Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

Dude if you are going to try to recommend someone read the Bible learn what things actually mean and quit making up crap about what it all says and means.

Dude, that was a lot of babble trying to deny the Book of Judges says exactly what it says... that a man sacrificed his own daughter to appease his Imaginary Sky Friend.

I have not "burned a witch, collaborated with Nazi's or buggered an Alter Boy" either. Nor have I ever approved of such behavior for flesh beings. I would suggest though if you did have a spirit that does desire to do such things to other humans you may want to kill that/those spiritual host in you for you don't harm another human being.

Guy, you are babbling. You may not have done those things, but your Church has.
No you are playing ignorant instead of even attempting to understand or know what the original hebrew words mean. That's on you not God or anyone else.

Now you have determined that you will be the one to say who my Church is too. You show your are full of lies and ignorance each time you post.
No you are playing ignorant instead of even attempting to understand or know what the original hebrew words mean. That's on you not God or anyone else.

That's on you not God ...

no, your indecipherable 10,000 page document is on the scribes not the Almighty and is the leading reason that manuscript is anything but a true religion than its actual intent as a political document ... "the original hebrew words mean", how convenient for you to be the interpreter.
Dude if you are going to try to recommend someone read the Bible learn what things actually mean and quit making up crap about what it all says and means.

Dude, that was a lot of babble trying to deny the Book of Judges says exactly what it says... that a man sacrificed his own daughter to appease his Imaginary Sky Friend.

I have not "burned a witch, collaborated with Nazi's or buggered an Alter Boy" either. Nor have I ever approved of such behavior for flesh beings. I would suggest though if you did have a spirit that does desire to do such things to other humans you may want to kill that/those spiritual host in you for you don't harm another human being.

Guy, you are babbling. You may not have done those things, but your Church has.
No you are playing ignorant instead of even attempting to understand or know what the original hebrew words mean. That's on you not God or anyone else.

Now you have determined that you will be the one to say who my Church is too. You show your are full of lies and ignorance each time you post.
No you are playing ignorant instead of even attempting to understand or know what the original hebrew words mean. That's on you not God or anyone else.

That's on you not God ...

no, your indecipherable 10,000 page document is on the scribes not the Almighty and is the leading reason that manuscript is anything but a true religion than its actual intent as a political document ... "the original hebrew words mean", how convenient for you to be the interpreter.
If you or Joe desires to open your eyes to see and you search for the meanings of the original text from which the scriptures were written you may have a chance to not be living as the dead in the dust of the earth. The holy spirit will not lead you out of your own sin if that is where you desire to remain.
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No you are playing ignorant instead of even attempting to understand or know what the original hebrew words mean. That's on you not God or anyone else.

Now you have determined that you will be the one to say who my Church is too. You show your are full of lies and ignorance each time you post.

Two points... the word used in Hebrew is "Ola" and in every other context in the bible, it means burnt offering.

More to the point, the context of the Book of Judges is that the under the Judges, Israel was lawless and men followed their own judgement on right and wrong.

Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

So let's put the story of Jephthah in context. Jephthah sincerely believed the Sky Pixie known as Yahweh turned the tide of battle, therefore he felt honor bound to fulfill his vow. Otherwise God might do terrible things to his people.
If you or Joe desires to open your eyes to see and you search for the meanings of the original text from which the scriptures were written you may have a chance to not be living as the dead in the dust of the earth. The holy spirit will not lead you out of your own sin if that is where you desire to remain.

Honestly, I don't respect a boss or a God who thinks threats are going to motivate me on how to act. I'm not sure why you'd want such a relationship....
If you or Joe desires to open your eyes to see and you search for the meanings of the original text from which the scriptures were written you may have a chance to not be living as the dead in the dust of the earth. The holy spirit will not lead you out of your own sin if that is where you desire to remain.

Honestly, I don't respect a boss or a God who thinks threats are going to motivate me on how to act. I'm not sure why you'd want such a relationship....
What threats? You are free to remain as the (spiritually) dead and separated from God (BTW, that is what hell is). No one else is going to force you to do anything and you can live and die in sin. You don't believe and so what is it to you that others do believe? Who do you think you are that you have the right to attempt to overtop what another believes and lives by? (YOU DON"T as this is still a free country)

Apparently you also do what you believe is right in your own eyes and again you live and die by your own precepts.

If you or Joe desires to open your eyes to see and you search for the meanings of the original text from which the scriptures were written you may have a chance to not be living as the dead in the dust of the earth. The holy spirit will not lead you out of your own sin if that is where you desire to remain.

Honestly, I don't respect a boss or a God who thinks threats are going to motivate me on how to act. I'm not sure why you'd want such a relationship....

