Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

I don't particularly care what you think sexual orientation is or is not. Nobody is telling you not to be gay.

You think every church promotes homophobia. As a matter of fact, people have a freedom to say whatever they want and hate whoever they like, so even the very few churches that don't follow God's teachings and hate homosexuals should be allowed to do so without being punished. Much like you're allowed to hate Christians for no reason.

Here's the thing, I'm not getting a tax break to hate Christians.

The Churches are getting tax breaks to promote homophobia, and that's the problem.
Not all Christians hate a specific type of people, and you're a single person, unlike Churches, which are for public use. They make their money for operation off of donations.

Except they're not, you're misusing the word homophobia to serve your false narrative. Disagreeing with a life style and being 'afraid' of it, or hating the people who take part in it, are two very different things. In fact, I'm pretty sure that you hate Christians because you can't make that distinction.

Their own bigotry and hate blinds the to reason.
again, it is the bigot that has to turn off the microphone as you condone ... the church does not have the blank check you have given them they owe the 13 year old girl an apology whether they own up to their mistake or not.

Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down. Your ignorance and blame tells us you are a bigot.

Do you have anything new or are you just going to fling the same crap over and over again? You are not changing my mind and I am not wanting to change yours.
Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down.

Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice.

OP: Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice ....

- how about the OP for the thread, were they "there" ... your the bigot pap, just apologies and save face its not that hard to do.

Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.
Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.

sorry for you pap, you haven't had anything to say the entire thread other than your lackily permissible behavior to insult a 13 year old child in her own church forum designed for the purpose of her concern - the history of christianity is a reflection of your complete incompetence and refusal to take responsibility for your actions.

No one insulted her, where do you come up with such nonsense. Again, you have nothing new to add.
No one insulted her, where do you come up with such nonsense. Again, you have nothing new to add.

Mormon church leaders cut microphone after young girl announces she's gay

it is the subject matter of the thread, your acquiescence to the insult is not what is being discussed, more to the point is how does society compensate for the above and people like you that prolong the past injustices it represents - the subject matter of the girls concern is irrelevant.
Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down. Your ignorance and blame tells us you are a bigot.

Do you have anything new or are you just going to fling the same crap over and over again? You are not changing my mind and I am not wanting to change yours.
Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down.

Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice.

OP: Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice ....

- how about the OP for the thread, were they "there" ... your the bigot pap, just apologies and save face its not that hard to do.

Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.
Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.

sorry for you pap, you haven't had anything to say the entire thread other than your lackily permissible behavior to insult a 13 year old child in her own church forum designed for the purpose of her concern - the history of christianity is a reflection of your complete incompetence and refusal to take responsibility for your actions.

No one insulted her, where do you come up with such nonsense. Again, you have nothing new to add.
No one insulted her, where do you come up with such nonsense. Again, you have nothing new to add.

Mormon church leaders cut microphone after young girl announces she's gay

it is the subject matter of the thread, your acquiescence to the insult is not what is being discussed, more to the point is how does society compensate for the above and people like you that prolong the past injustices it represents - the subject matter of the girls concern is irrelevant.

So again, nothing new, let me know when you get new material.
Except they're not, you're misusing the word homophobia to serve your false narrative. Disagreeing with a life style and being 'afraid' of it, or hating the people who take part in it, are two very different things. In fact, I'm pretty sure that you hate Christians because you can't make that distinction.

Their own bigotry and hate blinds the to reason.

I think of the cliché about how nature abhors a vacuum. I think there is a part of the human soul that recognizes the reality of God, and the wisdom of his standards. One can choose to reject this, to suppress it, but it creates a vacuum.

I think some of these more devout atheists, such as JoeB131, provide a very vivid example of just what sort of crap that Satan provides to fill the vacuum left when one rejects God. They embrace all sorts of evil and insanity, and perhaps they truly believe that those of us who will not join them in it are acting out of “hate”.
OP: Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice ....

- how about the OP for the thread, were they "there" ... your the bigot pap, just apologies and save face its not that hard to do.

Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.
Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.

sorry for you pap, you haven't had anything to say the entire thread other than your lackily permissible behavior to insult a 13 year old child in her own church forum designed for the purpose of her concern - the history of christianity is a reflection of your complete incompetence and refusal to take responsibility for your actions.

