More Zimmerman news

Granny says dey gonna hound dat poor man to death...

George Zimmerman grand jury considers civil rights case
Nov. 13, 2014 | A federal grand jury in Orlando began considering whether to indict George Zimmerman on civil rights charges.
Nearly three years after George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin, a grand jury is considering whether he violated the unarmed teen's civil rights. A federal grand jury convened Wednesday to consider whether there is enough evidence to indict Zimmerman, who was acquitted of second-degree murder last July. Zimmerman maintained he acted in self-defense.

One of Zimmerman's supporters from his first trial has turned against him, saying he wants to "make amends" with Martin's family. Frank Taaffe, Zimmerman's former neighbor, says he now believes Zimmerman's actions were racially charged. "This is a young man who didn't deserve to die," Taaffe told reporters before he testified on subpoena by a U.S. Department of Justice attorney Wednesday.


George Zimmerman listens as the verdict is announced that the jury finds him not guilty on day twenty-five of his trial in the Seminole circuit court Sanford, Florida, July 13, 2013. The jury deliberated for sixteen hours over two days.

Taaffe said the recent deaths of both of his sons changed his perspective on Zimmerman's actions. "If there's a young man not doing anything but talking on the phone, in the rain, sauntering about, let it go," he said, of what Zimmerman should have done the night he saw Martin walking through a Sanford neighborhood. "You know, that's why they have law enforcement. Let them handle it."

Taaffe said he expected to testify about a phone call he received in the days before Zimmerman was arrested. The caller, who claimed to be Zimmerman, made a "racial comment," but the number was unregistered and Taaffe said he can't be sure it was Zimmerman on the phone.

George Zimmerman grand jury hears civil rights testimony -
Too bad he squandered all of the reward money that you crackers sent him.

Awwww ... Some racist asshole called me a cracker.

I never sent him any "reward money" I just happen to recognize that this was a tragic event with a tragic outcome that was in no way a crime or a violation of civil rights.
I wasn`t necessarily addressing you but thanks for outing yourself. I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.
Too bad he squandered all of the reward money that you crackers sent him.

Awwww ... Some racist asshole called me a cracker.

I never sent him any "reward money" I just happen to recognize that this was a tragic event with a tragic outcome that was in no way a crime or a violation of civil rights.
I wasn`t necessarily addressing you but thanks for outing yourself. I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.
Just like you'll be happy with the "call" the GJ makes in the Big Mike case???????????????????
You're a fool and a hypocrite.
I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.
You mean an anonymous windbag like you? .... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Holder is keeping this issue alive so that he can hold onto Zimmerman's gun. The gun is worth lot and will probably end up as a precious gift to some museum or sold. Zimmerman had bones broken in his face for the crime of following Trevon. Just like the cop who had bones broken in his face for the crime of telling Brown to get out of the street. The race baiters need to find more sympathetic victim's than a punk casing houses to rob or a thug who just robbed a liquor store. Now it turns out the DOJ has been funding and promoting the unrest in Ferguson. Are you surprised. BO's goal is to simply destroy this country. Everything he does is to this end. Civil war is his goal but mark my word, he will find some excuse to install marshal law. We are in trouble folks. God, hold your hand over our country. Go ahead and call me anything, Bro. I am a white Christian older male and I (as a second class citizen) have no right to be offended about anything. Then again I am not a delicate flower who will lilt if I hear a word I don't like. Name calling is such a lazy and cowardly tactic. If you have no facts, STFU Please.
Holder is doing his job. Deal with it.

While it would be great to see some justice, gz is a professional deadbeat and so deep in debt, any win would be symbolic. The choices he made effectively ended any chance that he'll ever have a life. That's a form of justice in itself.
Granny says dey gonna hound dat poor man to death...

