Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

The irony of this first line here is just astounding. Because I care about this topic, I'm homophobic? You care about this topic, too, so I suppose you're homophobic and don't realize it? As a matter of fact, I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with. As a matter of fact, people can hate whoever they want, for whatever reason they want, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. Just like you can hate religious people simply because you disagree with them.

I hate religious people because Religion has brought thousands of years of misery to people.

And sure, if the religious nuts want to hate the gays, they can. But they should get their tax exemptions revoked when they do, just like the racist churches do.
Actually, what you're doing here is called "Blaming the rock". I highly doubt you understand what that means, so I'll just go ahead and explain it.

A man finds a rock laying on the ground, and across the street, he sees a window. He pitches that rock through the window, shattering it. Using your logic, clearly the stone is to blame, and not the person who threw said stone.

You can take away their rocks, because they're dangerous, clearly since someone threw it through a window, but then people would throw bricks. You can take away the bricks, but then people would find other things to throw, endlessly. It's an exercise in futility.

Much like with the above argument, religion is the metaphorical rock. If you took away religion, it wouldn't prevent people from doing bad things to each other, as Atheists have committed mass murder as well. The Spanish and French Communes being the most immediate examples.

So, what you're saying is that people should be punished for believing differently from you? Ha, and you leftists keep saying fascism is right wing, yet here you are arguing everyone should believe as you do, and are bad people for not doing so.
So, you completely ignored my explanation of the word "Homophobia" and misused it again, and then misused the word "hate" again, rather than refuting my argument. All I'm getting out of this is that you realized you lost, but didn't want to run and hide quite yet.

Dude, do you know how you are homophobic and hateful? That you care about this at all!

Here's the thing. I'm straight. I simply don't care one way or the other that there are gay folks out there doing gay stuff with other gay folks. It really, really has no effect on my life.

Other than the enjoyment I get watching religious assholes get all upset about it.

Not sure what you are talking about. How do you know all gays are going to be tortured forever and ever? It is between them and their God. I don't know their God, it seems you have more information on their God.

There is no God. But most religions are based on a God who punishes you for the wrong behavior and rewards you for the "right" behavior. Probably because you can't get the chumps to fork over the money if you weren't promising them something in the afterlife.
The irony of this first line here is just astounding. Because I care about this topic, I'm homophobic? You care about this topic, too, so I suppose you're homophobic and don't realize it? As a matter of fact, I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with. As a matter of fact, people can hate whoever they want, for whatever reason they want, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. Just like you can hate religious people simply because you disagree with them.

I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with.

do they own the 13 year old girl - I believe your statement warrants a special commendation - capital christianity - donald t loves you.
She came into their building, to announce a private matter, she knew was frowned upon. They're allowed to cut off THEIR microphone as they did. Or, are you saying you should be allowed to come onto other people's property and harass them?

Joseph Stalin loves you.
So, you completely ignored my explanation of the word "Homophobia" and misused it again, and then misused the word "hate" again, rather than refuting my argument. All I'm getting out of this is that you realized you lost, but didn't want to run and hide quite yet.

Dude, do you know how you are homophobic and hateful? That you care about this at all!

Here's the thing. I'm straight. I simply don't care one way or the other that there are gay folks out there doing gay stuff with other gay folks. It really, really has no effect on my life.

Other than the enjoyment I get watching religious assholes get all upset about it.

Not sure what you are talking about. How do you know all gays are going to be tortured forever and ever? It is between them and their God. I don't know their God, it seems you have more information on their God.

There is no God. But most religions are based on a God who punishes you for the wrong behavior and rewards you for the "right" behavior. Probably because you can't get the chumps to fork over the money if you weren't promising them something in the afterlife.
The irony of this first line here is just astounding. Because I care about this topic, I'm homophobic? You care about this topic, too, so I suppose you're homophobic and don't realize it? As a matter of fact, I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with. As a matter of fact, people can hate whoever they want, for whatever reason they want, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. Just like you can hate religious people simply because you disagree with them.

I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with.

do they own the 13 year old girl - I believe your statement warrants a special commendation - capital christianity - donald t loves you.
She came into their building, to announce a private matter, she knew was frowned upon. They're allowed to cut off THEIR microphone as they did. Or, are you saying you should be allowed to come onto other people's property and harass them?

Joseph Stalin loves you.
She came into their building, to announce a private matter, she knew was frowned upon. They're allowed to cut off THEIR microphone as they did.

there is validity in your statement, it simply is the same for either side. the 13 year old girl did not walk into their building, she is / was a member of their congregation and was therefore in her building ... they became the children and she the adult that is what most aggravates those in support of the congregation and is their own selfimposed failed purpose.
Good for this girl. This is what freedom looks like and the church wishes with a blood letting to take her freedom away.

yes and then they whisked her to the torture chamber.

