Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

No, you ignorant twat, God killed them for trying to rape his angels. Derp!

God saved Lot and what family came with him for protecting the angels.

Except God was talking about obliterating Sodom long before they raped any angels. And how would you rape an angel, anyway? Does an angel have a butthole? Also, no one in Gomorrah tried to rape an angel, so why did they all get destroyed?

And given that God turned Mrs. Lot into a pillar of salt, he did a shitty job of that.

^This proves you are bat guano, k?

Get back with me when you're rational. Until then, (which will be never) wallow in your ignorance.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 19 - King James Version
Get back with me when you're rational. Until then, (which will be never) wallow in your ignorance.

typical whipped christian having nothing but their back side showing while sliding into the abyss ...

Typical leftist mental midget without a lick of sense. Let me know when you are capable of
deduction, okay?
Typical leftist mental midget without a lick of sense. Let me know when you are capable of
deduction, okay?

what is there to deduct that isn't already known ... the 13 year old was just having some fun, your type just can't stand a free Spirit. nothing new there.
God demands no sacrifice from Jepthah. You just keep repeating it because you were proven wrong.

Well, no, the only reason why he went through with the burnt offering was because he had made a vow. He and his daughter were so terrified at the potential consequences of not following through on the vow that they went along with it. You know, instead of spending 30 days "Running like Hell", she spent 30 days bewailing her virginity.
All of which could have been remedied by, you know, not screwing up in the first place. Of course, that would go against the mantra you follow; Screwing up and then blaming everyone but yourself. It's not God's fault Jepthah made poor decisions. In fact, annual crying took place, and a statue was erected to remind people not to make rash vows.
David handed them over to the Gibeonites for revenge, not for a sacrifice. They were killed because of the actions of Saul, not sacrificed. Maybe you should learn how to read before 'debating' on an internet forum.

But the only reason why he handed them over was because- wait for it - God had inflicted a FAMINE on Israel. He let people be killed to appease an angry God. Human sacrifice.
He did it so that Saul's family would be killed. It was not a sacrifice, it was an execution. If they were offered as a sacrifice, they'd have been burned, however the Bible specifies that they were hanged. Not that you care about facts in the first place.
God demands no sacrifice here, either, the Lord's bounty was given to Eleazar, the priest. You're making it clearer and clearer that your criticism comes from a place of ignorance, and you've never actually read the book.

What do you think Eleazar did to these women? did you think he kept a little harem (when God went around killing people who had sex with other tribes.)
He likely kept them as servants. If they were sacrificed, it would have said they were sacrificed, instead of specifically stating that God's bounty went to Eleazar, the priest. Oh, and human sacrifice was against the law. There's that.
All of these passages indicate that human sacrifice was probably as common amongst the Hebrews as their neighbors, until someone went back and retconned most of it.

Deuteronomy 18:10 ESV /
There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering

2 Kings 21:6 ESV /

And he burned his son as an offering and used fortune-telling and omens and dealt with mediums and with necromancers. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger.

2 Kings 3:27 ESV /

Then he took his oldest son who was to reign in his place and offered him for a burnt offering on the wall. And there came great wrath against Israel. And they withdrew from him and returned to their own land.

Jeremiah 7:31 ESV /
And they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, nor did it come into my mind.

Deuteronomy 12:31 ESV /

You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way, for every abominable thing that the Lord hates they have done for their gods, for they even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods.

Hosea 6:6 ESV /

For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.

Jeremiah 32:35 ESV /
They built the high places of Baal in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to offer up their sons and daughters to Molech, though I did not command them, nor did it enter into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.

God never commands, nor approves of human sacrifice, and numerous times through the Bible says that it's an abomination, and a sin. Of course, if you ever bothered to read the Bible, or in any way remotely intellectually honest, or ever cared about being informed, or cared what was or was not fact, you'd have known that. On the other hand, you're a man who approves of genocide against those he disagrees with. Are you done embarrassing yourself yet, or are you going to continue on through this week as well?
All of which could have been remedied by, you know, not screwing up in the first place. Of course, that would go against the mantra you follow; Screwing up and then blaming everyone but yourself. It's not God's fault Jepthah made poor decisions. In fact, annual crying took place, and a statue was erected to remind people not to make rash vows.

