Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

Zombies are a figment of old 1940's movies and revived by the TV SyFy channel. God created sex for the marriage bed. Anyone engaged in salacious behavior is playing with fire. You were speaking in term of homosexuality and that is the only reason I answered in that vein.

What the people of Jerusalem saw were real people and not dead bodies possessed by mutant fungus or voodoo...

Go back and read the passage from Matthew... He was specifically talking about people rising from the Dead. Zombies. There are Zombies in the Bible.

Now, I'll admit, it is an intriguing passage - the story is not retold in any of the other three Gospels. But yea... walking dead in the bible.

Sorry, man, sex is awesome and people were having it long beforethere was a concept of "Marriage" Or Beds, for that matter.
Everyone should be alert that religion can be used as a scam--and that some can be wrong in interpreting the original intent.

Okay, but how do you claim that Mormonism or Catholicism isn't a scam? Because they've been around longer? You really should read up on the early history of the Mormon Church and Joseph Smith, that guy was a born scammer.

Bad teachers don't invalidate the fact that Matthew and Luke had different stories to tell in their genealogies. Matthew emphasized the kingship of Jesus, tracing his genealogy through kings. Luke was tracing Jesus' (as the son of God) genealogy to Adam. Today's confusion isn't helped by the fact that genealogy in Judaism there can easily be two fathers. Remember, if a man died without issue, a brother (or other close relative) married the wife and bore children for his dead brother/relative. Add a few other realities of genealogy and two genealogy (or more) are inevitable.

Or they were just two guys who were cribbing off their copy of Mark (the first Gospel they both plagiarized large sections of) and were just making stuff up. That's a much simpler explanation for Jesus' geneology - both traced through Joseph, who wasn't his father - than some convoluted concept that Joseph had two fathers or some such shit.

Occam's Razor. Simplest solution is usually the right one.

The question you asked about the babies and the flood could also have been answered differently. If the story is taken literally, there were eight survivors, four men and four women. Since local the supermarket with all the baby formula ;) had been washed away, how were eight adults supposed to take care of all the babies? I understand in those times, most babies until they were about two relied on their mother's breast milk.

Um, that wasn't the issue. The issue was that all the babies in the world who weren't part of Noah's family were drowned if you are a biblical literalist. Every Last Baby In the World. And this is a "Good" God? Satan only kills 10people in the bible. God kills thousands, maybe millions. That was the concept my fifth grade self wanted an answer to, and as utterly stupid as Sr. Mary Butch's answer was, I've yet to hear a believer com up with a less retarded answer.

Have a client appointment, cover the rest of your points later.
Okay, but how do you claim that Mormonism or Catholicism isn't a scam? Because they've been around longer? You really should read up on the early history of the Mormon Church and Joseph Smith, that guy was a born scammer.

When I was fourteen years old, and had never heard of the LDS Faith, I came across The Book of Mormon on a Library table. I flipped through it, noticed it was about God, and it immediately captured my attention. I read the first couple of chapters, but I was disappointed in the story. I remember thinking, "Sounds like something a fourteen-year-old boy would write.

I didn't learn until later it was by a fourteen-year-old boy. At that time I started at the very beginning, and, as it suggested, prayed about it. The answer was very clear. "This is not for you."

Later in life I studied Joseph Smith and came to the conclusion many already had: The man was a con-artist.

Even though I do not accept Joseph Smith as a prophet, or many of the tenets of the LDS faith, these people follow Christ. And, when people follow Christ, amazing things happen, even when their founders were con-artists, even when their tenets vary. The LDS Church is what it is because of Christ and despite Joseph Smith.

As for Catholicism: I am biased, of course, because it was Catholic practices that dropped me into the lap of God when I was ten years old. No need to go into that. But that is the purpose of any religion: To bring the individual closer to God. In me, the Catholic faith succeeded. It failed with you.
Okay, but how do you claim that Mormonism or Catholicism isn't a scam? Because they've been around longer? You really should read up on the early history of the Mormon Church and Joseph Smith, that guy was a born scammer.

