Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

You're, again, ignoring the point, which has, the entire time, been that not everyone claimed to be part of a subgroup is exactly the same as everyone in that supposed subgroup. Of course, you can make no argument against that, which is why you keep ignoring me when I point it out, instead trying to argue against my examples.

Again, you are using the No True Scotsman Fallacy


People who didn't like Galileo's findings were who tortured him, not LITERALLY EVERYONE who professed to be religious. I'm not sure where you got the thought process that a few people speak for the entirety of a subgroup.

It wasn't just a few people.
It was the LEADERS of the CHurch. Why? Because if Galileo was right, the bible was wrong.

So, it's babble if you can't argue against it? Okay, then. So, which part of Christian scripture states that the Jews should be eradicated? Or, anyone that isn't 'Aryan' for that matter?

What the Bible says about genocide

And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain. Deuteronomy 2:34

And we utterly destroyed them, ... utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city. Deuteronomy 3:6

And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them. Deuteronomy 7:2

And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them. Deuteronomy 7:16

Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword. Deuteronomy 13:15

But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth. Deuteronomy 20:16-17

And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword. Joshua 6:21

So smote all the country ... he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD God of Israel commanded. Joshua 10:40

Thus saith the LORD of hosts ... go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. 1 Samuel 15:2-3
No, I'm actually not. As a matter of fact, you're arguing that religion is inherently evil. You can't argue that the religion is evil simply because a follower committed an action that's unrelated to said religion. Let's say, hypothetically, that a man killed a gajillion Jews, making him an evil person. Can we blame the religion, despite the fact it literally says nowhere in the Bible to kill Jews? No, you can't. That said, the part of my post that you highlighted had even less to do with your false narrative, as I said not everyone professed to be part of a group or belief is exactly the same. You only claimed it was part of the "No True Scotsman Fallacy" because you couldn't prove me wrong, and are trying to paint the picture exactly that way. Of course, you failed, because you're inherently wrong.

Where exactly does the Bible say that the Sun circles the earth...? I don't see how one relates to the other. That said, my point remains the same.

Okay, so which of those is telling them to destroy Jews? Like, I see a lot of "Destroy" there, but none of it specifies Jews, which is what Hitler was saying he was destroying by the will of God.

EDIT: Oh, and the Amalekites were people who wanted to exterminate Jews. Just laying that out there. They ambushed the Jews on their way out of Egypt, as well.
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Again, you are using the No True Scotsman Fallacy

And yet you employ this when defending your Atheist or Islamic cult.

Look to the teachings of the FOUNDER to understand a "religion."

The religion of Islam breeds violence though not EVERY Muslim engages in violence.

The religion of Atheism is a religion of pure hate, violence and suppression.

The religion of Jesus Christ produced the modern world and the blessings we have today.
Regardless, yes, the Crusades were in retaliation. The Muslims were attacking lands owned by Christians, and the Christians waited 470 years before trying to reclaim them, only resorting to violence as a last resort.
Thank GOD for the "Crusades," though the real Crusades were actually ISLAMIC.

JoeB has the luxury of condemning an event centuries past without having lived under brutal islamic oppression.
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No, I'm actually not. As a matter of fact, you're arguing that religion is inherently evil. You can't argue that the religion is evil simply because a follower committed an action that's unrelated to said religion.

Again, NO True Scotsman Fallacy.

Where exactly does the Bible say that the Sun circles the earth...? I don't see how one relates to the other. That said, my point remains the same.

Actually, it would be Joshua 10:12-13, where he ordered the sun to stay stationary in the sky to help the Hebrews win a battle.

Okay, so which of those is telling them to destroy Jews? Like, I see a lot of "Destroy" there, but none of it specifies Jews, which is what Hitler was saying he was destroying by the will of God.

Are you retarded? When the bible says it's okay to kill people who don't believe what you believe, then the next step is to kill the people who killed your God-man.

EDIT: Oh, and the Amalekites were people who wanted to exterminate Jews. Just laying that out there. They ambushed the Jews on their way out of Egypt, as well.