Yet, you want to issue threats against the Mormon church to accept gays or get taxed? Isn't that using threats to motivate? Spin away nutter!
If you or Joe desires to open your eyes to see and you search for the meanings of the original text from which the scriptures were written you may have a chance to not be living as the dead in the dust of the earth. The holy spirit will not lead you out of your own sin if that is where you desire to remain.

Honestly, I don't respect a boss or a God who thinks threats are going to motivate me on how to act. I'm not sure why you'd want such a relationship....

Yet, you want to issue threats against the Mormon church to accept gays or get taxed? Isn't that using threats to motivate? Spin away nutter!
Mirrors are not readily available in a hypocrite's mind.
God specified resting completely on the Sabbath. He did not. He died for disobeying God. That's on him.

That's like saying the woman who got beaten senseless by her husband deserved it because she burned his dinner.

God doesn't condone human sacrifice, and as I said, what the hell did he expect to find coming out of his house? You seem to think nobody is responsible for their own decisions, but then again, you're a leftist, and in leftist land there are no consequences or responsibility. If you actually read the Bible instead of cherry picking, you'd have found the verse. God never commanded human sacrifice, and never accepted human sacrifice. He also tells us not to be rash with our vows, which Jephthah was.

So Jephthah's poor daughter needed to die because he made a rash vow, and you think your God is a just God? Really? Because most people would have called Child Protective Services and locked the man up.

Again, your God didn't change, we did.

Josip Tizo was a madman, and that's one single individual. Pius resisted Germany and provided aid to America and the Jews.

Pius did nothing of the sort.

Here's What Pius should have done. He should have gotten on Vatican radio and announced that Hitler and Mussolini were excommunicated, and all good Catholics should lay down their arms.

Yes, he'd have been shot immediately, but that's cool, because then he'd level up and get sainthood.

Oh, wait, the Catholic Church is giving him sainthood anyway.
No, it's like saying you should follow the law. Go figure.

Suppose Jephthah learned his lesson about being a moron. Again, what else should he have expected to be coming out of his house? His wife? I suppose he thought that would have been alright. Except no, he made a stupid vow, followed through with the stupid vow, and needed no interference from God. Those were all actions Jephthah took because Jephthah screwed up, and had nobody to blame but himself. Surprisingly, one must take responsibility for their own actions.

So, you're angry Pius decided to help Jews discretely instead of committing suicide. I'd expect such from someone who is totally fine with Genocide, so long as it's against people he disagrees with.
No you are playing ignorant instead of even attempting to understand or know what the original hebrew words mean. That's on you not God or anyone else.

Now you have determined that you will be the one to say who my Church is too. You show your are full of lies and ignorance each time you post.

Two points... the word used in Hebrew is "Ola" and in every other context in the bible, it means burnt offering.

More to the point, the context of the Book of Judges is that the under the Judges, Israel was lawless and men followed their own judgement on right and wrong.

Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

So let's put the story of Jephthah in context. Jephthah sincerely believed the Sky Pixie known as Yahweh turned the tide of battle, therefore he felt honor bound to fulfill his vow. Otherwise God might do terrible things to his people.
It's Jephthah's fault for offering SOMETHING OR SOMEONE THAT EXITED HIS HOUSE TO GREET HIM instead of making a NON-STUPID vow. Making and offering for victory was a custom, and shocker, nobody else decided they should make that vow, or a similar vow. "Why?" one may ask, and shockingly, the answer would be because there are OTHER things to vow. You don't even have to sacrifice something, they could have vowed to stop a bad habit, or to do something else for God, but no, he decided to specify THE FIRST THING THAT COMES OUT OF HIS HOUSE, which could have ONLY been A MEMBER OF HIS FAMILY.

In short, you're attempting to blame God for Jephthah being a total tard. I'm sure you blame other people for your own mistakes as well.
What threats? You are free to remain as the (spiritually) dead and separated from God (BTW, that is what hell is). No one else is going to force you to do anything and you can live and die in sin. You don't believe and so what is it to you that others do believe? Who do you think you are that you have the right to attempt to overtop what another believes and lives by? (YOU DON"T as this is still a free country)

Mostly, it because you assholes keep trying to impose your Bronze Age Superstitions on the rest of us, And you keep putting assholes like Bush and Trump in office because they are right with Jesus.

thus, why I feel the need to mock your superstitions at every opportunity,to make them what they truly are, ridiculous.
Yet, you want to issue threats against the Mormon church to accept gays or get taxed? Isn't that using threats to motivate? Spin away nutter!

Sure it is. Most of our laws are based on threats. Don't kill people or we will lock you up or execute you. I suspect the only reason why some people are still alive is because that law is on the books. We've decided that murder is a social evil (nothing to do with a sky pixie) and put threats on those who do it.

