Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

This is a picture of the girl, clearly prepubescent and has snowflake parents:


They should have told her "no" a bit more. I'm sure she didn't buy those clothes

with money she earned herself.
It's a sex advertisement and should land her parents in prison for life.

I think you've got major problems if you think sex when you see that picture.

I mean, wtf is wrong with you that you think that?

That screams to me: "WTF is that little girl doing wearing clothes like that and standing in front of a faggotry promotion like that?

Where's her mammy @? @ her Mom: Do you even parent? Wtf?! Where's daddy @?

Who bought her those clothes, aye? Seriously.

Her clothes are fine, unless you object to the word "queer" on the shirt.

I realize that when you were thirteen, you didn't have to have support for your burgeoning heterosexuality, but young gay people are often left feeling isolated, confused, and/or ostracized for their attraction to the same sex.

This girl is being told that she's fine the way she is. Thank God.
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This is a picture of the girl, clearly prepubescent and has snowflake parents:


They should have told her "no" a bit more. I'm sure she didn't buy those clothes

with money she earned herself.
It's a sex advertisement and should land her parents in prison for life.

I think you've got major problems if you think sex when you see that picture.

I mean, wtf is wrong with you that you think that?

That screams to me: "WTF is that little girl doing wearing clothes like that and standing in front of a faggotry promotion like that?

Where's her mammy @? @ her Mom: Do you even parent? Wtf?! Where's daddy @?

Who bought her those clothes, aye? Seriously.

Her clothes are fine, unless you object to the word "queer" on the shirt.

I realize that when you were thirteen, you didn't have to have support for your burgeoning heterosexuality, but young gay people are often left feeling isolated, confused, and/or ostracize for their attraction to the same sex.

This girl is being told that she's fine the way she is. Thank God.

So, you feel it's OK for her parents to help her foster that? I do not. No.

We will be disagreeing there.
This is a picture of the girl, clearly prepubescent and has snowflake parents:


They should have told her "no" a bit more. I'm sure she didn't buy those clothes

with money she earned herself.
It's a sex advertisement and should land her parents in prison for life.

I think you've got major problems if you think sex when you see that picture.

I mean, wtf is wrong with you that you think that?

That screams to me: "WTF is that little girl doing wearing clothes like that and standing in front of a faggotry promotion like that?

Where's her mammy @? @ her Mom: Do you even parent? Wtf?! Where's daddy @?

Who bought her those clothes, aye? Seriously.

Her clothes are fine, unless you object to the word "queer" on the shirt.

I realize that when you were thirteen, you didn't have to have support for your burgeoning heterosexuality, but young gay people are often left feeling isolated, confused, and/or ostracize for their attraction to the same sex.

This girl is being told that she's fine the way she is. Thank God.

So, you feel it's OK for her parents to help her foster that? I do not. No.

We will be disagreeing there.

Yes, I do.

I grew up liking boys, I didn't "decide" to like boys or get "coerced" or "recruited," and all of my family and society supported that.

Now, if society and family didn't support that, fo I think I may have become a lesbian? I don't think so. But I probably would have had issues thinking there was something wrong with me.

Chances are, this girl is simply gay and punishing, or even discouraging, her is probably counterproductive and unhealthy.
It's a sex advertisement and should land her parents in prison for life.

I think you've got major problems if you think sex when you see that picture.

I mean, wtf is wrong with you that you think that?

That screams to me: "WTF is that little girl doing wearing clothes like that and standing in front of a faggotry promotion like that?

Where's her mammy @? @ her Mom: Do you even parent? Wtf?! Where's daddy @?

Who bought her those clothes, aye? Seriously.

Her clothes are fine, unless you object to the word "queer" on the shirt.

I realize that when you were thirteen, you didn't have to have support for your burgeoning heterosexuality, but young gay people are often left feeling isolated, confused, and/or ostracize for their attraction to the same sex.

This girl is being told that she's fine the way she is. Thank God.

So, you feel it's OK for her parents to help her foster that? I do not. No.

We will be disagreeing there.

Yes, I do.

I grew up liking boys, I didn't "decide" to like boys or get "coerced" or "recruited," and all of my family and society supported that.

