More Zimmerman news

Too bad he squandered all of the reward money that you crackers sent him.

Awwww ... Some racist asshole called me a cracker.

I never sent him any "reward money" I just happen to recognize that this was a tragic event with a tragic outcome that was in no way a crime or a violation of civil rights.
I wasn`t necessarily addressing you but thanks for outing yourself. I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.

Hey you racist fuck, are you also willing to let the Grand Jury decide in the Ferguson case?

Nope. The "thug" is the ignorant fool who was taking classes three days a week to learn how to beat people up and intimidate them. He also carried a gun in case that wasn't working for him. Then, after a big fight with his wife, he drives down the street, sees an unarmed, skinny black kid, and takes off to intimidate him. After murdering the kid, he claims his head was beaten into the concrete within an inch of his life. Yet, he had no skull fracture and was clearly conscious. Racist, gun loving yahoos love him though.

Sucks to be you, moron.
I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.
You mean an anonymous windbag like you? .... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Holder is keeping this issue alive so that he can hold onto Zimmerman's gun. The gun is worth lot and will probably end up as a precious gift to some museum or sold. Zimmerman had bones broken in his face for the crime of following Trevon. Just like the cop who had bones broken in his face for the crime of telling Brown to get out of the street. The race baiters need to find more sympathetic victim's than a punk casing houses to rob or a thug who just robbed a liquor store. Now it turns out the DOJ has been funding and promoting the unrest in Ferguson. Are you surprised. BO's goal is to simply destroy this country. Everything he does is to this end. Civil war is his goal but mark my word, he will find some excuse to install marshal law. We are in trouble folks. God, hold your hand over our country. Go ahead and call me anything, Bro. I am a white Christian older male and I (as a second class citizen) have no right to be offended about anything. Then again I am not a delicate flower who will lilt if I hear a word I don't like. Name calling is such a lazy and cowardly tactic. If you have no facts, STFU Please.
Nobody had any bones broken in their faces.

Here is some evidence that Zimmerman's nose was broken and he had several cuts on the back of his head.
Sources Medical report says Zimmerman had broken nose other injuries after fight -
(CNN) -- A medical report by George Zimmerman's family doctor shows the neighborhood watch volunteer was diagnosed with a fractured nose, two black eyes and two lacerations on the back of the head after his fatal confrontation with Trayvon Martin.

The policeman in Ferguson had his eye socket broken. The argument was that it was a small fracture and not a break. It's only a SMALL fracture when it is to someone else's eye socket.

So your point would be that ?
A fractured nose is not a broken nose.

It isn't? Try a dictionary idiot.
You mean an anonymous windbag like you? .... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Holder is keeping this issue alive so that he can hold onto Zimmerman's gun. The gun is worth lot and will probably end up as a precious gift to some museum or sold. Zimmerman had bones broken in his face for the crime of following Trevon. Just like the cop who had bones broken in his face for the crime of telling Brown to get out of the street. The race baiters need to find more sympathetic victim's than a punk casing houses to rob or a thug who just robbed a liquor store. Now it turns out the DOJ has been funding and promoting the unrest in Ferguson. Are you surprised. BO's goal is to simply destroy this country. Everything he does is to this end. Civil war is his goal but mark my word, he will find some excuse to install marshal law. We are in trouble folks. God, hold your hand over our country. Go ahead and call me anything, Bro. I am a white Christian older male and I (as a second class citizen) have no right to be offended about anything. Then again I am not a delicate flower who will lilt if I hear a word I don't like. Name calling is such a lazy and cowardly tactic. If you have no facts, STFU Please.
Nobody had any bones broken in their faces.

Here is some evidence that Zimmerman's nose was broken and he had several cuts on the back of his head.
Sources Medical report says Zimmerman had broken nose other injuries after fight -
(CNN) -- A medical report by George Zimmerman's family doctor shows the neighborhood watch volunteer was diagnosed with a fractured nose, two black eyes and two lacerations on the back of the head after his fatal confrontation with Trayvon Martin.

The policeman in Ferguson had his eye socket broken. The argument was that it was a small fracture and not a break. It's only a SMALL fracture when it is to someone else's eye socket.