Except there wasn't a statue, and in fact, Hebrews are forbidden from making graven images.

He did it so that Saul's family would be killed. It was not a sacrifice, it was an execution. If they were offered as a sacrifice, they'd have been burned, however the Bible specifies that they were hanged. Not that you care about facts in the first place.

David turns Sauls family over to be killed.
God lifts a famine.
Sounds like a sacrifice to me.

Look, I know you spend a lot of time rationalizing the behavior of an imaginary sky fairy. Kind of like battered housewife rationalizes those two black eyes she got. ("Bitch, I done told you twice!")

But the Bible God is a monster, at least in the Old Testament.
All of which could have been remedied by, you know, not screwing up in the first place. Of course, that would go against the mantra you follow; Screwing up and then blaming everyone but yourself. It's not God's fault Jepthah made poor decisions. In fact, annual crying took place, and a statue was erected to remind people not to make rash vows.

Except there wasn't a statue, and in fact, Hebrews are forbidden from making graven images.

He did it so that Saul's family would be killed. It was not a sacrifice, it was an execution. If they were offered as a sacrifice, they'd have been burned, however the Bible specifies that they were hanged. Not that you care about facts in the first place.

David turns Sauls family over to be killed.
God lifts a famine.
Sounds like a sacrifice to me.

Look, I know you spend a lot of time rationalizing the behavior of an imaginary sky fairy. Kind of like battered housewife rationalizes those two black eyes she got. ("Bitch, I done told you twice!")

But the Bible God is a monster, at least in the Old Testament.
The LORD of the Bible is living and caring. Those that were killed were on the path to destroying everything. The "innocent" you are attempting to support were burning their unwanted babies alive on idols. They were engaged in the most beastly forms of sexuality. They worshiped materialism, and they assaulted the prophets GOD sent to warn them. Actually sounds a lot like the world today!
All of which could have been remedied by, you know, not screwing up in the first place. Of course, that would go against the mantra you follow; Screwing up and then blaming everyone but yourself. It's not God's fault Jepthah made poor decisions. In fact, annual crying took place, and a statue was erected to remind people not to make rash vows.

Except there wasn't a statue, and in fact, Hebrews are forbidden from making graven images.
In other words, you acknowledge the rest of what I said is correct. Good enough.
He did it so that Saul's family would be killed. It was not a sacrifice, it was an execution. If they were offered as a sacrifice, they'd have been burned, however the Bible specifies that they were hanged. Not that you care about facts in the first place.

David turns Sauls family over to be killed.
God lifts a famine.
Sounds like a sacrifice to me.

Look, I know you spend a lot of time rationalizing the behavior of an imaginary sky fairy. Kind of like battered housewife rationalizes those two black eyes she got. ("Bitch, I done told you twice!")

But the Bible God is a monster, at least in the Old Testament.
It sounds like a sacrifice to you, because you're desperately trying to justify your hatred. God only accepts burnt offerings, they were hung. God wanted them dead, not sacrificed. He also wouldn't have told his people not to sacrifice humans if he wanted them to sacrifice humans.

Old Testament God is strict, not a monster. Even in that case, he overlooks numerous wrongdoings for the sake of his people.
The LORD of the Bible is living and caring. Those that were killed were on the path to destroying everything. The "innocent" you are attempting to support were burning their unwanted babies alive on idols. They were engaged in the most beastly forms of sexuality. They worshiped materialism, and they assaulted the prophets GOD sent to warn them. Actually sounds a lot like the world today!

Except the Bible doesn't say they were doing that in Sodom. IN fact, the only thing they did in Sodom was ask the identity of two strangers and refuse an offer to gang rape two women.

At no time did the two angels try to warn the people of Sodom...

At least not according to Genesis 19, anyway.

In other words, you acknowledge the rest of what I said is correct. Good enough.

No, I just got bored with contradicting your ignorance. DO you people even read your book of superstitions?

t sounds like a sacrifice to you, because you're desperately trying to justify your hatred. God only accepts burnt offerings, they were hung. God wanted them dead, not sacrificed. He also wouldn't have told his people not to sacrifice humans if he wanted them to sacrifice humans.

