Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

Muslims have no self-originated "Holy Scripture." If you're talking about the Bible that they've attempted to co-opt, then okay.

so your book with the talking snake is more realistic than their book with the flying horse? Really?

Well, I certainly wouldn't call that murder manual known as the Kurfuq holy scripture is the point I was making. Go read the transcript, bitch. Your just doing your same ole bigoted song and dance right now that doesn't even nothing to do with my point.
Muslims have no self-originated "Holy Scripture." If you're talking about the Bible that they've attempted to co-opt, then okay.

so your book with the talking snake is more realistic than their book with the flying horse? Really?

Well, I certainly wouldn't call that murder manual known as the Kurfuq holy scripture is the point I was making. Go read the transcript, bitch. Your just doing your same ole bigoted song and dance right now that doesn't even nothing to do with my point.
... that doesn't even nothing to do with my point.

- the point of walking over a 13 year old in the name of religion, truth is that congregation are nothing more than frightened and mindless cowards.
Muslims have no self-originated "Holy Scripture." If you're talking about the Bible that they've attempted to co-opt, then okay.

so your book with the talking snake is more realistic than their book with the flying horse? Really?

Well, I certainly wouldn't call that murder manual known as the Kurfuq holy scripture is the point I was making. Go read the transcript, bitch. Your just doing your same ole bigoted song and dance right now that doesn't even nothing to do with my point.
... that doesn't even nothing to do with my point.

- the point of walking over a 13 year old in the name of religion, truth is that congregation are nothing more than frightened and mindless cowards.

Nobody walked over her, dude. Church is not open mic night, yutz. They have a right, nay an obligation to use their pulpit to promote their values and not values counter to it.
Muslims have no self-originated "Holy Scripture." If you're talking about the Bible that they've attempted to co-opt, then okay.

so your book with the talking snake is more realistic than their book with the flying horse? Really?

Well, I certainly wouldn't call that murder manual known as the Kurfuq holy scripture is the point I was making. Go read the transcript, bitch. Your just doing your same ole bigoted song and dance right now that doesn't even nothing to do with my point.
... that doesn't even nothing to do with my point.

- the point of walking over a 13 year old in the name of religion, truth is that congregation are nothing more than frightened and mindless cowards.

Nobody walked over her, dude. Church is not open mic night, yutz. They have a right, nay an obligation to use their pulpit to promote their values and not values counter to it.
Nobody walked over her, dude. Church is not open mic night, yutz. They have a right, nay an obligation to use their pulpit to promote their values and not values counter to it.

who are "they" ... cowards afraid of a 13 year old girl, was everyone in the room in agreement or just those with a photo ID.
Muslims have no self-originated "Holy Scripture." If you're talking about the Bible that they've attempted to co-opt, then okay.

so your book with the talking snake is more realistic than their book with the flying horse? Really?

Well, I certainly wouldn't call that murder manual known as the Kurfuq holy scripture is the point I was making. Go read the transcript, bitch. Your just doing your same ole bigoted song and dance right now that doesn't even nothing to do with my point.
... that doesn't even nothing to do with my point.

- the point of walking over a 13 year old in the name of religion, truth is that congregation are nothing more than frightened and mindless cowards.

Nobody walked over her, dude. Church is not open mic night, yutz. They have a right, nay an obligation to use their pulpit to promote their values and not values counter to it.
Nobody walked over her, dude. Church is not open mic night, yutz. They have a right, nay an obligation to use their pulpit to promote their values and not values counter to it.

who are "they" ... cowards afraid of a 13 year old girl, was everyone in the room in agreement or just those with a photo ID.

A time and a place, when a person starts going off topic, there is every right by the organization to shut down the conversation if it is off topic.

They aren't afraid of anything, it is about decorum and going through the right channels. If the girl want to stay a Mormon she can try to work within the church to bring the issue to the forefront. If not, she can leave. One person does not dictate all behavior and acceptance.
Muslims have no self-originated "Holy Scripture." If you're talking about the Bible that they've attempted to co-opt, then okay.

so your book with the talking snake is more realistic than their book with the flying horse? Really?

Well, I certainly wouldn't call that murder manual known as the Kurfuq holy scripture is the point I was making. Go read the transcript, bitch. Your just doing your same ole bigoted song and dance right now that doesn't even nothing to do with my point.
... that doesn't even nothing to do with my point.