When I was fourteen years old, and had never heard of the LDS Faith, I came across The Book of Mormon on a Library table. I flipped through it, noticed it was about God, and it immediately captured my attention. I read the first couple of chapters, but I was disappointed in the story. I remember thinking, "Sounds like something a fourteen-year-old boy would write.

I didn't learn until later it was by a fourteen-year-old boy. At that time I started at the very beginning, and, as it suggested, prayed about it. The answer was very clear. "This is not for you."

Later in life I studied Joseph Smith and came to the conclusion many already had: The man was a con-artist.

Even though I do not accept Joseph Smith as a prophet, or many of the tenets of the LDS faith, these people follow Christ. And, when people follow Christ, amazing things happen, even when their founders were con-artists, even when their tenets vary. The LDS Church is what it is because of Christ and despite Joseph Smith.

As for Catholicism: I am biased, of course, because it was Catholic practices that dropped me into the lap of God when I was ten years old. No need to go into that. But that is the purpose of any religion: To bring the individual closer to God. In me, the Catholic faith succeeded. It failed with you.
Joseph Smith and Jesus are two peas in a pod.
Or they were just two guys who were cribbing off their copy of Mark (the first Gospel they both plagiarized large sections of) and were just making stuff up. That's a much simpler explanation for Jesus' geneology - both traced through Joseph, who wasn't his father - than some convoluted concept that Joseph had two fathers or some such shit.

Occam's Razor. Simplest solution is usually the right one.

Each of the Gospel writers were addressing a different audience, with different backgrounds. Similarities indicate research, not plagiarism. Different name's for Joseph's father has any number of explanations, but an early one is that Joseph was raised up as a son by a brother/cousin after his father died. Another is that some are known by one name early in life; another, later in life. We see instances of this in scripture as well.

Matthew and Luke had a purpose in choosing the genealogy they did. Each genealogy tells a story in and of itself. Matthew's genealogy showed the kingly line. He was writing to a Jewish audience. Luke's audience was Gentile, and his genealogy extended back to include non-Jews as well.

There are other genealogical points in the lists as well. In that day genealogies were a shorthand way way of reminding people of various points in history. To the modern age, it appears as a boring list of names.
Um, that wasn't the issue. The issue was that all the babies in the world who weren't part of Noah's family were drowned if you are a biblical literalist. Every Last Baby In the World. And this is a "Good" God? Satan only kills 10people in the bible. God kills thousands, maybe millions. That was the concept my fifth grade self wanted an answer to, and as utterly stupid as Sr. Mary Butch's answer was, I've yet to hear a believer com up with a less retarded answer.

Do you believe Noah's flood was a force of nature, or an act of God?
Each of the Gospel writers were addressing a different audience, with different backgrounds. Similarities indicate research, not plagiarism. Different name's for Joseph's father has any number of explanations, but an early one is that Joseph was raised up as a son by a brother/cousin after his father died. Another is that some are known by one name early in life; another, later in life. We see instances of this in scripture as well.

I'm going to kind of play along here... so let's say the goofy "Joseph had two fathers" theory is true. Well if the person was a cousin or an uncle, then at some point the genealogies would have meshed again. They don't. the only ancestor the two genealogies agree on is David. They can't even agree on which of David's sons JC desended from. It gets better. While Luke has 43 generations, Matthew has 27. they can't even get close on that.

Keep in mind how the ruling about cremation came about: It originally started hundreds of years before your father lived when people made it an "In your face" ritual to provoke believers. It was a statement that there is no resurrection of the dead. As you note, in today's age, cremation is no longer a statement of belief, it is a pragmatic matter of finances. While burial is preferred, the Church no longer forbids cremation when it is for economic reasons.

do you have historical material to back this up? Actually, it's why the Catholic Church does anything. MONEY. Why I want to revoke their tax exemptions. Once they have to pay money to be Homophobic, you will be amazed how fast the men in dresses decide God Changed his mind.