Now, if society and family didn't support that, fo I think I may have become a lesbian? I don't think so. But I probably would have had issues thinking there was something wrong with me.

Chances are, this girl is simply gay and punishing, or even discouraging, her is probably counterproductive and unhealthy.

No, she's too young for that and her parents are enabling the madness. That's what's really happening.
I think you've got major problems if you think sex when you see that picture.

I mean, wtf is wrong with you that you think that?

That screams to me: "WTF is that little girl doing wearing clothes like that and standing in front of a faggotry promotion like that?

Where's her mammy @? @ her Mom: Do you even parent? Wtf?! Where's daddy @?

Who bought her those clothes, aye? Seriously.

Her clothes are fine, unless you object to the word "queer" on the shirt.

I realize that when you were thirteen, you didn't have to have support for your burgeoning heterosexuality, but young gay people are often left feeling isolated, confused, and/or ostracize for their attraction to the same sex.

This girl is being told that she's fine the way she is. Thank God.

So, you feel it's OK for her parents to help her foster that? I do not. No.

We will be disagreeing there.

Yes, I do.

I grew up liking boys, I didn't "decide" to like boys or get "coerced" or "recruited," and all of my family and society supported that.

Now, if society and family didn't support that, fo I think I may have become a lesbian? I don't think so. But I probably would have had issues thinking there was something wrong with me.

Chances are, this girl is simply gay and punishing, or even discouraging, her is probably counterproductive and unhealthy.

No, she's too young for that and her parents are enabling the madness. That's what's really happening.

But at 13, you were secure in liking girls, right?

So what's the difference?
That screams to me: "WTF is that little girl doing wearing clothes like that and standing in front of a faggotry promotion like that?

Where's her mammy @? @ her Mom: Do you even parent? Wtf?! Where's daddy @?

Who bought her those clothes, aye? Seriously.

Her clothes are fine, unless you object to the word "queer" on the shirt.

I realize that when you were thirteen, you didn't have to have support for your burgeoning heterosexuality, but young gay people are often left feeling isolated, confused, and/or ostracize for their attraction to the same sex.

This girl is being told that she's fine the way she is. Thank God.

So, you feel it's OK for her parents to help her foster that? I do not. No.

We will be disagreeing there.

Yes, I do.

I grew up liking boys, I didn't "decide" to like boys or get "coerced" or "recruited," and all of my family and society supported that.

Now, if society and family didn't support that, fo I think I may have become a lesbian? I don't think so. But I probably would have had issues thinking there was something wrong with me.

Chances are, this girl is simply gay and punishing, or even discouraging, her is probably counterproductive and unhealthy.

No, she's too young for that and her parents are enabling the madness. That's what's really happening.

But at 13, you were secure in liking girls, right?

So what's the difference?

There is a difference. If I wasn't, It would not be right for my parents to be buying me faggot clothes and promoting that, ok?

I hope you can understand my point of view there.
Her clothes are fine, unless you object to the word "queer" on the shirt.

I realize that when you were thirteen, you didn't have to have support for your burgeoning heterosexuality, but young gay people are often left feeling isolated, confused, and/or ostracize for their attraction to the same sex.

This girl is being told that she's fine the way she is. Thank God.

So, you feel it's OK for her parents to help her foster that? I do not. No.

We will be disagreeing there.

Yes, I do.

I grew up liking boys, I didn't "decide" to like boys or get "coerced" or "recruited," and all of my family and society supported that.

Now, if society and family didn't support that, fo I think I may have become a lesbian? I don't think so. But I probably would have had issues thinking there was something wrong with me.

Chances are, this girl is simply gay and punishing, or even discouraging, her is probably counterproductive and unhealthy.

No, she's too young for that and her parents are enabling the madness. That's what's really happening.

But at 13, you were secure in liking girls, right?

So what's the difference?

There is a difference. If I wasn't, It would not be right for my parents to be buying me faggot clothes and promoting that, ok?

I hope you can understand my point of view there.

I don't.

I mean, I'm trying, but to me there's no difference.
So, you feel it's OK for her parents to help her foster that? I do not. No.

We will be disagreeing there.

Yes, I do.