No one insulted her, where do you come up with such nonsense. Again, you have nothing new to add.
No one insulted her, where do you come up with such nonsense. Again, you have nothing new to add.

Mormon church leaders cut microphone after young girl announces she's gay

it is the subject matter of the thread, your acquiescence to the insult is not what is being discussed, more to the point is how does society compensate for the above and people like you that prolong the past injustices it represents - the subject matter of the girls concern is irrelevant.

So again, nothing new, let me know when you get new material.
So again, nothing new, let me know when you get new material.

so why do you then respond in less than a minute after I post, lap dog ...

as stated the thread is about a 13 year old being insulted for her honest composition in the church forum by congregants upset with her trustfulness when they have finally apologized as it seems they are trying to do the issue will be resolved. justice is beckoning.

* clock ticking lap dog, hurry up ...
Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.
Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.

sorry for you pap, you haven't had anything to say the entire thread other than your lackily permissible behavior to insult a 13 year old child in her own church forum designed for the purpose of her concern - the history of christianity is a reflection of your complete incompetence and refusal to take responsibility for your actions.

No one insulted her, where do you come up with such nonsense. Again, you have nothing new to add.
No one insulted her, where do you come up with such nonsense. Again, you have nothing new to add.

Mormon church leaders cut microphone after young girl announces she's gay

it is the subject matter of the thread, your acquiescence to the insult is not what is being discussed, more to the point is how does society compensate for the above and people like you that prolong the past injustices it represents - the subject matter of the girls concern is irrelevant.

So again, nothing new, let me know when you get new material.
So again, nothing new, let me know when you get new material.

so why do you then respond in less than a minute after I post, lap dog ...

as stated the thread is about a 13 year old being insulted for her honest composition in the church forum by congregants upset with her trustfulness when they have finally apologized as it seems they are trying to do the issue will be resolved. justice is beckoning.

* clock ticking lap dog, hurry up ...

It's called timing dip shit, you posted and I happened to be on at the time, my are you a stupid one. It explains a lot.
Well, here's another thing... Those of us who know Creation and the Flood to be true have the fossil record to back up our claims (Dinosaurs seem pretty giant to me and the vast majority of fossil formation involves mud and water). Animals that die and are not swiftly buried are consumed without leaving much if anything.
No one seems to be able to honestly explain how a whale could form a fossil standing on it tail or how trees could for form fossils stretching across multiple layers of sediment except by FLOOD.

We can put "Science" as one of those things you clearly don't understand.

Fossilization actually takes millions of years to happen... not thousands.

All you hedonists have are opinions founded on the ignorant notion that GOD is not in control or nonexistent; however, nature does things randomly that mortals cannot replicate.

The thing is that Christ came and freed believers from attempting to achieve salvation through the Law which is impossible. However, things would be so much enjoyable if we practiced restraint and humility and love for one another.

Aren't you a little confused here. If the Law was the way to salvation, then God would have gotten it right from the Get Go because he's infallible.

Instead, what you had are a bunch of silly rules that even most of you don't follow. But you'll harp on the one about the gays because you think the butt-sex is icky.
Not all Christians hate a specific type of people, and you're a single person, unlike Churches, which are for public use. They make their money for operation off of donations.

Then they should comport to the same laws all other public use facilities operate under. A store that says, "No Blacks" or "No Gays" would be in serious trouble.

Except they're not, you're misusing the word homophobia to serve your false narrative. Disagreeing with a life style and being 'afraid' of it, or hating the people who take part in it, are two very different things. In fact, I'm pretty sure that you hate Christians because you can't make that distinction.

No, I pretty much fear Christians because they have a 2000 year history of Crusades, Inquisitions, Witch-Burning, supporting truly awful governments, molesting altar boys, suppressing science and generally passing bad laws to appease their imaginary friend in the sky.

Now, I'm not really into Game of Thrones. But I have a bunch of co-workers who just can't stop talking about it. I don't cut them off when they are talking or try to get GoT taken off the air or anything. Just not my thing.

Yet you homophobes would deny gays marriage, employment rights and so on. Worse, you keep voting in Republicans because they hate the gays just like you do and they are right with Jesus.
I think of the cliché about how nature abhors a vacuum. I think there is a part of the human soul that recognizes the reality of God, and the wisdom of his standards. One can choose to reject this, to suppress it, but it creates a vacuum.