George Zimmerman grand jury considers civil rights case
Nov. 13, 2014 | A federal grand jury in Orlando began considering whether to indict George Zimmerman on civil rights charges.
Nearly three years after George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin, a grand jury is considering whether he violated the unarmed teen's civil rights. A federal grand jury convened Wednesday to consider whether there is enough evidence to indict Zimmerman, who was acquitted of second-degree murder last July. Zimmerman maintained he acted in self-defense.

One of Zimmerman's supporters from his first trial has turned against him, saying he wants to "make amends" with Martin's family. Frank Taaffe, Zimmerman's former neighbor, says he now believes Zimmerman's actions were racially charged. "This is a young man who didn't deserve to die," Taaffe told reporters before he testified on subpoena by a U.S. Department of Justice attorney Wednesday.


George Zimmerman listens as the verdict is announced that the jury finds him not guilty on day twenty-five of his trial in the Seminole circuit court Sanford, Florida, July 13, 2013. The jury deliberated for sixteen hours over two days.

Taaffe said the recent deaths of both of his sons changed his perspective on Zimmerman's actions. "If there's a young man not doing anything but talking on the phone, in the rain, sauntering about, let it go," he said, of what Zimmerman should have done the night he saw Martin walking through a Sanford neighborhood. "You know, that's why they have law enforcement. Let them handle it."

Taaffe said he expected to testify about a phone call he received in the days before Zimmerman was arrested. The caller, who claimed to be Zimmerman, made a "racial comment," but the number was unregistered and Taaffe said he can't be sure it was Zimmerman on the phone.

George Zimmerman grand jury hears civil rights testimony -

How is a civil rights violation even a possibility here? Most of those cases either involve agents of the state doing something, or a private citizen doing something that impedes a persons exercise of their civil rights, i.e. killing them when they are going to vote, or helping people vote.

What civil right of Martin did Zimmerman violate?
Granny says dey gonna hound dat poor man to death...

George Zimmerman grand jury considers civil rights case
Nov. 13, 2014 | A federal grand jury in Orlando began considering whether to indict George Zimmerman on civil rights charges.
Nearly three years after George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin, a grand jury is considering whether he violated the unarmed teen's civil rights. A federal grand jury convened Wednesday to consider whether there is enough evidence to indict Zimmerman, who was acquitted of second-degree murder last July. Zimmerman maintained he acted in self-defense.

One of Zimmerman's supporters from his first trial has turned against him, saying he wants to "make amends" with Martin's family. Frank Taaffe, Zimmerman's former neighbor, says he now believes Zimmerman's actions were racially charged. "This is a young man who didn't deserve to die," Taaffe told reporters before he testified on subpoena by a U.S. Department of Justice attorney Wednesday.


George Zimmerman listens as the verdict is announced that the jury finds him not guilty on day twenty-five of his trial in the Seminole circuit court Sanford, Florida, July 13, 2013. The jury deliberated for sixteen hours over two days.

Taaffe said the recent deaths of both of his sons changed his perspective on Zimmerman's actions. "If there's a young man not doing anything but talking on the phone, in the rain, sauntering about, let it go," he said, of what Zimmerman should have done the night he saw Martin walking through a Sanford neighborhood. "You know, that's why they have law enforcement. Let them handle it."

Taaffe said he expected to testify about a phone call he received in the days before Zimmerman was arrested. The caller, who claimed to be Zimmerman, made a "racial comment," but the number was unregistered and Taaffe said he can't be sure it was Zimmerman on the phone.

George Zimmerman grand jury hears civil rights testimony -

How is a civil rights violation even a possibility here? Most of those cases either involve agents of the state doing something, or a private citizen doing something that impedes a persons exercise of their civil rights, i.e. killing them when they are going to vote, or helping people vote.

What civil right of Martin did Zimmerman violate?

Oh good grief.

For starters, how about "... a young man not doing anything but talking on the phone, in the rain, sauntering about ..."
Granny says dey gonna hound dat poor man to death...