So it was okay to kill the Amelkite babies? According the Bible it was. IN fact, Yahweh turned his favor from Saul because he wasn't complete enough in his genocide of the Amalekites.

The Bible God was totally cool with Genocide. Just like he was cool with slavery, or burning witches, or a lot of other shit we'd consider barbaric today.

God didn't change, we did.
Thank GOD for the "Crusades," though the real Crusades were actually ISLAMIC.

JoeB has the luxury of condemning an event centuries past without having lived under brutal islamic oppression.

When you travel from Italy or Germany or France to go off and kill Muslims in Palestine, that's not self defense.

The religion of Islam breeds violence though not EVERY Muslim engages in violence.

No more so than Christianity. But the Christians have a far bloodier record than the Muslims do.

The religion of Jesus Christ produced the modern world and the blessings we have today.

The one that brought us The Dark Ages, Slavery, racism, misogyny, inquisitions, witch burnings, crusades, etc.
No, I'm actually not. As a matter of fact, you're arguing that religion is inherently evil. You can't argue that the religion is evil simply because a follower committed an action that's unrelated to said religion.

Again, NO True Scotsman Fallacy.

Where exactly does the Bible say that the Sun circles the earth...? I don't see how one relates to the other. That said, my point remains the same.

Actually, it would be Joshua 10:12-13, where he ordered the sun to stay stationary in the sky to help the Hebrews win a battle.

Okay, so which of those is telling them to destroy Jews? Like, I see a lot of "Destroy" there, but none of it specifies Jews, which is what Hitler was saying he was destroying by the will of God.

Are you retarded? When the bible says it's okay to kill people who don't believe what you believe, then the next step is to kill the people who killed your God-man.

EDIT: Oh, and the Amalekites were people who wanted to exterminate Jews. Just laying that out there. They ambushed the Jews on their way out of Egypt, as well.

So it was okay to kill the Amelkite babies? According the Bible it was. IN fact, Yahweh turned his favor from Saul because he wasn't complete enough in his genocide of the Amalekites.

The Bible God was totally cool with Genocide. Just like he was cool with slavery, or burning witches, or a lot of other shit we'd consider barbaric today.

God didn't change, we did.
So, you don't actually know what the "No True Scotsman Fallacy" is. Not surprising, considering you're okay with genocide being committed against anyone you disagree with. I'll try to explain it again, this time more slowly, using small words so that you may be able to understand.

An individual claimed to be doing God's will, yet nowhere in the book that God's followers look to for instruction does it say Jews are to be annihilated. In fact, it says the opposite. So, how is he acting on behalf of a religion if he's doing the opposite of what it instructs? Explain that.

So, he orders it to stay stationary for a single battle, and not forever, and somehow that means that the bible said it circles the earth. Joeb's logic, ladies and gentlemen. But wait, there's more, he also condones genocide against anyone he disagrees with.

The reason he commanded them to destroy the Amalekites was because if they left them alive, and they did, they'd begin taking part in the immoral behavior that they were already guilty of. It was also a matter revenge. In later parts of the Bible, because they failed to kill them all, they actually do begin taking part in the immoral acts.

Actually, he turned his favor from Saul because he disobeyed him, not because he failed to kill the Amalekites. Actually, in the New Testament, God specifically commands Christians not to kill, or even hate, anyone. No part of that condones genocide. You've clearly never actually read the Bible, you're only looking up specific things to take out of context, to suit your false narrative, so you can make up excuses to hate someone.
An individual claimed to be doing God's will, yet nowhere in the book that God's followers look to for instruction does it say Jews are to be annihilated. In fact, it says the opposite. So, how is he acting on behalf of a religion if he's doing the opposite of what it instructs? Explain that.

Very simple. He says it. Millions of his followers believe it, and the religious leaders don't condemn it or stop it from happening. That's how it becomes the fault of religion.

The reason he commanded them to destroy the Amalekites was because if they left them alive, and they did, they'd begin taking part in the immoral behavior that they were already guilty of. It was also a matter revenge. In later parts of the Bible, because they failed to kill them all, they actually do begin taking part in the immoral acts.

So the Israelites killed the Amelikites because that was God's Will.
The Germans killed the Jews because that was God's Will.