He didn't tell anyone anything because he didn't exist. What you get in the bible is probably a lot of "ret-conning". It when you go back to an existing story and change parts of it to make it more consistant to where you are now.

The Hebrews probably did as much human sacrificing as any other bronze age culture. Then when they got a little more civilized, they went back and edited their holy books... but they missed a few spots.
The LORD of the Bible is living and caring. Those that were killed were on the path to destroying everything. The "innocent" you are attempting to support were burning their unwanted babies alive on idols. They were engaged in the most beastly forms of sexuality. They worshiped materialism, and they assaulted the prophets GOD sent to warn them. Actually sounds a lot like the world today!

Except the Bible doesn't say they were doing that in Sodom. IN fact, the only thing they did in Sodom was ask the identity of two strangers and refuse an offer to gang rape two women.

At no time did the two angels try to warn the people of Sodom...

At least not according to Genesis 19, anyway.
That's because the people of Sodom and Gamorrah were rapists and murderers.

Genesis 19:4-5 4Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom-both young and old-surrounded the house. 5They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

They were going to break down Lot's door so they could rape what, in their eyes, were random guys.

9“Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door.

10But the men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house and shut the door. 11Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness so that they could not find the door.

Again, you clearly haven't read the Bible.
In other words, you acknowledge the rest of what I said is correct. Good enough.

No, I just got bored with contradicting your ignorance. DO you people even read your book of superstitions?
Says the guy who claimed Sodom was innocent. I've corrected you numerous times though this discussion, you're only pretending to have read the Bible.
t sounds like a sacrifice to you, because you're desperately trying to justify your hatred. God only accepts burnt offerings, they were hung. God wanted them dead, not sacrificed. He also wouldn't have told his people not to sacrifice humans if he wanted them to sacrifice humans.

He didn't tell anyone anything because he didn't exist. What you get in the bible is probably a lot of "ret-conning". It when you go back to an existing story and change parts of it to make it more consistant to where you are now.

The Hebrews probably did as much human sacrificing as any other bronze age culture. Then when they got a little more civilized, they went back and edited their holy books... but they missed a few spots.
I like how many links you provided to enforce this 'theory'. You're falling back on "EXCEPT IT DIDN'T EXIST" now that I've been intellectually curb-stomping you for roughly a week.

If you don't believe, then don't believe. If you were secure in your conviction, you wouldn't care how many people believed differently from you. I think you're trolling 'the religious', hoping to reassure yourself.

My argument was never that God exists, I don't particularly care what your personal belief, or lack thereof, is. My argument from the very beginning was that you shouldn't group people up, and then hate them based on characteristics you assume they have, because not all people are alike, in general or based on subgroups they claim to be a part of. Wishing death upon, or being fine with the deaths of, people simply because you disagree with them is sick.

Now that we've come full circle, thanks for derailing the thread so many times, by the way, I'll give you another chance. Are you going to back out or keep embarrassing yourself? I'm sure you have other threads you can embarrass yourself in just as easily.
The LORD of the Bible is living and caring. Those that were killed were on the path to destroying everything. The "innocent" you are attempting to support were burning their unwanted babies alive on idols. They were engaged in the most beastly forms of sexuality. They worshiped materialism, and they assaulted the prophets GOD sent to warn them. Actually sounds a lot like the world today!

Except the Bible doesn't say they were doing that in Sodom. IN fact, the only thing they did in Sodom was ask the identity of two strangers and refuse an offer to gang rape two women.

At no time did the two angels try to warn the people of Sodom...

At least not according to Genesis 19, anyway.

In other words, you acknowledge the rest of what I said is correct. Good enough.

No, I just got bored with contradicting your ignorance. DO you people even read your book of superstitions?

t sounds like a sacrifice to you, because you're desperately trying to justify your hatred. God only accepts burnt offerings, they were hung. God wanted them dead, not sacrificed. He also wouldn't have told his people not to sacrifice humans if he wanted them to sacrifice humans.

He didn't tell anyone anything because he didn't exist. What you get in the bible is probably a lot of "ret-conning". It when you go back to an existing story and change parts of it to make it more consistant to where you are now.

