Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

It's called freedom of religion, they are allowed to teach their beliefs, I am not a fan of the Mormon religion, however I believe that religions should be allowed to practice their beliefs, whether they agree with me or not. You can take all tax exemptions from all religions, I would be okay with that, however, it can't have exemptions allowed or disallowed because of beliefs. It is either all or nothing.

Naw, I like my idea better. If your church preaches hate, no tax exemption for you!

There goes Jerimiah Wright's exemption

I am all for pulling exemptions for all religions, has taken be all or nothing. The government cannot pick and choose.
It's called freedom of religion, they are allowed to teach their beliefs, I am not a fan of the Mormon religion, however I believe that religions should be allowed to practice their beliefs, whether they agree with me or not. You can take all tax exemptions from all religions, I would be okay with that, however, it can't have exemptions allowed or disallowed because of beliefs. It is either all or nothing.

Naw, I like my idea better. If your church preaches hate, no tax exemption for you!

There goes Jerimiah Wright's exemption

I am all for pulling exemptions for all religions, has taken be all or nothing. The government cannot pick and choose.

Do that and watch millions if not billions of help to the needy vanish
It's called freedom of religion, they are allowed to teach their beliefs, I am not a fan of the Mormon religion, however I believe that religions should be allowed to practice their beliefs, whether they agree with me or not. You can take all tax exemptions from all religions, I would be okay with that, however, it can't have exemptions allowed or disallowed because of beliefs. It is either all or nothing.

Naw, I like my idea better. If your church preaches hate, no tax exemption for you!

There goes Jerimiah Wright's exemption

I am all for pulling exemptions for all religions, has taken be all or nothing. The government cannot pick and choose.

Do that and watch millions if not billions of help to the needy vanish

Churches have always provided good works and charity, long before they became tax exempt. It would hurt a little, however if they disperse the way they should, it is all expense and a tax write off for the churches.
It's called freedom of religion, they are allowed to teach their beliefs, I am not a fan of the Mormon religion, however I believe that religions should be allowed to practice their beliefs, whether they agree with me or not. You can take all tax exemptions from all religions, I would be okay with that, however, it can't have exemptions allowed or disallowed because of beliefs. It is either all or nothing.

Naw, I like my idea better. If your church preaches hate, no tax exemption for you!

There goes Jerimiah Wright's exemption

I am all for pulling exemptions for all religions, has taken be all or nothing. The government cannot pick and choose.

Do that and watch millions if not billions of help to the needy vanish

Churches have always provided good works and charity, long before they became tax exempt. It would hurt a little, however if they disperse the way they should, it is all expense and a tax write off for the churches.

I don't agree, our outreach struggles as it is. Feeding seven mornings and two evenings a week takes a tremendous amount of funding
The church did the right thing by turning off the microphone.

Perverts shouldn't be allowed to infect the congregation with their filth. ..... :cool:

God made this girl who she is.
and he made the ones who don't approve who they are as well.

funny how we miss that one a lot.

Sure.... if you believe that. I didn't miss it. The point being that if you're religious and you think God does everything for a reason, then why did he make gay people? If he made them, then you shouldn't be treating them badly. He made all animals have sex. How can sex be bad then?
you comparing gays to animal sex? :)
The church did the right thing by turning off the microphone.

Perverts shouldn't be allowed to infect the congregation with their filth. ..... :cool:

God made this girl who she is.
and he made the ones who don't approve who they are as well.

funny how we miss that one a lot.

Sure.... if you believe that. I didn't miss it. The point being that if you're religious and you think God does everything for a reason, then why did he make gay people? If he made them, then you shouldn't be treating them badly. He made all animals have sex. How can sex be bad then?
you comparing gays to animal sex? :)

Sex is sex. Gay sex among humans is sex. Animals humping on roofs is sex. It's quite simple. It's an urge animals get in order to force them to reproduce.
The church did the right thing by turning off the microphone.

Perverts shouldn't be allowed to infect the congregation with their filth. ..... :cool:

God made this girl who she is.
and he made the ones who don't approve who they are as well.

funny how we miss that one a lot.

