Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

the 4th century christian bible, you are an example of their duplicity ... history from the 4th century to the present day is a record of their maleficence ...

the malfeasance of selectivity in an open forum for Spiritual discussion.

your digression is noted.

:badgrin: Talk about a change of topic! (Albeit one you bring up regularly.) Until you study the first three centuries, your leap into the fourth century lacks a foundation. You might be able to ignore about four hundred years of history and practice, but I cannot, and therefore I don't see you and I being able to have a meaningful discussion on this.

As for what Joe and I were discussing: I wanted to know what he considered a lie. It appears his parents/Church told him something they believe is absolute truth, but Joe disagrees with this belief. I see a disagreement over beliefs quite differently from a lie. Joe still sees it as a lie. That's fine, and now I see more clearly the perspective from which each of us start.
You might be able to ignore about four hundred years of history and practice, but I cannot, and therefore I don't see you and I being able to have a meaningful discussion on this.

your 4th christian bible was finished in 398 AD with little resemblance and content of the events of the 1st century.

sexual diversity of the 1st century Antiquity would not have bothered to turn off the microphone in a public forum for open discussion - that came latter by those that confiscated the truth to enshrine their own political views than what an individual died on a cross for ...

turning off the microphone is the same as crucifying her.
My parents raised eight children Catholic. Two of us have remained faithful Catholics are entire life. One might be described as a sometimes Catholic, and the other five gave it up shortly after leaving home and never looked back. There is a huge difference between those five and you. None of them are angry. All of them were fine with being raised by Catholic parents, just decided religion wasn't needed in their adult lives.

Why are you so angry? How would your life be different had you not been raised by Catholics?

That kind of anger usually comes from one cause—someone who has willfully made what he knows to be an evil choice, and who is angry at those who will not agree with that choice. Rather obviously, at some crucial point in his like JoeB131 chose to do something that he knew was wrong, that he knew would have very bad consequences; his church tried to warn him away from that choice, his parents tried to warn him away from that choice, but he refused to listen, and made that bad choice anyway. In true LIbEral form, he now blames the bad results of his bad choice on those who tried to warn him.

There is nothing you can do with people that have hate and anger built up inside them. The only reason these people get on here is to piss others off, they have no facts, no reasoning ability as hate and anger are their drive. Bigots are what they are, ignorant and twist facts and at least JoeB had the honesty to admit he has no argument he just wants to piss people off. They are not worth my time.
Also, in the article the Mormons are working with her and her family privately. Which is the way it should be handled. The forum she put her sexuality out there was inappropriate, however it is understandable given that she is only 13.

Yes, "Working Privately" means, "Intimidating them with ostracization".

Seriously, dude, maybe you should look into what the LDS Mormon Scum do to those who disagree with the faith.

While I don't personally have a problem with gay marriage, I can also see why people have a problem with it. Traditionally it's between a man and a woman. Republicans don't hate gays, you're generalizing because... well, you have been this entire time, and that's what ignorant people do.

"While I personally don't have a problem with interracial marriage, I can see why people have a problem with it."

Okay, when you put it that way, you see how silly it sounds.

Republican leaders don't hate gays, but they are happy to play on homophobia to get votes. Hey, remember in 2004, when George W. Stupid was all about passing a constitutional marriage amendment? How'd that work out. Hint. He didn't even introduce the legislation. Now gay marriage is legal in all 50 states.

You also continue to misuse the word "Homophobe" because you're incapable of learning.

I use it perfectly fine to describe people like you.

On the other hand, if a church exists that says no gays... why would you want to be somewhere you aren't welcome?

I wouldn't. But I don't want that church out there spreading hate under the premise that God demands it. YANK THEIR FUCKING TAX EXEMPTIONS. They should be HAPPY to pay their taxes if they think their Imaginary Sky Friend is against the gay that bad.

Stores aren't Public Use, they're privately owned and turn a profit from their business. Churches accept money, they do not demand it. You're drawing false parallels.