- the point of walking over a 13 year old in the name of religion, truth is that congregation are nothing more than frightened and mindless cowards.

Nobody walked over her, dude. Church is not open mic night, yutz. They have a right, nay an obligation to use their pulpit to promote their values and not values counter to it.
Nobody walked over her, dude. Church is not open mic night, yutz. They have a right, nay an obligation to use their pulpit to promote their values and not values counter to it.

who are "they" ... cowards afraid of a 13 year old girl, was everyone in the room in agreement or just those with a photo ID.

Nobody's "afraid", moron. People go to church to cultivate values, not have them shat on. That's axiomatic, dumbass.
You want the be a Mormon? Then you can't be gay. It is their rules and their ideals. They had every right to cut the microphone. She doesn't have a right to be a Mormon.

Being gay is looked down upon in every religion. Except Catholicism. Then you can fuck kids left and right.

Try and get gay/pretend married in the Church and see what happens.

The Church teaches to love the sinner but hate the sin. It does not embrace homosexuality


That explains why you're in favor of hiding pedo priests while pretending to condemn their horrendous crimes.

Also explains why you hate children and always want them to suffer.

Another way of saying that is -

You're a stupid, lying hypocrite.

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Sunday morning testimony is not for faggotry, sorry.

Not just no, but hell no. That is for God worship only. It's not about you.

Marion Morrison aka John Wayne wannabe

Wayne was a nasty drunk who beat up women. You admire him. With his sexual hang ups, I'll bet Wayne would also attack and revile thus brave girl. That's really disgusting.

She sure as hell has a lot more courage than any of you fake christians.

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The church is the single most fascist institution humanity has ever thought up. It is a place of hatred and scorn for no reason.

FUCK THE CHURCH. Good for this girl.

That gender fluid nonsense and now blasphemy, you're so screwed

Seriously think about this for just a moment. Just pretend you phonies are actually real Christians.

This girl trusted you. Imagine her fear and loneliness. She needed to have a loving hand held out to her. She needed to feel "gods love" and her church turned their back on her.

So did all of you.

How fucking "christian" of you. Just like Jesus taught, right"

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The church is the single most fascist institution humanity has ever thought up. It is a place of hatred and scorn for no reason.

FUCK THE CHURCH. Good for this girl.

Umm at the risk of redundancy, the church is NOT the place for freedom of religion.

She has a right to be gay. She has a right to be a mormon. She has no right to be gay AND a mormon.

I feel badly for her parents.

Who says?


The morms?

Your god?

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Sunday morning testimony is not for faggotry, sorry.

Not just no, but hell no. That is for God worship only. It's not about you.

Marion Morrison aka John Wayne wannabe

Wayne was a nasty drunk who beat up women. You admire him. With his sexual hang ups, I'll bet Wayne would also attack and revile thus brave girl. That's really disgusting.

She sure as hell has a lot more courage than any of you fake christians.

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Are you homosexual?
The church is the single most fascist institution humanity has ever thought up. It is a place of hatred and scorn for no reason.

FUCK THE CHURCH. Good for this girl.

That gender fluid nonsense and now blasphemy, you're so screwed

Seriously think about this for just a moment. Just pretend you phonies are actually real Christians.

This girl trusted you. Imagine her fear and loneliness. She needed to have a loving hand held out to her. She needed to feel "gods love" and her church turned their back on her.

So did all of you.

How fucking "christian" of you. Just like Jesus taught, right"

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Seriously? Did you even read the article? Nowhere in the story is there anything about the church turning their back, in fact had you read the article you would have known they are reaching out to her and her family.

You bigotry has drove you down the road to lying.
The church is the single most fascist institution humanity has ever thought up. It is a place of hatred and scorn for no reason.

FUCK THE CHURCH. Good for this girl.

That gender fluid nonsense and now blasphemy, you're so screwed

Seriously think about this for just a moment. Just pretend you phonies are actually real Christians.

This girl trusted you. Imagine her fear and loneliness. She needed to have a loving hand held out to her. She needed to feel "gods love" and her church turned their back on her.

So did all of you.

