Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

What makes you think it's "ok" for anyone to talk about sex on a Sunday to a church congregation?

Nevermind that it's a pre-pubescent teen.

Except she wasn't talking about sex. She was talking about who she was.

Prove abuse, so far you haven't proved hate, so I doubt you will prove abuse. Let's see your evidence.

Did you miss the inquisition and the crusades, dumb shit? They were in all the papers.

You think she's going to teach that couple with 9 kids something? I don't.

Someone should teach that bitch that it's a vagina, not a clown car!
Prove abuse, so far you haven't proved hate, so I doubt you will prove abuse. Let's see your evidence.

Did you miss the inquisition and the crusades, dumb shit? They were in all the papers.

So you need to go back several centuries to prove hate? Things have changed dramatically and besides your Mormons weren't around then. So, again, you still haven't proved hate. You proved you have a narrow minded bigoted opinion. Still waiting for facts. Your inability to back up your opinion is noted.[/QUOTE]
Did you miss the inquisition and the crusades, dumb shit? They were in all the papers.
Okay, so, even if you had a point regarding the Crusades and Inquisition, how many people who took part are still alive? How many people do you know who KNEW those people? Are you saying that "the religious" are evil because of those, despite the number of generations that have come and gone between those? Will you also tell me Germans are inherently evil because of the holocaust? Can I also tell you Atheists are inherently evil because of the French and Spanish Communes, and the Red Terror? Oh, but saying that would mean that I'm hating MANY people I've never even met because of the actions of those they neither knew or have control over... like you're doing now.
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Did you miss the inquisition and the crusades, dumb shit? They were in all the papers.
Okay, so, even if you had a point regarding the Crusades and Inquisition, how many people who took part are still alive? How many people do you know who KNEW those people? Are you saying that "the religious" are evil because of those, despite the number of generations that have come and gone between those? Will you also tell me Germans are inherently evil because of the holocaust? Can I also tell you Atheists are inherently evil because of the French and Spanish Communes? Oh, but saying that would mean that I'm hating MANY people I've never even met because of the actions of those they neither knew or have control over... like you're doing now.

Joe is a bigot, pure and simple, his hate for people that disagree with him is obvious. He offers nothing in terms of proof for his labeling. I have asked him several times for proof and he dodges. It is probably one of the reasons he has lost so many jobs.
So you need to go back several centuries to prove hate? Things have changed dramatically and besides your Mormons weren't around then.

You have a point. I could point to the Blood Atonement or the MOuntain Meadows Massacre to remind folks what lies behind the Kolobite Fraud.

Okay, so, even if you had a point regarding the Crusades and Inquisition, how many people who took part are still alive? How many people do you know who KNEW those people? Are you saying that "the religious" are evil because of those, despite the number of generations that have come and gone between those?

The point is, those things were instigated, lead and endorsed by the church at the time they happened. Yes, today we have space shuttles and computer and torturing someone to death because they didn't think Jesus was made out of wafers does sound a little silly.

Will you also tell me Germans are inherently evil because of the holocaust?

I'm glad you brought up that point. Germans are Lutherans. One of the key books written by Martin Luther himself was entitled Von den Jüden und iren Lügen or "On The Jews and their Lies". Four centuries later, the Germans were rampaging across Europe with belt buckles that said this.


And you know what, the religious leaders at the time didn't say jack shit about it.

Can I also tell you Atheists are inherently evil because of the French and Spanish Communes, and the Red Terror?

If you have to come up with a historical reference that obscure to make your point, probably not really.

Joe is a bigot, pure and simple, his hate for people that disagree with him is obvious. He offers nothing in terms of proof for his labeling. I have asked him several times for proof and he dodges. It is probably one of the reasons he has lost so many jobs.

You mean the whole ONE job I lost because the company lost so much business they couldn't keep their experienced staff?
Again, are you homosexual?

Nope, I'm not. I just don't think gays - or anyone else- should be abused by religious assholes.

Now answer my question. When did you decide to be straight? Did you spend a long time thinking about it, or did you just realize you were into girls when you noticed little Sally had grown boobs.

Marion Morrison demanded that same very personal information from him. Why?

I'm not gay either but that has nothing to do with this thread. The thread is about religion being abusive, to children and adults, but adults can usually withstand cruelty from their church. Children, not so much.