So your point would be that ?
A fractured nose is not a broken nose.

It isn't? Try a dictionary idiot.
You are a worthless piece of shit troll. Nothing you say as any credibility.
Holder is keeping this issue alive so that he can hold onto Zimmerman's gun. The gun is worth lot and will probably end up as a precious gift to some museum or sold. Zimmerman had bones broken in his face for the crime of following Trevon. Just like the cop who had bones broken in his face for the crime of telling Brown to get out of the street. The race baiters need to find more sympathetic victim's than a punk casing houses to rob or a thug who just robbed a liquor store. Now it turns out the DOJ has been funding and promoting the unrest in Ferguson. Are you surprised. BO's goal is to simply destroy this country. Everything he does is to this end. Civil war is his goal but mark my word, he will find some excuse to install marshal law. We are in trouble folks. God, hold your hand over our country. Go ahead and call me anything, Bro. I am a white Christian older male and I (as a second class citizen) have no right to be offended about anything. Then again I am not a delicate flower who will lilt if I hear a word I don't like. Name calling is such a lazy and cowardly tactic. If you have no facts, STFU Please.
Nobody had any bones broken in their faces.

Here is some evidence that Zimmerman's nose was broken and he had several cuts on the back of his head.
Sources Medical report says Zimmerman had broken nose other injuries after fight -
(CNN) -- A medical report by George Zimmerman's family doctor shows the neighborhood watch volunteer was diagnosed with a fractured nose, two black eyes and two lacerations on the back of the head after his fatal confrontation with Trayvon Martin.

The policeman in Ferguson had his eye socket broken. The argument was that it was a small fracture and not a break. It's only a SMALL fracture when it is to someone else's eye socket.

So your point would be that ?
A fractured nose is not a broken nose.

It isn't? Try a dictionary idiot.
You are a worthless piece of shit troll. Nothing you say as any credibility.
Need a mint?
T-Bone is maggot meat. You're stupid.
Too bad he squandered all of the reward money that you crackers sent him.

Awwww ... Some racist asshole called me a cracker.

I never sent him any "reward money" I just happen to recognize that this was a tragic event with a tragic outcome that was in no way a crime or a violation of civil rights.
I wasn`t necessarily addressing you but thanks for outing yourself. I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.

Hey you racist fuck, are you also willing to let the Grand Jury decide in the Ferguson case?

Nope. The "thug" is the ignorant fool who was taking classes three days a week to learn how to beat people up and intimidate them. He also carried a gun in case that wasn't working for him. Then, after a big fight with his wife, he drives down the street, sees an unarmed, skinny black kid, and takes off to intimidate him. After murdering the kid, he claims his head was beaten into the concrete within an inch of his life. Yet, he had no skull fracture and was clearly conscious. Racist, gun loving yahoos love him though.

Here we have the typical low information citizen. Starts with name-calling while offering NO evidence. Thug, Ignorant and Fool.

Then this individual shows he is a phychic as he somehow has learned that Zimmerman was taking classes to, "beat people up and intimidate them." Knows why he carried a gun and what mood he was in. Claims he is a racist and a gun lover, also with no evidence presented. He downplays Zimmerman's injuries and dismisses him murdering in self defense.

The unarmed skinny kid was able to break Zimmerman's nose and beat his head into the cement.

Should Zimmerman have just laid there and apologized for following him and take the beating ?

Like in Ferguson, if there was a tape of Trevon's attack on Zimmerman you would call for its release. If the tape showed Trevon in a bad light, then it would be racist to release the tape.

Again......Logic and reason are the only victim's.
I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.
You mean an anonymous windbag like you? .... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Holder is keeping this issue alive so that he can hold onto Zimmerman's gun. The gun is worth lot and will probably end up as a precious gift to some museum or sold. Zimmerman had bones broken in his face for the crime of following Trevon. Just like the cop who had bones broken in his face for the crime of telling Brown to get out of the street. The race baiters need to find more sympathetic victim's than a punk casing houses to rob or a thug who just robbed a liquor store. Now it turns out the DOJ has been funding and promoting the unrest in Ferguson. Are you surprised. BO's goal is to simply destroy this country. Everything he does is to this end. Civil war is his goal but mark my word, he will find some excuse to install marshal law. We are in trouble folks. God, hold your hand over our country. Go ahead and call me anything, Bro. I am a white Christian older male and I (as a second class citizen) have no right to be offended about anything. Then again I am not a delicate flower who will lilt if I hear a word I don't like. Name calling is such a lazy and cowardly tactic. If you have no facts, STFU Please.
Nobody had any bones broken in their faces.