How fucking "christian" of you. Just like Jesus taught, right"

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Oh cut the crapola. :laugh:
I still cant figure out why she was announcing anything about herself in front of a whole church.
More importantly why is a 12 year old discussing her sexuality in front of any crowd. Do her parents have a couple screws loose?
She probably just thinks its cool to wear rainbow socks and get a rise out of people.
The church is the single most fascist institution humanity has ever thought up. It is a place of hatred and scorn for no reason.

FUCK THE CHURCH. Good for this girl.

Umm at the risk of redundancy, the church is NOT the place for freedom of religion.

She has a right to be gay. She has a right to be a mormon. She has no right to be gay AND a mormon.

I feel badly for her parents.

Who says?


The morms?

Your god?

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Any sexual conversation ptresented in such a manner would have been halted.
But the fact that it was gay gives you the op to to push your slanted view of Christians
I don't give a shit about your fantasies people.

Live is short...stop being butt hurt.
So, you completely ignored my explanation of the word "Homophobia" and misused it again, and then misused the word "hate" again, rather than refuting my argument. All I'm getting out of this is that you realized you lost, but didn't want to run and hide quite yet.

Dude, do you know how you are homophobic and hateful? That you care about this at all!

Here's the thing. I'm straight. I simply don't care one way or the other that there are gay folks out there doing gay stuff with other gay folks. It really, really has no effect on my life.

Other than the enjoyment I get watching religious assholes get all upset about it.

Not sure what you are talking about. How do you know all gays are going to be tortured forever and ever? It is between them and their God. I don't know their God, it seems you have more information on their God.

There is no God. But most religions are based on a God who punishes you for the wrong behavior and rewards you for the "right" behavior. Probably because you can't get the chumps to fork over the money if you weren't promising them something in the afterlife.
Well, I certainly wouldn't call that murder manual known as the Kurfuq holy scripture is the point I was making. Go read the transcript, bitch. Your just doing your same ole bigoted song and dance right now that doesn't even nothing to do with my point.

Good point. I guess if a book is a murder manual, it can't be considered "Holy"... Hmmmm.... Okay.

And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain. Deuteronomy 2:34

And we utterly destroyed them, ... utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city. Deuteronomy 3:6

And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them. Deuteronomy 7:2

And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them. Deuteronomy 7:16

Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword. Deuteronomy 13:15

But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth. Deuteronomy 20:16-17

And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword. Joshua 6:21

So smote all the country ... he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD God of Israel commanded. Joshua 10:40

Thus saith the LORD of hosts ... go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. 1 Samuel 15:2-3
So, you completely ignored my explanation of the word "Homophobia" and misused it again, and then misused the word "hate" again, rather than refuting my argument. All I'm getting out of this is that you realized you lost, but didn't want to run and hide quite yet.

Dude, do you know how you are homophobic and hateful? That you care about this at all!

Here's the thing. I'm straight. I simply don't care one way or the other that there are gay folks out there doing gay stuff with other gay folks. It really, really has no effect on my life.

Other than the enjoyment I get watching religious assholes get all upset about it.

Not sure what you are talking about. How do you know all gays are going to be tortured forever and ever? It is between them and their God. I don't know their God, it seems you have more information on their God.

There is no God. But most religions are based on a God who punishes you for the wrong behavior and rewards you for the "right" behavior. Probably because you can't get the chumps to fork over the money if you weren't promising them something in the afterlife.

Interesting theory, thanks for sharing.
So, you completely ignored my explanation of the word "Homophobia" and misused it again, and then misused the word "hate" again, rather than refuting my argument. All I'm getting out of this is that you realized you lost, but didn't want to run and hide quite yet.

Dude, do you know how you are homophobic and hateful? That you care about this at all!

Here's the thing. I'm straight. I simply don't care one way or the other that there are gay folks out there doing gay stuff with other gay folks. It really, really has no effect on my life.

Other than the enjoyment I get watching religious assholes get all upset about it.

Not sure what you are talking about. How do you know all gays are going to be tortured forever and ever? It is between them and their God. I don't know their God, it seems you have more information on their God.

There is no God. But most religions are based on a God who punishes you for the wrong behavior and rewards you for the "right" behavior. Probably because you can't get the chumps to fork over the money if you weren't promising them something in the afterlife.

Interesting theory, thanks for sharing.

I have yet to see the day when I agree with something JoeB posts.

That day may never come. :dunno:

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