And, good point that the John Wayne wannabe did not, does not wake up in the morning and have to decide if they're gay or straight.

My heart goes out to children who make the mistake of believing religion is anything but a racket designed to separate people from their money"

Sent from my iPad using
Joe is a bigot, pure and simple, his hate for people that disagree with him is obvious. He offers nothing in terms of proof for his labeling. I have asked him several times for proof and he dodges. It is probably one of the reasons he has lost so many jobs.

You mean the whole ONE job I lost because the company lost so much business they couldn't keep their experienced staff?

That is your version however I don't believe the lie. I thought it was because you were sick? Hmmm...the story still changes.

You dodge the truth so often you have zero credibility with me sunshine.
Again, are you homosexual?

Nope, I'm not. I just don't think gays - or anyone else- should be abused by religious assholes.

Now answer my question. When did you decide to be straight? Did you spend a long time thinking about it, or did you just realize you were into girls when you noticed little Sally had grown boobs.

Marion Morrison demanded that same very personal information from him. Why?

I'm not gay either but that has nothing to do with this thread. The thread is about religion being abusive, to children and adults, but adults can usually withstand cruelty from their church. Children, not so much.

And, good point that the John Wayne wannabe did not, does not wake up in the morning and have to decide if they're gay or straight.

My heart goes out to children who make the mistake of believing religion is anything but a racket designed to separate people from their money"

Sent from my iPad using

Do you have proof of the abuse? The story reveals no abuse, you like Joe are liars and bigots. You got proof or are you going to continue to be dishonest.
The point is, those things were instigated, lead and endorsed by the church at the time they happened. Yes, today we have space shuttles and computer and torturing someone to death because they didn't think Jesus was made out of wafers does sound a little silly.

I'm glad you brought up that point. Germans are Lutherans. One of the key books written by Martin Luther himself was entitled Von den Jüden und iren Lügen or "On The Jews and their Lies". Four centuries later, the Germans were rampaging across Europe with belt buckles that said this.


And you know what, the religious leaders at the time didn't say jack shit about it.

I'd express surprise that you completely missed the point, but it's you we're talking about. The guy blaming the rock instead of the people throwing it.
If you have to come up with a historical reference that obscure to make your point, probably not really.
Just because you do little historical research, that doesn't make events obscure, it just makes you ignorant. Many thousands of people died because of those events, and there wasn't even anything to set it off, they just started murdering people for "Wrong Think". The Atheists committing these atrocities simply disagreed with the people they were murdering. Were I you, I'd likely just assume all Atheists were monsters, and hate them just because some atrocities were committed by Atheists at some point in time.

Those aren't the only ones, though. There's the Reign of Terror after the French Revolution, and the French Revolution itself. The Great Leap Forward, The Cultural Revolution,
Srebrenica Massacre, and the USSR as a whole. Governments under the banner of Atheism are responsible for 259,432,000 murders in just the last 100 years.
60 million in the 20th century alone.

Of course, people alive today had nothing to do with all of that. After all, not all people are the same, even if you're shallow enough to clump them all together based solely on religious or non-religious belief. Just going to wait for you to miss the point again, we all know you will.
That is your version however I don't believe the lie. I thought it was because you were sick? Hmmm...the story still changes.

No, you just didn't keep track of it... Obviously my medical expenses (my treatments were pretty much over by the time I was let go) were a factor, the first ones to get let go were the ones who had medical expenses in the last year.

But the proximate cause was that we lost a huge account that comprised 60% of our business.

Those aren't the only ones, though. There's the Reign of Terror after the French Revolution, and the French Revolution itself. The Great Leap Forward, The Cultural Revolution,
Srebrenica Massacre, and the USSR as a whole. Governments under the banner of Atheism are responsible for 259,432,000 murders in just the last 100 years.
60 million in the 20th century alone.

don't waste my time with your John Bircher Horseshit. Those numbers were bullshit during the Cold War and they are bullshit now.

Oh, the Srebrenica massacre was CHRISTIANS killing MUSLIMS.

The supposed "Reign of Terror" killed all of 20,000 people, most of whom pretty much had it coming.

So if these were the best examples you had of "but, but, non-religious people are bad, too."

