Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

Yes He did as Jehovah and Alpha and Omega He had plenty to say about i

Well, besides the craziness of Jesus being his own father, then you have to accept that Jesus also supported all the other Old Testament laws, including the ones that state you have to stone women for adultery, stone people for working on the sabbath, stone people for eating the wrong kind of food, and other things that would thin out the population pretty quickly.
Jesus was not his own Father
Remember this is a Mormon thread so you are subject to their doctrine
Thinking Error : cicular reasoning and hop overs
As long as the church leaves gays alone and don't attack them, fine. You don't like it, because you feel a need to control everyone's behavior, the left loves to control people.

That's the problem, stupid, the Churches aren't leaving them alone. They are the main people still keeping homophobia alive. Fuck, even Corporate America has figured out that homophobia is a dry hole, because you are just denying yourself a pool of talent and creativity. It's the churches who are still keepign that shit going.

Yank their tax exemptions, you will be amazed how fast "God" changes his mind.
Wow! What a stupid post, more irrational fear based on bigotry and you worry about how a church feels about homosexuality? I worry that another one of you loons will try to assassinate another Congressman, burn another church or start a riot because you didn't get your way. The track record of the regressive left is much more violent than that of the right. Enjoy your fear, I don't fear you bigots or people that have sex, that seems to be your gig.

I'm not sure why you think assassinating congressmen is a bad thing. Isn't that why you nuts say we done needs us some guns, Cleetus?

Sorry, the Christian right has been trying to impose itself on the rest of us for decades. And as long as the 1% considers them useful idiots, they are always a danger.
As long as the church leaves gays alone and don't attack them, fine. You don't like it, because you feel a need to control everyone's behavior, the left loves to control people.

That's the problem, stupid, the Churches aren't leaving them alone. They are the main people still keeping homophobia alive. Fuck, even Corporate America has figured out that homophobia is a dry hole, because you are just denying yourself a pool of talent and creativity. It's the churches who are still keepign that shit going.

Yank their tax exemptions, you will be amazed how fast "God" changes his mind.

And you'd be surprised how many food pantries and hospitals and treatment facilities close.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mod Edit - Stick to the topic of the thread, not your opinions of other members. Thanks
Last edited by a moderator:
As long as the church leaves gays alone and don't attack them, fine. You don't like it, because you feel a need to control everyone's behavior, the left loves to control people.

That's the problem, stupid, the Churches aren't leaving them alone. They are the main people still keeping homophobia alive. Fuck, even Corporate America has figured out that homophobia is a dry hole, because you are just denying yourself a pool of talent and creativity. It's the churches who are still keepign that shit going.

Yank their tax exemptions, you will be amazed how fast "God" changes his mind.

And you'd be surprised how many food pantries and hospitals and treatment facilities close.

Joe's a mentally ill criminal, I don't know why anybody gives him the time of day. He's also a liar which is probably why he can't get a job.

Compulsive lLying is a symptom of mental illness, btw.

If ever I've considered ignoring a poster on this board, it would be JOEB131. Ignoring is for snowflakes, though. :lalala:

I could take the time to disprove several of his assertions in this thread, but there no point in it.
As long as the church leaves gays alone and don't attack them, fine. You don't like it, because you feel a need to control everyone's behavior, the left loves to control people.

That's the problem, stupid, the Churches aren't leaving them alone. They are the main people still keeping homophobia alive. Fuck, even Corporate America has figured out that homophobia is a dry hole, because you are just denying yourself a pool of talent and creativity. It's the churches who are still keepign that shit going.

Yank their tax exemptions, you will be amazed how fast "God" changes his mind.

And you'd be surprised how many food pantries and hospitals and treatment facilities close.

Joe's a mentally ill criminal, I don't know why anybody gives him the time of day. He's also a liar which is probably why he can't get a job.

Compulsive lLying is a symptom of mental illness, btw.

If ever I've considered ignoring a poster on this board, it would be JOEB131. Ignoring is for snowflakes, though. :lalala:

I could take the time to disprove several of his assertions in this thread, but there no point in it.
I ignore every person who is a waste of time, and he definitely is.
Plus if you undertake to dispute his lies, you spend all your time doing it. He just spews garbage. Those people do not deserve, nor do I give them, a platform.

Except occasionally, when I feel like pointing out who they are to retards stupid enough to listen to them.
As long as the church leaves gays alone and don't attack them, fine. You don't like it, because you feel a need to control everyone's behavior, the left loves to control people.

