Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

if human sexuality is openly condemned by the church why would her speaking openly about her own sexuality in church bother anyone if it is not that her testimony that it does not result in separation from God contradicts official church teaching?

I doubt that human sexuality is condemned by the LDS faith. I simply noted that, in Church, discussing personal sexual proclivities of any kind, is not a topic for discussion in that arena. Were there children younger than thirteen present?

I don't know what policies are in place in the LDS Church, but I know human sexuality cannot be taught/discussed before students of this age at school unless a parent signs off on it. Even then, instruction is kept on a professional level with more personal questions referred to parent or counselor.

Also, in the article the Mormons are working with her and her family privately. Which is the way it should be handled. The forum she put her sexuality out there was inappropriate, however it is understandable given that she is only 13.
Also, in the article the Mormons are working with her and her family privately. Which is the way it should be handled. The forum she put her sexuality out there was inappropriate, however it is understandable given that she is only 13.

I've worked with this age group for many years now. The first thing to know about them is that each one is in a very different place as far as sexuality is concerned. For most, thirteen is much too young to be determining their sexuality. Not for some, but for most--and I have a few very sad stories to support this. Thirteen is an age where again most (I will not say 'all') girls want to fit in somewhere.

An extreme example, if they really want to fit in with the cheer leading crowd but feel they aren't accepted there, they might turn Goth to see if they will gain acceptance there. Would they do this with sexuality? Absolutely. This is why the Mormon Church did the right thing in making this a private matter--and anyone who has worked with this age group knows it. This young lady should not be turned into a cliche of any kind.

I don't know of a single person who would seriously want to be thirteen again. I am positive you and I agree she should be allowed to grow up in peace.
if human sexuality is openly condemned by the church why would her speaking openly about her own sexuality in church bother anyone if it is not that her testimony that it does not result in separation from God contradicts official church teaching?

I doubt that human sexuality is condemned by the LDS faith. I simply noted that, in Church, discussing personal sexual proclivities of any kind, is not a topic for discussion in that arena. Were there children younger than thirteen present?

I don't know what policies are in place in the LDS Church, but I know human sexuality cannot be taught/discussed before students of this age at school unless a parent signs off on it. Even then, instruction is kept on a professional level with more personal questions referred to parent or counselor.

even so, the words were out. Obviously she was looking to receive from her congregation the love and acceptance that she felt from God. Shutting her down and then trying to get her to repent in private for her sins amounts to the exact opposite of love and acceptance.
Not all Christians hate a specific type of people, and you're a single person, unlike Churches, which are for public use. They make their money for operation off of donations.

Then they should comport to the same laws all other public use facilities operate under. A store that says, "No Blacks" or "No Gays" would be in serious trouble.

Except they're not, you're misusing the word homophobia to serve your false narrative. Disagreeing with a life style and being 'afraid' of it, or hating the people who take part in it, are two very different things. In fact, I'm pretty sure that you hate Christians because you can't make that distinction.

No, I pretty much fear Christians because they have a 2000 year history of Crusades, Inquisitions, Witch-Burning, supporting truly awful governments, molesting altar boys, suppressing science and generally passing bad laws to appease their imaginary friend in the sky.

Now, I'm not really into Game of Thrones. But I have a bunch of co-workers who just can't stop talking about it. I don't cut them off when they are talking or try to get GoT taken off the air or anything. Just not my thing.

Yet you homophobes would deny gays marriage, employment rights and so on. Worse, you keep voting in Republicans because they hate the gays just like you do and they are right with Jesus.
The church I go to allows gays in it. In fact, the vast majority of churches allow gays in them. On the other hand, if a church exists that says no gays... why would you want to be somewhere you aren't welcome?

Stores aren't Public Use, they're privately owned and turn a profit from their business. Churches accept money, they do not demand it. You're drawing false parallels.

I've already disproved every single one of those statements. The fact that you keep repeating it despite being proven wrong only goes to show you're unwilling to learn, and aren't here to debate.

While I don't personally have a problem with gay marriage, I can also see why people have a problem with it. Traditionally it's between a man and a woman. Republicans don't hate gays, you're generalizing because... well, you have been this entire time, and that's what ignorant people do. You also continue to misuse the word "Homophobe" because you're incapable of learning. As a matter of fact, the only reason I haven't put you on ignore yet is because you're so easy to prove wrong.
You nut cases sound like the islamic state. Who cares who she wants to spend her life with!

