Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

I really don't care that you are gay joe, I just don't think you have a right to push acceptance of your lifestyle on everyone else.

Sorry, man, I don't want to spoil your fantasies, but I'm straight. It does explain why you keep following me around, though.

All that said, I'm all for gay rights, because it pisses off the religious assholes. A wonderful day will be when gays can walk out easily and the Sky Fairy Worshippers have to keep in the closet or people will ridicule them.

BTW, I never have been crushed by you, the only thing you have is lies.

Then why are you still following me around like a little bitch, looking for attention...
I really don't care that you are gay joe, I just don't think you have a right to push acceptance of your lifestyle on everyone else.

Sorry, man, I don't want to spoil your fantasies, but I'm straight. It does explain why you keep following me around, though.

All that said, I'm all for gay rights, because it pisses off the religious assholes. A wonderful day will be when gays can walk out easily and the Sky Fairy Worshippers have to keep in the closet or people will ridicule them.

BTW, I never have been crushed by you, the only thing you have is lies.

Then why are you still following me around like a little bitch, looking for attention...

What does it matter if you are gay or not? It doesn't matter does it? I guess it does to you, strange.

As far as following you a round, I was minding my own business in this thread and you responded to me, so it seems the obsession seems to be all yours.

So quit following me around you lying little bitch!

You are a hateful bigot and have not proved that the Mormons are a hate group, you just keep spouting the insanity of the left. You want to push your narrow negative, bigoted view of the world to the rest of the world, you are no better than the religions you bash.

Thank goodness better people than you make the laws and your vile ways will never see the light.
I really don't care that you are gay joe, I just don't think you have a right to push acceptance of your lifestyle on everyone else.

Sorry, man, I don't want to spoil your fantasies, but I'm straight. It does explain why you keep following me around, though.

All that said, I'm all for gay rights, because it pisses off the religious assholes. A wonderful day will be when gays can walk out easily and the Sky Fairy Worshippers have to keep in the closet or people will ridicule them.

BTW, I never have been crushed by you, the only thing you have is lies.

Then why are you still following me around like a little bitch, looking for attention...

What does it matter if you are gay or not? It doesn't matter does it? I guess it does to you, strange.

As far as following you a round, I was minding my own business in this thread and you responded to me, so it seems the obsession seems to be all yours.

So quit following me around you lying little bitch!

You are a hateful bigot and have not proved that the Mormons are a hate group, you just keep spouting the insanity of the left. You want to push your narrow negative, bigoted view of the world to the rest of the world, you are no better than the religions you bash.

Thank goodness better people than you make the laws and your vile ways will never see the light.
Joeb is a felon, he can't even vote.

He can't hold a job either, his being a felon explains why he is gay.
I really don't care that you are gay joe, I just don't think you have a right to push acceptance of your lifestyle on everyone else.

Sorry, man, I don't want to spoil your fantasies, but I'm straight. It does explain why you keep following me around, though.

All that said, I'm all for gay rights, because it pisses off the religious assholes. A wonderful day will be when gays can walk out easily and the Sky Fairy Worshippers have to keep in the closet or people will ridicule them.

BTW, I never have been crushed by you, the only thing you have is lies.

Then why are you still following me around like a little bitch, looking for attention...

What does it matter if you are gay or not? It doesn't matter does it? I guess it does to you, strange.

As far as following you a round, I was minding my own business in this thread and you responded to me, so it seems the obsession seems to be all yours.

So quit following me around you lying little bitch!

You are a hateful bigot and have not proved that the Mormons are a hate group, you just keep spouting the insanity of the left. You want to push your narrow negative, bigoted view of the world to the rest of the world, you are no better than the religions you bash.

Thank goodness better people than you make the laws and your vile ways will never see the light.
Joeb is a felon, he can't even vote.

He can't hold a job either, his being a felon explains why he is gay.
He can't hold a job because he lies and steals.

