fans don't. But they do it. And they should be able to make their own choices.
It's a choice people make. Freedom. And now so many women support themselves. More freedom

Indeed. A co-worker/friend had been living with their partner for years but finally got married so they could be covered by insurance. Then they had a friend living with them for a while that was down on her luck and the 3 of them found out they all really like each other and are now a polyamorous relationship. They all just seem so happy so I am happy for them.
Indeed. A co-worker/friend had been living with their partner for years but finally got married so they could be covered by insurance. Then they had a friend living with them for a while that was down on her luck and the 3 of them found out they all really like each other and are now a polyamorous relationship. They all just seem so happy so I am happy for them.
I think it's just great that women don't need a man anymore for their financial security. All you need is an education
I’ve watched about 43 minutes of this very interesting interview of the YouTuber Pearl Davis. Of course, the knee-jerk reaction of the far left to people like Pearl is to use personal attacks. They see thread titles like this, or videos like this, and they are almost always incapable capable of holding a conversation. Perhaps that’s why we have so many problems in America today.

Pearl brings of the fact that most divorces are initiated by women. Almost always when it comes to divorce the man has to pay the most money. The hardest jobs on the planet are worked by men like construction jobs, trucking that kind of thing …almost exclusively is done by men.

Pearl is a conservative woman who believes things like women should be banned from voting, divorce should be banned. She believes that women have ruined industries across the west. She thinks that human resources departments should be wiped out when it comes to corporate America. Pearl talked about how modern-day feminism has destroyed society. How as the thread title says, there are more women on only fans, then there are female teachers.

Pearl thinks that birth control should be banned. She talks about how in the 1900s the feminist movement made up propaganda in other words fake news about “back alley abortions” having to be performed. About how all sorts of propaganda was used to stir up support for the more radical type of the feminist movement.

Personally, I think women should be able to vote. And I think that there’s many strong minded, conservative woman who are CEOs of companies.

I don’t agree with everything she says, but she make some interesting points one point that is completely undeniable. We have more single-parent households in America now than ever. The stats show us that a child growing up in a single parent household is more likely to go to prison.

Ultimately, the United States is going to have to make changes. Because the current status quo of our society is unworkable. It is brutal, most especially for children in single parent households. We have to figure things out and we have to go back to how things were in the 1950s in many ways. Not in every way, but in many ways that will be the remedy to our issues.

Done your research, eh? :eusa_drool:

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