Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...


I didn't agree with the LDS church doctrine because of their stance on race and mixed marriages, so I left the church. I didn't go out and say fuck you to the congregation. I just stopped attending.

Wow, dude, are you saying you left Mormonism because they weren't mean enough?

Then again, Ex-Mormon, kind of explains your lack of reasoning skills.

So she decides church doctrine should include gays and another member decided church doctrine should not allow gays, then who's doctrine do you follow? That seems like a recipe for no religion and people do whatever the hell they want. That isn't religion.

What is wrong with religion forming a set of values and if you don't like the values, leave or never join them.

Okay, let's play along.

So one person decides burning witches shouldn't be church doctrine and another member just wants to burn those witches! Burn those witches real good! So whose doctrine do you follow? That sounds like recipe for no religion (we should be so lucky) and people doing whatever the hell they want. That isn't religion (no, it isn't! It's actually applying common sense.)

Okay, the problem here is that the reason we don't burn witches anymore is that we know that Satan doesn't give women magic powers.

The thing is, if you ask a church to explain it's homophobic doctrine, it usually boils down to "I think it's icky" and "my magic sky man says it's bad!"

The magic sky man also said to burn those witches, but no one burns witches anymore for some reason.
Any member has the right to change the church doctrine? Sounds like chaos.

What's wrong with someone opening a discussion?

I'm sure the reason why we don't burn witches anymore is because someone opened a discussion of "Maybe witches aren't actually a thing!"

And lo and behold, Church Doctrine on burning witches was changed.

In which case, she would have gotten exactly what she wanted and has nothing to complain over.

Other than her church are a bunch of homophobic twats, yes.

I don't mind shining a big light on the LDS and their homophobia. Make them justify it.

What the heck? What threat did I make? You have a choice, stay with a church you don't agree with morally or leave and find one that agrees with you or just leave religion altogether. No threat, it is all your choice. the fact you don't like what a religion teaches is not the fault of the religion.

Churches used to teach burning witches and torturing heretics was okay.

Until someone questioned it.

Churches used to support racism, segregation and slavery.

Until someone questioned it.

The Churches still teach homophobia. Even after the media, and even big corporations say it's wrong.
In which case, she would have gotten exactly what she wanted and has nothing to complain over.

Other than her church are a bunch of homophobic twats, yes.

I don't mind shining a big light on the LDS and their homophobia. Make them justify it.
They have nothing to justify. She knew it was frowned upon, and announced a private matter needlessly, in a place within which it's inappropriate.
In which case, she would have gotten exactly what she wanted and has nothing to complain over.

Other than her church are a bunch of homophobic twats, yes.

I don't mind shining a big light on the LDS and their homophobia. Make them justify it.
They have nothing to justify. She knew it was frowned upon, and announced a private matter needlessly, in a place within which it's inappropriate.

There is a time and a place and being 13, she choose the wrong place and time. I am sure that her and her parents will be able to deal with it.
They have nothing to justify. She knew it was frowned upon, and announced a private matter needlessly, in a place within which it's inappropriate.

Yeah, that's pretty awesome. Make the Mormons justify their hate...
So, you approve of people disrupting things, so long as you dislike said people? How very tolerant of you.

I think when you have a church that pushes hate, they kind of deserve to be disrupted.

This will shine a big nasty spotlight on the LDS and their homophobia.
Mormon church leaders cut microphone after young girl announces she's gay

SALT LAKE CITY -- A video of a young Mormon girl revealing to her congregation that she is lesbian and still loved by God -- before her microphone is turned off by local church leaders -- is sparking a new round of discussions about how the religion handles LGBT issues.

Savannah, 13, spoke on May 7 in Eagle Mountain, Utah, about her belief that she is the child of heavenly parents who didn't make any mistakes when she was created. Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

"They did not mess up when they gave me freckles or when they made me to be gay," she said, wearing a white shirt and red tie. "God loves me just this way."

Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice.

The Mormon church is cowards for having convictions? I don't like Muslims, but I wouldn't call them cowards for not advocating for homosexuality. Would you?
The Mormon church is cowards for having convictions? I don't like Muslims, but I wouldn't call them cowards for not advocating for homosexuality. Would you?

Islam isn't based on a fraud like Mormonism is.

Here's the thing, in this country, gays have equal rights. that's what makes the Mormon's homophobia unacceptable.
Mormon church leaders cut microphone after young girl announces she's gay

SALT LAKE CITY -- A video of a young Mormon girl revealing to her congregation that she is lesbian and still loved by God -- before her microphone is turned off by local church leaders -- is sparking a new round of discussions about how the religion handles LGBT issues.

Savannah, 13, spoke on May 7 in Eagle Mountain, Utah, about her belief that she is the child of heavenly parents who didn't make any mistakes when she was created. Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

"They did not mess up when they gave me freckles or when they made me to be gay," she said, wearing a white shirt and red tie. "God loves me just this way."

Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice.

The Mormon church is cowards for having convictions? I don't like Muslims, but I wouldn't call them cowards for not advocating for homosexuality. Would you?

You can't touch Muslims, they are a lefty protected class, the left justifies and dismisses the disgusting behavior of Muslims. If a Muslim assassinated a President the left would justify it. Very pathetic.
The Mormon church is cowards for having convictions? I don't like Muslims, but I wouldn't call them cowards for not advocating for homosexuality. Would you?

Islam isn't based on a fraud like Mormonism is.

Here's the thing, in this country, gays have equal rights. that's what makes the Mormon's homophobia unacceptable.
Islam is based on the corruption of the Holy Scripture. Homosexuality is not equal to heterosexuality since homosexuals are totally unable to procreate children applying homosexual means. Homosexuality is sexual dysfunction and or sexual promiscuity of the most deviate sort.
So, you approve of people disrupting things, so long as you dislike said people? How very tolerant of you.

