Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all. They are not encouraged to read the Bible even by "public" educators. And that is why so may nonbelievers are clueless when it come to biblical fact vs. fiction made up by someone who hates GOD and is trying to sell his own hedonism as enlightenment. Just another reason why so many students today can be lead around like a heard of mindless cattle for propagation, drinking/gluttony, and finally the slaughter.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all.

the history of the people who have read your 4th century bible from that time to the present of oppression and despotism is why today they see no reason to be enticed by its underlying prurient political appeal disguised as a religion ... rewriting that book should be the foremost objective for anyone claiming to be religious and to desire an extended life dwelling in the Everlasting.

this thread has been a perfect example of christian maleficence and intolerance.

Seems I am tolerant of your beliefs, the girls beliefs and the Mormons beliefs. No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs. It seems the atheists on this thread are the ones that are intolerant to other's beliefs and the right to practice their beliefs, unless of course they agree with the atheist.
No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs.

to choose (or not) based on their beliefs ...

there is a lot there if by chance you are being serious, there is only one religion of the Almighty if they claim there's is the true path then who are they to set rules others will not follow who have the same objective.

Again, no ones rights were violated, if you don't like a church's teachings, go to another church. If I don't like a business or a church or organization, I don't go there. We all have choices and we are free to make them.

We are all free to believe what we want and I tolerate your beliefs and your right to have them. I tolerate the girls beliefs and her right to have one. I tolerate the Mormon church's right to have one. Do I agree with any of you? Probably not, however I accept,all your rights and none interfere with the others. So I fail to see an issue. You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all. They are not encouraged to read the Bible even by "public" educators. And that is why so may nonbelievers are clueless when it come to biblical fact vs. fiction made up by someone who hates GOD and is trying to sell his own hedonism as enlightenment. Just another reason why so many students today can be lead around like a heard of mindless cattle for propagation, drinking/gluttony, and finally the slaughter.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all.

the history of the people who have read your 4th century bible from that time to the present of oppression and despotism is why today they see no reason to be enticed by its underlying prurient political appeal disguised as a religion ... rewriting that book should be the foremost objective for anyone claiming to be religious and to desire an extended life dwelling in the Everlasting.

this thread has been a perfect example of christian maleficence and intolerance.

Seems I am tolerant of your beliefs, the girls beliefs and the Mormons beliefs. No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs. It seems the atheists on this thread are the ones that are intolerant to other's beliefs and the right to practice their beliefs, unless of course they agree with the atheist.
No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs.

to choose (or not) based on their beliefs ...

there is a lot there if by chance you are being serious, there is only one religion of the Almighty if they claim there's is the true path then who are they to set rules others will not follow who have the same objective.

Again, no ones rights were violated, if you don't like a church's teachings, go to another church. If I don't like a business or a church or organization, I don't go there. We all have choices and we are free to make them.

We are all free to believe what we want and I tolerate your beliefs and your right to have them. I tolerate the girls beliefs and her right to have one. I tolerate the Mormon church's right to have one. Do I agree with any of you? Probably not, however I accept,all your rights and none interfere with the others. So I fail to see an issue. You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.
You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.

Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

The Mormon religion is one of many conservative faith groups upholding theological opposition to same-sex relationships amid widespread social acceptance and the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage. At the same time, the Mormon church is trying to foster an empathetic stance toward LGBT people.

... an empathetic stance

intolerance is turning off the microphone where a 13 year old is contributing her beliefs in the open forum meant for that purpose ... the subject matter of the thread, papageogio you intransigently disregard.


"Truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

history is replete with religious intolerance and the blind that would rather run away than confront the perpetrators.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all. They are not encouraged to read the Bible even by "public" educators. And that is why so may nonbelievers are clueless when it come to biblical fact vs. fiction made up by someone who hates GOD and is trying to sell his own hedonism as enlightenment. Just another reason why so many students today can be lead around like a heard of mindless cattle for propagation, drinking/gluttony, and finally the slaughter.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all.

the history of the people who have read your 4th century bible from that time to the present of oppression and despotism is why today they see no reason to be enticed by its underlying prurient political appeal disguised as a religion ... rewriting that book should be the foremost objective for anyone claiming to be religious and to desire an extended life dwelling in the Everlasting.

this thread has been a perfect example of christian maleficence and intolerance.