Sure.... if you believe that. I didn't miss it. The point being that if you're religious and you think God does everything for a reason, then why did he make gay people? If he made them, then you shouldn't be treating them badly. He made all animals have sex. How can sex be bad then?
you comparing gays to animal sex? :)

Sex is sex. Gay sex among humans is sex. Animals humping on roofs is sex. It's quite simple. It's an urge animals get in order to force them to reproduce.

Here's a guy that just doesn't get it!
The church did the right thing by turning off the microphone.

Perverts shouldn't be allowed to infect the congregation with their filth. ..... :cool:

God made this girl who she is.
and he made the ones who don't approve who they are as well.

funny how we miss that one a lot.

Sure.... if you believe that. I didn't miss it. The point being that if you're religious and you think God does everything for a reason, then why did he make gay people? If he made them, then you shouldn't be treating them badly. He made all animals have sex. How can sex be bad then?
you comparing gays to animal sex? :)

Sex is sex. Gay sex among humans is sex. Animals humping on roofs is sex. It's quite simple. It's an urge animals get in order to force them to reproduce.

Two homos humping ain't going to reproduce a damn thing
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The church is the single most fascist institution humanity has ever thought up. It is a place of hatred and scorn for no reason.

FUCK THE CHURCH. Good for this girl.

Fascist, the catch all word for anything or anyone the extreme left doesn't like.
Mormon church leaders cut microphone after young girl announces she's gay

SALT LAKE CITY -- A video of a young Mormon girl revealing to her congregation that she is lesbian and still loved by God -- before her microphone is turned off by local church leaders -- is sparking a new round of discussions about how the religion handles LGBT issues.

Savannah, 13, spoke on May 7 in Eagle Mountain, Utah, about her belief that she is the child of heavenly parents who didn't make any mistakes when she was created. Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

"They did not mess up when they gave me freckles or when they made me to be gay," she said, wearing a white shirt and red tie. "God loves me just this way."

Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice.
So she's 13 and thinks she's a lesbian? More proof she's been indocrinated by the liberal schools and Degeneracy pumped out by Jewish backed TV shows.

Let her try that in a muslim church, they'd probably do some slicing and dicing on her.
They have to be treated equally, otherwise government would be favoring one religion over the other which violates the Constitution. Hate or a rejection of a lifestyle choice? You lefties are very intolerant.

No, they don't. There's no promise of a tax exemption for churches. And some churches don't get them. For instance, Bob Jones lost his exemption when he wouldn't allow interracial dating.

So let's just remove the exemption from any church that preaches hate.
They have to be treated equally, otherwise government would be favoring one religion over the other which violates the Constitution. Hate or a rejection of a lifestyle choice? You lefties are very intolerant.

No, they don't. There's no promise of a tax exemption for churches. And some churches don't get them. For instance, Bob Jones lost his exemption when he wouldn't allow interracial dating.

So let's just remove the exemption from any church that preaches hate.

Your definition of hate or someone else's definition of hate?
Your definition of hate or someone else's definition of hate?

I think any reasonable person would consider THIS hateful.

They have to be treated equally, otherwise government would be favoring one religion over the other which violates the Constitution. Hate or a rejection of a lifestyle choice? You lefties are very intolerant.

No, they don't. There's no promise of a tax exemption for churches. …

So let's just remove the exemption from any church that preaches hate.

The purpose of tax exemptions is to prevent government from interfering with religions, as would be necessary to tax them.

And what you advocate is a prime example of the sort of interference that this was meant to prevent—government deciding what a religion may or may not teach or believe, and abusing its powers to penalize those that fail to fall in line with such dictates.

And you discredit yourself when you define basic morality and decency as “hate”. But then that is what is to be expected from your kind. All the more reason why sane, decent people, are increasingly rejecting your failed and immoral ideology.
She's 13, she can't really know what she wants yet. A church service is not the place for that.

Seriously, the dyke's gf left her for a man and became "straight again" @ 22.

which dyke is that?

So when did you decide to be straight?

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