I think when you have a church that pushes hate, they kind of deserve to be disrupted.

This will shine a big nasty spotlight on the LDS and their homophobia.
What part of "Private matter" and "wrong place" do you not understand? Also not approving of something a person does, or a particular lifestyle does not equal hate. Trying to make that into "hate" is why so many on the left pitch the word around so much, and why it has basically lost meaning by now. When they start pitching homosexuals off roofs, like the Middle East, you can claim they hate gays, or push hate. On top of that, not approving of homosexuality isn't homophobia, homophobia is a fear of homosexuals. It's not as though they're running away from the girl, screaming.
So, you approve of people disrupting things, so long as you dislike said people? How very tolerant of you.

I think when you have a church that pushes hate, they kind of deserve to be disrupted.

This will shine a big nasty spotlight on the LDS and their homophobia.
What part of "Private matter" and "wrong place" do you not understand? Also not approving of something a person does, or a particular lifestyle does not equal hate. Trying to make that into "hate" is why so many on the left pitch the word around so much, and why it has basically lost meaning by now. When they start pitching homosexuals off roofs, like the Middle East, you can claim they hate gays, or push hate. On top of that, not approving of homosexuality isn't homophobia, homophobia is a fear of homosexuals. It's not as though they're running away from the girl, screaming.
Joe and other left wing nutters can't deal with the concept that hate and not approving are very different in meaning.

I don't approve of the gay lifestyle however I don't hate gays, I just think they are wrong. My friends that are gay know how I feel, it is between them and God. I let them work it out.
The Mormon church is cowards for having convictions? I don't like Muslims, but I wouldn't call them cowards for not advocating for homosexuality. Would you?

Islam isn't based on a fraud like Mormonism is.

Here's the thing, in this country, gays have equal rights. that's what makes the Mormon's homophobia unacceptable.

Go ahead and tell me all the hacky stuff in this post. I'm in no mood to engage your faux arguments.
The Mormon church is cowards for having convictions? I don't like Muslims, but I wouldn't call them cowards for not advocating for homosexuality. Would you?

Islam isn't based on a fraud like Mormonism is.

Here's the thing, in this country, gays have equal rights. that's what makes the Mormon's homophobia unacceptable.
Islam is based on the corruption of the Holy Scripture. Homosexuality is not equal to heterosexuality since homosexuals are totally unable to procreate children applying homosexual means. Homosexuality is sexual dysfunction and or sexual promiscuity of the most deviate sort.

Muslims have no self-originated "Holy Scripture." If you're talking about the Bible that they've attempted to co-opt, then okay.
What part of "Private matter" and "wrong place" do you not understand? Also not approving of something a person does, or a particular lifestyle does not equal hate. Trying to make that into "hate" is why so many on the left pitch the word around so much, and why it has basically lost meaning by now.

Of course, it's about hate. You see, the business world has already realized homophobia is a dry hole.

It's just the churches keeping it going.

When a Church vilifies this girl for being who she is, putting it out there is the only appropriate th ing to do.

Joe and other left wing nutters can't deal with the concept that hate and not approving are very different in meaning.

I don't approve of the gay lifestyle however I don't hate gays, I just think they are wrong. My friends that are gay know how I feel, it is between them and God. I let them work it out.

Wanting your Imaginary Sky Fairy to torture people forever and ever is kind of hateful, bud. Sorry you can't see it.
Muslims have no self-originated "Holy Scripture." If you're talking about the Bible that they've attempted to co-opt, then okay.

so your book with the talking snake is more realistic than their book with the flying horse? Really?
What part of "Private matter" and "wrong place" do you not understand? Also not approving of something a person does, or a particular lifestyle does not equal hate. Trying to make that into "hate" is why so many on the left pitch the word around so much, and why it has basically lost meaning by now.

Of course, it's about hate. You see, the business world has already realized homophobia is a dry hole.

It's just the churches keeping it going.

When a Church vilifies this girl for being who she is, putting it out there is the only appropriate th ing to do.

Joe and other left wing nutters can't deal with the concept that hate and not approving are very different in meaning.

I don't approve of the gay lifestyle however I don't hate gays, I just think they are wrong. My friends that are gay know how I feel, it is between them and God. I let them work it out.

Wanting your Imaginary Sky Fairy to torture people forever and ever is kind of hateful, bud. Sorry you can't see it.
So, you completely ignored my explanation of the word "Homophobia" and misused it again, and then misused the word "hate" again, rather than refuting my argument. All I'm getting out of this is that you realized you lost, but didn't want to run and hide quite yet.
What part of "Private matter" and "wrong place" do you not understand? Also not approving of something a person does, or a particular lifestyle does not equal hate. Trying to make that into "hate" is why so many on the left pitch the word around so much, and why it has basically lost meaning by now.

Of course, it's about hate. You see, the business world has already realized homophobia is a dry hole.

It's just the churches keeping it going.

When a Church vilifies this girl for being who she is, putting it out there is the only appropriate th ing to do.

Joe and other left wing nutters can't deal with the concept that hate and not approving are very different in meaning.

I don't approve of the gay lifestyle however I don't hate gays, I just think they are wrong. My friends that are gay know how I feel, it is between them and God. I let them work it out.

Wanting your Imaginary Sky Fairy to torture people forever and ever is kind of hateful, bud. Sorry you can't see it.

Not sure what you are talking about. How do you know all gays are going to be tortured forever and ever? It is between them and their God. I don't know their God, it seems you have more information on their God.

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