Here is some evidence that Zimmerman's nose was broken and he had several cuts on the back of his head.
Sources Medical report says Zimmerman had broken nose other injuries after fight -
(CNN) -- A medical report by George Zimmerman's family doctor shows the neighborhood watch volunteer was diagnosed with a fractured nose, two black eyes and two lacerations on the back of the head after his fatal confrontation with Trayvon Martin.

The policeman in Ferguson had his eye socket broken. The argument was that it was a small fracture and not a break. It's only a SMALL fracture when it is to someone else's eye socket.

So your point would be that ?
A fractured nose is not a broken nose.
In what fantasy world is a fracture not a break or broken?
A worthless thug is dead. All is right with the world.

He was just a kid who made a poor decision. He was hardly worthless.

The kid was a worthless thug. Better?
Obviously not as worthless as you appear to be; based on your posting, you are a worthless human being, without spirit, without decency.
Worthless negroes end up maggot meat when they attack someone with a gun. It's happening in every inner city in the US.
Let's See what happens when the 'Special Needs' race attempts to loot and burn in Ferguson next week.
"You are a worthless piece of shit troll. Nothing you say as any credibility."

Here is another fine citizen using name-calling to no end and for no apparent purpose. I would like to take all of these angry phychics to the race track and try to pick a winner.

If I only fracture your nose, that would be ok ? What is your point, besides calling names and trying to hurt peoples feelings ? Are you just mean ?

I think I get it.

Black = Good
White = Bad

Is this your point ? Go-On.....admit it......Then call me a racist.......or a troll......don't fall off of that ivory tower while you are pointing out all the racists that are responsible for your lot in life.

The only victim is the truth. Logic and reason are supposed to get you there. How about using it ?
Holder is keeping this issue alive so that he can hold onto Zimmerman's gun. The gun is worth lot and will probably end up as a precious gift to some museum or sold. Zimmerman had bones broken in his face for the crime of following Trevon. Just like the cop who had bones broken in his face for the crime of telling Brown to get out of the street. The race baiters need to find more sympathetic victim's than a punk casing houses to rob or a thug who just robbed a liquor store. Now it turns out the DOJ has been funding and promoting the unrest in Ferguson. Are you surprised. BO's goal is to simply destroy this country. Everything he does is to this end. Civil war is his goal but mark my word, he will find some excuse to install marshal law. We are in trouble folks. God, hold your hand over our country. Go ahead and call me anything, Bro. I am a white Christian older male and I (as a second class citizen) have no right to be offended about anything. Then again I am not a delicate flower who will lilt if I hear a word I don't like. Name calling is such a lazy and cowardly tactic. If you have no facts, STFU Please.
Nobody had any bones broken in their faces.

Here is some evidence that Zimmerman's nose was broken and he had several cuts on the back of his head.
Sources Medical report says Zimmerman had broken nose other injuries after fight -
(CNN) -- A medical report by George Zimmerman's family doctor shows the neighborhood watch volunteer was diagnosed with a fractured nose, two black eyes and two lacerations on the back of the head after his fatal confrontation with Trayvon Martin.

The policeman in Ferguson had his eye socket broken. The argument was that it was a small fracture and not a break. It's only a SMALL fracture when it is to someone else's eye socket.

So your point would be that ?
A fractured nose is not a broken nose.

It isn't? Try a dictionary idiot.
You are a worthless piece of shit troll. Nothing you say as any credibility.

You don't care about a dictionary right? You will stick to your stupid belief that a fracture isn't a break. Remain stupid and good luck with it.
Bottom line: no matter your color you dont get to beat someones brains in just because you are angry. If one race has a higher propensity for violent outburst when angry...I dont know. But you just cant do it. May cost you your life.

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