I have a long memory. He's mentally ill, I believe. And dangerous as well.
What does it matter if you are gay or not? It doesn't matter does it? I guess it does to you, strange.

As far as following you a round, I was minding my own business in this thread and you responded to me, so it seems the obsession seems to be all yours.

sure you do, buddy. Seriously, you're not my type.

You are a hateful bigot and have not proved that the Mormons are a hate group, you just keep spouting the insanity of the left. You want to push your narrow negative, bigoted view of the world to the rest of the world, you are no better than the religions you bash.

No, Mormons aren't a hate group. They just believe that dark skin is a curse from God and homosexuals are going to Hell. But that's not hateful at all. Nosirree... look at our nice Osmond family propagandists.

He can't hold a job either, his being a felon explains why he is gay.

Sorry, dude, gainfully employed, had my best year ever last year. this year is shaping up to be better.

Never gotten anything more serious than a moving violation.

But you and Lunch Lady seem to be spending a lot of time worried about me, for some reason.
Thank goodness better people than you make the laws and your vile ways will never see the light.

actualy, I don't think we will yank the exemptions from Church Groups.

More than likely, these churches will drop the shit in due course when they stop getting corporate sponsorships.

And then they'll pretend that they had nothing to do with homophobia. Just like they claim they had nothing to do with slavery and segregation now, even though anyone who can read a history book knows otherwise.
What does it matter if you are gay or not? It doesn't matter does it? I guess it does to you, strange.

As far as following you a round, I was minding my own business in this thread and you responded to me, so it seems the obsession seems to be all yours.

sure you do, buddy. Seriously, you're not my type.

You are a hateful bigot and have not proved that the Mormons are a hate group, you just keep spouting the insanity of the left. You want to push your narrow negative, bigoted view of the world to the rest of the world, you are no better than the religions you bash.

No, Mormons aren't a hate group. They just believe that dark skin is a curse from God and homosexuals are going to Hell. But that's not hateful at all. Nosirree... look at our nice Osmond family propagandists.

He can't hold a job either, his being a felon explains why he is gay.

Sorry, dude, gainfully employed, had my best year ever last year. this year is shaping up to be better.

Never gotten anything more serious than a moving violation.

But you and Lunch Lady seem to be spending a lot of time worried about me, for some reason.

Go back in the thread asshole, I really did correspond with you until you responded to me. But that's okay, you want to hang out with the cool posters. I don't care that you are a gay felon that cant hold a job. It helps us understand why you are bitter about life.

So you believe that sin is okay, what sins are okay? Lying? Adultery? Fornication? Murder? Stealing?

I believe gay is a lifestyle, just like alcoholism and drug addiction. I don't hold that against a person, that is their choice and far be it from me to care what you do in your personal life, it is when you want to push your lifestyle on others, then we have an issue. Mormons believe their lifestyle is correct, you believe yours is correct. I think both are flawed as people will find flaws in my lifestyle, because we are all different.
Thank goodness better people than you make the laws and your vile ways will never see the light.

actualy, I don't think we will yank the exemptions from Church Groups.

More than likely, these churches will drop the shit in due course when they stop getting corporate sponsorships.

And then they'll pretend that they had nothing to do with homophobia. Just like they claim they had nothing to do with slavery and segregation now, even though anyone who can read a history book knows otherwise.

They won't yank them because what you are calling for is unconstitutional.
Go back in the thread asshole, I really did correspond with you until you responded to me. But that's okay, you want to hang out with the cool posters. I don't care that you are a gay felon that cant hold a job. It helps us understand why you are bitter about life.

guy, your fantasies about me are interesting, but a little twisted. I think you need some help if you are fantasizing about gay prison orgies.

Anyway... here's the closest you get to making an argument.

So you believe that sin is okay, what sins are okay? Lying? Adultery? Fornication? Murder? Stealing?

Okay, first I reject the notion of sin. Probably because I was brought up in a fucked up Church (Catholicism) that told you even having bad thoughts was a sin.