Got it. See how much fun that is? The great thing about having an imaginary pal in the sky is that he can support anything, while real flesh and blood friends might say, "Dude, that's fucked up!"
No, I'm actually not. As a matter of fact, you're arguing that religion is inherently evil. You can't argue that the religion is evil simply because a follower committed an action that's unrelated to said religion.

Again, NO True Scotsman Fallacy.

Where exactly does the Bible say that the Sun circles the earth...? I don't see how one relates to the other. That said, my point remains the same.

Actually, it would be Joshua 10:12-13, where he ordered the sun to stay stationary in the sky to help the Hebrews win a battle.

Okay, so which of those is telling them to destroy Jews? Like, I see a lot of "Destroy" there, but none of it specifies Jews, which is what Hitler was saying he was destroying by the will of God.

Are you retarded? When the bible says it's okay to kill people who don't believe what you believe, then the next step is to kill the people who killed your God-man.

EDIT: Oh, and the Amalekites were people who wanted to exterminate Jews. Just laying that out there. They ambushed the Jews on their way out of Egypt, as well.

So it was okay to kill the Amelkite babies? According the Bible it was. IN fact, Yahweh turned his favor from Saul because he wasn't complete enough in his genocide of the Amalekites.

The Bible God was totally cool with Genocide. Just like he was cool with slavery, or burning witches, or a lot of other shit we'd consider barbaric today.

God didn't change, we did.
The Bible is a personal guide that tells believers about what and how salvation for one's soul is achieved. You are simply twisting it to fit your own erroneous thought process because you are spiritually dead. There is a strict command from the Lord, "Thou shall not kill". That means thou shalt not commit genocide also. You cannot seem to grasp that it is up to you to kill the abdominal spiritual things in you that go against God's breath of life in you. Your ignorance and misguided ways and beliefs do not make your blind interpretations truth or accurate in any way.
The Bible is a personal guide that tells believers about what and how salvation for one's soul is achieved. You are simply twisting it to fit your own erroneous thought process because you are spiritually dead. There is a strict command from the Lord, "Thou shall not kill".

Except there are all the times when God either kills people himself, or orders his followers to kill people.

My personal favorite is Jephthah the Gileadite who butchered and burned his virgin daughter because he vowed to God to sacrifice the first thing he ran into when he got home. (Judges 11. Look it up, because they won't read it to you on Sunday).

That means thou shalt not commit genocide also.

Except when God ordered his followers to genocide the shit out of the Amalekites, Midanites, Moabites, Ammonites, and a host of others.

You cannot seem to grasp that it is up to you to kill the abdominal spiritual things in you that go against God's breath of life in you. Your ignorance and misguided ways and beliefs do not make your blind interpretations truth or accurate in any way.

Guy, I've never burned a witch or collaborated with a Nazi or buggered an Altar Boy.

That's all on the Church. Maybe they need to ask me how to handle the morality thing.

Here's where I'd tell them to start.

Jephthah Yiphtach etymology is from the root word פָּתַח which means
  1. to open
    1. (Qal) to open

    2. (Niphal) to be opened, be let loose, be thrown open

    3. (Piel)
      1. to free

      2. to loosen

      3. to open, open oneself
    4. (Hithpael) to loose oneself
  2. to carve, engrave
    1. (Piel) to engrave

    2. (Pual) to be engraved

  3. A town-city of Judah (a lion's whelp, a place in the spirit where judgment takes place from the scepter)
Is a
spiritual host in adam = human which has been given breath or a blow of breath to make that human a living soul that is born from the concubine (another spiritual host which serves the human) and Saul (begotten of the spiritual host Kish = bent as in bending the etymology from as to lure, lay a trap or snare) as Saul (again talking about spiritual host with humans) is being made a king (Samuel is the acting prophet in Israel at this time), 1Samuel 11 & 12:11, Joshua 15:43 and Judges 11 & 12 (you can look it all up). Saul's army of 330,000 gather at Bezek = "lightning" when he defeats the Ammonites (again more spiritual hosts but these are little one's = children). These are one in the same as they are spiritual hosts of and in the human but different portions. These spiritual hosts are in and with the humans - humankind = adam with breath - life.