Seems I am tolerant of your beliefs, the girls beliefs and the Mormons beliefs. No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs. It seems the atheists on this thread are the ones that are intolerant to other's beliefs and the right to practice their beliefs, unless of course they agree with the atheist.
No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs.

to choose (or not) based on their beliefs ...

there is a lot there if by chance you are being serious, there is only one religion of the Almighty if they claim there's is the true path then who are they to set rules others will not follow who have the same objective.

Again, no ones rights were violated, if you don't like a church's teachings, go to another church. If I don't like a business or a church or organization, I don't go there. We all have choices and we are free to make them.

We are all free to believe what we want and I tolerate your beliefs and your right to have them. I tolerate the girls beliefs and her right to have one. I tolerate the Mormon church's right to have one. Do I agree with any of you? Probably not, however I accept,all your rights and none interfere with the others. So I fail to see an issue. You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.
You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.

Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

The Mormon religion is one of many conservative faith groups upholding theological opposition to same-sex relationships amid widespread social acceptance and the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage. At the same time, the Mormon church is trying to foster an empathetic stance toward LGBT people.

... an empathetic stance

intolerance is turning off the microphone where a 13 year old is contributing her beliefs in the open forum meant for that purpose ... the subject matter of the thread, papageogio you intransigently disregard.


"Truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

history is replete with religious intolerance and the blind that would rather run away than confront the perpetrators.

I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family, which you seem to exclude. Again, your intolerance and ignorance is noted.
And you seem to accept the values and behavior patterns of those who have given themselves over to acting like a group of savages they (I assume ) believe we descended from. I for one do not believe we evolved from some lower life form, nor do I wish to engage in or promote those that do. And if some "bronze-age" individuals seem to exhibit far more common sense than "modern" man, I can only suggest that is further proof of GOD!

Guy, here's the thing. Those of us who know Evolution to be true have fossils to back up our claims.

All you whackadoodles have is a book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales that includes Giants and Talking Snakes.

The thing is, the Bronze Age Book of Fairy Tales would have you kill girls for not being virgins on their wedding nights, kill your neighbors for working on Sunday, kill teenagers who mouth off to their parents, and a lot of other stuff modern people would consider barbaric, because it is.
Again, I wasn't trying to prove God exists, you were claiming religion is evil, and I was explaining the holy book of said religion because you had never read it before. Besides, you started pointing to the bible first.

I have read it. BUnches of times. I just point out the stuff you guys pretend aren't in there, or don't spend a lot of time thinking about.

What you Christians try to do is "Disney-fy" the Bible. You take some stories that are TRULY horrible and reflect badly on your magic pixie in the sky, and try to spin them to where they sound nice.

They don't. The Bible commands Christians to love everyone. Christians want to peacefully introduce the Bible to people, not change their sexuality. In most cases, the second comes with the first. Whether or not one becomes a Christian is a choice, so nobody is preventing you from being a homosexual.

Right. Pictured- Christians loving people and peacefully introducing the bible to them.


Sexual orientation isn't a choice. People are born straight or gay or both. However, choosing to believe in Bronze Age superstitions and selectively ignore the parts that make your Imaginary Friend in the sky

Like i said, yank the tax exemptions for any churches that promote homophobia, you will be AMAZED how fast God changes his mind.
the history of the people who have read your 4th century bible from that time to the present of oppression and despotism is why today they see no reason to be enticed by its underlying prurient political appeal disguised as a religion ... rewriting that book should be the foremost objective for anyone claiming to be religious and to desire an extended life dwelling in the Everlasting.

this thread has been a perfect example of christian maleficence and intolerance.

Seems I am tolerant of your beliefs, the girls beliefs and the Mormons beliefs. No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs. It seems the atheists on this thread are the ones that are intolerant to other's beliefs and the right to practice their beliefs, unless of course they agree with the atheist.
No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs.

to choose (or not) based on their beliefs ...

there is a lot there if by chance you are being serious, there is only one religion of the Almighty if they claim there's is the true path then who are they to set rules others will not follow who have the same objective.

Again, no ones rights were violated, if you don't like a church's teachings, go to another church. If I don't like a business or a church or organization, I don't go there. We all have choices and we are free to make them.