What I do believe in is right and wrong, defined by whether you are harming yourself or others by your actions.

For instance, murder and stealing are wrong, because you are taking something of value from someone you have no right to.

Adultery is wrong because you made a commitment to another person and you are breaking your commitment.

Lying- depends on the circumstances. We all lie, every day. I think it is the intent of the lie, not the lie itself that's the problem. Not telling someone that dress really does make them look fat is a lie, but it's not mean-spirited.

I believe gay is a lifestyle, just like alcoholism and drug addiction. I don't hold that against a person, that is their choice and far be it from me to care what you do in your personal life, it is when you want to push your lifestyle on others, then we have an issue.

I agree. When the churches tell gays that they can't have the same rights that straight folks have, and use their influence to force that, they are forcing themselves on the rest of us.

Religion is a lifestyle. Homosexuality is sexual orientation. So when did you decide to be straight? Oh, no, wait you didn't decide, you just knew you were. I knew I was straight when I was about 12 and girls weren't "icky" anymore. Of course, the Catholics, being the Catholics, decided to split the boys and girls up after that.

Mormons believe their lifestyle is correct, you believe yours is correct. I think both are flawed as people will find flaws in my lifestyle, because we are all different.

The difference is, I don't brainwash kids into believing in a fucked up lifestyle like the Mormons do. They had 13 years to brainwash this kid, and then when she pushes back just a little bit, "HOLY SHIT, CUT HER MIKE AND RUN HER OUT OF THE CHURCH!!!"

Now, I have a hostility towards religion in general, the end result of 12 years of Catholic stupidity growing up. But what really irks me about Mormonism is that it is obvious fraud. Joseph Smith was run out of five states for pushing various kinds of frauds and scams before they finally shot him like a dog. His prophecies have been thoroughly debunked by science...

Yet if we can't stomp out an obvious scam like Mormonism or Scientology, what chance do we have against the bigger scams?
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They won't yank them because what you are calling for is unconstitutional.

Ask Japanese Americans from 1942 what is and isn't constitutional, bud.

Constitutional is usually what everyone kind of agrees to.

There's no constitutional right to a tax exemption for your magic sky pixie scam in the constitution.
Go back in the thread asshole, I really did correspond with you until you responded to me. But that's okay, you want to hang out with the cool posters. I don't care that you are a gay felon that cant hold a job. It helps us understand why you are bitter about life.

guy, your fantasies about me are interesting, but a little twisted. I think you need some help if you are fantasizing about gay prison orgies.

Anyway... here's the closest you get to making an argument.

So you believe that sin is okay, what sins are okay? Lying? Adultery? Fornication? Murder? Stealing?

Okay, first I reject the notion of sin. Probably because I was brought up in a fucked up Church (Catholicism) that told you even having bad thoughts was a sin.

What I do believe in is right and wrong, defined by whether you are harming yourself or others by your actions.

For instance, murder and stealing are wrong, because you are taking something of value from someone you have no right to.

Adultery is wrong because you made a commitment to another person and you are breaking your commitment.

Lying- depends on the circumstances. We all lie, every day. I think it is the intent of the lie, not the lie itself that's the problem. Not telling someone that dress really does make them look fat is a lie, but it's not mean-spirited.

I believe gay is a lifestyle, just like alcoholism and drug addiction. I don't hold that against a person, that is their choice and far be it from me to care what you do in your personal life, it is when you want to push your lifestyle on others, then we have an issue.

I agree. When the churches tell gays that they can't have the same rights that straight folks have, and use their influence to force that, they are forcing themselves on the rest of us.

Religion is a lifestyle. Homosexuality is sexual orientation. So when did you decide to be straight? Oh, no, wait you didn't decide, you just knew you were. I knew I was straight when I was about 12 and girls weren't "icky" anymore. Of course, the Catholics, being the Catholics, decided to split the boys and girls up after that.