Daughter = bath = spiritually speaking a city, a church, a group, a company.

  1. Ammon = "tribal"
    1. hosts that descended from Lot lawt = covering (speaking about a smear over human tightly wrap) and Lot's daughter = bath that came by way of Ben-ammi while Lot (the human) is spiritually living in Zoar = insignificance (as in insignificant grey areas) after being saved out of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Dude if you are going to try to recommend someone read the Bible learn what things actually mean and quit making up crap about what it all says and means.

I have not "burned a witch, collaborated with Nazi's or buggered an Alter Boy" either. Nor have I ever approved of such behavior for flesh beings. I would suggest though if you did have a spirit that does desire to do such things to other humans you may want to kill that/those spiritual host in you for you don't harm another human being.
An individual claimed to be doing God's will, yet nowhere in the book that God's followers look to for instruction does it say Jews are to be annihilated. In fact, it says the opposite. So, how is he acting on behalf of a religion if he's doing the opposite of what it instructs? Explain that.

Very simple. He says it. Millions of his followers believe it, and the religious leaders don't condemn it or stop it from happening. That's how it becomes the fault of religion.

The reason he commanded them to destroy the Amalekites was because if they left them alive, and they did, they'd begin taking part in the immoral behavior that they were already guilty of. It was also a matter revenge. In later parts of the Bible, because they failed to kill them all, they actually do begin taking part in the immoral acts.

So the Israelites killed the Amelikites because that was God's Will.
The Germans killed the Jews because that was God's Will.

Got it. See how much fun that is? The great thing about having an imaginary pal in the sky is that he can support anything, while real flesh and blood friends might say, "Dude, that's fucked up!"
It doesn't matter what the leaders as individuals thought, the Catholics smuggled Jews out of Germany during World War II, and for people to condemn Hitler's actions, they don't need their "Leaders" to agree. You also keep saying "Religious Leaders", but the only people that HAVE a leader are the Catholics. In other words, you're using ONE individual's failure to condemn a madman against ALL religious people world wide, regardless of stance.

As a matter of fact, in your mind it's the fault of religion, because you want it to be. It had nothing to do with religion, because no religious texts approve of genocide against Jews. None.

The Iraelites killed the Amalekites because the Amalekites were seeking to destroy the Israelites. As I said, they intercepted them on their way out of Egypt. They didn't JUST attack them on their way out of Egypt, but they hurried HUNDREDS of miles to Egypt to attack them. They had been hostile towards them from the beginning. The way the Amalekites were towards the Israelites, only one of them could have continued to exist, as one would exterminate the other eventually. The Amalekites had been at war with Israel from the beginning, and because they survived the genocide, that war never stopped.

So, now because you can't prove it, you're just going to keep stating it. The actions of a man who not only condones genocide, but also can't justify his hatred for everyone who disagrees with him. It was a disposition like yours that drove to every genocide committed in recent history.
The Bible is a personal guide that tells believers about what and how salvation for one's soul is achieved. You are simply twisting it to fit your own erroneous thought process because you are spiritually dead. There is a strict command from the Lord, "Thou shall not kill".

Except there are all the times when God either kills people himself, or orders his followers to kill people.

My personal favorite is Jephthah the Gileadite who butchered and burned his virgin daughter because he vowed to God to sacrifice the first thing he ran into when he got home. (Judges 11. Look it up, because they won't read it to you on Sunday).

That means thou shalt not commit genocide also.

Except when God ordered his followers to genocide the shit out of the Amalekites, Midanites, Moabites, Ammonites, and a host of others.

You cannot seem to grasp that it is up to you to kill the abdominal spiritual things in you that go against God's breath of life in you. Your ignorance and misguided ways and beliefs do not make your blind interpretations truth or accurate in any way.

Guy, I've never burned a witch or collaborated with a Nazi or buggered an Altar Boy.

That's all on the Church. Maybe they need to ask me how to handle the morality thing.

Here's where I'd tell them to start.