We are all free to believe what we want and I tolerate your beliefs and your right to have them. I tolerate the girls beliefs and her right to have one. I tolerate the Mormon church's right to have one. Do I agree with any of you? Probably not, however I accept,all your rights and none interfere with the others. So I fail to see an issue. You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.
You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.

Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

The Mormon religion is one of many conservative faith groups upholding theological opposition to same-sex relationships amid widespread social acceptance and the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage. At the same time, the Mormon church is trying to foster an empathetic stance toward LGBT people.

... an empathetic stance

intolerance is turning off the microphone where a 13 year old is contributing her beliefs in the open forum meant for that purpose ... the subject matter of the thread, papageogio you intransigently disregard.


"Truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

history is replete with religious intolerance and the blind that would rather run away than confront the perpetrators.

I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family, which you seem to exclude. Again, your intolerance and ignorance is noted.
I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family,

the thread is not about your obsession about what you think other people are correctly portraying as the correct avenue that should have been taken, an apology you disagree with - and have either you or they apologized for the selfishness they exhibited for turning the microphone off when the 13 year old was relaying her "personal" beliefs ... and no I do not personally agree with her position but am not afraid to hear it as you are.

"in god we trust" - go skin that cat papa, leave the 13 year old alone ...
Seems I am tolerant of your beliefs, the girls beliefs and the Mormons beliefs. No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs. It seems the atheists on this thread are the ones that are intolerant to other's beliefs and the right to practice their beliefs, unless of course they agree with the atheist.
No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs.

to choose (or not) based on their beliefs ...

there is a lot there if by chance you are being serious, there is only one religion of the Almighty if they claim there's is the true path then who are they to set rules others will not follow who have the same objective.

Again, no ones rights were violated, if you don't like a church's teachings, go to another church. If I don't like a business or a church or organization, I don't go there. We all have choices and we are free to make them.

We are all free to believe what we want and I tolerate your beliefs and your right to have them. I tolerate the girls beliefs and her right to have one. I tolerate the Mormon church's right to have one. Do I agree with any of you? Probably not, however I accept,all your rights and none interfere with the others. So I fail to see an issue. You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.
You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.

Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

The Mormon religion is one of many conservative faith groups upholding theological opposition to same-sex relationships amid widespread social acceptance and the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage. At the same time, the Mormon church is trying to foster an empathetic stance toward LGBT people.

... an empathetic stance

intolerance is turning off the microphone where a 13 year old is contributing her beliefs in the open forum meant for that purpose ... the subject matter of the thread, papageogio you intransigently disregard.


"Truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

history is replete with religious intolerance and the blind that would rather run away than confront the perpetrators.

I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family, which you seem to exclude. Again, your intolerance and ignorance is noted.
I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family,

the thread is not about your obsession about what you think other people are correctly portraying as the correct avenue that should have been taken, an apology you disagree with - and have either you or they apologized for the selfishness they exhibited for turning the microphone off when the 13 year old was relaying her "personal" beliefs ... and no I do not personally agree with her position but am not afraid to hear it as you are.

"in god we trust" - go skin that cat papa, leave the 13 year old alone ...

I don't need to apologize for anything. The girl did what she did and the church responded in an appropriate manner. Sorry you feel different. You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted. I don't know if the church apologized or not since I'm not a member. You also have no clue what happened after either. I haven't ever contacted the 13 year old so I have never bothered her. So take your bigotry and stuff it.
to choose (or not) based on their beliefs ...

there is a lot there if by chance you are being serious, there is only one religion of the Almighty if they claim there's is the true path then who are they to set rules others will not follow who have the same objective.

Again, no ones rights were violated, if you don't like a church's teachings, go to another church. If I don't like a business or a church or organization, I don't go there. We all have choices and we are free to make them.

We are all free to believe what we want and I tolerate your beliefs and your right to have them. I tolerate the girls beliefs and her right to have one. I tolerate the Mormon church's right to have one. Do I agree with any of you? Probably not, however I accept,all your rights and none interfere with the others. So I fail to see an issue. You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.
You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.

Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

The Mormon religion is one of many conservative faith groups upholding theological opposition to same-sex relationships amid widespread social acceptance and the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage. At the same time, the Mormon church is trying to foster an empathetic stance toward LGBT people.

... an empathetic stance

intolerance is turning off the microphone where a 13 year old is contributing her beliefs in the open forum meant for that purpose ... the subject matter of the thread, papageogio you intransigently disregard.


"Truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

history is replete with religious intolerance and the blind that would rather run away than confront the perpetrators.

I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family, which you seem to exclude. Again, your intolerance and ignorance is noted.
I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family,

the thread is not about your obsession about what you think other people are correctly portraying as the correct avenue that should have been taken, an apology you disagree with - and have either you or they apologized for the selfishness they exhibited for turning the microphone off when the 13 year old was relaying her "personal" beliefs ... and no I do not personally agree with her position but am not afraid to hear it as you are.

"in god we trust" - go skin that cat papa, leave the 13 year old alone ...

I don't need to apologize for anything. The girl did what she did and the church responded in an appropriate manner. Sorry you feel different. You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted. I don't know if the church apologized or not since I'm not a member. You also have no clue what happened after either. I haven't ever contacted the 13 year old so I have never bothered her. So take your bigotry and stuff it.
You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted.

"in god we trust"
- is that an opinion papa or are you turning off the microphone to not hear the other side ...

it is you that is short and narrow afraid to hear out the 13 year old girl in the appropriate forum by turning off her microphone and concocting some kind of excuse for your actions. you are simply wrong whether you will ever admit it or not.
Again, I wasn't trying to prove God exists, you were claiming religion is evil, and I was explaining the holy book of said religion because you had never read it before. Besides, you started pointing to the bible first.

I have read it. BUnches of times. I just point out the stuff you guys pretend aren't in there, or don't spend a lot of time thinking about.

What you Christians try to do is "Disney-fy" the Bible. You take some stories that are TRULY horrible and reflect badly on your magic pixie in the sky, and try to spin them to where they sound nice.
I don't spin anything, I explain them because you don't understand.
They don't. The Bible commands Christians to love everyone. Christians want to peacefully introduce the Bible to people, not change their sexuality. In most cases, the second comes with the first. Whether or not one becomes a Christian is a choice, so nobody is preventing you from being a homosexual.

Right. Pictured- Christians loving people and peacefully introducing the bible to them.


Sexual orientation isn't a choice. People are born straight or gay or both. However, choosing to believe in Bronze Age superstitions and selectively ignore the parts that make your Imaginary Friend in the sky

Like i said, yank the tax exemptions for any churches that promote homophobia, you will be AMAZED how fast God changes his mind.
I don't particularly care what you think sexual orientation is or is not. Nobody is telling you not to be gay.

You think every church promotes homophobia. As a matter of fact, people have a freedom to say whatever they want and hate whoever they like, so even the very few churches that don't follow God's teachings and hate homosexuals should be allowed to do so without being punished. Much like you're allowed to hate Christians for no reason.
Again, no ones rights were violated, if you don't like a church's teachings, go to another church. If I don't like a business or a church or organization, I don't go there. We all have choices and we are free to make them.

We are all free to believe what we want and I tolerate your beliefs and your right to have them. I tolerate the girls beliefs and her right to have one. I tolerate the Mormon church's right to have one. Do I agree with any of you? Probably not, however I accept,all your rights and none interfere with the others. So I fail to see an issue. You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.
You seem to be the one intolerant of others and their choices.

Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

The Mormon religion is one of many conservative faith groups upholding theological opposition to same-sex relationships amid widespread social acceptance and the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage. At the same time, the Mormon church is trying to foster an empathetic stance toward LGBT people.

... an empathetic stance

intolerance is turning off the microphone where a 13 year old is contributing her beliefs in the open forum meant for that purpose ... the subject matter of the thread, papageogio you intransigently disregard.


"Truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

history is replete with religious intolerance and the blind that would rather run away than confront the perpetrators.

I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family, which you seem to exclude. Again, your intolerance and ignorance is noted.
I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family,

the thread is not about your obsession about what you think other people are correctly portraying as the correct avenue that should have been taken, an apology you disagree with - and have either you or they apologized for the selfishness they exhibited for turning the microphone off when the 13 year old was relaying her "personal" beliefs ... and no I do not personally agree with her position but am not afraid to hear it as you are.

"in god we trust" - go skin that cat papa, leave the 13 year old alone ...

I don't need to apologize for anything. The girl did what she did and the church responded in an appropriate manner. Sorry you feel different. You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted. I don't know if the church apologized or not since I'm not a member. You also have no clue what happened after either. I haven't ever contacted the 13 year old so I have never bothered her. So take your bigotry and stuff it.
You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted.