The Hebrews probably did as much human sacrificing as any other bronze age culture. Then when they got a little more civilized, they went back and edited their holy books... but they missed a few spots.

The LORD of the Bible is living and caring. Those that were killed were on the path to destroying everything. The "innocent" you are attempting to support were burning their unwanted babies alive on idols. They were engaged in the most beastly forms of sexuality. They worshiped materialism, and they assaulted the prophets GOD sent to warn them. Actually sounds a lot like the world today!

Except the Bible doesn't say they were doing that in Sodom. IN fact, the only thing they did in Sodom was ask the identity of two strangers and refuse an offer to gang rape two women.

At no time did the two angels try to warn the people of Sodom...

At least not according to Genesis 19, anyway.
That's because the people of Sodom and Gamorrah were rapists and murderers.

Genesis 19:4-5 4Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom-both young and old-surrounded the house. 5They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

They were going to break down Lot's door so they could rape what, in their eyes, were random guys.

9“Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door.

10But the men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house and shut the door. 11Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness so that they could not find the door.

Again, you clearly haven't read the Bible.
In other words, you acknowledge the rest of what I said is correct. Good enough.

No, I just got bored with contradicting your ignorance. DO you people even read your book of superstitions?
Says the guy who claimed Sodom was innocent. I've corrected you numerous times though this discussion, you're only pretending to have read the Bible.
t sounds like a sacrifice to you, because you're desperately trying to justify your hatred. God only accepts burnt offerings, they were hung. God wanted them dead, not sacrificed. He also wouldn't have told his people not to sacrifice humans if he wanted them to sacrifice humans.

He didn't tell anyone anything because he didn't exist. What you get in the bible is probably a lot of "ret-conning". It when you go back to an existing story and change parts of it to make it more consistant to where you are now.

The Hebrews probably did as much human sacrificing as any other bronze age culture. Then when they got a little more civilized, they went back and edited their holy books... but they missed a few spots.
I like how many links you provided to enforce this 'theory'. You're falling back on "EXCEPT IT DIDN'T EXIST" now that I've been intellectually curb-stomping you for roughly a week.

If you don't believe, then don't believe. If you were secure in your conviction, you wouldn't care how many people believed differently from you. I think you're trolling 'the religious', hoping to reassure yourself.

My argument was never that God exists, I don't particularly care what your personal belief, or lack thereof, is. My argument from the very beginning was that you shouldn't group people up, and then hate them based on characteristics you assume they have, because not all people are alike, in general or based on subgroups they claim to be a part of. Wishing death upon, or being fine with the deaths of, people simply because you disagree with them is sick.

Now that we've come full circle, thanks for derailing the thread so many times, by the way, I'll give you another chance. Are you going to back out or keep embarrassing yourself? I'm sure you have other threads you can embarrass yourself in just as easily.

Unlike you I do care what you believe since you lack any support for your false interpretation of the Bible.
Genesis 19:1-11 Common English Bible

1 The two messengers entered Sodom in the evening. Lot, who was sitting at the gate of Sodom, saw them, got up to greet them, and bowed low. 2 He said, “Come to your servant’s house, spend the night, and wash your feet. Then you can get up early and go on your way.”

But they said, “No, we will spend the night in the town square.” 3 He pleaded earnestly with them, so they went with him and entered his house. He made a big meal for them, even baking unleavened bread, and they ate.
4 Before they went to bed, the men of the city of Sodom—everyone from the youngest to the oldest—surrounded the house 5 and called to Lot, “Where are the men who arrived tonight? Bring them out to us so that we may have sex with them.

6 Lot went out toward the entrance, closed the door behind him, 7 and said, “My brothers, don’t do such an evil thing. 8 I’ve got two daughters who are virgins. Let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them whatever you wish. But don’t do anything to these men because they are now under the protection of my roof.”

9 They said, “Get out of the way!” And they continued, “Does this immigrant want to judge us? Now we will hurt you more than we will hurt them.” They pushed Lot back and came close to breaking down the door. 10 The men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house with them and slammed the door. 11 Then the messengers blinded the men near the entrance of the house, from the youngest to the oldest, so that they groped around trying to find the entrance.
Last edited:
That's because the people of Sodom and Gamorrah were rapists and murderers.