The only difference between a church and a store is that a store sells REAL goods, while Churches sell BULLSHIT. "Give us money,a nd you'll get into heaven." The Mormons are the worst, they demand tithes.
Again, drawing false parallels. That has never gone against traditions.

That's because not enough people actually cared about it. Both pieces of legislation only affected less than 4% of the population of the United States, certain people only care because it's against tradition.

You use it against its definition in an effort to serve your false narrative.

Churches don't demand money, people willingly give to them. They sell nothing, and in fact, they help people. The churches in my area worked together to give backpacks with shoes, coats, and food to poor people.
Religion is a philosophy, not a science. Science has no more to do with philosophy than it has to do with conjugating sentences in English class. Do you spend a lot of time on Science Forums?

No, religion is a SCAM. It's been a scam the first time someone was frightened of a thunderclap and some asshole said, 'God must be angry with us".

That kind of anger usually comes from one cause—someone who has willfully made what he knows to be an evil choice, and who is angry at those who will not agree with that choice. Rather obviously, at some crucial point in his like JoeB131 chose to do something that he knew was wrong, that he knew would have very bad consequences; his church tried to warn him away from that choice, his parents tried to warn him away from that choice, but he refused to listen, and made that bad choice anyway. In true LIbEral form, he now blames the bad results of his bad choice on those who tried to warn him.

Naw, guy, here's what ACTUALLY happened. for 12 years, I went to Catholic schools for no other reason than my Catholic parents thought it was important. And I pretty much got the idea that they were full of shit at an early age, like when I asked why the Gospels of Matthew and Luke had two different geneologies for Jesus, and got whacked over the knuckles with a wooden ruler. Or when I asked why God drowned all the babies in the flood, and was told it was because they were "Wicked" babies.

But the key point was when my dad died, and chose to be cremated to not stick my mom with a huge funeral bill, the Priest refused to come to the cemetary and say a few words. Or when my mom died of cancer, and one of those nasty ruler-whacking lesbians said "God had to have a good reason!" That's when I decided that religion is a lot of evil lying fucks who need to be fucking mocked at every opportunity.

Jesus is real. I have experienced his influence, and I know what he has sacrificed for me, for you, and for all of Mankind. He wants to save you, but he will not do it against your will. If you choose to reject his sacrifice and his salvation, then you have only yourself to blame for where this rejection will eventually lead you.

Here's the thing, I can go into a very lengthy explanation about WHY Jesus is a myth, and not even a terribly original one, because the story was plagiarized from other myths like Serapis and Tammuz. But the absurd notion that Jesus being crucified erases "sins" (things that frankly, I don't consider to be wrong) because 6000 years ago, a talking snake tricked a rib woman into eating a magic apple? That's just fucking silly.

God has, on occasion, answered my prayers. The answers are not always what I expect, or what I want, but they are genuine.

I asked God for my mom not to die. She did anyway. I'm done with fakers and charlatans.
That's because not enough people actually cared about it. Both pieces of legislation only affected less than 4% of the population of the United States, certain people only care because it's against tradition.

Actually, what the polls showed is that the gay marriage issue put Bush over the top in Ohio in 2004, allowing him to win a second term. In short, he lied to you rubes, and you fell for it.

Churches don't demand money, people willingly give to them. They sell nothing, and in fact, they help people. The churches in my area worked together to give backpacks with shoes, coats, and food to poor people.

again, I don't think that when you are threatening people with eternal burning, and they are stupid enough to believe that shit, that it really becomes voluntary.

"Awfully nice store you have here. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it."
You are the one denying God. You are the one denying Jesus. You are the one spreading obvious lies.

There is no God. Jesus was a myth. These are truths.

Like I said, I have a simple test. We take you God-believers to the top of a tall building and throw your asses off and see if God will catch you.

Spoiler Alert. He won't. Not once. He's too busy not existing.
Wait, and now we have a message from Conservative Jesus.

There is nothing you can do with people that have hate and anger built up inside them. The only reason these people get on here is to piss others off, they have no facts, no reasoning ability as hate and anger are their drive. Bigots are what they are, ignorant and twist facts and at least JoeB had the honesty to admit he has no argument he just wants to piss people off. They are not worth my time.