"in god we trust"
- is that an opinion papa or are you turning off the microphone to not hear the other side ...

it is you that is short and narrow afraid to hear out the 13 year old girl in the appropriate forum by turning off her microphone and concocting some kind of excuse for your actions. you are simply wrong whether you will ever admit it or not.

I wasn't there, I don't care. The church makes the rules, you don't. If you don't like it, too bad so sad. The church was within its rights and they are working with the girl and the family. It's there's to take care of.

You keep claiming I did something.

I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.
Last edited:

Her comments came during a once-a-month portion of Mormon Sunday services where members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.

The Mormon religion is one of many conservative faith groups upholding theological opposition to same-sex relationships amid widespread social acceptance and the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage. At the same time, the Mormon church is trying to foster an empathetic stance toward LGBT people.

... an empathetic stance

intolerance is turning off the microphone where a 13 year old is contributing her beliefs in the open forum meant for that purpose ... the subject matter of the thread, papageogio you intransigently disregard.


history is replete with religious intolerance and the blind that would rather run away than confront the perpetrators.

I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family, which you seem to exclude. Again, your intolerance and ignorance is noted.
I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family,

the thread is not about your obsession about what you think other people are correctly portraying as the correct avenue that should have been taken, an apology you disagree with - and have either you or they apologized for the selfishness they exhibited for turning the microphone off when the 13 year old was relaying her "personal" beliefs ... and no I do not personally agree with her position but am not afraid to hear it as you are.

"in god we trust" - go skin that cat papa, leave the 13 year old alone ...

I don't need to apologize for anything. The girl did what she did and the church responded in an appropriate manner. Sorry you feel different. You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted. I don't know if the church apologized or not since I'm not a member. You also have no clue what happened after either. I haven't ever contacted the 13 year old so I have never bothered her. So take your bigotry and stuff it.
You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted.

"in god we trust"
- is that an opinion papa or are you turning off the microphone to not hear the other side ...

it is you that is short and narrow afraid to hear out the 13 year old girl in the appropriate forum by turning off her microphone and concocting some kind of excuse for your actions. you are simply wrong whether you will ever admit it or not.

I wasn't there, I don't care. The church makes the rules, you don't. If you don't like it, too bad so sad. The church was within its rights and they are working with the girl and the family. It's there's to take care of.

You keep claiming I did something.

I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.
I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.

again, it is the bigot that has to turn off the microphone as you condone ... the church does not have the blank check you have given them they owe the 13 year old girl an apology whether they own up to their mistake or not.
I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family, which you seem to exclude. Again, your intolerance and ignorance is noted.
I read the story and subsequent stories and the church is working with her and her family,

the thread is not about your obsession about what you think other people are correctly portraying as the correct avenue that should have been taken, an apology you disagree with - and have either you or they apologized for the selfishness they exhibited for turning the microphone off when the 13 year old was relaying her "personal" beliefs ... and no I do not personally agree with her position but am not afraid to hear it as you are.

"in god we trust" - go skin that cat papa, leave the 13 year old alone ...

I don't need to apologize for anything. The girl did what she did and the church responded in an appropriate manner. Sorry you feel different. You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted. I don't know if the church apologized or not since I'm not a member. You also have no clue what happened after either. I haven't ever contacted the 13 year old so I have never bothered her. So take your bigotry and stuff it.
You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted.

"in god we trust"
- is that an opinion papa or are you turning off the microphone to not hear the other side ...

it is you that is short and narrow afraid to hear out the 13 year old girl in the appropriate forum by turning off her microphone and concocting some kind of excuse for your actions. you are simply wrong whether you will ever admit it or not.

I wasn't there, I don't care. The church makes the rules, you don't. If you don't like it, too bad so sad. The church was within its rights and they are working with the girl and the family. It's there's to take care of.

You keep claiming I did something.

I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.
I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.

again, it is the bigot that has to turn off the microphone as you condone ... the church does not have the blank check you have given them they owe the 13 year old girl an apology whether they own up to their mistake or not.

Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down. Your ignorance and blame tells us you are a bigot.

