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The "crime" scene:


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Too bad he squandered all of the reward money that you crackers sent him.

Awwww ... Some racist asshole called me a cracker.

I never sent him any "reward money" I just happen to recognize that this was a tragic event with a tragic outcome that was in no way a crime or a violation of civil rights.
I wasn`t necessarily addressing you but thanks for outing yourself. I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.

Hey you racist fuck, are you also willing to let the Grand Jury decide in the Ferguson case?
Why do racists try to defend their racism by calling others racist? That`s really lame not to mention idiotic.
I may be wrong but "civil rights" are charges brought in law enforcement or government agents. Or sometimes against a business for discrimination. Private citizens are rarely charged. They either commit a crime or not. Two Joes on a street with no govt or business involved...not sure civil rights even apply. Its either a regular ass crime or not.
"Why do racists try to defend their racism by calling others racist? That`s really lame not to mention idiotic"

You name call with "CRACKER'S". Someone calls you a racist based on your name calling. Now you call more names. What, are you 6 years old? Cracker comes from the practice of the slave-holders using whips to keep the pickers working. The crack of the whip. The offspring of these crackers are accused of being guilty for these crimes forever. Every new generation is guilty of being an oppressor while basking in white privilege. Funny that the children of foreign invaders are to be forgiven for the sin's of their parents. Not me. And not my offspring into the future.

August sounds like the obligatory race baiter that comes with these forums. Just keeps people jumping with name calling and H&D. (Hate and Discontentment.) Logic and reason are the real victim's.
Too bad he squandered all of the reward money that you crackers sent him.

Awwww ... Some racist asshole called me a cracker.

I never sent him any "reward money" I just happen to recognize that this was a tragic event with a tragic outcome that was in no way a crime or a violation of civil rights.
I wasn`t necessarily addressing you but thanks for outing yourself. I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.

Hey you racist fuck, are you also willing to let the Grand Jury decide in the Ferguson case?
Why do racists try to defend their racism by calling others racist? That`s really lame not to mention idiotic.

You called us crackers, where did we make any racial slurs?

Oh, you weren't talking to me? You addressed no one specifically and you again infer that I'm a racist.

Grow up.

And no, you will not allow them to decide anything. This will get its day in court if they deem it necessary and you (judging by your quick conclusions) are sure to poo-poo it, just like you did the Zimmerman verdict.
I may be wrong but "civil rights" are charges brought in law enforcement or government agents. Or sometimes against a business for discrimination. Private citizens are rarely charged. They either commit a crime or not. Two Joes on a street with no govt or business involved...not sure civil rights even apply. Its either a regular ass crime or not.

Incorrect, he could be tried even if he was found not guilty in a criminal court.

There is a lower threshold for a civil case.
I may be wrong but "civil rights" are charges brought in law enforcement or government agents. Or sometimes against a business for discrimination. Private citizens are rarely charged. They either commit a crime or not. Two Joes on a street with no govt or business involved...not sure civil rights even apply. Its either a regular ass crime or not.
The main problem with charging Zimmerman with civil rights violations is the nature of the charges. He was found not guilty by reason of self defense. He killed Trayvon Martin because he had a right to defend himself. This precludes civil rights charges because Zimmerman already had a right to defend himself. Fools may say he had no such right. However his rights were litigated and the subject is closed.
I may be wrong but "civil rights" are charges brought in law enforcement or government agents. Or sometimes against a business for discrimination. Private citizens are rarely charged. They either commit a crime or not. Two Joes on a street with no govt or business involved...not sure civil rights even apply. Its either a regular ass crime or not.
The main problem with charging Zimmerman with civil rights violations is the nature of the charges. He was found not guilty by reason of self defense. He killed Trayvon Martin because he had a right to defend himself. This precludes civil rights charges because Zimmerman already had a right to defend himself. Fools may say he had no such right. However his rights were litigated and the subject is closed.

Not all all, as much as it pains me, Zimmerman may actually be tried and found responsible.

Evidence of Martin attacking Zimmerman might be overlooked in the mad rush to exact revenge on the "white Hispanic."
I may be wrong but "civil rights" are charges brought in law enforcement or government agents. Or sometimes against a business for discrimination. Private citizens are rarely charged. They either commit a crime or not. Two Joes on a street with no govt or business involved...not sure civil rights even apply. Its either a regular ass crime or not.

Incorrect, he could be tried even if he was found not guilty in a criminal court.

