“More Women become Only Fans stars than Teachers”

Tell that to Donald Trump who has had three wives and committed adultery against all three.

We all know what so-called conservatives would think of a woman who had five children by three husbands, and yet Donald Trump is ADORED by these so-called "Family Values" hypocrites.

How DO you stand the stench of yourselves?

The difference between him and baby mommas is he pays for his kids and their upkeep.

When you pay your own way, things like that can be tolerated.

Note tolerated, not accepted, not condoned, not supported.
Nope. It's real science Soy boy. Even when it hurts your feelings.

No, we're talking biology and chemistry which is as much a part of physics and gravity.


No, you aren't. You are talking bastardized psychology that then uses medical techniques to mutilate people.

No, you aren't. You are talking bastardized psychology that then uses medical techniques to mutilate people.
More name calling from the Bingo who has no scientific retort to fMRI's that clearly show deviations in trans brains from cis brains. That's biology you dumb Bingo. Maybe psychology can help explain to us why you're such a Bitch about it. 😄
More name calling from the Bingo who has no scientific retort to fMRI's that clearly show deviations in trans brains from cis brains. That's biology you dumb Bingo. Maybe psychology can help explain to us why you're such a Bitch about it. 😄

Those scans aren't real science, but theories and assumptions at best.

And in any event the best course of action is make them comfortable in their actual body, not promise them succor via drugs and mutilation.

It should be a last resort, not a first, second, or even third resort.
Those scans aren't real science, but theories and assumptions at best.
Sure they're not. What are they then magic? 😄

No one is making up that trans brains appear different under fMRIs than their cis counterparts. That's real. And yes the biological reasons that cause those differences are all theories at the moment, the fact that they are different however is not. There are plenty of medical conditions who's cause we don't understand, that doesn't mean we don't understand that they exist. We don't know what causes autism, that doesn't make autism fake.
And in any event the best course of action is make them comfortable in their actual body, not promise them succor via drugs and mutilation.
Who claims this is the best course of action other than you? Who's your source on that?
It should be a last resort, not a first, second, or even third resort.
So it should be a resort? Make up your mind Bingo.
Sure they're not. What are they then magic? 😄

No one is making up that trans brains appear different under fMRIs than their cis counterparts. That's real. And yes the biological reasons that cause those differences are all theories at the moment, the fact that they are different however is not. There are plenty of medical conditions who's cause we don't understand, that doesn't mean we don't understand that they exist. We don't know what causes autism, that doesn't make autism fake.

Who claims this is the best course of action other than you? Who's your source on that?

So it should be a resort? Make up your mind Bingo.

Different doesn't mean automatically mutilate them in a pathetic attempt to give them something they will never really have.

A very last resort, and only in adults. Even then they aren't getting what their malfunctioning brains actually want.
I’ve watched about 43 minutes of this very interesting interview of the YouTuber Pearl Davis. Of course, the knee-jerk reaction of the far left to people like Pearl is to use personal attacks. They see thread titles like this, or videos like this, and they are almost always incapable capable of holding a conversation. Perhaps that’s why we have so many problems in America today.

Pearl brings of the fact that most divorces are initiated by women. Almost always when it comes to divorce the man has to pay the most money. The hardest jobs on the planet are worked by men like construction jobs, trucking that kind of thing …almost exclusively is done by men.

Pearl is a conservative woman who believes things like women should be banned from voting, divorce should be banned. She believes that women have ruined industries across the west. She thinks that human resources departments should be wiped out when it comes to corporate America. Pearl talked about how modern-day feminism has destroyed society. How as the thread title says, there are more women on only fans, then there are female teachers.

Pearl thinks that birth control should be banned. She talks about how in the 1900s the feminist movement made up propaganda in other words fake news about “back alley abortions” having to be performed. About how all sorts of propaganda was used to stir up support for the more radical type of the feminist movement.

Personally, I think women should be able to vote. And I think that there’s many strong minded, conservative woman who are CEOs of companies.

I don’t agree with everything she says, but she make some interesting points one point that is completely undeniable. We have more single-parent households in America now than ever. The stats show us that a child growing up in a single parent household is more likely to go to prison.

Ultimately, the United States is going to have to make changes. Because the current status quo of our society is unworkable. It is brutal, most especially for children in single parent households. We have to figure things out and we have to go back to how things were in the 1950s in many ways. Not in every way, but in many ways that will be the remedy to our issues.

How to show us she is self-hating without saying she is self-hating.
Different doesn't mean automatically mutilate them in a pathetic attempt to give them something they will never really have.
Your strawman isn't a real argument Bingo. No one is automatically mutilating anyone except maybe the plastic surgery community but red blooded Americans don't seem to have a problem with mutilation when the goal is breast enlargement or Alex Jones penis pills.
A very last resort, and only in adults. Even then they aren't getting what their malfunctioning brains actually want.
Their brains aren't malfunctioning you Bingo, they just function differently.
The only people that should be allowed to vote are property owners. Perhaps not exclusively real estate but substantial property.
Those who would rob Peter to pay Paul can always count on Paul's vote.
White property owning males. Just like our Founding Fathers intended.

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