Genesis 19:4-5 4Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom-both young and old-surrounded the house. 5They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

You see, here's the problem with that. That's only one translation.

The typical translation is "so we may know them".

the word "to know" being "Yada" in the original hebrew, which can or can not mean having sex. In every other context where it is used in a sexual manner, it refers to heterosexual sex. Every other reference to gay sex does not use this word.

So alternate interpretation. The people of Sodom, who had just fought off an invasion mentioned in Gen 14, were wary of strangers coming into their town and visiting this other stranger. they wanted to know who these guys were. And here's creepy ass Lot offering his daughters for a gang bang.
I like how many links you provided to enforce this 'theory'. You're falling back on "EXCEPT IT DIDN'T EXIST" now that I've been intellectually curb-stomping you for roughly a week.

Yeah, citing a book with Talking Snakes and Giants in it as evidence is hardly providing evidence. Just saying.

My argument from the very beginning was that you shouldn't group people up, and then hate them based on characteristics you assume they have, because not all people are alike, in general or based on subgroups they claim to be a part of. Wishing death upon, or being fine with the deaths of, people simply because you disagree with them is sick.

again, I'm grouping people who want to impose their intolerance and sexual hangups on the rest of us, and use the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales as an excuse.

Now that we've come full circle, thanks for derailing the thread so many times, by the way, I'll give you another chance. Are you going to back out or keep embarrassing yourself? I'm sure you have other threads you can embarrass yourself in just as easily.

Naw, I'm enjoying watching your dumb bible-thumping ass get upset.
I like how many links you provided to enforce this 'theory'. You're falling back on "EXCEPT IT DIDN'T EXIST" now that I've been intellectually curb-stomping you for roughly a week.

Yeah, citing a book with Talking Snakes and Giants in it as evidence is hardly providing evidence. Just saying.

My argument from the very beginning was that you shouldn't group people up, and then hate them based on characteristics you assume they have, because not all people are alike, in general or based on subgroups they claim to be a part of. Wishing death upon, or being fine with the deaths of, people simply because you disagree with them is sick.

again, I'm grouping people who want to impose their intolerance and sexual hangups on the rest of us, and use the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales as an excuse.

Now that we've come full circle, thanks for derailing the thread so many times, by the way, I'll give you another chance. Are you going to back out or keep embarrassing yourself? I'm sure you have other threads you can embarrass yourself in just as easily.

Naw, I'm enjoying watching your dumb bible-thumping ass get upset.
And you seem to accept the values and behavior patterns of those who have given themselves over to acting like a group of savages they (I assume ) believe we descended from. I for one do not believe we evolved from some lower life form, nor do I wish to engage in or promote those that do. And if some "bronze-age" individuals seem to exhibit far more common sense than "modern" man, I can only suggest that is further proof of GOD!
Bereshis 19:1-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible
19 And there came two malachim to Sodom at erev; and Lot sat in the sha’ar Sodom; and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;

2 And he said, Hinei, adonai (my masters), turn in, now, into the bais avdechem, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Lo; but we will abide the night in the rekhov.

3 And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his bais; and he made them a mishteh (meal, feast), and did bake matzot, and they did eat.

4 But before they lay down, the men of the Ir, even the anshei Sodom, surrounded the bais, from na’ar to zeken, all the people from every quarter [of the city];

5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the anashim which came in to thee halailah (this night)? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them [carnally].

6 And Lot went outside unto them, and shut the delet after him,

7 And said, Now, achai (my brethren), do not so wickedly.

8 Hinei now, I have two banot which have not known man; now let me bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes; only unto these anashim do nothing; for therefore came they under the tzel (shadow) of my korah (beam, roof).

9 And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn as a ger (alien), and he will now play the shofet; now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed strongly upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break down the delet.