There is a lower threshold for a civil case.
You would be correct if the issue was whether or not Zimmerman killed Martin. The threshold would be that it was more likely than not that Zimmerman was the killer. There is no such issue. It was never denied that Zimmerman killed Martin.
I may be wrong but "civil rights" are charges brought in law enforcement or government agents. Or sometimes against a business for discrimination. Private citizens are rarely charged. They either commit a crime or not. Two Joes on a street with no govt or business involved...not sure civil rights even apply. Its either a regular ass crime or not.

Incorrect, he could be tried even if he was found not guilty in a criminal court.

There is a lower threshold for a civil case.
You would be correct if the issue was whether or not Zimmerman killed Martin. The threshold would be that it was more likely than not that Zimmerman was the killer. There is no such issue. It was never denied that Zimmerman killed Martin.

At issue would be whether or not Zimmerman violated Martin's civil rights - not whether or not he caused his death.

To me, there was no evidence to even suggest this, it should get tossed, but if they go ahead with it, Zimmerman will be fighting an uphill battle to clear his name.

* I have an incredibly small amount of faith in our judicial system.
I may be wrong but "civil rights" are charges brought in law enforcement or government agents. Or sometimes against a business for discrimination. Private citizens are rarely charged. They either commit a crime or not. Two Joes on a street with no govt or business involved...not sure civil rights even apply. Its either a regular ass crime or not.

Incorrect, he could be tried even if he was found not guilty in a criminal court.

There is a lower threshold for a civil case.
You would be correct if the issue was whether or not Zimmerman killed Martin. The threshold would be that it was more likely than not that Zimmerman was the killer. There is no such issue. It was never denied that Zimmerman killed Martin.

At issue would be whether or not Zimmerman violated Martin's civil rights - not whether or not he caused his death.

To me, there was no evidence to even suggest this, it should get tossed, but if they go ahead with it, Zimmerman will be fighting an uphill battle to clear his name.

* I have an incredibly small amount of faith in our judicial system.
No. Because it was already legally established that Zimmerman had a right to cause Martin's death. Otherwise every time someone was killed it would result in a civil rights violation.
I may be wrong but "civil rights" are charges brought in law enforcement or government agents. Or sometimes against a business for discrimination. Private citizens are rarely charged. They either commit a crime or not. Two Joes on a street with no govt or business involved...not sure civil rights even apply. Its either a regular ass crime or not.

Incorrect, he could be tried even if he was found not guilty in a criminal court.

There is a lower threshold for a civil case.
You would be correct if the issue was whether or not Zimmerman killed Martin. The threshold would be that it was more likely than not that Zimmerman was the killer. There is no such issue. It was never denied that Zimmerman killed Martin.

At issue would be whether or not Zimmerman violated Martin's civil rights - not whether or not he caused his death.

To me, there was no evidence to even suggest this, it should get tossed, but if they go ahead with it, Zimmerman will be fighting an uphill battle to clear his name.

* I have an incredibly small amount of faith in our judicial system.
No. Because it was already legally established that Zimmerman had a right to cause Martin's death. Otherwise every time someone was killed it would result in a civil rights violation.

I'm not sure how a private individual can be charged with a civil rights violation. it just seems like the feds trying to get a second bite at the apple.

And I personally believe that though not guilty of murder Zimmerman was partly culpable for what occurred that night and should have been found guilty of some lesser crime. Manslaughter perhaps
I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.
You mean an anonymous windbag like you? .... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Holder is keeping this issue alive so that he can hold onto Zimmerman's gun. The gun is worth lot and will probably end up as a precious gift to some museum or sold. Zimmerman had bones broken in his face for the crime of following Trevon. Just like the cop who had bones broken in his face for the crime of telling Brown to get out of the street. The race baiters need to find more sympathetic victim's than a punk casing houses to rob or a thug who just robbed a liquor store. Now it turns out the DOJ has been funding and promoting the unrest in Ferguson. Are you surprised. BO's goal is to simply destroy this country. Everything he does is to this end. Civil war is his goal but mark my word, he will find some excuse to install marshal law. We are in trouble folks. God, hold your hand over our country. Go ahead and call me anything, Bro. I am a white Christian older male and I (as a second class citizen) have no right to be offended about anything. Then again I am not a delicate flower who will lilt if I hear a word I don't like. Name calling is such a lazy and cowardly tactic. If you have no facts, STFU Please.
Nobody had any bones broken in their faces.
Too bad he squandered all of the reward money that you crackers sent him.

Awwww ... Some racist asshole called me a cracker.