I don't know when and where you went to Catholic school, but by the time I went there no one was hitting students with rulers, and any question we asked (whether sincere or otherwise) were given a direct answer.

Well, in the 1970's, the penguins were still doing that. In fact, when I was watching The Blues Brothers with the scene with Sister Mary Stigmata, my sister and I thought that scene was hilarious, but my niece didn't get it at all.

It doesn't sound as if you would ever want to hit a reset button on this--and given the amount of time it takes to do a true study, it might not be practical anyway--but there are some very good books out there on the Historical Jesus and whether or not the Resurrection is literal or figurative.

Hey, I'm always keen to study mythology. But I realize Yahweh is a much a myth as Zeus and not half as cool.
I'm going to kind of play along here... so let's say the goofy "Joseph had two fathers" theory is true. Well if the person was a cousin or an uncle, then at some point the genealogies would have meshed again. They don't. the only ancestor the two genealogies agree on is David. They can't even agree on which of David's sons JC desended from. It gets better. While Luke has 43 generations, Matthew has 27. they can't even get close on that

Again, we would need an entire thread on genealogy to cover all of this. It is a study in itself. The numbers mean something, the groupings mean something. To further complicate matters, "son" doesn't always mean "son" it can mean grandson or even great-great-great grandsons.

Matthew's genealogy also includes women--generally not done in this type of genealogy--and it means something.

do you have historical material to back this up? Actually, it's why the Catholic Church does anything. MONEY. Why I want to revoke their tax exemptions. Once they have to pay money to be Homophobic, you will be amazed how fast the men in dresses decide God Changed his mind.

I am sure there is information out there online. At the time I was studying it, we were still using books.
Again, we would need an entire thread on genealogy to cover all of this. It is a study in itself. The numbers mean something, the groupings mean something. To further complicate matters, "son" doesn't always mean "son" it can mean grandson or even great-great-great grandsons.

Matthew's genealogy also includes women--generally not done in this type of genealogy--and it means something.

Yes, it means he was making this shit up. We could also go into why Luke and Matt have different reasons as to why Jesus was born in Bethlehem (His parents were from there in Matt, there was a goofy Census in Luke) or what year it happened in (4 BCE in Matt, 6 CE in Luke).

Or we can just apply Occam's Razor. They were making this shit up.
Zombies are a figment of old 1940's movies and revived by the TV SyFy channel. God created sex for the marriage bed. Anyone engaged in salacious behavior is playing with fire. You were speaking in term of homosexuality and that is the only reason I answered in that vein.

What the people of Jerusalem saw were real people and not dead bodies possessed by mutant fungus or voodoo...

Go back and read the passage from Matthew... He was specifically talking about people rising from the Dead. Zombies. There are Zombies in the Bible.

Now, I'll admit, it is an intriguing passage - the story is not retold in any of the other three Gospels. But yea... walking dead in the bible.

Sorry, man, sex is awesome and people were having it long beforethere was a concept of "Marriage" Or Beds, for that matter.
Lay in a bed dying of cancer and see if your desire is for sex....
Okay, but how do you claim that Mormonism or Catholicism isn't a scam? Because they've been around longer? You really should read up on the early history of the Mormon Church and Joseph Smith, that guy was a born scammer.

When I was fourteen years old, and had never heard of the LDS Faith, I came across The Book of Mormon on a Library table. I flipped through it, noticed it was about God, and it immediately captured my attention. I read the first couple of chapters, but I was disappointed in the story. I remember thinking, "Sounds like something a fourteen-year-old boy would write.

I didn't learn until later it was by a fourteen-year-old boy. At that time I started at the very beginning, and, as it suggested, prayed about it. The answer was very clear. "This is not for you."

Later in life I studied Joseph Smith and came to the conclusion many already had: The man was a con-artist.

Even though I do not accept Joseph Smith as a prophet, or many of the tenets of the LDS faith, these people follow Christ. And, when people follow Christ, amazing things happen, even when their founders were con-artists, even when their tenets vary. The LDS Church is what it is because of Christ and despite Joseph Smith.