Guy, the person who starts off with "The book with Talking Snakes and Zombies in it is totally true" doesn't get to talk about "Facts" or "Reasoning abilities".

I have an argument. There is no God. The bible is full of truly silly shit that most of you don't follow, but you want to use it to rationalize your hatred of gay people.

Time to call bullshit on the charade.
the 4th century christian bible, you are an example of their duplicity ... history from the 4th century to the present day is a record of their maleficence ...

the malfeasance of selectivity in an open forum for Spiritual discussion.

your digression is noted.

:badgrin: Talk about a change of topic! (Albeit one you bring up regularly.) Until you study the first three centuries, your leap into the fourth century lacks a foundation. You might be able to ignore about four hundred years of history and practice, but I cannot, and therefore I don't see you and I being able to have a meaningful discussion on this.

As for what Joe and I were discussing: I wanted to know what he considered a lie. It appears his parents/Church told him something they believe is absolute truth, but Joe disagrees with this belief. I see a disagreement over beliefs quite differently from a lie. Joe still sees it as a lie. That's fine, and now I see more clearly the perspective from which each of us start.
You might be able to ignore about four hundred years of history and practice, but I cannot, and therefore I don't see you and I being able to have a meaningful discussion on this.

your 4th christian bible was finished in 398 AD with little resemblance and content of the events of the 1st century.

sexual diversity of the 1st century Antiquity would not have bothered to turn off the microphone in a public forum for open discussion - that came latter by those that confiscated the truth to enshrine their own political views than what an individual died on a cross for ...

turning off the microphone is the same as crucifying her.
That's odd since the last book of the Bible ( Revelations ) was written about 95 AD. I think turning off the microphone on a 13 year old girl can be adult comprehension of the fact that she is still only a child who has a lot to learn.
There is nothing you can do with people that have hate and anger built up inside them. The only reason these people get on here is to piss others off, they have no facts, no reasoning ability as hate and anger are their drive. Bigots are what they are, ignorant and twist facts and at least JoeB had the honesty to admit he has no argument he just wants to piss people off. They are not worth my time.

Guy, the person who starts off with "The book with Talking Snakes and Zombies in it is totally true" doesn't get to talk about "Facts" or "Reasoning abilities".

I have an argument. There is no God. The bible is full of truly silly shit that most of you don't follow, but you want to use it to rationalize your hatred of gay people.

Time to call bullshit on the charade.
There are no zombies in the Bible. And as for talking snakes, there is mention of one talking serpent (possessed by Satan) and that was before the Fall of Adam. Christians don't hate homosexuals, they truly don't want them to get HIV. A personal relationship with Christ is so much more rewarding than sexual flirtations. One relationship is eternal and the other but the blink of an eye. I'd really like to know where you get your truth from. I suspect that you make it up or have been indoctrinated by materialism.
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There are no zombies in the Bible.

Matthew 27:51-53New King James Version (NKJV)
51 Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, 52 and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; 53 and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.


And as for talking snakes, there is mention of one talking serpent (possessed by Satan) and that was before the Fall of Adam.

Except the book of Genesis says nothing about Satan. They merely describe it as a serpent.

Christians don't hate homosexuals, they truly don't want them to get HIV.

Yawn... HIV? really? That's so 90's. Oh, yeah, straight people get AIDS, too.

A personal relationship with Christ is so much better that a sexual relationship. One relationship is eternal and the other but the blink of an eye --- and then it's over...

Naw, man, Sex is always better.
Zombies are a figment of old 1940's movies and revived by the TV SyFy channel. God created sex for the marriage bed. Anyone engaged in salacious behavior is playing with fire. You were speaking in term of homosexuality and that is the only reason I answered in that vein.

What the people of Jerusalem saw were real people and not dead bodies possessed by mutant fungus or voodoo...
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There is nothing you can do with people that have hate and anger built up inside them. The only reason these people get on here is to piss others off, they have no facts, no reasoning ability as hate and anger are their drive. Bigots are what they are, ignorant and twist facts and at least JoeB had the honesty to admit he has no argument he just wants to piss people off. They are not worth my time.