Mormons believe their lifestyle is correct, you believe yours is correct. I think both are flawed as people will find flaws in my lifestyle, because we are all different.

The difference is, I don't brainwash kids into believing in a fucked up lifestyle like the Mormons do. They had 13 years to brainwash this kid, and then when she pushes back just a little bit, "HOLY SHIT, CUT HER MIKE AND RUN HER OUT OF THE CHURCH!!!"

Now, I have a hostility towards religion in general, the end result of 12 years of Catholic stupidity growing up. But what really irks me about Mormonism is that it is obvious fraud. Joseph Smith was run out of five states for pushing various kinds of frauds and scams before they finally shot him like a dog. His prophecies have been thoroughly debunked by science...

Yet if we can't stomp out an obvious scam like Mormonism or Scientology, what chance do we have against the bigger scams?

No gay gene, there is a genetic pre disposition to alcoholism and drugs not to being gay. I agree that you can't help who you are attracted to, however there is also self control. That all said, I don't care that you or anyone else is gay. There are churches that just don't allow that lifestyle into their midst. There is nothing wrong with that. If you don't want to conform to a religion then you don't. The church should not be forced to conform to a belief they don't believe in. Many religions out there to choose from, it is called freedom. Whether a religion condemns a person to hell or not, that is up to them. It is God's choice not theirs.

I don't believe the Mormons are correct but they can do as they like, I don't really care on way or the other. Scientology is a different matter, they don't let you just leave, they are very controlling.

BTW, they cut the mic, your idea that they ran her out of the church, nothing substantiates that claim. Besides, it looks like she left the church already.
They won't yank them because what you are calling for is unconstitutional.

Ask Japanese Americans from 1942 what is and isn't constitutional, bud.

Constitutional is usually what everyone kind of agrees to.

There's no constitutional right to a tax exemption for your magic sky pixie scam in the constitution.

Like I said, tax exempt all or none, it doesn't matter to me either way. Your way is arbitrary and that is why it will never happen.
No gay gene, there is a genetic pre disposition to alcoholism and drugs not to being gay. I agree that you can't help who you are attracted to, however there is also self control. That all said, I don't care that you or anyone else is gay.

Sure you don't. that's why you spend so much time on the gay-hating threads,letting us know how much you don't care.

There are churches that just don't allow that lifestyle into their midst. There is nothing wrong with that. If you don't want to conform to a religion then you don't. The church should not be forced to conform to a belief they don't believe in. Many religions out there to choose from, it is called freedom. Whether a religion condemns a person to hell or not, that is up to them. It is God's choice not theirs.

But wait. doesn't the fact that there are "So many religions to choose from" kind of indicate that there isn't a God. I mean, seriously, what kind of God gives you so many choices, but only one of them leads to salvation?

You see, I'm all for a religious test. If you are going to proclaim a religion, we should throw you off the top of a building to see if God will catch you on the way down. That way, we have a sign... a sign from heaven that you were truly speaking for God, praise Jesus.

That way, we can save many souls from hell by eliminating the false religions.

Sounds fair to me.

I don't believe the Mormons are correct but they can do as they like, I don't really care on way or the other. Scientology is a different matter, they don't let you just leave, they are very controlling.

And the Mormons aren't? Maybe you should look up what the LDS do to people who try to leave their cult.
No gay gene, there is a genetic pre disposition to alcoholism and drugs not to being gay. I agree that you can't help who you are attracted to, however there is also self control. That all said, I don't care that you or anyone else is gay.

Sure you don't. that's why you spend so much time on the gay-hating threads,letting us know how much you don't care.

There are churches that just don't allow that lifestyle into their midst. There is nothing wrong with that. If you don't want to conform to a religion then you don't. The church should not be forced to conform to a belief they don't believe in. Many religions out there to choose from, it is called freedom. Whether a religion condemns a person to hell or not, that is up to them. It is God's choice not theirs.