George Zimmerman grand jury considers civil rights case
Nov. 13, 2014 | A federal grand jury in Orlando began considering whether to indict George Zimmerman on civil rights charges.
Nearly three years after George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin, a grand jury is considering whether he violated the unarmed teen's civil rights. A federal grand jury convened Wednesday to consider whether there is enough evidence to indict Zimmerman, who was acquitted of second-degree murder last July. Zimmerman maintained he acted in self-defense.

One of Zimmerman's supporters from his first trial has turned against him, saying he wants to "make amends" with Martin's family. Frank Taaffe, Zimmerman's former neighbor, says he now believes Zimmerman's actions were racially charged. "This is a young man who didn't deserve to die," Taaffe told reporters before he testified on subpoena by a U.S. Department of Justice attorney Wednesday.


George Zimmerman listens as the verdict is announced that the jury finds him not guilty on day twenty-five of his trial in the Seminole circuit court Sanford, Florida, July 13, 2013. The jury deliberated for sixteen hours over two days.

Taaffe said the recent deaths of both of his sons changed his perspective on Zimmerman's actions. "If there's a young man not doing anything but talking on the phone, in the rain, sauntering about, let it go," he said, of what Zimmerman should have done the night he saw Martin walking through a Sanford neighborhood. "You know, that's why they have law enforcement. Let them handle it."

Taaffe said he expected to testify about a phone call he received in the days before Zimmerman was arrested. The caller, who claimed to be Zimmerman, made a "racial comment," but the number was unregistered and Taaffe said he can't be sure it was Zimmerman on the phone.

George Zimmerman grand jury hears civil rights testimony -

How is a civil rights violation even a possibility here? Most of those cases either involve agents of the state doing something, or a private citizen doing something that impedes a persons exercise of their civil rights, i.e. killing them when they are going to vote, or helping people vote.

What civil right of Martin did Zimmerman violate?

Oh good grief.

For starters, how about "... a young man not doing anything but talking on the phone, in the rain, sauntering about ..."

They already tried him for that, and found that his following martin was not a crime, and that his shooting of martin wasn't either.
Holder is doing his job. Deal with it.

While it would be great to see some justice, gz is a professional deadbeat and so deep in debt, any win would be symbolic. The choices he made effectively ended any chance that he'll ever have a life. That's a form of justice in itself.

Holder is NOT doing his job. He is a puppet for BO and is doing HIS job. How do Zimmerman's money problems have anything to do with him protecting himself from being killed. Change the subject much ?

Of all the "Knock-out-game" victims, Holder only reacted to the one case where the victim was a non-white. He is "doing his job ?"
Holder is doing his job. Deal with it.

While it would be great to see some justice, gz is a professional deadbeat and so deep in debt, any win would be symbolic. The choices he made effectively ended any chance that he'll ever have a life. That's a form of justice in itself.

Holder is NOT doing his job. He is a puppet for BO and is doing HIS job. How do Zimmerman's money problems have anything to do with him protecting himself from being killed. Change the subject much ?

Of all the "Knock-out-game" victims, Holder only reacted to the one case where the victim was a non-white. He is "doing his job ?"

Oh good grief.

For starters, how about "... a young man not doing anything but talking on the phone, in the rain, sauntering about ..."

You left out that he sucker-punched Zimmerman breaking his nose in two places, beat his head into the cement and said he was going to kill him. All for the crime of FOLLOWING HIM. If I "sauntered" up to your home and looked into the windows, you could shoot me dead and it wouldn't make the papers, as long as I am white, it's not news.
There is no chance of civil rights violation charges arising out of the Martin case. That's why this little rumor involves an unknown and unidentified teenager based on a phone call that may or may not have been made by Zimmermann.
Too bad he squandered all of the reward money that you crackers sent him.

Awwww ... Some racist asshole called me a cracker.

I never sent him any "reward money" I just happen to recognize that this was a tragic event with a tragic outcome that was in no way a crime or a violation of civil rights.
I wasn`t necessarily addressing you but thanks for outing yourself. I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.

Hey you racist fuck, are you also willing to let the Grand Jury decide in the Ferguson case?

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