As for Catholicism: I am biased, of course, because it was Catholic practices that dropped me into the lap of God when I was ten years old. No need to go into that. But that is the purpose of any religion: To bring the individual closer to God. In me, the Catholic faith succeeded. It failed with you.
Joseph Smith and Jesus are two peas in a pod.
Not at all. Mr Smith was full of HIMSELF. Christ emptied Himself, was all about His Father's work and His love for whosoever would believe..
Okay, but how do you claim that Mormonism or Catholicism isn't a scam? Because they've been around longer? You really should read up on the early history of the Mormon Church and Joseph Smith, that guy was a born scammer.

When I was fourteen years old, and had never heard of the LDS Faith, I came across The Book of Mormon on a Library table. I flipped through it, noticed it was about God, and it immediately captured my attention. I read the first couple of chapters, but I was disappointed in the story. I remember thinking, "Sounds like something a fourteen-year-old boy would write.

I didn't learn until later it was by a fourteen-year-old boy. At that time I started at the very beginning, and, as it suggested, prayed about it. The answer was very clear. "This is not for you."

Later in life I studied Joseph Smith and came to the conclusion many already had: The man was a con-artist.

Even though I do not accept Joseph Smith as a prophet, or many of the tenets of the LDS faith, these people follow Christ. And, when people follow Christ, amazing things happen, even when their founders were con-artists, even when their tenets vary. The LDS Church is what it is because of Christ and despite Joseph Smith.

As for Catholicism: I am biased, of course, because it was Catholic practices that dropped me into the lap of God when I was ten years old. No need to go into that. But that is the purpose of any religion: To bring the individual closer to God. In me, the Catholic faith succeeded. It failed with you.
Joseph Smith and Jesus are two peas in a pod.
Not at all. Mr Smith was full of HIMSELF. Christ emptied Himself, was all about His Father's work and His love for whosoever would believe..
Jesus went around believing that he was some special son of god... TOTALLY full of himself.
Okay, but how do you claim that Mormonism or Catholicism isn't a scam? Because they've been around longer? You really should read up on the early history of the Mormon Church and Joseph Smith, that guy was a born scammer.

When I was fourteen years old, and had never heard of the LDS Faith, I came across The Book of Mormon on a Library table. I flipped through it, noticed it was about God, and it immediately captured my attention. I read the first couple of chapters, but I was disappointed in the story. I remember thinking, "Sounds like something a fourteen-year-old boy would write.

I didn't learn until later it was by a fourteen-year-old boy. At that time I started at the very beginning, and, as it suggested, prayed about it. The answer was very clear. "This is not for you."

Later in life I studied Joseph Smith and came to the conclusion many already had: The man was a con-artist.

Even though I do not accept Joseph Smith as a prophet, or many of the tenets of the LDS faith, these people follow Christ. And, when people follow Christ, amazing things happen, even when their founders were con-artists, even when their tenets vary. The LDS Church is what it is because of Christ and despite Joseph Smith.

As for Catholicism: I am biased, of course, because it was Catholic practices that dropped me into the lap of God when I was ten years old. No need to go into that. But that is the purpose of any religion: To bring the individual closer to God. In me, the Catholic faith succeeded. It failed with you.
Joseph Smith and Jesus are two peas in a pod.
Not at all. Mr Smith was full of HIMSELF. Christ emptied Himself, was all about His Father's work and His love for whosoever would believe..
Jesus went around believing that he was some special son of god... TOTALLY full of himself.
Jesus was the ONLY positional/begotten of GOD and was very humble and died on the cross. Joseph Smith, supposedly found long hidden records, translated them alone, presented the book of Mormon, founded a religion, became a lieutenant general, had umpteen wives (regardless of their age or marriage status), destroyed a privately owned printing press, and went down fighting...
Last edited:
Okay, but how do you claim that Mormonism or Catholicism isn't a scam? Because they've been around longer? You really should read up on the early history of the Mormon Church and Joseph Smith, that guy was a born scammer.