Do you have anything new or are you just going to fling the same crap over and over again? You are not changing my mind and I am not wanting to change yours.
the thread is not about your obsession about what you think other people are correctly portraying as the correct avenue that should have been taken, an apology you disagree with - and have either you or they apologized for the selfishness they exhibited for turning the microphone off when the 13 year old was relaying her "personal" beliefs ... and no I do not personally agree with her position but am not afraid to hear it as you are.

"in god we trust" - go skin that cat papa, leave the 13 year old alone ...

I don't need to apologize for anything. The girl did what she did and the church responded in an appropriate manner. Sorry you feel different. You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted. I don't know if the church apologized or not since I'm not a member. You also have no clue what happened after either. I haven't ever contacted the 13 year old so I have never bothered her. So take your bigotry and stuff it.
You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted.

"in god we trust"
- is that an opinion papa or are you turning off the microphone to not hear the other side ...

it is you that is short and narrow afraid to hear out the 13 year old girl in the appropriate forum by turning off her microphone and concocting some kind of excuse for your actions. you are simply wrong whether you will ever admit it or not.

I wasn't there, I don't care. The church makes the rules, you don't. If you don't like it, too bad so sad. The church was within its rights and they are working with the girl and the family. It's there's to take care of.

You keep claiming I did something.

I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.
I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.

again, it is the bigot that has to turn off the microphone as you condone ... the church does not have the blank check you have given them they owe the 13 year old girl an apology whether they own up to their mistake or not.

Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down. Your ignorance and blame tells us you are a bigot.

Do you have anything new or are you just going to fling the same crap over and over again? You are not changing my mind and I am not wanting to change yours.
Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down.

Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice.

OP: Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice ....

- how about the OP for the thread, were they "there" ... your the bigot pap, just apologies and save face its not that hard to do.

I don't need to apologize for anything. The girl did what she did and the church responded in an appropriate manner. Sorry you feel different. You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted. I don't know if the church apologized or not since I'm not a member. You also have no clue what happened after either. I haven't ever contacted the 13 year old so I have never bothered her. So take your bigotry and stuff it.
You have nothing more than I have which is an opinion. Mine is much broader and you're is bigoted.

"in god we trust"
- is that an opinion papa or are you turning off the microphone to not hear the other side ...

it is you that is short and narrow afraid to hear out the 13 year old girl in the appropriate forum by turning off her microphone and concocting some kind of excuse for your actions. you are simply wrong whether you will ever admit it or not.

I wasn't there, I don't care. The church makes the rules, you don't. If you don't like it, too bad so sad. The church was within its rights and they are working with the girl and the family. It's there's to take care of.

You keep claiming I did something.

I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.
I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.

again, it is the bigot that has to turn off the microphone as you condone ... the church does not have the blank check you have given them they owe the 13 year old girl an apology whether they own up to their mistake or not.

Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down. Your ignorance and blame tells us you are a bigot.

Do you have anything new or are you just going to fling the same crap over and over again? You are not changing my mind and I am not wanting to change yours.
Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down.

Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice.

OP: Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice ....

- how about the OP for the thread, were they "there" ... your the bigot pap, just apologies and save face its not that hard to do.

Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.
I remember once a guy got up inthe same venue Fast and Testimony mtg.
He said there were forces in the gov. out to get us and we shouldnt pay our taxes
THEY DIDNT LET him speak again.
I don't particularly care what you think sexual orientation is or is not. Nobody is telling you not to be gay.

You think every church promotes homophobia. As a matter of fact, people have a freedom to say whatever they want and hate whoever they like, so even the very few churches that don't follow God's teachings and hate homosexuals should be allowed to do so without being punished. Much like you're allowed to hate Christians for no reason.

Here's the thing, I'm not getting a tax break to hate Christians.

The Churches are getting tax breaks to promote homophobia, and that's the problem.

"in god we trust"
- is that an opinion papa or are you turning off the microphone to not hear the other side ...

it is you that is short and narrow afraid to hear out the 13 year old girl in the appropriate forum by turning off her microphone and concocting some kind of excuse for your actions. you are simply wrong whether you will ever admit it or not.

I wasn't there, I don't care. The church makes the rules, you don't. If you don't like it, too bad so sad. The church was within its rights and they are working with the girl and the family. It's there's to take care of.

You keep claiming I did something.

I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.
I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.

again, it is the bigot that has to turn off the microphone as you condone ... the church does not have the blank check you have given them they owe the 13 year old girl an apology whether they own up to their mistake or not.

Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down. Your ignorance and blame tells us you are a bigot.

Do you have anything new or are you just going to fling the same crap over and over again? You are not changing my mind and I am not wanting to change yours.
Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down.

Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice.

OP: Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice ....

- how about the OP for the thread, were they "there" ... your the bigot pap, just apologies and save face its not that hard to do.

Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.
Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.

sorry for you pap, you haven't had anything to say the entire thread other than your lackily permissible behavior to insult a 13 year old child in her own church forum designed for the purpose of her concern - the history of christianity is a reflection of your complete incompetence and refusal to take responsibility for your actions.
I wasn't there, I don't care. The church makes the rules, you don't. If you don't like it, too bad so sad. The church was within its rights and they are working with the girl and the family. It's there's to take care of.

You keep claiming I did something.

I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.
I don't think your opinion is tolerant, and whether you admit it or not, you are a bigot.

again, it is the bigot that has to turn off the microphone as you condone ... the church does not have the blank check you have given them they owe the 13 year old girl an apology whether they own up to their mistake or not.

Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down. Your ignorance and blame tells us you are a bigot.

Do you have anything new or are you just going to fling the same crap over and over again? You are not changing my mind and I am not wanting to change yours.
Again, you weren't there, you don't know what or how it went down.

Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice.

OP: Her act shows bravery while her church shows cowardice ....

- how about the OP for the thread, were they "there" ... your the bigot pap, just apologies and save face its not that hard to do.

Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.
Yeah, his opinion is just that another bigoted opinion. Sorry breezy, you are an intolerant bigot, let me know when you have something new, otherwise we are finished. I have no time for going over the same thing all the time, especially with a bigot.

sorry for you pap, you haven't had anything to say the entire thread other than your lackily permissible behavior to insult a 13 year old child in her own church forum designed for the purpose of her concern - the history of christianity is a reflection of your complete incompetence and refusal to take responsibility for your actions.

No one insulted her, where do you come up with such nonsense. Again, you have nothing new to add.
And you seem to accept the values and behavior patterns of those who have given themselves over to acting like a group of savages they (I assume ) believe we descended from. I for one do not believe we evolved from some lower life form, nor do I wish to engage in or promote those that do. And if some "bronze-age" individuals seem to exhibit far more common sense than "modern" man, I can only suggest that is further proof of GOD!

Guy, here's the thing. Those of us who know Evolution to be true have fossils to back up our claims.

All you whackadoodles have is a book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales that includes Giants and Talking Snakes.

The thing is, the Bronze Age Book of Fairy Tales would have you kill girls for not being virgins on their wedding nights, kill your neighbors for working on Sunday, kill teenagers who mouth off to their parents, and a lot of other stuff modern people would consider barbaric, because it is.
Well, here's another thing... Those of us who know Creation and the Flood to be true have the fossil record to back up our claims (Dinosaurs seem pretty giant to me and the vast majority of fossil formation involves mud and water). Animals that die and are not swiftly buried are consumed without leaving much if anything.
No one seems to be able to honestly explain how a whale could form a fossil standing on it tail or how trees could for form fossils stretching across multiple layers of sediment except by FLOOD.

All you hedonists have are opinions founded on the ignorant notion that GOD is not in control or nonexistent; however, nature does things randomly that mortals cannot replicate.

The thing is that Christ came and freed believers from attempting to achieve salvation through the Law which is impossible. However, things would be so much enjoyable if we practiced restraint and humility and love for one another.
I don't particularly care what you think sexual orientation is or is not. Nobody is telling you not to be gay.

You think every church promotes homophobia. As a matter of fact, people have a freedom to say whatever they want and hate whoever they like, so even the very few churches that don't follow God's teachings and hate homosexuals should be allowed to do so without being punished. Much like you're allowed to hate Christians for no reason.

Here's the thing, I'm not getting a tax break to hate Christians.

The Churches are getting tax breaks to promote homophobia, and that's the problem.
Not all Christians hate a specific type of people, and you're a single person, unlike Churches, which are for public use. They make their money for operation off of donations.

Except they're not, you're misusing the word homophobia to serve your false narrative. Disagreeing with a life style and being 'afraid' of it, or hating the people who take part in it, are two very different things. In fact, I'm pretty sure that you hate Christians because you can't make that distinction.

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