I never sent him any "reward money" I just happen to recognize that this was a tragic event with a tragic outcome that was in no way a crime or a violation of civil rights.
I wasn`t necessarily addressing you but thanks for outing yourself. I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.

Hey you racist fuck, are you also willing to let the Grand Jury decide in the Ferguson case?
Why do racists try to defend their racism by calling others racist? That`s really lame not to mention idiotic.

Hey you racist idiot, why did you dodge the question?
Too bad he squandered all of the reward money that you crackers sent him.

Awwww ... Some racist asshole called me a cracker.

I never sent him any "reward money" I just happen to recognize that this was a tragic event with a tragic outcome that was in no way a crime or a violation of civil rights.
I wasn`t necessarily addressing you but thanks for outing yourself. I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.

Hey you racist fuck, are you also willing to let the Grand Jury decide in the Ferguson case?

Nope. The "thug" is the ignorant fool who was taking classes three days a week to learn how to beat people up and intimidate them. He also carried a gun in case that wasn't working for him. Then, after a big fight with his wife, he drives down the street, sees an unarmed, skinny black kid, and takes off to intimidate him. After murdering the kid, he claims his head was beaten into the concrete within an inch of his life. Yet, he had no skull fracture and was clearly conscious. Racist, gun loving yahoos love him though.
I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.
You mean an anonymous windbag like you? .... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Holder is keeping this issue alive so that he can hold onto Zimmerman's gun. The gun is worth lot and will probably end up as a precious gift to some museum or sold. Zimmerman had bones broken in his face for the crime of following Trevon. Just like the cop who had bones broken in his face for the crime of telling Brown to get out of the street. The race baiters need to find more sympathetic victim's than a punk casing houses to rob or a thug who just robbed a liquor store. Now it turns out the DOJ has been funding and promoting the unrest in Ferguson. Are you surprised. BO's goal is to simply destroy this country. Everything he does is to this end. Civil war is his goal but mark my word, he will find some excuse to install marshal law. We are in trouble folks. God, hold your hand over our country. Go ahead and call me anything, Bro. I am a white Christian older male and I (as a second class citizen) have no right to be offended about anything. Then again I am not a delicate flower who will lilt if I hear a word I don't like. Name calling is such a lazy and cowardly tactic. If you have no facts, STFU Please.
Nobody had any bones broken in their faces.

Here is some evidence that Zimmerman's nose was broken and he had several cuts on the back of his head.
Sources Medical report says Zimmerman had broken nose other injuries after fight -
(CNN) -- A medical report by George Zimmerman's family doctor shows the neighborhood watch volunteer was diagnosed with a fractured nose, two black eyes and two lacerations on the back of the head after his fatal confrontation with Trayvon Martin.

The policeman in Ferguson had his eye socket broken. The argument was that it was a small fracture and not a break. It's only a SMALL fracture when it is to someone else's eye socket.

So your point would be that ?
I prefer to have the grand jury make the call on this, not some anonymous windbag on the internet.
You mean an anonymous windbag like you? .... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Holder is keeping this issue alive so that he can hold onto Zimmerman's gun. The gun is worth lot and will probably end up as a precious gift to some museum or sold. Zimmerman had bones broken in his face for the crime of following Trevon. Just like the cop who had bones broken in his face for the crime of telling Brown to get out of the street. The race baiters need to find more sympathetic victim's than a punk casing houses to rob or a thug who just robbed a liquor store. Now it turns out the DOJ has been funding and promoting the unrest in Ferguson. Are you surprised. BO's goal is to simply destroy this country. Everything he does is to this end. Civil war is his goal but mark my word, he will find some excuse to install marshal law. We are in trouble folks. God, hold your hand over our country. Go ahead and call me anything, Bro. I am a white Christian older male and I (as a second class citizen) have no right to be offended about anything. Then again I am not a delicate flower who will lilt if I hear a word I don't like. Name calling is such a lazy and cowardly tactic. If you have no facts, STFU Please.
Nobody had any bones broken in their faces.

Here is some evidence that Zimmerman's nose was broken and he had several cuts on the back of his head.
Sources Medical report says Zimmerman had broken nose other injuries after fight -
(CNN) -- A medical report by George Zimmerman's family doctor shows the neighborhood watch volunteer was diagnosed with a fractured nose, two black eyes and two lacerations on the back of the head after his fatal confrontation with Trayvon Martin.

The policeman in Ferguson had his eye socket broken. The argument was that it was a small fracture and not a break. It's only a SMALL fracture when it is to someone else's eye socket.

So your point would be that ?
A fractured nose is not a broken nose.

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