We've decided that Racism is a social evil (nothing to do with a sky pixie). Therefore, churches that espouse racism or segregation are not eligible for tax breaks.

We've decided that Homophobia is a social evil (nothing to do with a sky pixie). So once we yank the tax breaks from the homophobic churches, watch how fast "God" changes his mind on the gays.
It's Jephthah's fault for offering SOMETHING OR SOMEONE THAT EXITED HIS HOUSE TO GREET HIM instead of making a NON-STUPID vow. Making and offering for victory was a custom, and shocker, nobody else decided they should make that vow, or a similar vow. "Why?" one may ask, and shockingly, the answer would be because there are OTHER things to vow. You don't even have to sacrifice something, they could have vowed to stop a bad habit, or to do something else for God, but no, he decided to specify THE FIRST THING THAT COMES OUT OF HIS HOUSE, which could have ONLY been A MEMBER OF HIS FAMILY.

In short, you're attempting to blame God for Jephthah being a total tard. I'm sure you blame other people for your own mistakes as well.

Again, Jephthah wasn't an omniscient being who knew the future. God (if he existed) is.

He knew that Jephthah's daughter would be the first thing out the door when he got home, and he demanded the sacrifice, anyway.
What threats? You are free to remain as the (spiritually) dead and separated from God (BTW, that is what hell is). No one else is going to force you to do anything and you can live and die in sin. You don't believe and so what is it to you that others do believe? Who do you think you are that you have the right to attempt to overtop what another believes and lives by? (YOU DON"T as this is still a free country)

Mostly, it because you assholes keep trying to impose your Bronze Age Superstitions on the rest of us, And you keep putting assholes like Bush and Trump in office because they are right with Jesus.

thus, why I feel the need to mock your superstitions at every opportunity,to make them what they truly are, ridiculous.
Actually you just make yourself look ridiculous. You really do not know why people voted for Trump or Bush. It had nothing to do with religion.
Yet, you want to issue threats against the Mormon church to accept gays or get taxed? Isn't that using threats to motivate? Spin away nutter!

Sure it is. Most of our laws are based on threats. Don't kill people or we will lock you up or execute you. I suspect the only reason why some people are still alive is because that law is on the books. We've decided that murder is a social evil (nothing to do with a sky pixie) and put threats on those who do it.

We've decided that Racism is a social evil (nothing to do with a sky pixie). Therefore, churches that espouse racism or segregation are not eligible for tax breaks.

We've decided that Homophobia is a social evil (nothing to do with a sky pixie). So once we yank the tax breaks from the homophobic churches, watch how fast "God" changes his mind on the gays.

You are a hypocrite, pretty simple.
Actually you just make yourself look ridiculous. You really do not know why people voted for Trump or Bush. It had nothing to do with religion.

Actually, it has everything to do with religion. You shitheads in Jesusland just live in horror people are having gay sex and abortions and making baby Jesus cry.

So you keep voting for these idiots, even after they keep making your life worse by screwing up the economy.

You are a hypocrite, pretty simple.

Point went right over your head again, didn't it?
Actually you just make yourself look ridiculous. You really do not know why people voted for Trump or Bush. It had nothing to do with religion.

Actually, it has everything to do with religion. You shitheads in Jesusland just live in horror people are having gay sex and abortions and making baby Jesus cry.

So you keep voting for these idiots, even after they keep making your life worse by screwing up the economy.

You are a hypocrite, pretty simple.

Point went right over your head again, didn't it?

Nope, I just don't think your point had anything to do with your hypocritical stance.
Actually you just make yourself look ridiculous. You really do not know why people voted for Trump or Bush. It had nothing to do with religion.

Actually, it has everything to do with religion. You shitheads in Jesusland just live in horror people are having gay sex and abortions and making baby Jesus cry.

So you keep voting for these idiots, even after they keep making your life worse by screwing up the economy.

:lmao:Too funny. I have lived in states throughout so it is great to hear you call it "Jesus land".

Idiots throughout have "screwed up the economy". Corruption has a way of doing that.

Your "horror" isn't a problem for me as it is a personal issue for you and now that you have hit in an area of the OP we can address that. The girl went into a group that has specific beliefs and attempt apparently to give her views in that group and her views were not welcome. Simple error on her part end of story. You do not get to go into another persons house and take a crap where ever you desire.
It's Jephthah's fault for offering SOMETHING OR SOMEONE THAT EXITED HIS HOUSE TO GREET HIM instead of making a NON-STUPID vow. Making and offering for victory was a custom, and shocker, nobody else decided they should make that vow, or a similar vow. "Why?" one may ask, and shockingly, the answer would be because there are OTHER things to vow. You don't even have to sacrifice something, they could have vowed to stop a bad habit, or to do something else for God, but no, he decided to specify THE FIRST THING THAT COMES OUT OF HIS HOUSE, which could have ONLY been A MEMBER OF HIS FAMILY.