I think some of these more devout atheists, such as JoeB131, provide a very vivid example of just what sort of crap that Satan provides to fill the vacuum left when one rejects God. They embrace all sorts of evil and insanity, and perhaps they truly believe that those of us who will not join them in it are acting out of “hate”.

The only vacuum is where a Bible Thumper should have reasoning skills.

Here's the thing. I'm straight. Nothing about having sex with another dude appeals to me. But I don't think they are "evil" or "Immoral" or "insane". They just have different tastes than I do. But as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, who cares?

The thing about Christian Homophobes is that their entire reasoning is based on "I think it's icky!" and "My imaginary friend in the sky says it's bad."

And then they do a whole lot of rationalizations about why all the other things in the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales says are bad really don't apply to them when they having a big old ham sandwich while working on a Sunday.

And when you point out that some of the people the BBOBAF call heroes like Lot and Jephthah were really and truly awful people (If they actually existed) they get very indignant.
Then they should comport to the same laws all other public use facilities operate under. A store that says, "No Blacks" or "No Gays" would be in serious trouble.

On the other hand, people don't go to a grocery store to buy a dress, and people don't go to a flower shop to buy a pair of shoes. Everyone is welcome in these stores, but they are not welcome to change the inventory to suit themselves. In the same way, everyone is welcome in Church, but they are not welcome to change the tenets of that faith.
Well, here's another thing... Those of us who know Creation and the Flood to be true have the fossil record to back up our claims (Dinosaurs seem pretty giant to me and the vast majority of fossil formation involves mud and water). Animals that die and are not swiftly buried are consumed without leaving much if anything.
No one seems to be able to honestly explain how a whale could form a fossil standing on it tail or how trees could for form fossils stretching across multiple layers of sediment except by FLOOD.

We can put "Science" as one of those things you clearly don't understand.

Fossilization actually takes millions of years to happen... not thousands.

All you hedonists have are opinions founded on the ignorant notion that GOD is not in control or nonexistent; however, nature does things randomly that mortals cannot replicate.

The thing is that Christ came and freed believers from attempting to achieve salvation through the Law which is impossible. However, things would be so much enjoyable if we practiced restraint and humility and love for one another.

Aren't you a little confused here. If the Law was the way to salvation, then God would have gotten it right from the Get Go because he's infallible.

Instead, what you had are a bunch of silly rules that even most of you don't follow. But you'll harp on the one about the gays because you think the butt-sex is icky.
The Law is impossible to keep. Jesus said that if a person breaks one law he has broken them all. The purpose of the Law was always to reveal that man need to depend on GOD entirely for salvation and not one's own endeavors. Only Christ perfectly kept the Law. Fossilization is rapid and has been demonstrated to occur quickly --- note:
Then they should comport to the same laws all other public use facilities operate under. A store that says, "No Blacks" or "No Gays" would be in serious trouble.

On the other hand, people don't go to a grocery store to buy a dress, and people don't go to a flower shop to buy a pair of shoes. Everyone is welcome in these stores, but they are not welcome to change the inventory to suit themselves. In the same way, everyone is welcome in Church, but they are not welcome to change the tenets of that faith.
In the same way, everyone is welcome in Church, but they are not welcome to change the tenets of that faith.

make up your mind, everyone is welcome or only who is the same xxx is welcome ... where xxx has no verifiable source of reference for an open discussion. for a 13 year old. free Spirit.
make up your mind, everyone is welcome or only who is the same xxx is welcome ... where xxx has no verifiable source of reference for an open discussion. for a 13 year old. free Spirit.

My statement stands as is. Go back to school days when a class was having a discussion on the Civil War. Everyone was welcome to participate, but on topic. Subjects such as Batman or whether a stoplight should be installed on the intersection nearest the school were cut off and redirected to the topic on hand.

Church has never been the place where one is encouraged to publicly discuss their personal sexuality. That's not just limited to the LDS faith.
make up your mind, everyone is welcome or only who is the same xxx is welcome ... where xxx has no verifiable source of reference for an open discussion. for a 13 year old. free Spirit.