Um. No. These people were killing each other over legitimate greivences. Killing people to please an imaginary pixie in the sky is all kinds of fucked up.

Religion is fucking evil, because it is a lie.
That is your version however I don't believe the lie. I thought it was because you were sick? Hmmm...the story still changes.

No, you just didn't keep track of it... Obviously my medical expenses (my treatments were pretty much over by the time I was let go) were a factor, the first ones to get let go were the ones who had medical expenses in the last year.

But the proximate cause was that we lost a huge account that comprised 60% of our business.

Those aren't the only ones, though. There's the Reign of Terror after the French Revolution, and the French Revolution itself. The Great Leap Forward, The Cultural Revolution,
Srebrenica Massacre, and the USSR as a whole. Governments under the banner of Atheism are responsible for 259,432,000 murders in just the last 100 years.
60 million in the 20th century alone.

don't waste my time with your John Bircher Horseshit. Those numbers were bullshit during the Cold War and they are bullshit now.

Oh, the Srebrenica massacre was CHRISTIANS killing MUSLIMS.

The supposed "Reign of Terror" killed all of 20,000 people, most of whom pretty much had it coming.

So if these were the best examples you had of "but, but, non-religious people are bad, too."

Um. No. These people were killing each other over legitimate greivences. Killing people to please an imaginary pixie in the sky is all kinds of fucked up.

Religion is fucking evil, because it is a lie.
Hypothetically, let's say it was half. Obviously, it's now okay in your book, right?

Source? Every source I've checked states it was Atheist-lead.

Oh, so what you're saying now is that anyone you disagree with had it coming. So, you're saying you condone outright mass murder? Awesome. You've actually proven that you simply hate anyone that believes differently than you, and you're okay with them being murdered in mass. The best part about this discussion is that nobody even has to take what you've said out of context to show what kind of person you are, you provide a strong argument for that on your own.

Actually, you missed the point entirely, just like usual, I was pointing out that people don't need a reason to commit mass murder, they do it simply because they can. Although, all of these mass murders were committed against religious people, so maybe I was implying that they are just like you; hating anyone that disagrees, simply because they disagree.
Hypothetically, let's say it was half. Obviously, it's now okay in your book, right?

Source? Every source I've checked states it was Atheist-lead.

Then you are reading the wrong sources. The Balkan Wars were largely religious - with the Catholic Croats fighting the Orthodox Serbs and Muslim Bonsians getting it from both sides.

Oh, so what you're saying now is that anyone you disagree with had it coming. So, you're saying you condone outright mass murder?

The people who led France in the 1780's wasted money on expensive palaces while their people literally starved in the streets. It why the guillotine was such a crowd pleaser.

The best part about this discussion is that nobody even has to take what you've said out of context to show what kind of person you are, you provide a strong argument for that on your own.

Naw, all you have to is totally lack any reasoning skills... which is normal for the Sky Pixie Worshippers...

Actually, you missed the point entirely, just like usual, I was pointing out that people don't need a reason to commit mass murder, they do it simply because they can.

No, no, people usually have a reason.

They almost always have a reason. The question is, is the reason understandable. For instance, during the slaughters of the Russian Revolution, they were fighting over food, land and revenge for what the Ruling Class did to them when the Tsar was in charge. These aren't "Good" reasons. THere's never a "Good" reason for murder. But boy, I can understand it.

Killing someone because they are having the wrong kind of sex and a magic pixie in the sky says that's bad... that's just a stupid reason.
Hypothetically, let's say it was half. Obviously, it's now okay in your book, right?

Source? Every source I've checked states it was Atheist-lead.

Then you are reading the wrong sources. The Balkan Wars were largely religious - with the Catholic Croats fighting the Orthodox Serbs and Muslim Bonsians getting it from both sides.

Oh, so what you're saying now is that anyone you disagree with had it coming. So, you're saying you condone outright mass murder?

The people who led France in the 1780's wasted money on expensive palaces while their people literally starved in the streets. It why the guillotine was such a crowd pleaser.

The best part about this discussion is that nobody even has to take what you've said out of context to show what kind of person you are, you provide a strong argument for that on your own.

Naw, all you have to is totally lack any reasoning skills... which is normal for the Sky Pixie Worshippers...