In short, you're attempting to blame God for Jephthah being a total tard. I'm sure you blame other people for your own mistakes as well.

Again, Jephthah wasn't an omniscient being who knew the future. God (if he existed) is.

He knew that Jephthah's daughter would be the first thing out the door when he got home, and he demanded the sacrifice, anyway.
One doesn't need to be Omniscient to know what was in the man's house. Nobody kept their animals in their houses, they were all outside, so again, there's nothing aside from those in his family that could have exited the house.

God didn't even speak to Jepthah from the moment he made the vow, to the moment after he made the sacrifice. He demanded nothing. Again, you're attempting to blame God for Jepthah being a tard.
It's Jephthah's fault for offering SOMETHING OR SOMEONE THAT EXITED HIS HOUSE TO GREET HIM instead of making a NON-STUPID vow. Making and offering for victory was a custom, and shocker, nobody else decided they should make that vow, or a similar vow. "Why?" one may ask, and shockingly, the answer would be because there are OTHER things to vow. You don't even have to sacrifice something, they could have vowed to stop a bad habit, or to do something else for God, but no, he decided to specify THE FIRST THING THAT COMES OUT OF HIS HOUSE, which could have ONLY been A MEMBER OF HIS FAMILY.

In short, you're attempting to blame God for Jephthah being a total tard. I'm sure you blame other people for your own mistakes as well.

Again, Jephthah wasn't an omniscient being who knew the future. God (if he existed) is.

He knew that Jephthah's daughter would be the first thing out the door when he got home, and he demanded the sacrifice, anyway.
One doesn't need to be Omniscient to know what was in the man's house. Nobody kept their animals in their houses, they were all outside, so again, there's nothing aside from those in his family that could have exited the house.

God didn't even speak to Jepthah from the moment he made the vow, to the moment after he made the sacrifice. He demanded nothing. Again, you're attempting to blame God for Jepthah being a tard.

Jephthah's daughter was given to the sanctuary and served God. Later on it mentioned other "talked" to her. So she was to serve at the sanctuary. No, one was killed, sacrifice doesn't mean killing. She was sent to serve God and not to bear children, with the Jews, having children was a big issue.
Dude if you are going to try to recommend someone read the Bible learn what things actually mean and quit making up crap about what it all says and means.

Dude, that was a lot of babble trying to deny the Book of Judges says exactly what it says... that a man sacrificed his own daughter to appease his Imaginary Sky Friend.

I have not "burned a witch, collaborated with Nazi's or buggered an Alter Boy" either. Nor have I ever approved of such behavior for flesh beings. I would suggest though if you did have a spirit that does desire to do such things to other humans you may want to kill that/those spiritual host in you for you don't harm another human being.

Guy, you are babbling. You may not have done those things, but your Church has.
No you are playing ignorant instead of even attempting to understand or know what the original hebrew words mean. That's on you not God or anyone else.

Now you have determined that you will be the one to say who my Church is too. You show your are full of lies and ignorance each time you post.
No you are playing ignorant instead of even attempting to understand or know what the original hebrew words mean. That's on you not God or anyone else.

That's on you not God ...

no, your indecipherable 10,000 page document is on the scribes not the Almighty and is the leading reason that manuscript is anything but a true religion than its actual intent as a political document ... "the original hebrew words mean", how convenient for you to be the interpreter.
If you or Joe desires to open your eyes to see and you search for the meanings of the original text from which the scriptures were written you may have a chance to not be living as the dead in the dust of the earth. The holy spirit will not lead you out of your own sin if that is where you desire to remain.

If you or Joe desires to open your eyes to see and you search for the meanings of the original text from which the scriptures were written you may have a chance to not be living as the dead in the dust of the earth. The holy spirit will not lead you out of your own sin if that is where you desire to remain.

... and you search for the meanings of the original text from which the scriptures were written -

there are no "original text" - "to open your eyes to see", no one in Antiquity preserved what was written for your desert (christian) religion, etched in stone or clay tablets everything you are interpreting is not only in a foreign language but are copies without verification or accuracy to their original source.

the Religion of the Almighty remains and will always be a spoken religion of recognition unlike your construed 10000 page document. that religion is 5 words long, the parable of Noah - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - is the complete text "to open your eyes to see" there is a great deal you fail to understand to be prophesying to others to be taken seriously.


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