Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

Your definition of hate or someone else's definition of hate?

I think any reasonable person would consider THIS hateful.


Except we aren't talking about the extreme you posted. We are talking about Mormons not accepting gays into their religion. It isn't an issue of hate. Like I said you can cut funding but it can't be arbitrary, it is equal protection under the law.
Oh, my friend's neighbor. I just am.

No, you guys keep claiming that sexual orientation is a choice, and not just the way people are.

So if you admit that you just are straight, the logical conclusion is that some people just are gay.

On the other hand, religion, like smoking, is a lifestyle choice.
Some people are just child molesters. Some people are just hoarders. Acting on these compulsions, like homosexuality is a behavior.
It's called freedom of religion, they are allowed to teach their beliefs, I am not a fan of the Mormon religion, however I believe that religions should be allowed to practice their beliefs, whether they agree with me or not. You can take all tax exemptions from all religions, I would be okay with that, however, it can't have exemptions allowed or disallowed because of beliefs. It is either all or nothing.

Naw, I like my idea better. If your church preaches hate, no tax exemption for you!

There goes Jerimiah Wright's exemption

I am all for pulling exemptions for all religions, has taken be all or nothing. The government cannot pick and choose.

Do that and watch millions if not billions of help to the needy vanish

Churches have always provided good works and charity, long before they became tax exempt. It would hurt a little, however if they disperse the way they should, it is all expense and a tax write off for the churches.
It would hurt a lot. The regulatory and restrictive action the government takes in regard to charity has made it extremely risky and expensive to deal in charity these days.
Mormon church leaders cut microphone after young girl announces she's gay

SALT LAKE CITY -- A video of a young Mormon girl revealing to her congregation that she is lesbian and still loved by God -- before her microphone is turned off by local church leaders -- is sparking a new round of discussions about how the religion handles LGBT issues.

Savannah, 13, spoke on May 7 in Eagle Mountain, Utah, about her belief that she is the child of heavenly parents who didn't make any mistakes when she was created. Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

"They did not mess up when they gave me freckles or when they made me to be gay," she said, wearing a white shirt and red tie. "God loves me just this way."

Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice.
Me me me me me me me
Your definition of hate or someone else's definition of hate?

I think any reasonable person would consider THIS hateful.


Except we aren't talking about the extreme you posted. We are talking about Mormons not accepting gays into their religion. It isn't an issue of hate. Like I said you can cut funding but it can't be arbitrary, it is equal protection under the law.
You have zero authority to tell people who they must accept in their churches. There are fag churches for those who don't like or aren't accepted by the one they're in.
Your definition of hate or someone else's definition of hate?

I think any reasonable person would consider THIS hateful.


Except we aren't talking about the extreme you posted. We are talking about Mormons not accepting gays into their religion. It isn't an issue of hate. Like I said you can cut funding but it can't be arbitrary, it is equal protection under the law.
You have zero authority to tell people who they must accept in their churches. There are fag churches for those who don't like or aren't accepted by the one they're in.

I didn't claim any authority who they must accept. I stated that the Mormons have a right to pick and choose its members. Joe wants to label certain religions as hate organizations and if they don't conform to the government they will be taxed. That is wrong for the government to force behavior, also Joe used an extreme post when we are talking about Mormons, which doesn't fit what happened.

Joe is an extremely bigoted, so his ideas are pretty strange.
Your definition of hate or someone else's definition of hate?

I think any reasonable person would consider THIS hateful.


Except we aren't talking about the extreme you posted. We are talking about Mormons not accepting gays into their religion. It isn't an issue of hate. Like I said you can cut funding but it can't be arbitrary, it is equal protection under the law.
You have zero authority to tell people who they must accept in their churches. There are fag churches for those who don't like or aren't accepted by the one they're in.