My statement stands as is. Go back to school days when a class was having a discussion on the Civil War. Everyone was welcome to participate, but on topic. Subjects such as Batman or whether a stoplight should be installed on the intersection nearest the school were cut off and redirected to the topic on hand.

Church has never been the place where one is encouraged to publicly discuss their personal sexuality. That's not just limited to the LDS faith.
My statement stands as is ... Everyone was welcome to participate, but on topic.

"A video of a young Mormon girl revealing to her congregation that she is lesbian and still loved by God"

"Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs."

no, you are just another run of the mill 4th century crucifiers - is the truth. the Free Spirit is your enemy.
"A video of a young Mormon girl revealing to her congregation that she is lesbian and still loved by God"

"Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs."

I suspect anyone else who began talking about their sexual proclivities (i.e., I am a member of the Man-Boy Love Association and I am still loved by God; or I had my first sexual experience outside of marriage and I'm still loved by God; or I began masturbating and discovered I'm still loved by God) would have had their mic cut off as well. Why do you believe homosexuals should get a pass on this when no one else does? Not everything needs to be discussed in Church. Sexuality and probably politics top the list. Outside in the parking lot, however, is fine.
"A video of a young Mormon girl revealing to her congregation that she is lesbian and still loved by God"

"Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs."

I suspect anyone else who began talking about their sexual proclivities (i.e., I am a member of the Man-Boy Love Association and I am still loved by God; or I had my first sexual experience outside of marriage and I'm still loved by God; or I began masturbating and discovered I'm still loved by God) would have had their mic cut off as well. Why do you believe homosexuals should get a pass on this when no one else does? Not everything needs to be discussed in Church. Sexuality and probably politics top the list. Outside in the parking lot, however, is fine.

Sure, compare an 13 year old girl expressing her individuality with the man-boy love association.

[Sure, compare an 13 year old girl expressing her individuality with the man-boy love association.

She wasn't expressing her "individuality"; she was expressing sexuality. Plus, wake-up and pay attention for goodness sake. I wasn't comparing her with anyone. I was comparing that type of sexual announcement to other types of sexual announcements. If a Church allows one type of sexual announcement, it opens the door to all.

You have a bad habit of changing what is said just slightly and starting a whole new game. Not interested in playing that way. Now, as always, I await your insult so that I can comfortably ignore you in this thread as well.
[Sure, compare an 13 year old girl expressing her individuality with the man-boy love association.

She wasn't expressing her "individuality"; she was expressing sexuality. Plus, wake-up and pay attention for goodness sake. I wasn't comparing her with anyone. I was comparing that type of sexual announcement to other types of sexual announcements. If a Church allows one type of sexual announcement, it opens the door to all.

You have a bad habit of changing what is said just slightly and starting a whole new game. Not interested in playing that way. Now, as always, I await your insult so that I can comfortably ignore you in this thread as well.

if human sexuality is openly condemned by the church why would her speaking openly about her own sexuality in church bother anyone if it is not that her testimony that it does not result in separation from God contradicts official church teaching?
if human sexuality is openly condemned by the church why would her speaking openly about her own sexuality in church bother anyone if it is not that her testimony that it does not result in separation from God contradicts official church teaching?

I doubt that human sexuality is condemned by the LDS faith. I simply noted that, in Church, discussing personal sexual proclivities of any kind, is not a topic for discussion in that arena. Were there children younger than thirteen present?

I don't know what policies are in place in the LDS Church, but I know human sexuality cannot be taught/discussed before students of this age at school unless a parent signs off on it. Even then, instruction is kept on a professional level with more personal questions referred to parent or counselor.
[Sure, compare an 13 year old girl expressing her individuality with the man-boy love association.

She wasn't expressing her "individuality"; she was expressing sexuality. Plus, wake-up and pay attention for goodness sake. I wasn't comparing her with anyone. I was comparing that type of sexual announcement to other types of sexual announcements. If a Church allows one type of sexual announcement, it opens the door to all.

You have a bad habit of changing what is said just slightly and starting a whole new game. Not interested in playing that way. Now, as always, I await your insult so that I can comfortably ignore you in this thread as well.

Lefties love to do that, twist what is said, that is the only way they can attempt to win, its dishonest, however...

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