Most young people ages nine to 12 will:

  • Move toward independence as they progress to middle/junior high school
  • Continue developing skills in making decisions as they become more independent
  • Begin to consider future careers and occupations
  • Shift their school focus from play-centered activities to academics
  • Begin to look to peers and media for information and advice (friends greatly influence them.)
  • Develop increasing capability for social conscience and for abstract thought, including understanding complex issues such as poverty and war
  • Take on increased responsibility, such as family jobs and babysitting
Most young people ages nine to 12 will:

  • Want to blend in and not stand out from their peers in any way, particularly as to gender roles and sexuality
  • Feel concern about outward appearance
  • Become self-conscious and self-centered
  • Have ambivalent, conflicting feelings about puberty and sexual desire
  • Care greatly about relationships with peers, friendships, dating and crushes, and give peers more importance than family
  • Relate to both same-gender and different-gender peers; may develop sexual feelings for others as a new dimension within relationships
  • Develop the capacity to understand the components of a caring, loving relationship
  • Experience feelings of insecurity and begin to doubt self-concept and previous self-confidence. Often experience a significant drop in self-esteem.
  • Struggle with family relationships and desire privacy and separation from family (They test limits and push for independence.)
  • Experience mood swings, especially evident in family relationships
  • Develop romantic feelings and may begin dating...

If you could step out of your bigotry for Christianity for a minute...this is important. A 25 or 30 yr old would be different.
Last edited:
So, you completely ignored my explanation of the word "Homophobia" and misused it again, and then misused the word "hate" again, rather than refuting my argument. All I'm getting out of this is that you realized you lost, but didn't want to run and hide quite yet.

Dude, do you know how you are homophobic and hateful? That you care about this at all!

Here's the thing. I'm straight. I simply don't care one way or the other that there are gay folks out there doing gay stuff with other gay folks. It really, really has no effect on my life.

Other than the enjoyment I get watching religious assholes get all upset about it.

Not sure what you are talking about. How do you know all gays are going to be tortured forever and ever? It is between them and their God. I don't know their God, it seems you have more information on their God.

There is no God. But most religions are based on a God who punishes you for the wrong behavior and rewards you for the "right" behavior. Probably because you can't get the chumps to fork over the money if you weren't promising them something in the afterlife.
The irony of this first line here is just astounding. Because I care about this topic, I'm homophobic? You care about this topic, too, so I suppose you're homophobic and don't realize it? As a matter of fact, I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with. As a matter of fact, people can hate whoever they want, for whatever reason they want, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. Just like you can hate religious people simply because you disagree with them.

I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with.

do they own the 13 year old girl - I believe your statement warrants a special commendation - capital christianity - donald t loves you.
She came into their building, to announce a private matter, she knew was frowned upon. They're allowed to cut off THEIR microphone as they did. Or, are you saying you should be allowed to come onto other people's property and harass them?

Joseph Stalin loves you.
She came into their building, to announce a private matter, she knew was frowned upon. They're allowed to cut off THEIR microphone as they did.

there is validity in your statement, it simply is the same for either side. the 13 year old girl did not walk into their building, she is / was a member of their congregation and was therefore in her building ... they became the children and she the adult that is what most aggravates those in support of the congregation and is their own selfimposed failed purpose.
As I stated before, she was announcing a private matter in a place she knew it was inappropriate, likely just trying to get a rise out of them. It's not the same for either side, because one was doing something known to be inappropriate, the other was stopping that.
So, you completely ignored my explanation of the word "Homophobia" and misused it again, and then misused the word "hate" again, rather than refuting my argument. All I'm getting out of this is that you realized you lost, but didn't want to run and hide quite yet.

Dude, do you know how you are homophobic and hateful? That you care about this at all!

Here's the thing. I'm straight. I simply don't care one way or the other that there are gay folks out there doing gay stuff with other gay folks. It really, really has no effect on my life.

Other than the enjoyment I get watching religious assholes get all upset about it.

Not sure what you are talking about. How do you know all gays are going to be tortured forever and ever? It is between them and their God. I don't know their God, it seems you have more information on their God.

There is no God. But most religions are based on a God who punishes you for the wrong behavior and rewards you for the "right" behavior. Probably because you can't get the chumps to fork over the money if you weren't promising them something in the afterlife.
The irony of this first line here is just astounding. Because I care about this topic, I'm homophobic? You care about this topic, too, so I suppose you're homophobic and don't realize it? As a matter of fact, I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with. As a matter of fact, people can hate whoever they want, for whatever reason they want, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. Just like you can hate religious people simply because you disagree with them.

I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with.

do they own the 13 year old girl - I believe your statement warrants a special commendation - capital christianity - donald t loves you.

No more than you do. She is free to leave the church.
So, you completely ignored my explanation of the word "Homophobia" and misused it again, and then misused the word "hate" again, rather than refuting my argument. All I'm getting out of this is that you realized you lost, but didn't want to run and hide quite yet.