God killed those people because they were a danger to others, because they disobeyed his commandments, or any combination of the two.

Jephthah served as a reminder to the Jewish people not to make stupid oaths. He specified the first thing that came out of his home. What the hell would one expect to come out of their home, if the only thing they keep there is their family? Not once does God command him to sacrifice his daughter, he makes a stupid oath, because he wasn't expecting to survive the battle, and then he follows through. That's all on him. What he did was basically saying "I'll eat my hat if the sun rises". That's why a statue of the man was erected; To remind other people not to be morons.

He ordered his followers to kill every Midianite MALE because they attacked everyone, all the time. They were a danger to those around them. The Ammonites were attacked for attacking Judah, they were not exterminated. The Moabites and the Iraelites simply went to war, they also were not exterminated. I already explained the Amalekites, who also weren't exterminated, but hey, why would you start accepting facts now of all times?
Dude if you are going to try to recommend someone read the Bible learn what things actually mean and quit making up crap about what it all says and means.

Dude, that was a lot of babble trying to deny the Book of Judges says exactly what it says... that a man sacrificed his own daughter to appease his Imaginary Sky Friend.

I have not "burned a witch, collaborated with Nazi's or buggered an Alter Boy" either. Nor have I ever approved of such behavior for flesh beings. I would suggest though if you did have a spirit that does desire to do such things to other humans you may want to kill that/those spiritual host in you for you don't harm another human being.

Guy, you are babbling. You may not have done those things, but your Church has.
God killed those people because they were a danger to others, because they disobeyed his commandments, or any combination of the two.

Right. The guy who was picking up sticks deserved to die. For that matter, so did the girl whose hymen broke some day before her wedding night. The bible is filled with fucked up laws no one would follow today.

Jephthah served as a reminder to the Jewish people not to make stupid oaths. He specified the first thing that came out of his home. What the hell would one expect to come out of their home, if the only thing they keep there is their family? Not once does God command him to sacrifice his daughter, he makes a stupid oath, because he wasn't expecting to survive the battle, and then he follows through. That's all on him. What he did was basically saying "I'll eat my hat if the sun rises". That's why a statue of the man was erected; To remind other people not to be morons.

I think the thing here is, God allowed him to do it. He didn't say, "I'm going to kill my daughter for the heck of it"... He said.

“If you give the Ammonites into my hands, 31 whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering."

That's pretty explicit. It's a quid pro quo. God give Jephthah victory, Jephthah gives God some of that sweet barbecued virgin.

Nor is God abhorred by Jephthah's conduct. HE continued on as Judge of Israel for another 6 years, including the massacre of the Ephramites.

Yup, they don't tell those stories in Sunday School, for some reason.

He ordered his followers to kill every Midianite MALE because they attacked everyone, all the time. They were a danger to those around them. The Ammonites were attacked for attacking Judah, they were not exterminated. The Moabites and the Iraelites simply went to war, they also were not exterminated. I already explained the Amalekites, who also weren't exterminated, but hey, why would you start accepting facts now of all times?

Isn't that like saying Hilter didn't kill the Jews because there are still Jews left?
It doesn't matter what the leaders as individuals thought, the Catholics smuggled Jews out of Germany during World War II, and for people to condemn Hitler's actions, they don't need their "Leaders" to agree. You also keep saying "Religious Leaders", but the only people that HAVE a leader are the Catholics. In other words, you're using ONE individual's failure to condemn a madman against ALL religious people world wide, regardless of stance.

Actually, the Catholics happily served in the Axis Armies, and in one case Father Josip Tizo, actually lead an Axis puppet state (Slovakia). The Wehrmacht never had a problem filling Chaplain positions.

More to the point, the fact is, Pius XII is best known as "Hitler's Pope" because untiled the Allied Armies rolled into Rome, he went along with whatever Adolf and Benito wanted.

The Iraelites killed the Amalekites because the Amalekites were seeking to destroy the Israelites. As I said, they intercepted them on their way out of Egypt. They didn't JUST attack them on their way out of Egypt, but they hurried HUNDREDS of miles to Egypt to attack them. They had been hostile towards them from the beginning. The way the Amalekites were towards the Israelites, only one of them could have continued to exist, as one would exterminate the other eventually. The Amalekites had been at war with Israel from the beginning, and because they survived the genocide, that war never stopped.