I didn't claim any authority who they must accept. I stated that the Mormons have a right to pick and choose its members. Joe wants to label certain religions as hate organizations and if they don't conform to the government they will be taxed. That is wrong for the government to force behavior, also Joe used an extreme post when we are talking about Mormons, which doesn't fit what happened.

Joe is an extremely bigoted, so his ideas are pretty strange.
Ok got it.
Yeah I know Joe. I have him on ignore, he's a creepy freak.
Except we aren't talking about the extreme you posted. We are talking about Mormons not accepting gays into their religion. It isn't an issue of hate. Like I said you can cut funding but it can't be arbitrary, it is equal protection under the law.

Hey, I admire the WBC's honesty, compared to the fucking Catholics, who preach just as much homophobia and then put pedophiles on the payroll. YOu haven't lived until you've had to deal with a priest who was as queer as a three dollar bill tell a room of teenage boys that homosexuality is bad.

Take away their tax exemptions, you'd be amazed how quickly "God" changes his mind. Just like "God" changed his mind on Polygamy when they told the Mormons they had to end it to get Utah into the Union.
Except we aren't talking about the extreme you posted. We are talking about Mormons not accepting gays into their religion. It isn't an issue of hate. Like I said you can cut funding but it can't be arbitrary, it is equal protection under the law.

Hey, I admire the WBC's honesty, compared to the fucking Catholics, who preach just as much homophobia and then put pedophiles on the payroll. YOu haven't lived until you've had to deal with a priest who was as queer as a three dollar bill tell a room of teenage boys that homosexuality is bad.

Take away their tax exemptions, you'd be amazed how quickly "God" changes his mind. Just like "God" changed his mind on Polygamy when they told the Mormons they had to end it to get Utah into the Union.

I disagree and I will leave it at that. It isn't a hate issue with the Mormons. I have ripped the Catholic Church on their dishonesty.
I am all for pulling exemptions for all religions, has taken be all or nothing. The government cannot pick and choose.

The exemption of churches from taxation is long established in English Common Law which our laws largely derive from.

Why do you seem to think that the government has the right to tax everyone?
I disagree and I will leave it at that. It isn't a hate issue with the Mormons. I have ripped the Catholic Church on their dishonesty.

Revoke their tax exemptions for homophobia, you would be AMAZED how fast God changes hi mind.

The exemption of churches from taxation is long established in English Common Law which our laws largely derive from.

Why do you seem to think that the government has the right to tax everyone?

Why shouldn't they? If Churches are going to make money off scamming people (which is all religion is, at the end of the day, an unprovable scam), why shouldn't they pay taxes on it just like any other business that provides a good or a service?

This is a picture of the girl, clearly prepubescent and has snowflake parents:

I think it's nice her parents understand. How many gay teens kill themselves because their religious parents don't understand.
This is a picture of the girl, clearly prepubescent and has snowflake parents:


They should have told her "no" a bit more. I'm sure she didn't buy those clothes

with money she earned herself.
It's a sex advertisement and should land her parents in prison for life.

I think you've got major problems if you think sex when you see that picture.

I mean, wtf is wrong with you that you think that?
I disagree and I will leave it at that. It isn't a hate issue with the Mormons. I have ripped the Catholic Church on their dishonesty.

Revoke their tax exemptions for homophobia, you would be AMAZED how fast God changes hi mind.

So you want to bribe people to behave the way you want.

There is no homophobia, it's just a word you throw out to make it sound bad, but you are wrong again.
This is a picture of the girl, clearly prepubescent and has snowflake parents:


They should have told her "no" a bit more. I'm sure she didn't buy those clothes

with money she earned herself.
It's a sex advertisement and should land her parents in prison for life.

I think you've got major problems if you think sex when you see that picture.

I mean, wtf is wrong with you that you think that?

That screams to me: "WTF is that little girl doing wearing clothes like that and standing in front of a faggotry promotion like that?

Where's her mammy @? @ her Mom: Do you even parent? Wtf?! Where's daddy @?

Who bought her those clothes, aye? Seriously.

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