Actually, you missed the point entirely, just like usual, I was pointing out that people don't need a reason to commit mass murder, they do it simply because they can.

No, no, people usually have a reason.

They almost always have a reason. The question is, is the reason understandable. For instance, during the slaughters of the Russian Revolution, they were fighting over food, land and revenge for what the Ruling Class did to them when the Tsar was in charge. These aren't "Good" reasons. THere's never a "Good" reason for murder. But boy, I can understand it.

Killing someone because they are having the wrong kind of sex and a magic pixie in the sky says that's bad... that's just a stupid reason.

Oh look, still no source. Go figure.

They were not ruled by 40K people, which is how many were murdered during the French Revolution, one of which was Mary Antoinette, who would actually invite people off the street to eat with her. They murdered MANY innocent people. It wasn't a revolution, it was a slaughter for the sake of slaughter.

You hate religious people for the sake of hating. You can't cite any reason as to why, only that "Religion is evil", which simply means that you disagree with them.

"Usually have a reason" doesn't refute "Don't need a reason". Even if some people some of the time don't need a reason, that still means people don't need a reason.

You can't cite a single case of genocide in which that was the reason. Though, I cited many cases in which organized genocide was committed against the religious. Those communes I mentioned earlier were repossessing church property and murdering priests in the thousands.
Hypothetically, let's say it was half. Obviously, it's now okay in your book, right?

Source? Every source I've checked states it was Atheist-lead.

Then you are reading the wrong sources. The Balkan Wars were largely religious - with the Catholic Croats fighting the Orthodox Serbs and Muslim Bonsians getting it from both sides.

Oh, so what you're saying now is that anyone you disagree with had it coming. So, you're saying you condone outright mass murder?

The people who led France in the 1780's wasted money on expensive palaces while their people literally starved in the streets. It why the guillotine was such a crowd pleaser.

The best part about this discussion is that nobody even has to take what you've said out of context to show what kind of person you are, you provide a strong argument for that on your own.

Naw, all you have to is totally lack any reasoning skills... which is normal for the Sky Pixie Worshippers...

Actually, you missed the point entirely, just like usual, I was pointing out that people don't need a reason to commit mass murder, they do it simply because they can.

No, no, people usually have a reason.

They almost always have a reason. The question is, is the reason understandable. For instance, during the slaughters of the Russian Revolution, they were fighting over food, land and revenge for what the Ruling Class did to them when the Tsar was in charge. These aren't "Good" reasons. THere's never a "Good" reason for murder. But boy, I can understand it.

Killing someone because they are having the wrong kind of sex and a magic pixie in the sky says that's bad... that's just a stupid reason.

Oh look, still no source. Go figure.

They were not ruled by 40K people, which is how many were murdered during the French Revolution, one of which was Mary Antoinette, who would actually invite people off the street to eat with her. They murdered MANY innocent people. It wasn't a revolution, it was a slaughter for the sake of slaughter.

You hate religious people for the sake of hating. You can't cite any reason as to why, only that "Religion is evil", which simply means that you disagree with them.

"Usually have a reason" doesn't refute "Don't need a reason". Even if some people some of the time don't need a reason, that still means people don't need a reason.

You can't cite a single case of genocide in which that was the reason. Though, I cited many cases in which organized genocide was committed against the religious. Those communes I mentioned earlier were repossessing church property and murdering priests in the thousands.

They were not ruled by 40K people, which is how many were murdered during the French Revolution, one of which was Mary Antoinette, who would actually invite people off the street to eat with her.


Marie Antoinette - Wikipedia

she became known as Madame Déficit because the country's financial crisis was blamed on her lavish spending and her opposition to the social and financial reforms of Turgot and Necker.

On 21 September 1792, the monarchy was abolished. After a two-day trial begun on 14 October 1793, Marie Antoinette was convicted by the Revolutionary Tribunal of high treason and executed by guillotine on the Place de la Révolution on 16 October 1793.


well, the afternoon brunch didn't seem to sway the day for Marie ... especially when she offered them cake.

those terrible atheist ....
Hypothetically, let's say it was half. Obviously, it's now okay in your book, right?

Source? Every source I've checked states it was Atheist-lead.