But wait. doesn't the fact that there are "So many religions to choose from" kind of indicate that there isn't a God. I mean, seriously, what kind of God gives you so many choices, but only one of them leads to salvation?

You see, I'm all for a religious test. If you are going to proclaim a religion, we should throw you off the top of a building to see if God will catch you on the way down. That way, we have a sign... a sign from heaven that you were truly speaking for God, praise Jesus.

That way, we can save many souls from hell by eliminating the false religions.

Sounds fair to me.

I don't believe the Mormons are correct but they can do as they like, I don't really care on way or the other. Scientology is a different matter, they don't let you just leave, they are very controlling.

And the Mormons aren't? Maybe you should look up what the LDS do to people who try to leave their cult.

You went from sanity to stupidity in one post. We will have to agree to disagree.
You went from sanity to stupidity in one post. We will have to agree to disagree.

Naw, man, I'm just demonstrating the absurdity of religion. there is not a single minister, priest, rabbi or mullah who is soooo convinced that his way is the right way that God will catch him on the way down. Not A One.

But they are convinced that God is totally against the gay.

The stupidity is thinking there is a magic man in the sky who wants you to behave a certain way.
Mormon church leaders cut microphone after young girl announces she's gay

SALT LAKE CITY -- A video of a young Mormon girl revealing to her congregation that she is lesbian and still loved by God -- before her microphone is turned off by local church leaders -- is sparking a new round of discussions about how the religion handles LGBT issues.

Savannah, 13, spoke on May 7 in Eagle Mountain, Utah, about her belief that she is the child of heavenly parents who didn't make any mistakes when she was created. Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

"They did not mess up when they gave me freckles or when they made me to be gay," she said, wearing a white shirt and red tie. "God loves me just this way."

Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice.
Not really. That's a personal decision, about a private issue, and an entire congregation of people doesn't really need to know, let alone in a church, where that's generally frowned upon. Either she lacked foresight, or was trying to cause problems in the first place. Besides that, society is, these days, totally indifferent to a person's sexuality, so coming out of the closet no longer takes any conviction.
You went from sanity to stupidity in one post. We will have to agree to disagree.

Naw, man, I'm just demonstrating the absurdity of religion. there is not a single minister, priest, rabbi or mullah who is soooo convinced that his way is the right way that God will catch him on the way down. Not A One.

But they are convinced that God is totally against the gay.

The stupidity is thinking there is a magic man in the sky who wants you to behave a certain way.

And I disagree, however I am not going to try to change your opinion and no way will I change mine.
I think that it would be wrong to call Mormons a hate group. They are a judgmental self-righteous, locked in step, flock of sheep who have swallowed a doctrine that is every bit as convincing as a Superman comic book, but they don't least not since the Mormon Meadow massacre back in 1857.
Not really. That's a personal decision, about a private issue, and an entire congregation of people doesn't really need to know, let alone in a church, where that's generally frowned upon. Either she lacked foresight, or was trying to cause problems in the first place. Besides that, society is, these days, totally indifferent to a person's sexuality, so coming out of the closet no longer takes any conviction.

Except, again, the "Lie Daily Suckers" are the most homophobic church out there, so maybe they needed someone to "cause problems" for them.

And I disagree, however I am not going to try to change your opinion and no way will I change mine.

Yes, your concession is duly noted. Try not to think about it too hard.

I think that it would be wrong to call Mormons a hate group. They are a judgmental self-righteous, locked in step, flock of sheep who have swallowed a doctrine that is every bit as convincing as a Superman comic book, but they don't least not since the Mormon Meadow massacre back in 1857.

Oh, snap!
What an idiot, you aren't changing your mind, I'm not changing my mind, there are no new arguments that either has brought to the table and you want to continue to argue? Over what? You are a moron Joe.

If you have something new present it or prove that going back and forth is productive. Now, we know why you keep losing jobs.

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