Get over it.
On the other hand, people don't go to a grocery store to buy a dress, and people don't go to a flower shop to buy a pair of shoes. Everyone is welcome in these stores, but they are not welcome to change the inventory to suit themselves. In the same way, everyone is welcome in Church, but they are not welcome to change the tenets of that faith.

That would be wonderful and stuff, if you didn't have to make these decisions until you were 18.

The problem with religion is that they start indoctrinating you into this shit when you are a child.

One of the hardest parts of being an atheist for me was overcoming over 20 years of Catholic indoctrination starting in early childhood.

So how's this for an idea? You don't tell kids about God and your religion until you are 18. Send them to a babysitter on Sunday mornings, and then only introduce them to your magic sky fairy when they are 18, when they can make a rational and reasoned decision.

Works for me.
The Law is impossible to keep. Jesus said that if a person breaks one law he has broken them all. The purpose of the Law was always to reveal that man need to depend on GOD entirely for salvation and not one's own endeavors. Only Christ perfectly kept the Law.

again, that's kind of fucked up. Setting up rules that you know that no one can possibly follow all the time, and condemning them to horrible punishments if they don't. But don't worry, if you kiss His ass enough, he'll forgive you.

So in fucked up Christian Theology, Jeffrey Dahmner goes to heaven despite cannibalizing 17 people (hope he doesn't run into any of those guys, that would be awkward!) but Anne Frank goes to hell for remaining a Jew.

Fossilization is rapid and has been demonstrated to occur quickly --- note:

no, it isn't... Clearly you don't understand science.
Also, in the article the Mormons are working with her and her family privately. Which is the way it should be handled. The forum she put her sexuality out there was inappropriate, however it is understandable given that she is only 13.

Yes, "Working Privately" means, "Intimidating them with ostracization".

Seriously, dude, maybe you should look into what the LDS Mormon Scum do to those who disagree with the faith.

While I don't personally have a problem with gay marriage, I can also see why people have a problem with it. Traditionally it's between a man and a woman. Republicans don't hate gays, you're generalizing because... well, you have been this entire time, and that's what ignorant people do.

"While I personally don't have a problem with interracial marriage, I can see why people have a problem with it."

Okay, when you put it that way, you see how silly it sounds.

Republican leaders don't hate gays, but they are happy to play on homophobia to get votes. Hey, remember in 2004, when George W. Stupid was all about passing a constitutional marriage amendment? How'd that work out. Hint. He didn't even introduce the legislation. Now gay marriage is legal in all 50 states.

You also continue to misuse the word "Homophobe" because you're incapable of learning.

I use it perfectly fine to describe people like you.

On the other hand, if a church exists that says no gays... why would you want to be somewhere you aren't welcome?

I wouldn't. But I don't want that church out there spreading hate under the premise that God demands it. YANK THEIR FUCKING TAX EXEMPTIONS. They should be HAPPY to pay their taxes if they think their Imaginary Sky Friend is against the gay that bad.

Stores aren't Public Use, they're privately owned and turn a profit from their business. Churches accept money, they do not demand it. You're drawing false parallels.

The only difference between a church and a store is that a store sells REAL goods, while Churches sell BULLSHIT. "Give us money,a nd you'll get into heaven." The Mormons are the worst, they demand tithes.
That would be wonderful and stuff, if you didn't have to make these decisions until you were 18.

The problem with religion is that they start indoctrinating you into this shit when you are a child.

One of the hardest parts of being an atheist for me was overcoming over 20 years of Catholic indoctrination starting in early childhood.

So how's this for an idea? You don't tell kids about God and your religion until you are 18. Send them to a babysitter on Sunday mornings, and then only introduce them to your magic sky fairy when they are 18, when they can make a rational and reasoned decision.

Works for me.

My husband and I had the conversation when we became engaged. He's an atheist--by the time he was born his family had stopped practicing any religion. I am Catholic. He said, "Let's not introduce any children to religion--and let them decide when they are eighteen." I responded. "That's fine if we don't introduce any children to football--and then let them decide when they are eighteen."