I grew up liking boys, I didn't "decide" to like boys or get "coerced" or "recruited," and all of my family and society supported that.

Now, if society and family didn't support that, fo I think I may have become a lesbian? I don't think so. But I probably would have had issues thinking there was something wrong with me.

Chances are, this girl is simply gay and punishing, or even discouraging, her is probably counterproductive and unhealthy.

No, she's too young for that and her parents are enabling the madness. That's what's really happening.

But at 13, you were secure in liking girls, right?

So what's the difference?

There is a difference. If I wasn't, It would not be right for my parents to be buying me faggot clothes and promoting that, ok?

I hope you can understand my point of view there.

I don't.

I mean, I'm trying, but to me there's no difference.

I'm sorry you can't see it, but the onus is on the parents to set limits and be responsible parents.

In other news, 1 more page in another thread and it's cactus time. :D Care to bet?
This is a picture of the girl, clearly prepubescent and has snowflake parents:


They should have told her "no" a bit more. I'm sure she didn't buy those clothes

with money she earned herself.
It's a sex advertisement and should land her parents in prison for life.

I think you've got major problems if you think sex when you see that picture.

I mean, wtf is wrong with you that you think that?

That screams to me: "WTF is that little girl doing wearing clothes like that and standing in front of a faggotry promotion like that?

Where's her mammy @? @ her Mom: Do you even parent? Wtf?! Where's daddy @?

Who bought her those clothes, aye? Seriously.
Who bought her those clothes, aye? Seriously.

they're letting her work it out herself ... slut brain.
"Born in Vermont in 1805, Smith claimed in 1823 that he had been visited by a Christian angel named Moroni who spoke to him of an ancient Hebrew text that had been lost for 1,500 years. The holy text, supposedly engraved on gold plates by a Native American historian in the fourth century, related the story of Israelite peoples who had lived in America in ancient times."

An 18 year old that was visited by an angel named Moroni founds a 'faith'. :cool-45:

Perhaps the little girl who came out in church was shunned because that isn't how they do it on God's home world planet of Kolob. Jesus made the Kolob run in under 12 parsecs. These are not the droids you are looking for. You're gonna need a bigger boat. And don't call me Shirley. That's it, game over man, game over.

I...pardon you.

Yeah doesn't make any sense does it. :bye1:

The religion doesn't need to justify its beliefs. They have a right to believe what they believe just as you have a right to believe your silly shit. If you don't like it, don't join their religion. Pretty easy stuff but the leftwing nuts just don't understand simple.

Apply that to Isis and you have your answer Cujo.

Not the same cupcake. Isis is a terrorist group, Mormons are a religious group. Nice try sunshine.

So that's the line today? Yesterday ISLAMIC TERRORISTS. Today "they aren't religious at all".

Con's brains are like a snowglobe you shake up but all the pieces inside came unglued and are just lying on the bottom as the snow falls.
Thinking error circular reasoning
Probably not the wisest place to decide to come out

Actually, I couldn't think of a better place. Churches are the breeding place for homophobia. I usually have a lot of criticism of corporate America, but the fact is, most places will fire you if you blurt out homophobic slurs.

Make the Churches own their hate.
LOL I cant remember the last time I heard any gay or queer stuff in church
Sodomy is treated like any other sexual sind
You seam to be the one with the phobia
Except eating shellfish is no longer a sin..and never was for Gentiles. You're too dense to realize it was Mosaic Law, done away with by the New Covenant.

It's always funny when you loons attempt that...and promptly get smacked down

Actually, Jesus never talked about homosexuality, either.

And some Christian Sects DO still uphold the Mosaic laws on food. The Seventh Day Adventists, for instance.
Except eating shellfish is no longer a sin..and never was for Gentiles. You're too dense to realize it was Mosaic Law, done away with by the New Covenant.

It's always funny when you loons attempt that...and promptly get smacked down

Actually, Jesus never talked about homosexuality, either.

And some Christian Sects DO still uphold the Mosaic laws on food. The Seventh Day Adventists, for instance.
Yes He did as Jehovah and Alpha and Omega He had plenty to say about i
So you want to bribe people to behave the way you want.

There is no homophobia, it's just a word you throw out to make it sound bad, but you are wrong again.