Guy, the person who starts off with "The book with Talking Snakes and Zombies in it is totally true" doesn't get to talk about "Facts" or "Reasoning abilities".

I have an argument. There is no God. The bible is full of truly silly shit that most of you don't follow, but you want to use it to rationalize your hatred of gay people.

Time to call bullshit on the charade.

Good for you, you are good with being a bigot, it's okay.
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the 4th century christian bible, you are an example of their duplicity ... history from the 4th century to the present day is a record of their maleficence ...

the malfeasance of selectivity in an open forum for Spiritual discussion.

your digression is noted.

:badgrin: Talk about a change of topic! (Albeit one you bring up regularly.) Until you study the first three centuries, your leap into the fourth century lacks a foundation. You might be able to ignore about four hundred years of history and practice, but I cannot, and therefore I don't see you and I being able to have a meaningful discussion on this.

As for what Joe and I were discussing: I wanted to know what he considered a lie. It appears his parents/Church told him something they believe is absolute truth, but Joe disagrees with this belief. I see a disagreement over beliefs quite differently from a lie. Joe still sees it as a lie. That's fine, and now I see more clearly the perspective from which each of us start.
You might be able to ignore about four hundred years of history and practice, but I cannot, and therefore I don't see you and I being able to have a meaningful discussion on this.

your 4th christian bible was finished in 398 AD with little resemblance and content of the events of the 1st century.

sexual diversity of the 1st century Antiquity would not have bothered to turn off the microphone in a public forum for open discussion - that came latter by those that confiscated the truth to enshrine their own political views than what an individual died on a cross for ...

turning off the microphone is the same as crucifying her.
That's odd since the last book of the Bible ( Revelations ) was written about 95 AD. I think turning off the microphone on a 13 year old girl can be adult comprehension of the fact that she is still only a child who has a lot to learn.
That's odd since the last book of the Bible ( Revelations ) was written about 95 AD. I think turning off the microphone on a 13 year old girl can be adult comprehension of the fact that she is still only a child who has a lot to learn.

There are no original documents in existence, ask yourself why they were not etched in stone or preserved in simple pottery ... the 4th century christian bible is redaction and forgery from what was available -

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

an obvious forgery, replete throughout that book. the spoken religion is only 5 words long, not a self directed 10000 page political document.

I think turning off the microphone on a 13 year old girl can be adult comprehension of the fact that she is still only a child who has a lot to learn.

I'm sure she would agree they have a lot to learn is why she made an attempt to bring her thoughts to the open in the forum for that purpose and also probably to bait the audience. obviously the tactic worked to expose the deceivers of the christian bible. "adult comprehension" is a poor excuse to crucify a child.
The church is the single most fascist institution humanity has ever thought up. It is a place of hatred and scorn for no reason.

FUCK THE CHURCH. Good for this girl.

What is fascist about voluntarily associating with people who believe the same as you do?
The church is the single most fascist institution humanity has ever thought up. It is a place of hatred and scorn for no reason.

FUCK THE CHURCH. Good for this girl.

Umm at the risk of redundancy, the church is NOT the place for freedom of religion.

She has a right to be gay. She has a right to be a mormon. She has no right to be gay AND a mormon.

I feel badly for her parents.

My understanding is the parents may have had something to do with it
That's because not enough people actually cared about it. Both pieces of legislation only affected less than 4% of the population of the United States, certain people only care because it's against tradition.

Actually, what the polls showed is that the gay marriage issue put Bush over the top in Ohio in 2004, allowing him to win a second term. In short, he lied to you rubes, and you fell for it.

Churches don't demand money, people willingly give to them. They sell nothing, and in fact, they help people. The churches in my area worked together to give backpacks with shoes, coats, and food to poor people.

again, I don't think that when you are threatening people with eternal burning, and they are stupid enough to believe that shit, that it really becomes voluntary.