That's the problem, stupid, the Churches aren't leaving them alone. They are the main people still keeping homophobia alive. Fuck, even Corporate America has figured out that homophobia is a dry hole, because you are just denying yourself a pool of talent and creativity. It's the churches who are still keepign that shit going.

Yank their tax exemptions, you will be amazed how fast "God" changes his mind.

You fucking idiot, what the hell did the Mormon church do? Turn off a mic? OMG! It is the fucking end of the world! Get a fucking life and quit trying to push your morals onto others! You are worse than any religion, with your hate and bigotry.
Wow! What a stupid post, more irrational fear based on bigotry and you worry about how a church feels about homosexuality? I worry that another one of you loons will try to assassinate another Congressman, burn another church or start a riot because you didn't get your way. The track record of the regressive left is much more violent than that of the right. Enjoy your fear, I don't fear you bigots or people that have sex, that seems to be your gig.

I'm not sure why you think assassinating congressmen is a bad thing. Isn't that why you nuts say we done needs us some guns, Cleetus?

Sorry, the Christian right has been trying to impose itself on the rest of us for decades. And as long as the 1% considers them useful idiots, they are always a danger.

And you yourself are a danger, you think your opinions and ideas are better than others, you are no better than the religions that you hate so much.
Wow! What a stupid post, more irrational fear based on bigotry and you worry about how a church feels about homosexuality? I worry that another one of you loons will try to assassinate another Congressman, burn another church or start a riot because you didn't get your way. The track record of the regressive left is much more violent than that of the right. Enjoy your fear, I don't fear you bigots or people that have sex, that seems to be your gig.

I'm not sure why you think assassinating congressmen is a bad thing. Isn't that why you nuts say we done needs us some guns, Cleetus?

Sorry, the Christian right has been trying to impose itself on the rest of us for decades. And as long as the 1% considers them useful idiots, they are always a danger.

And you yourself are a danger, you think your opinions and ideas are better than others, you are no better than the religions that you hate so much.
see what I mean...

you could do this 24 hours a day. You have to ask yourself, is that what I want to do with my life interacting with a lying pos who does nothing but attack everything and anyone who is decent, and every single thing that has any meaning to anyone?

Joeb is a foul, foul person. He has no good in him. He celebrates dead babies, he despises all life. And I'm pretty sure he's a bum with a record, too. Not somebody you would ever want your daughter to have to walk by on the street.
You want the be a Mormon? Then you can't be gay. It is their rules and their ideals. They had every right to cut the microphone. She doesn't have a right to be a Mormon.

Being gay is looked down upon in every religion. Except Catholicism. Then you can fuck kids left and right.

Really? I didn't know all Catholics could do that. I thought you had to be a priest or something.
You f•••ing idiot, what the hell did the Mormon church do? Turn off a mic? OMG! It is the f•••ing end of the world! Get a f•••ing life and quit trying to push your morals onto others! You are worse than any religion, with your hate and bigotry.

They're not pushing morals. They are pushing lack of morals. They are pushing immorality and evil.
You f•••ing idiot, what the hell did the Mormon church do? Turn off a mic? OMG! It is the f•••ing end of the world! Get a f•••ing life and quit trying to push your morals onto others! You are worse than any religion, with your hate and bigotry.

They're not pushing morals. They are pushing lack of morals. They are pushing immorality and evil.

They are pushing "their" morals, which you are correct, it is a lack of morals, they of course don't see it that way because they lack morals.
You f•••ing idiot, what the hell did the Mormon church do? Turn off a mic? OMG! It is the f•••ing end of the world! Get a f•••ing life and quit trying to push your morals onto others! You are worse than any religion, with your hate and bigotry.

They're not pushing morals. They are pushing lack of morals. They are pushing immorality and evil.

They are pushing "their" morals, which you are correct, it is a lack of morals, they of course don't see it that way because they lack morals.
If by "pushing" you mean sharing, that's what ideologies do.

In the US if you don't like it, you dont have to subscribe
You f•••ing idiot, what the hell did the Mormon church do? Turn off a mic? OMG! It is the f•••ing end of the world! Get a f•••ing life and quit trying to push your morals onto others! You are worse than any religion, with your hate and bigotry.

They're not pushing morals. They are pushing lack of morals. They are pushing immorality and evil.

They are pushing "their" morals, which you are correct, it is a lack of morals, they of course don't see it that way because they lack morals.
If by "pushing" you mean sharing, that's what ideologies do.