Then you are reading the wrong sources. The Balkan Wars were largely religious - with the Catholic Croats fighting the Orthodox Serbs and Muslim Bonsians getting it from both sides.

Oh, so what you're saying now is that anyone you disagree with had it coming. So, you're saying you condone outright mass murder?

The people who led France in the 1780's wasted money on expensive palaces while their people literally starved in the streets. It why the guillotine was such a crowd pleaser.

The best part about this discussion is that nobody even has to take what you've said out of context to show what kind of person you are, you provide a strong argument for that on your own.

Naw, all you have to is totally lack any reasoning skills... which is normal for the Sky Pixie Worshippers...

Actually, you missed the point entirely, just like usual, I was pointing out that people don't need a reason to commit mass murder, they do it simply because they can.

No, no, people usually have a reason.

They almost always have a reason. The question is, is the reason understandable. For instance, during the slaughters of the Russian Revolution, they were fighting over food, land and revenge for what the Ruling Class did to them when the Tsar was in charge. These aren't "Good" reasons. THere's never a "Good" reason for murder. But boy, I can understand it.

Killing someone because they are having the wrong kind of sex and a magic pixie in the sky says that's bad... that's just a stupid reason.

Oh look, still no source. Go figure.

They were not ruled by 40K people, which is how many were murdered during the French Revolution, one of which was Mary Antoinette, who would actually invite people off the street to eat with her. They murdered MANY innocent people. It wasn't a revolution, it was a slaughter for the sake of slaughter.

You hate religious people for the sake of hating. You can't cite any reason as to why, only that "Religion is evil", which simply means that you disagree with them.

"Usually have a reason" doesn't refute "Don't need a reason". Even if some people some of the time don't need a reason, that still means people don't need a reason.

You can't cite a single case of genocide in which that was the reason. Though, I cited many cases in which organized genocide was committed against the religious. Those communes I mentioned earlier were repossessing church property and murdering priests in the thousands.

They were not ruled by 40K people, which is how many were murdered during the French Revolution, one of which was Mary Antoinette, who would actually invite people off the street to eat with her.


Marie Antoinette - Wikipedia

she became known as Madame Déficit because the country's financial crisis was blamed on her lavish spending and her opposition to the social and financial reforms of Turgot and Necker.

On 21 September 1792, the monarchy was abolished. After a two-day trial begun on 14 October 1793, Marie Antoinette was convicted by the Revolutionary Tribunal of high treason and executed by guillotine on the Place de la Révolution on 16 October 1793.

View attachment 138250

well, the afternoon brunch didn't seem to sway the day for Marie ... especially when she offered them cake.

those terrible atheist ....

As a matter of fact, she never actually said "Let them eat cake", and her last words were an apology for stepping on her executioner's feet, "Pardon me, sir, I meant not to do it". I'd also like to point out two things; First, Joeb doesn't need your help embarrassing himself, and second, Queens had no political power whatsoever, Marie Antoinette didn't even have a role outside of producing an heir to her husband, and the anger of the French people was directed at her despite all of this, because she was constantly smeared by the French press, mainly due to supposedly 'Acting like a mistress, not a wife'. If you know absolutely nothing about the subject, you're better off keeping your gaping trap shut, allowing people to think you're stupid, rather than removing all doubt.
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Oh look, still no source. Go figure.

They were not ruled by 40K people, which is how many were murdered during the French Revolution, one of which was Mary Antoinette, who would actually invite people off the street to eat with her. They murdered MANY innocent people. It wasn't a revolution, it was a slaughter for the sake of slaughter.

No, it was slaughter for the sake of getting revenge on people who had oppressed them for centuries, who had just been pushed too far. Easy for us to pass judgement in our fat warm American homes with plenty to eat.

You hate religious people for the sake of hating. You can't cite any reason as to why, only that "Religion is evil", which simply means that you disagree with them.

No, Religion is evil because
Witch burning
Genital mutilation (both male and female)
Suppression of Science
Sexual Abuse of children
Supporting Slavery
Collaborating with Nazism

That's why religion is evil.

Happy to have cleared that up for you, you were looking a bit dopey.

You can't cite a single case of genocide in which that was the reason. Though, I cited many cases in which organized genocide was committed against the religious. Those communes I mentioned earlier were repossessing church property and murdering priests in the thousands.