The thing is, we don't have the Amalekites' side of the story. Frankly, it sounds more like they were minding their own business, and this genocidal maniacs showed up taking their lands and killing anyone who got in their way.

So, now because you can't prove it, you're just going to keep stating it. The actions of a man who not only condones genocide, but also can't justify his hatred for everyone who disagrees with him. It was a disposition like yours that drove to every genocide committed in recent history.

Yawn.. No True Scotsman Fallacy...
God killed those people because they were a danger to others, because they disobeyed his commandments, or any combination of the two.

Right. The guy who was picking up sticks deserved to die. For that matter, so did the girl whose hymen broke some day before her wedding night. The bible is filled with fucked up laws no one would follow today.
God specified resting completely on the Sabbath. He did not. He died for disobeying God. That's on him.

Jewish law was very strict. She did not follow it. That's on her.

Jephthah served as a reminder to the Jewish people not to make stupid oaths. He specified the first thing that came out of his home. What the hell would one expect to come out of their home, if the only thing they keep there is their family? Not once does God command him to sacrifice his daughter, he makes a stupid oath, because he wasn't expecting to survive the battle, and then he follows through. That's all on him. What he did was basically saying "I'll eat my hat if the sun rises". That's why a statue of the man was erected; To remind other people not to be morons.

I think the thing here is, God allowed him to do it. He didn't say, "I'm going to kill my daughter for the heck of it"... He said.

“If you give the Ammonites into my hands, 31 whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering."

That's pretty explicit. It's a quid pro quo. God give Jephthah victory, Jephthah gives God some of that sweet barbecued virgin.

Nor is God abhorred by Jephthah's conduct. HE continued on as Judge of Israel for another 6 years, including the massacre of the Ephramites.

Yup, they don't tell those stories in Sunday School, for some reason.
God doesn't condone human sacrifice, and as I said, what the hell did he expect to find coming out of his house? You seem to think nobody is responsible for their own decisions, but then again, you're a leftist, and in leftist land there are no consequences or responsibility. If you actually read the Bible instead of cherry picking, you'd have found the verse. God never commanded human sacrifice, and never accepted human sacrifice. He also tells us not to be rash with our vows, which Jephthah was.

Ecc 5:2 Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few.
Ecc 5:3 For a dream comes with much business, and a fool's voice with many words.
Ecc 5:4 When you vow a vow to God, do not delay paying it, for he has no pleasure in fools. Pay what you vow.
Ecc 5:5 It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay.
Ecc 5:6 Let not your mouth lead you into sin, and do not say before the messenger that it was a mistake. Why should God be angry at your voice and destroy the work of your hands?

Jer 7:31 And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart.

God neither commands nor condones human sacrifice, and specifies that it's a sin.

13: 2 Now they sin more and more;
they make idols for themselves from their silver,
cleverly fashioned images,
all of them the work of craftsmen.
It is said of these people,
"They offer human sacrifice
and kiss the calf-idols."

There you go.

He ordered his followers to kill every Midianite MALE because they attacked everyone, all the time. They were a danger to those around them. The Ammonites were attacked for attacking Judah, they were not exterminated. The Moabites and the Iraelites simply went to war, they also were not exterminated. I already explained the Amalekites, who also weren't exterminated, but hey, why would you start accepting facts now of all times?

Isn't that like saying Hilter didn't kill the Jews because there are still Jews left?
I told you they went to war. It wasn't a slaughter, it was a war. You'll notice that they had armies ready each and every time. That's because they offer them a chance to repent first, so the people they're going to war with always know that the Jews are about to go to war with them, or return their aggression. I also already told you it was either in self defense or returning acts of aggression, unlike Hitler, who killed the Jews to kill the Jews. I'm ALSO pointing out repeatedly that there's not a single verse in the Bible that supports your claim that Hitler was doing God's work. I've been noticing that if you have no counter-argument, you've just been ignoring bits of my posts.
It doesn't matter what the leaders as individuals thought, the Catholics smuggled Jews out of Germany during World War II, and for people to condemn Hitler's actions, they don't need their "Leaders" to agree. You also keep saying "Religious Leaders", but the only people that HAVE a leader are the Catholics. In other words, you're using ONE individual's failure to condemn a madman against ALL religious people world wide, regardless of stance.