In the US if you don't like it, you dont have to subscribe

JoeB doesn't share, he pushes his morals. He doesn't exchange ideas, he wants it his way and there is no compromise.
If ever I've considered ignoring a poster on this board, it would be JOEB131. Ignoring is for snowflakes, though. :lalala:

I could take the time to disprove several of his assertions in this thread, but there no point in it.

Yes, you get crushed frequently, Corky... I can see by the way you whine about me.

You fucking idiot, what the hell did the Mormon church do? Turn off a mic? OMG! It is the fucking end of the world! Get a fucking life and quit trying to push your morals onto others! You are worse than any religion, with your hate and bigotry.

They cut off her mike, we cut off their tax exemption. Again, it will be AMAZING how fast these mutants suddenly discover God is cool with the gays when it starts costing them money.

On the other hand, if they really, really think that God hates the gays as much as they do, they should be singing loudly when they pay the tax, the way their imaginary forebears sang when the lions ate them.

(Oh, by the way. Christian-eating Lions... about as much of a myth as Jesus himself.)

And you yourself are a danger, you think your opinions and ideas are better than others, you are no better than the religions that you hate so much.

My ideas are better because they can be tested and have provable results. That's why my ideas are better.
They're not pushing morals. They are pushing lack of morals. They are pushing immorality and evil.

I'm waiting for one of you mutants to tell me how being gay is "immoral" or "evil".

Because usually your arguments consist of "I think it's icky when it's two dudes" (even tho heteroes engage in all the same acts) and "My Imaginary Friend in the Sky says it's bad" (even though you all do things every day that the Bible says God is against.)
If ever I've considered ignoring a poster on this board, it would be JOEB131. Ignoring is for snowflakes, though. :lalala:

I could take the time to disprove several of his assertions in this thread, but there no point in it.

Yes, you get crushed frequently, Corky... I can see by the way you whine about me.

You fucking idiot, what the hell did the Mormon church do? Turn off a mic? OMG! It is the fucking end of the world! Get a fucking life and quit trying to push your morals onto others! You are worse than any religion, with your hate and bigotry.

They cut off her mike, we cut off their tax exemption. Again, it will be AMAZING how fast these mutants suddenly discover God is cool with the gays when it starts costing them money.

On the other hand, if they really, really think that God hates the gays as much as they do, they should be singing loudly when they pay the tax, the way their imaginary forebears sang when the lions ate them.

(Oh, by the way. Christian-eating Lions... about as much of a myth as Jesus himself.)

And you yourself are a danger, you think your opinions and ideas are better than others, you are no better than the religions that you hate so much.

My ideas are better because they can be tested and have provable results. That's why my ideas are better.

Good story, thank goodness you won't get your way, bigots like you that teach hate and intolerance need to be recognized for what you are. Thank you for free speech, it exposes nuts such as yourself.

BTW, I never have been crushed by you, the only thing you have is lies.
They're not pushing morals. They are pushing lack of morals. They are pushing immorality and evil.

I'm waiting for one of you mutants to tell me how being gay is "immoral" or "evil".

Because usually your arguments consist of "I think it's icky when it's two dudes" (even tho heteroes engage in all the same acts) and "My Imaginary Friend in the Sky says it's bad" (even though you all do things every day that the Bible says God is against.)

I really don't care that you are gay joe, I just don't think you have a right to push acceptance of your lifestyle on everyone else.
If ever I've considered ignoring a poster on this board, it would be JOEB131. Ignoring is for snowflakes, though. :lalala:

I could take the time to disprove several of his assertions in this thread, but there no point in it.

Yes, you get crushed frequently, Corky... I can see by the way you whine about me.

You fucking idiot, what the hell did the Mormon church do? Turn off a mic? OMG! It is the fucking end of the world! Get a fucking life and quit trying to push your morals onto others! You are worse than any religion, with your hate and bigotry.

They cut off her mike, we cut off their tax exemption. Again, it will be AMAZING how fast these mutants suddenly discover God is cool with the gays when it starts costing them money.

On the other hand, if they really, really think that God hates the gays as much as they do, they should be singing loudly when they pay the tax, the way their imaginary forebears sang when the lions ate them.

(Oh, by the way. Christian-eating Lions... about as much of a myth as Jesus himself.)

And you yourself are a danger, you think your opinions and ideas are better than others, you are no better than the religions that you hate so much.

My ideas are better because they can be tested and have provable results. That's why my ideas are better.

No, you provide no good information and are annoying like a gnat.

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