"Awfully nice store you have here. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it."
Polls also showed Hillary would win the election. Obviously the polls were accurate.

It remains voluntary, because it says nowhere that people who give no offering go to hell. People aren't even commanded to go to Church. Just as I thought, you have not read a single page of the Bible, and you're speaking and hating from a place of ignorance. You're a troll, and a joke.

Your hatred for those you disagree with will drive you to an early grave, and on the day you breath your last, I want you to remember that the place you end up is the place you've chosen for yourself. You've had your entire lifetime to make your decision.
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No, religion is a SCAM. It's been a scam the first time someone was frightened of a thunderclap and some asshole said, 'God must be angry with us".

Everyone should be alert that religion can be used as a scam--and that some can be wrong in interpreting the original intent.

And I pretty much got the idea that they were full of shit at an early age, like when I asked why the Gospels of Matthew and Luke had two different geneologies for Jesus, and got whacked over the knuckles with a wooden ruler. Or when I asked why God drowned all the babies in the flood, and was told it was because they were "Wicked" babies.

Bad teachers don't invalidate the fact that Matthew and Luke had different stories to tell in their genealogies. Matthew emphasized the kingship of Jesus, tracing his genealogy through kings. Luke was tracing Jesus' (as the son of God) genealogy to Adam. Today's confusion isn't helped by the fact that genealogy in Judaism there can easily be two fathers. Remember, if a man died without issue, a brother (or other close relative) married the wife and bore children for his dead brother/relative. Add a few other realities of genealogy and two genealogy (or more) are inevitable.

The question you asked about the babies and the flood could also have been answered differently. If the story is taken literally, there were eight survivors, four men and four women. Since local the supermarket with all the baby formula ;) had been washed away, how were eight adults supposed to take care of all the babies? I understand in those times, most babies until they were about two relied on their mother's breast milk.

But the key point was when my dad died, and chose to be cremated to not stick my mom with a huge funeral bill, the Priest refused to come to the cemetary and say a few words. Or when my mom died of cancer, and one of those nasty ruler-whacking lesbians said "God had to have a good reason!" That's when I decided that religion is a lot of evil lying fucks who need to be fucking mocked at every opportunity.

Keep in mind how the ruling about cremation came about: It originally started hundreds of years before your father lived when people made it an "In your face" ritual to provoke believers. It was a statement that there is no resurrection of the dead. As you note, in today's age, cremation is no longer a statement of belief, it is a pragmatic matter of finances. While burial is preferred, the Church no longer forbids cremation when it is for economic reasons.

I asked God for my mom not to die. She did anyway. I'm done with fakers and charlatans.

Yeah, my husband had the same prayer for his dad. When that wasn't answered, he pretty much decided that either God didn't exist, or if he didn't answer a little boy's prayer concerning his father, there really wasn't anything else he needed God for. He was of the mind that there probably isn't a God, but if there is, he wanted to show God that if he had to make it through this life without a father, then he could also make it through this life without a God.

The difference between you and my husband, is that he isn't bitter about it. I think I mentioned previously, his family hadn't practiced religion since before he was born. His much older brother and sisters were baptized, but he wasn't. And, unlike you, he didn't have poor teachers compounding the problem.

I don't know when and where you went to Catholic school, but by the time I went there no one was hitting students with rulers, and any question we asked (whether sincere or otherwise) were given a direct answer.

It doesn't sound as if you would ever want to hit a reset button on this--and given the amount of time it takes to do a true study, it might not be practical anyway--but there are some very good books out there on the Historical Jesus and whether or not the Resurrection is literal or figurative. I recommend Jewish commentary on the Old Testament, along with cultural and language studies. Choose a wide variety of New Testament commentary. I get that in all probability you have already made up your mind. May be too late anyway. I've been interested in all this stuff since I was a toddler. Cramming it all in late in life may not be feasible even if there were an interest.

In any case, I am truly sorry about the teachers you had, and that you lost your parents so early. That's hard. It is hard enough to lose those we love even once we reach adulthood.

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