My parents raised eight children Catholic. Two of us have remained faithful Catholics are entire life. One might be described as a sometimes Catholic, and the other five gave it up shortly after leaving home and never looked back. There is a huge difference between those five and you. None of them are angry. All of them were fine with being raised by Catholic parents, just decided religion wasn't needed in their adult lives.

Why are you so angry? How would your life be different had you not been raised by Catholics?
My husband and I had the conversation when we became engaged. He's an atheist--by the time he was born his family had stopped practicing any religion. I am Catholic. He said, "Let's not introduce any children to religion--and let them decide when they are eighteen." I responded. "That's fine if we don't introduce any children to football--and then let them decide when they are eighteen."

Given the amount of damage football does to people's brains (which is why white folks don't let their kids try out for teams anymore) that would probably be a good idea.

My parents raised eight children Catholic. Two of us have remained faithful Catholics are entire life. One might be described as a sometimes Catholic, and the other five gave it up shortly after leaving home and never looked back. There is a huge difference between those five and you. None of them are angry. All of them were fine with being raised by Catholic parents, just decided religion wasn't needed in their adult lives.

Why are you so angry? How would your life be different had you not been raised by Catholics?

I'm angry because these cocksuckers lied to me for 12 years.

My life would have been a lot better had I never been exposed to these creeps and their fucked up religion.

You see, the only reason I care about the gay marriage thing. It pisses religious people off. Therefore it is inherently good, anything that pisses these assholes off.
I'm angry because these cocksuckers lied to me for 12 years.

Specifically, what are some of the lies they told you? (Lies being defined as they knew what they were telling you was untrue, but lied anyway.)

Were they lying to you, or were they sharing their beliefs? My Mom and Dad shared many of their beliefs: Basketball is the greatest sport, roses are the most beautiful flower, math is the best, bridge the best card game etc. I did not share any of these beliefs, but I certainly don't believe my parents were lying to me simply because I did not grow up to share these beliefs.

My life would have been a lot better had I never been exposed to these creeps and their fucked up religion.

Yet others, myself included, testify our lives would have likely been a shambles if not for the inspiration of this beautiful religion and the people who lived it. Specifically, how did Catholicism ruin your life? What would you have done differently, and how did Catholicism prevent you from doing it differently?

You see, the only reason I care about the gay marriage thing. It pisses religious people off. Therefore it is inherently good, anything that pisses these assholes off.

Isn't it a little bit tiring to be so angry all the time that you actually hunt for things to express how angry you are?
Specifically, what are some of the lies they told you? (Lies being defined as they knew what they were telling you was untrue, but lied anyway.)

That there's a God.
That Jesus existed
That God answers prayers.


But it gets better- They lied about their role in molesting altar boys, collaborating iwth the Nazis, etc.

Yet others, myself included, testify our lives would have likely been a shambles if not for the inspiration of this beautiful religion and the people who lived it. Specifically, how did Catholicism ruin your life? What would you have done differently, and how did Catholicism prevent you from doing it differently?

Well, I wouldn't have to struggle with unnecessary guilt over having plain old feelings. There's that.

Isn't it a little bit tiring to be so angry all the time that you actually hunt for things to express how angry you are?

I have enough energy to spend time on it. And I never get tired of pissing off the bible thumping assholes.
That there's a God.
That Jesus existed
That God answers prayers.


To sum up: When you don't share the beliefs of another, they are the ones who are lying.

But it gets better- They lied about their role in molesting altar boys, collaborating iwth the Nazis, etc.

History doesn't see either of these issues as cut and dried. The vast majority of Catholic priests had nothing to do with either.

Well, I wouldn't have to struggle with unnecessary guilt over having plain old feelings. There's that.

That's funny. As if my grandfather, uncle, husband and the atheists in his family never had to struggle with unnecessary guilt over having plain old feelings! I can't hold a candle to some of them.

I have enough energy to spend time on it. And I never get tired of pissing off the bible thumping assholes.

Well good luck with that. I suspect the majority feel as I do: When not amused at the tantrums, overwhelmed with pity. Most atheists I know are at peace with themselves and with people who believe. If you want the good fight, have fun with that. If you want peace, I hope you find it. (And yes, it goes without saying that you pity people who hold religious beliefs.)
Lies being defined as they knew what they were telling you was untrue, but lied anyway.