10 But the anashim put forth their yad, and pulled Lot into the bais to them, and shut the delet.

11 And they struck the men that were at the petach of the bais with blindness, both katan and gadol; so that they wearied themselves to find the petach.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all. They are not encouraged to read the Bible even by "public" educators. And that is why so may nonbelievers are clueless when it come to biblical fact vs. fiction made up by someone who hates GOD and is trying to sell his own hedonism as enlightenment. Just another reason why so many students today can be lead around like a heard of mindless cattle for propagation, drinking/gluttony, and finally the slaughter.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all. They are not encouraged to read the Bible even by "public" educators. And that is why so may nonbelievers are clueless when it come to biblical fact vs. fiction made up by someone who hates GOD and is trying to sell his own hedonism as enlightenment. Just another reason why so many students today can be lead around like a heard of mindless cattle for propagation, drinking/gluttony, and finally the slaughter.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all.

the history of the people who have read your 4th century bible from that time to the present of oppression and despotism is why today they see no reason to be enticed by its underlying prurient political appeal disguised as a religion ... rewriting that book should be the foremost objective for anyone claiming to be religious and to desire an extended life dwelling in the Everlasting.

this thread has been a perfect example of christian maleficence and intolerance.
That's because the people of Sodom and Gamorrah were rapists and murderers.

Genesis 19:4-5 4Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom-both young and old-surrounded the house. 5They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

You see, here's the problem with that. That's only one translation.

The typical translation is "so we may know them".

the word "to know" being "Yada" in the original hebrew, which can or can not mean having sex. In every other context where it is used in a sexual manner, it refers to heterosexual sex. Every other reference to gay sex does not use this word.

So alternate interpretation. The people of Sodom, who had just fought off an invasion mentioned in Gen 14, were wary of strangers coming into their town and visiting this other stranger. they wanted to know who these guys were. And here's creepy ass Lot offering his daughters for a gang bang.
Considering they used a word that usually means sex, and Lot responded by saying they can gang rape his daughters, it's pretty clear they meant rape. The word "Sodomize" came from somewhere, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't from meeting people. Not to mention they moved to break down the door, and only being blinded stopped them. If they simply wanted to meet the two strangers, I don't think they'd have threatened Lot and went to bust down the door. Then again, logic isn't your strong point.
I like how many links you provided to enforce this 'theory'. You're falling back on "EXCEPT IT DIDN'T EXIST" now that I've been intellectually curb-stomping you for roughly a week.

Yeah, citing a book with Talking Snakes and Giants in it as evidence is hardly providing evidence. Just saying.
Again, I wasn't trying to prove God exists, you were claiming religion is evil, and I was explaining the holy book of said religion because you had never read it before. Besides, you started pointing to the bible first.
My argument from the very beginning was that you shouldn't group people up, and then hate them based on characteristics you assume they have, because not all people are alike, in general or based on subgroups they claim to be a part of. Wishing death upon, or being fine with the deaths of, people simply because you disagree with them is sick.

again, I'm grouping people who want to impose their intolerance and sexual hangups on the rest of us, and use the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales as an excuse.
They don't. The Bible commands Christians to love everyone. Christians want to peacefully introduce the Bible to people, not change their sexuality. In most cases, the second comes with the first. Whether or not one becomes a Christian is a choice, so nobody is preventing you from being a homosexual.
Now that we've come full circle, thanks for derailing the thread so many times, by the way, I'll give you another chance. Are you going to back out or keep embarrassing yourself? I'm sure you have other threads you can embarrass yourself in just as easily.

Naw, I'm enjoying watching your dumb bible-thumping ass get upset.
Quite the assumption, there. I'm not upset, and haven't been upset the entire time. It takes more than what you've got to upset me. In fact, I quite enjoy showing everyone who reads this thread how ignorant you are.
The LORD of the Bible is living and caring. Those that were killed were on the path to destroying everything. The "innocent" you are attempting to support were burning their unwanted babies alive on idols. They were engaged in the most beastly forms of sexuality. They worshiped materialism, and they assaulted the prophets GOD sent to warn them. Actually sounds a lot like the world today!

Except the Bible doesn't say they were doing that in Sodom. IN fact, the only thing they did in Sodom was ask the identity of two strangers and refuse an offer to gang rape two women.

At no time did the two angels try to warn the people of Sodom...

At least not according to Genesis 19, anyway.

In other words, you acknowledge the rest of what I said is correct. Good enough.