You talk killing priests like that's a BAD thing.

Point was, I already pointed out to you how the Christians were knee deep in bed with Hitler and the Holocaust, giving both the justifications for it (The Jews Killed Jesus) and silence about it going on. One minor Axis Country was actually LEAD by a Catholic Priest.

The Commies shot him dead after the war.
Oh look, still no source. Go figure.

They were not ruled by 40K people, which is how many were murdered during the French Revolution, one of which was Mary Antoinette, who would actually invite people off the street to eat with her. They murdered MANY innocent people. It wasn't a revolution, it was a slaughter for the sake of slaughter.

No, it was slaughter for the sake of getting revenge on people who had oppressed them for centuries, who had just been pushed too far. Easy for us to pass judgement in our fat warm American homes with plenty to eat.

You hate religious people for the sake of hating. You can't cite any reason as to why, only that "Religion is evil", which simply means that you disagree with them.

No, Religion is evil because
Witch burning
Genital mutilation (both male and female)
Suppression of Science
Sexual Abuse of children
Supporting Slavery
Collaborating with Nazism

That's why religion is evil.

Happy to have cleared that up for you, you were looking a bit dopey.

You can't cite a single case of genocide in which that was the reason. Though, I cited many cases in which organized genocide was committed against the religious. Those communes I mentioned earlier were repossessing church property and murdering priests in the thousands.

You talk killing priests like that's a BAD thing.

Point was, I already pointed out to you how the Christians were knee deep in bed with Hitler and the Holocaust, giving both the justifications for it (The Jews Killed Jesus) and silence about it going on. One minor Axis Country was actually LEAD by a Catholic Priest.

The Commies shot him dead after the war.
Nobody is currently alive who took part in the Crusades, which were retaliatory, even if they were, hypothetically, a bad thing.
"Jihad" is simply an excuse, the Quran states that the only time any Muslim is allowed to kill anyone is in self defense. The word "Jihad" is the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin.
The Inquisition wasn't following the teachings within the Bible, and nobody who took part is currently alive.
Nobody is "suppressing science", as a matter of fact, to one who believes, "science" is the study of "God's creation".
"Genital mutilation", in most cases, is a choice.
Practically everyone except the slaves themselves supported slavery, as it had been "acceptable" for many, many years, which made Atheists guilty of it as well.
Sexual abuse of children is a matter culture, not of religion.
Jews were one of the targets of Nazism, which is a religion, and religious texts don't support genocide.
That's 100% opinion.

So, now you support genocide against priests? You are one sick man, and also proving my argument.

Actually, the Nazis were a secular movement, and Hitler simply appropriated symbols from everywhere. Hence the Swastika not starting as a Nazi symbol. He was following no passage in the Bible when he decided to murder Jews in mass, in fact, he made up his own belief. He believed that Jesus was an Aryan warrior-prophet who did battle with the Jews, and that the Aryan "race" was created directly by god, while all other kinds of humans evolved naturally and were thus inherently inferior, with the blacks, Hebrews, and Slavs being the farthest from god, and the Japanese being the race that is second closest to God's creation, just behind the "Aryan Race". While you claim he was Catholic, he hated Catholics for helping Jews escape the Nazis during World War 2. As a matter of fact, the Nazis hated Protestants, too. They also hated Jehovah's Witnesses.

On the other hand, you still continue to miss the point, but I already knew from the start that you were inherently against learning anything, and that you hate for the sake of hating, and will always continue to do so until the day you kick the bucket.
Nobody is currently alive who took part in the Crusades, which were retaliatory, even if they were, hypothetically, a bad thing.

They weren't retaliatory. They were the attempt of Pope Urban II to get street cred in his struggle with the German Crown over who got to control the Church. "Let's go kill some Muslims for Jesus!!!"

Nobody is "suppressing science", as a matter of fact, to one who believes, "science" is the study of "God's creation".

I'm not going to sludge though all your intellectual sewage, but the problem is, Religion and Science are incompatible. Religion starts out with a conclusion and fits the evidence to that. Science finds evidence and then comes to a conclusion.