Actually, the Catholics happily served in the Axis Armies, and in one case Father Josip Tizo, actually lead an Axis puppet state (Slovakia). The Wehrmacht never had a problem filling Chaplain positions.

More to the point, the fact is, Pius XII is best known as "Hitler's Pope" because untiled the Allied Armies rolled into Rome, he went along with whatever Adolf and Benito wanted.
Josip Tizo was a madman, and that's one single individual. Pius resisted Germany and provided aid to America and the Jews.
The Iraelites killed the Amalekites because the Amalekites were seeking to destroy the Israelites. As I said, they intercepted them on their way out of Egypt. They didn't JUST attack them on their way out of Egypt, but they hurried HUNDREDS of miles to Egypt to attack them. They had been hostile towards them from the beginning. The way the Amalekites were towards the Israelites, only one of them could have continued to exist, as one would exterminate the other eventually. The Amalekites had been at war with Israel from the beginning, and because they survived the genocide, that war never stopped.

The thing is, we don't have the Amalekites' side of the story. Frankly, it sounds more like they were minding their own business, and this genocidal maniacs showed up taking their lands and killing anyone who got in their way.
Of course it sounds that way to you, you hate Religious people. The Amalekites attacked the Israelites first, and had to march hundreds of miles to intercept them on their way out of Egypt. The Israelites retaliated and then attacked their home, because they were hostiles.
So, now because you can't prove it, you're just going to keep stating it. The actions of a man who not only condones genocide, but also can't justify his hatred for everyone who disagrees with him. It was a disposition like yours that drove to every genocide committed in recent history.

Yawn.. No True Scotsman Fallacy...
Repeating that over and over doesn't make it true, nor does it hide that you have no counter argument.
God specified resting completely on the Sabbath. He did not. He died for disobeying God. That's on him.

That's like saying the woman who got beaten senseless by her husband deserved it because she burned his dinner.

God doesn't condone human sacrifice, and as I said, what the hell did he expect to find coming out of his house? You seem to think nobody is responsible for their own decisions, but then again, you're a leftist, and in leftist land there are no consequences or responsibility. If you actually read the Bible instead of cherry picking, you'd have found the verse. God never commanded human sacrifice, and never accepted human sacrifice. He also tells us not to be rash with our vows, which Jephthah was.

So Jephthah's poor daughter needed to die because he made a rash vow, and you think your God is a just God? Really? Because most people would have called Child Protective Services and locked the man up.

Again, your God didn't change, we did.

Josip Tizo was a madman, and that's one single individual. Pius resisted Germany and provided aid to America and the Jews.

Pius did nothing of the sort.

Here's What Pius should have done. He should have gotten on Vatican radio and announced that Hitler and Mussolini were excommunicated, and all good Catholics should lay down their arms.

Yes, he'd have been shot immediately, but that's cool, because then he'd level up and get sainthood.

Oh, wait, the Catholic Church is giving him sainthood anyway.
Dude if you are going to try to recommend someone read the Bible learn what things actually mean and quit making up crap about what it all says and means.

Dude, that was a lot of babble trying to deny the Book of Judges says exactly what it says... that a man sacrificed his own daughter to appease his Imaginary Sky Friend.

I have not "burned a witch, collaborated with Nazi's or buggered an Alter Boy" either. Nor have I ever approved of such behavior for flesh beings. I would suggest though if you did have a spirit that does desire to do such things to other humans you may want to kill that/those spiritual host in you for you don't harm another human being.

Guy, you are babbling. You may not have done those things, but your Church has.
No you are playing ignorant instead of even attempting to understand or know what the original hebrew words mean. That's on you not God or anyone else.

Now you have determined that you will be the one to say who my Church is too. You show your are full of lies and ignorance each time you post.

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