Dude, do you know how you are homophobic and hateful? That you care about this at all!

Here's the thing. I'm straight. I simply don't care one way or the other that there are gay folks out there doing gay stuff with other gay folks. It really, really has no effect on my life.

Other than the enjoyment I get watching religious assholes get all upset about it.

Not sure what you are talking about. How do you know all gays are going to be tortured forever and ever? It is between them and their God. I don't know their God, it seems you have more information on their God.

There is no God. But most religions are based on a God who punishes you for the wrong behavior and rewards you for the "right" behavior. Probably because you can't get the chumps to fork over the money if you weren't promising them something in the afterlife.
The irony of this first line here is just astounding. Because I care about this topic, I'm homophobic? You care about this topic, too, so I suppose you're homophobic and don't realize it? As a matter of fact, I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with. As a matter of fact, people can hate whoever they want, for whatever reason they want, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. Just like you can hate religious people simply because you disagree with them.

I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with.

do they own the 13 year old girl - I believe your statement warrants a special commendation - capital christianity - donald t loves you.
She came into their building, to announce a private matter, she knew was frowned upon. They're allowed to cut off THEIR microphone as they did. Or, are you saying you should be allowed to come onto other people's property and harass them?

Joseph Stalin loves you.
She came into their building, to announce a private matter, she knew was frowned upon. They're allowed to cut off THEIR microphone as they did.

there is validity in your statement, it simply is the same for either side. the 13 year old girl did not walk into their building, she is / was a member of their congregation and was therefore in her building ... they became the children and she the adult that is what most aggravates those in support of the congregation and is their own selfimposed failed purpose.

And her and her family agree with the church doctrine, if they don't they are free to leave.
Dude, do you know how you are homophobic and hateful? That you care about this at all!

Here's the thing. I'm straight. I simply don't care one way or the other that there are gay folks out there doing gay stuff with other gay folks. It really, really has no effect on my life.

Other than the enjoyment I get watching religious assholes get all upset about it.

There is no God. But most religions are based on a God who punishes you for the wrong behavior and rewards you for the "right" behavior. Probably because you can't get the chumps to fork over the money if you weren't promising them something in the afterlife.
The irony of this first line here is just astounding. Because I care about this topic, I'm homophobic? You care about this topic, too, so I suppose you're homophobic and don't realize it? As a matter of fact, I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with. As a matter of fact, people can hate whoever they want, for whatever reason they want, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. Just like you can hate religious people simply because you disagree with them.

I support people doing as they wish so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, and because the church is owned by that community, they can decide what they are and are not okay with.

do they own the 13 year old girl - I believe your statement warrants a special commendation - capital christianity - donald t loves you.
She came into their building, to announce a private matter, she knew was frowned upon. They're allowed to cut off THEIR microphone as they did. Or, are you saying you should be allowed to come onto other people's property and harass them?

Joseph Stalin loves you.
She came into their building, to announce a private matter, she knew was frowned upon. They're allowed to cut off THEIR microphone as they did.

there is validity in your statement, it simply is the same for either side. the 13 year old girl did not walk into their building, she is / was a member of their congregation and was therefore in her building ... they became the children and she the adult that is what most aggravates those in support of the congregation and is their own selfimposed failed purpose.
As I stated before, she was announcing a private matter in a place she knew it was inappropriate, likely just trying to get a rise out of them. It's not the same for either side, because one was doing something known to be inappropriate, the other was stopping that.

Also as noted in the article, those in the church are showing the girl and the parents love and working with them. Sounds like much ado about nothing.
Again, you haven't proved hate. You proved you have a narrow minded bigoted opinion. Still waiting for facts. You got any facts?

People who claim there's a magic man in the sky don't get to talk about "facts".
Much like with the above argument, religion is the metaphorical rock. If you took away religion, it wouldn't prevent people from doing bad things to each other, as Atheists have committed mass murder as well. The Spanish and French Communes being the most immediate examples.

I think you are bit confused. People will do bad things to each other.. but doing them because you live in terror of a magic sky man that someone has conned you to believing in becomes a lot worse.

Also as noted in the article, those in the church are showing the girl and the parents love and working with them. Sounds like much ado about nothing.

They are going to change their ridiculous bronze age policies? Or are they going to do what the Mormons normally do to dissenters.

The Coming Crackdown on Mormon Liberals

So, what you're saying is that people should be punished for believing differently from you? Ha, and you leftists keep saying fascism is right wing, yet here you are arguing everyone should believe as you do, and are bad people for not doing so.

No, I'm saying that they shouldn't be rewarded for spreading hate.

You know, churches that spread racial hatred don't get tax exemptions. True story.