So when Galileo figures out, "Hey, the Earth Goes Around the Sun", they torture the poor man until he recanted. That's all kinds of fucked up.

He was following no passage in the Bible when he decided to murder Jews in mass, in fact, he made up his own belief. He believed that Jesus was an Aryan warrior-prophet who did battle with the Jews, and that the Aryan "race" was created directly by god, while all other kinds of humans evolved naturally and were thus inherently inferior, with the blacks, Hebrews, and Slavs being the farthest from god, and the Japanese being the race that is second closest to God's creation, just behind the "Aryan Race".

Now you are just babbling.

Here's what Hitler Really had to say about Christianity. He couldnt' get enough of that shit.

Hitler's religious beliefs and fanaticism

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
Nobody is currently alive who took part in the Crusades, which were retaliatory, even if they were, hypothetically, a bad thing.

They weren't retaliatory. They were the attempt of Pope Urban II to get street cred in his struggle with the German Crown over who got to control the Church. "Let's go kill some Muslims for Jesus!!!"

Nobody is "suppressing science", as a matter of fact, to one who believes, "science" is the study of "God's creation".

I'm not going to sludge though all your intellectual sewage, but the problem is, Religion and Science are incompatible. Religion starts out with a conclusion and fits the evidence to that. Science finds evidence and then comes to a conclusion.

So when Galileo figures out, "Hey, the Earth Goes Around the Sun", they torture the poor man until he recanted. That's all kinds of fucked up.

He was following no passage in the Bible when he decided to murder Jews in mass, in fact, he made up his own belief. He believed that Jesus was an Aryan warrior-prophet who did battle with the Jews, and that the Aryan "race" was created directly by god, while all other kinds of humans evolved naturally and were thus inherently inferior, with the blacks, Hebrews, and Slavs being the farthest from god, and the Japanese being the race that is second closest to God's creation, just behind the "Aryan Race".

Now you are just babbling.

Here's what Hitler Really had to say about Christianity. He couldnt' get enough of that shit.

Hitler's religious beliefs and fanaticism

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
You're, again, ignoring the point, which has, the entire time, been that not everyone claimed to be part of a subgroup is exactly the same as everyone in that supposed subgroup. Of course, you can make no argument against that, which is why you keep ignoring me when I point it out, instead trying to argue against my examples.

Regardless, yes, the Crusades were in retaliation. The Muslims were attacking lands owned by Christians, and the Christians waited 470 years before trying to reclaim them, only resorting to violence as a last resort.

Actually, they're completely compatible. Science is the study of what is, and applying a belief only means its the study of creation. Stating they're separate is only a narrative set by people who don't agree with those beliefs.

People who didn't like Galileo's findings were who tortured him, not LITERALLY EVERYONE who professed to be religious. I'm not sure where you got the thought process that a few people speak for the entirety of a subgroup.

So, it's babble if you can't argue against it? Okay, then. So, which part of Christian scripture states that the Jews should be eradicated? Or, anyone that isn't 'Aryan' for that matter?
You're, again, ignoring the point, which has, the entire time, been that not everyone claimed to be part of a subgroup is exactly the same as everyone in that supposed subgroup. Of course, you can make no argument against that, which is why you keep ignoring me when I point it out, instead trying to argue against my examples.

Again, you are using the No True Scotsman Fallacy


People who didn't like Galileo's findings were who tortured him, not LITERALLY EVERYONE who professed to be religious. I'm not sure where you got the thought process that a few people speak for the entirety of a subgroup.

It wasn't just a few people.
It was the LEADERS of the CHurch. Why? Because if Galileo was right, the bible was wrong.

So, it's babble if you can't argue against it? Okay, then. So, which part of Christian scripture states that the Jews should be eradicated? Or, anyone that isn't 'Aryan' for that matter?

What the Bible says about genocide

And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain. Deuteronomy 2:34

And we utterly destroyed them, ... utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city. Deuteronomy 3:6

And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them. Deuteronomy 7:2

And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them. Deuteronomy 7:16

Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword. Deuteronomy 13:15

But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth. Deuteronomy 20:16-17

And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword. Joshua 6:21

So smote all the country ... he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD God of Israel commanded. Joshua 10:40

Thus saith the LORD of hosts ... go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. 1 Samuel 15:2-3

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