When I was fourteen years old, and had never heard of the LDS Faith, I came across The Book of Mormon on a Library table. I flipped through it, noticed it was about God, and it immediately captured my attention. I read the first couple of chapters, but I was disappointed in the story. I remember thinking, "Sounds like something a fourteen-year-old boy would write.

I didn't learn until later it was by a fourteen-year-old boy. At that time I started at the very beginning, and, as it suggested, prayed about it. The answer was very clear. "This is not for you."

Later in life I studied Joseph Smith and came to the conclusion many already had: The man was a con-artist.

Even though I do not accept Joseph Smith as a prophet, or many of the tenets of the LDS faith, these people follow Christ. And, when people follow Christ, amazing things happen, even when their founders were con-artists, even when their tenets vary. The LDS Church is what it is because of Christ and despite Joseph Smith.

As for Catholicism: I am biased, of course, because it was Catholic practices that dropped me into the lap of God when I was ten years old. No need to go into that. But that is the purpose of any religion: To bring the individual closer to God. In me, the Catholic faith succeeded. It failed with you.
Joseph Smith and Jesus are two peas in a pod.
Not at all. Mr Smith was full of HIMSELF. Christ emptied Himself, was all about His Father's work and His love for whosoever would believe..
Jesus went around believing that he was some special son of god... TOTALLY full of himself.
Jesus was the ONLY positional/begotten of GOD and was very humble and died on the cross. Joseph Smith, supposedly found long hidden records, translated them alone, presented the book of Mormon, founded a religion, became a lieutenant general, had umpteen wives (regardless of their age or marriage status), destroyed a privately owned printing press, and went down fighting...
That Jesus died nailed to wood in a diaper shows that his god is either powerless or simply non-existent. Either way, Jesus was just another ordinary guy trying to get people to buy his schtick.
Jesus was the ONLY positional/begotten of GOD and was very humble and died on the cross. Joseph Smith, supposedly found long hidden records, translated them alone, presented the book of Mormon, founded a religion, became a lieutenant general, had umpteen wives (regardless of their age or marriage status), destroyed a privately owned printing press, and went down fighting...

So, um, they were both delusional and full of shit?

Naw, Joseph Smith, for all his flaws, actually existed.

Jesus was made up by other writers.
Mormon church leaders cut microphone after young girl announces she's gay

SALT LAKE CITY -- A video of a young Mormon girl revealing to her congregation that she is lesbian and still loved by God -- before her microphone is turned off by local church leaders -- is sparking a new round of discussions about how the religion handles LGBT issues.

Savannah, 13, spoke on May 7 in Eagle Mountain, Utah, about her belief that she is the child of heavenly parents who didn't make any mistakes when she was created. Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

"They did not mess up when they gave me freckles or when they made me to be gay," she said, wearing a white shirt and red tie. "God loves me just this way."

Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice.

It was not the time nor place for it. And, if not consistent with their teachings, totally appropriate.
Think of it in reverse....
It was not the time nor place for it. And, if not consistent with their teachings, totally appropriate.
Think of it in reverse....

I thought it was totally appropriate.

Just like was totally appropriate that 30 years ago, someone asked the Mormon Church why they still banned black from their clergy.

The real problem all the churches now face is that sensible people realize that homophobia is an unacceptable bigotry.
It was not the time nor place for it. And, if not consistent with their teachings, totally appropriate.
Think of it in reverse....

I thought it was totally appropriate.

Just like was totally appropriate that 30 years ago, someone asked the Mormon Church why they still banned black from their clergy.

The real problem all the churches now face is that sensible people realize that homophobia is an unacceptable bigotry.

A church of any kind is a gather of people with similar personal beliefs.
We have freedom of religion in this country. She should have asked permission.
Like any formal gathering, it's the right thing to do. If she knew it would not be well accepted, she should not have done it. Really, it's silly and immature.

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