Oh actually, homophobia describes you people perfectly. You live in absolute terror someone enjoys themselves in a way you don't. Because if you were secure in your sexuality, you wouldn't care what other people do one way or the other.

Our whole tax code is based on bribing people to behave a certain way. That's why it's thousands of pages long.

That screams to me: "WTF is that little girl doing wearing clothes like that and standing in front of a faggotry promotion like that?

Where's her mammy @? @ her Mom: Do you even parent? Wtf?! Where's daddy @?

Who bought her those clothes, aye? Seriously.

So what's your solution, scream bible verses at her until she goes straight?

Doesn't she know her function in life is to marry a nice Mormon Man and make babies to get him into the Celestial Heaven? (Honestly, it kind of sucks to be a woman in Mormonism regardless of what your sexual orientation is.)
There is a difference. If I wasn't, It would not be right for my parents to be buying me faggot clothes and promoting that, ok?

I hope you can understand my point of view there.

I understand your point of view perfectly. You are seriously homophobic and can't get why other people aren't. that's really on you, not this girl's parents.
Yes He did as Jehovah and Alpha and Omega He had plenty to say about i

Well, besides the craziness of Jesus being his own father, then you have to accept that Jesus also supported all the other Old Testament laws, including the ones that state you have to stone women for adultery, stone people for working on the sabbath, stone people for eating the wrong kind of food, and other things that would thin out the population pretty quickly.
Yes, I do.

I grew up liking boys, I didn't "decide" to like boys or get "coerced" or "recruited," and all of my family and society supported that.

Now, if society and family didn't support that, fo I think I may have become a lesbian? I don't think so. But I probably would have had issues thinking there was something wrong with me.

Chances are, this girl is simply gay and punishing, or even discouraging, her is probably counterproductive and unhealthy.

No, she's too young for that and her parents are enabling the madness. That's what's really happening.

But at 13, you were secure in liking girls, right?

So what's the difference?

There is a difference. If I wasn't, It would not be right for my parents to be buying me faggot clothes and promoting that, ok?

I hope you can understand my point of view there.

I don't.

I mean, I'm trying, but to me there's no difference.

I'm sorry you can't see it, but the onus is on the parents to set limits and be responsible parents.

In other news, 1 more page in another thread and it's cactus time. :D Care to bet?

What's the wager? :cool-45:
LOL I cant remember the last time I heard any gay or queer stuff in church
Sodomy is treated like any other sexual sind
You seam to be the one with the phobia

Yes, I do worry you Christian Nuts might turn this country into a live-action version of "A Handmaid's Tale". But that's a pretty reasonable fear, given how crazy some of you are.
So you want to bribe people to behave the way you want.

There is no homophobia, it's just a word you throw out to make it sound bad, but you are wrong again.

Oh actually, homophobia describes you people perfectly. You live in absolute terror someone enjoys themselves in a way you don't. Because if you were secure in your sexuality, you wouldn't care what other people do one way or the other.

Our whole tax code is based on bribing people to behave a certain way. That's why it's thousands of pages long.

That isn't the issue at all, the issue is the right to practice religion and be free to practice a religion and not have the government regulate morality. You are wanting the government to push your agenda.

I believe it is immoral however, if are gay, I don't care that is between you and your God, it doesn't concern me.

I find your stance intolerant of religion and you are arbitrary about how you assign the rules. You believe in force, not freedom.

As long as the church leaves gays alone and don't attack them, fine. You don't like it, because you feel a need to control everyone's behavior, the left loves to control people.
LOL I cant remember the last time I heard any gay or queer stuff in church
Sodomy is treated like any other sexual sind
You seam to be the one with the phobia

Yes, I do worry you Christian Nuts might turn this country into a live-action version of "A Handmaid's Tale". But that's a pretty reasonable fear, given how crazy some of you are.

Wow! What a stupid post, more irrational fear based on bigotry and you worry about how a church feels about homosexuality? I worry that another one of you loons will try to assassinate another Congressman, burn another church or start a riot because you didn't get your way. The track record of the regressive left is much more violent than that of the right. Enjoy your fear, I don't fear you bigots or people that have sex, that seems to be your gig.

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