Once that became policy, you will be amazed how fast "God" changed his mind about mixed marriages.
Except you haven't proven any hate, you just persist in saying it. Saying it over and over proves nothing except you are unable to communicate your thoughts.

If you care about what kind of sex other people are having, it's because you are full of hate. Nothing more, nothing less.

Again, take away their tax exemption, you'll be amazed how quickly God suddenly becomes cool with the gays.

Do tell me what kind of sex a pre-pubescent girl such as that should be having? My opinion is none.

This is her:

So let's look at it this way.

While it is possible for all the religions to be wrong, it isn't possible for all of them to be right.

So letting a religion lead its followers to hell with good intentions is something we should put a stop to. Absolutely.

Here's a modest proposal. Only religions that truly speak for God will be licensed. We will have a simple test to get your license. We take you to our office at the top of the Willis Tower in Chicago, and throw you out the window.

If God catches you on the way down, you have the True Religion.

Any takers?
Do tell me what kind of sex a pre-pubescent girl such as that should be having? My opinion is none.

This is her:

Okay, doesn't look like she's having sex in that picture. In fact, she looks like she's fully clothed. And there's no one else in the picture.

So again, at what age did you decide you were straight?
Probably not the wisest place to decide to come out

Not surprisingly, a very stupid comment ^^^.

Where else would you expect someone to be honest and share a very personal secret? Of course honesty is not a value someone like you respects, nor is the bravery. It must have taken a good deal of courage to confront bigotry in such a setting, and then to suffer the lash of Authoritarianism of the self righteous callous leadership and people like you.

My takeaway is this: Callous conservatives condemn this brave soul and toss her under the bus claiming her to be a MINO (Mormon in Name Only). Typical of the 21st Century conservative, "our way or the highway" and this message to all others: Don't Question Authority!
Again, are you homosexual?

Nope, I'm not. I just don't think gays - or anyone else- should be abused by religious assholes.

Now answer my question. When did you decide to be straight? Did you spend a long time thinking about it, or did you just realize you were into girls when you noticed little Sally had grown boobs.
Again, are you homosexual?

Nope, I'm not. I just don't think gays - or anyone else- should be abused by religious assholes.

Now answer my question. When did you decide to be straight? Did you spend a long time thinking about it, or did you just realize you were into girls when you noticed little Sally had grown boobs.

What makes you think it's "ok" for anyone to talk about sex on a Sunday to a church congregation?

Nevermind that it's a pre-pubescent teen.

You think she's going to teach that couple with 9 kids something? I don't.

Wait, yes I do. Her parents shoulda set limits a bit more.
Again, you haven't proved hate. You proved you have a narrow minded bigoted opinion. Still waiting for facts. You got any facts?

People who claim there's a magic man in the sky don't get to talk about "facts".

It seems you don't either. Again, you haven't proved hate. You proved you have a narrow minded bigoted opinion. Still waiting for facts. Your inability to back up your opinion is noted.
Again, are you homosexual?

Nope, I'm not. I just don't think gays - or anyone else- should be abused by religious assholes.

Now answer my question. When did you decide to be straight? Did you spend a long time thinking about it, or did you just realize you were into girls when you noticed little Sally had grown boobs.

Prove abuse, so far you haven't proved hate, so I doubt you will prove abuse. Let's see your evidence.
Much like with the above argument, religion is the metaphorical rock. If you took away religion, it wouldn't prevent people from doing bad things to each other, as Atheists have committed mass murder as well. The Spanish and French Communes being the most immediate examples.

I think you are bit confused. People will do bad things to each other.. but doing them because you live in terror of a magic sky man that someone has conned you to believing in becomes a lot worse.

Also as noted in the article, those in the church are showing the girl and the parents love and working with them. Sounds like much ado about nothing.

They are going to change their ridiculous bronze age policies? Or are they going to do what the Mormons normally do to dissenters.

The Coming Crackdown on Mormon Liberals

So, what you're saying is that people should be punished for believing differently from you? Ha, and you leftists keep saying fascism is right wing, yet here you are arguing everyone should believe as you do, and are bad people for not doing so.

No, I'm saying that they shouldn't be rewarded for spreading hate.

You know, churches that spread racial hatred don't get tax exemptions. True story.

Once that became policy, you will be amazed how fast "God" changed his mind about mixed marriages.
I'm not confused at all. Regardless of what fascists like yourself would like, people are allowed to believe whatever they like, and violence against each other isn't limited to people who choose to believe in something. Like I pointed out, atheists have committed mass murder. If some religion isn't a person's excuse, it'll be something else. As I said, rock theory. Of course, expecting you to be able to follow the rock theory is like expecting a stone to learn to dance.

In fact, Atheistic Communities are responsible for around 259,432,000 deaths in the last 100 years. Of course, knowing you, you'll ignore me and keep spewing your hatred for those who disagree with you.

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