Lies being defined as they knew what they were telling you was untrue, and lied purposely.

the 4th century christian bible, you are an example of their duplicity ... history from the 4th century to the present day is a record of their maleficence ...

the malfeasance of selectivity in an open forum for Spiritual discussion.

your digression is noted.
the 4th century christian bible, you are an example of their duplicity ... history from the 4th century to the present day is a record of their maleficence ...

the malfeasance of selectivity in an open forum for Spiritual discussion.

your digression is noted.

:badgrin: Talk about a change of topic! (Albeit one you bring up regularly.) Until you study the first three centuries, your leap into the fourth century lacks a foundation. You might be able to ignore about four hundred years of history and practice, but I cannot, and therefore I don't see you and I being able to have a meaningful discussion on this.

As for what Joe and I were discussing: I wanted to know what he considered a lie. It appears his parents/Church told him something they believe is absolute truth, but Joe disagrees with this belief. I see a disagreement over beliefs quite differently from a lie. Joe still sees it as a lie. That's fine, and now I see more clearly the perspective from which each of us start.
It appears his parents/Church told him something they believe is absolute truth, but Joe disagrees with this belief. I see a disagreement over beliefs quite differently from a lie. Joe still sees it as a lie. That's fine, and now I see more clearly the perspective from which each of us start.


you can't get around the fact that any belief that is not true is a lie.

If you ate all the eucharists and drank all the communion wine in the world you couldn't change that..
To sum up: When you don't share the beliefs of another, they are the ones who are lying.

No, when they spread obvious lies, they are the ones who are lying.

My beliefs, on the other hand, can be scienfitically measured and tested.

Here's what we ought to do. Throw every priest out the window of the top floor of the Empire State Building. See if God catches any of them on the way down. I'm willing to bet he won't is he won't.

History doesn't see either of these issues as cut and dried. The vast majority of Catholic priests had nothing to do with either.

Actually, the Pope was in bed with the Nazis, and the sexual abuse of altar boys was heavily documented.

That's the fucked up church you belong to...

(And yes, it goes without saying that you pity people who hold religious beliefs.)

No, I don't "pity" them. I have contempt for them, and I want to make sure they are NEVER, EVER in a position to make decisions that affect me.

Beyond that, they can all go fuck themselves.
No, when they spread obvious lies, they are the ones who are lying.

My beliefs, on the other hand, can be scienfitically measured and tested.

Religion is a philosophy, not a science. Science has no more to do with philosophy than it has to do with conjugating sentences in English class. Do you spend a lot of time on Science Forums?
My parents raised eight children Catholic. Two of us have remained faithful Catholics are entire life. One might be described as a sometimes Catholic, and the other five gave it up shortly after leaving home and never looked back. There is a huge difference between those five and you. None of them are angry. All of them were fine with being raised by Catholic parents, just decided religion wasn't needed in their adult lives.

Why are you so angry? How would your life be different had you not been raised by Catholics?

That kind of anger usually comes from one cause—someone who has willfully made what he knows to be an evil choice, and who is angry at those who will not agree with that choice. Rather obviously, at some crucial point in his like JoeB131 chose to do something that he knew was wrong, that he knew would have very bad consequences; his church tried to warn him away from that choice, his parents tried to warn him away from that choice, but he refused to listen, and made that bad choice anyway. In true LIbEral form, he now blames the bad results of his bad choice on those who tried to warn him.
Specifically, what are some of the lies they told you? (Lies being defined as they knew what they were telling you was untrue, but lied anyway.)

That there's a God.
That Jesus existed
That God answers prayers.


God is real. I have directly experienced his influence in my life.

Jesus is real. I have experienced his influence, and I know what he has sacrificed for me, for you, and for all of Mankind. He wants to save you, but he will not do it against your will. If you choose to reject his sacrifice and his salvation, then you have only yourself to blame for where this rejection will eventually lead you.

God has, on occasion, answered my prayers. The answers are not always what I expect, or what I want, but they are genuine.

It is not too late form you. You still have the choice to turn away from the evil, the madness, the anger, and the hate that has consumed you. You can repent of your sins, and accept the salvation that Jesus offers; or you can cling to your sins, and be dragged down to your final dark fate.

The choice is yours.

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