No, I just got bored with contradicting your ignorance. DO you people even read your book of superstitions?

t sounds like a sacrifice to you, because you're desperately trying to justify your hatred. God only accepts burnt offerings, they were hung. God wanted them dead, not sacrificed. He also wouldn't have told his people not to sacrifice humans if he wanted them to sacrifice humans.

He didn't tell anyone anything because he didn't exist. What you get in the bible is probably a lot of "ret-conning". It when you go back to an existing story and change parts of it to make it more consistant to where you are now.

The Hebrews probably did as much human sacrificing as any other bronze age culture. Then when they got a little more civilized, they went back and edited their holy books... but they missed a few spots.

The LORD of the Bible is living and caring. Those that were killed were on the path to destroying everything. The "innocent" you are attempting to support were burning their unwanted babies alive on idols. They were engaged in the most beastly forms of sexuality. They worshiped materialism, and they assaulted the prophets GOD sent to warn them. Actually sounds a lot like the world today!

Except the Bible doesn't say they were doing that in Sodom. IN fact, the only thing they did in Sodom was ask the identity of two strangers and refuse an offer to gang rape two women.

At no time did the two angels try to warn the people of Sodom...

At least not according to Genesis 19, anyway.
That's because the people of Sodom and Gamorrah were rapists and murderers.

Genesis 19:4-5 4Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom-both young and old-surrounded the house. 5They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

They were going to break down Lot's door so they could rape what, in their eyes, were random guys.

9“Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door.

10But the men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house and shut the door. 11Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness so that they could not find the door.

Again, you clearly haven't read the Bible.
In other words, you acknowledge the rest of what I said is correct. Good enough.

No, I just got bored with contradicting your ignorance. DO you people even read your book of superstitions?
Says the guy who claimed Sodom was innocent. I've corrected you numerous times though this discussion, you're only pretending to have read the Bible.
t sounds like a sacrifice to you, because you're desperately trying to justify your hatred. God only accepts burnt offerings, they were hung. God wanted them dead, not sacrificed. He also wouldn't have told his people not to sacrifice humans if he wanted them to sacrifice humans.

He didn't tell anyone anything because he didn't exist. What you get in the bible is probably a lot of "ret-conning". It when you go back to an existing story and change parts of it to make it more consistant to where you are now.

The Hebrews probably did as much human sacrificing as any other bronze age culture. Then when they got a little more civilized, they went back and edited their holy books... but they missed a few spots.
I like how many links you provided to enforce this 'theory'. You're falling back on "EXCEPT IT DIDN'T EXIST" now that I've been intellectually curb-stomping you for roughly a week.

If you don't believe, then don't believe. If you were secure in your conviction, you wouldn't care how many people believed differently from you. I think you're trolling 'the religious', hoping to reassure yourself.

My argument was never that God exists, I don't particularly care what your personal belief, or lack thereof, is. My argument from the very beginning was that you shouldn't group people up, and then hate them based on characteristics you assume they have, because not all people are alike, in general or based on subgroups they claim to be a part of. Wishing death upon, or being fine with the deaths of, people simply because you disagree with them is sick.

Now that we've come full circle, thanks for derailing the thread so many times, by the way, I'll give you another chance. Are you going to back out or keep embarrassing yourself? I'm sure you have other threads you can embarrass yourself in just as easily.

Unlike you I do care what you believe since you lack any support for your false interpretation of the Bible.
Genesis 19:1-11 Common English Bible

1 The two messengers entered Sodom in the evening. Lot, who was sitting at the gate of Sodom, saw them, got up to greet them, and bowed low. 2 He said, “Come to your servant’s house, spend the night, and wash your feet. Then you can get up early and go on your way.”

But they said, “No, we will spend the night in the town square.” 3 He pleaded earnestly with them, so they went with him and entered his house. He made a big meal for them, even baking unleavened bread, and they ate.
4 Before they went to bed, the men of the city of Sodom—everyone from the youngest to the oldest—surrounded the house 5 and called to Lot, “Where are the men who arrived tonight? Bring them out to us so that we may have sex with them.

6 Lot went out toward the entrance, closed the door behind him, 7 and said, “My brothers, don’t do such an evil thing. 8 I’ve got two daughters who are virgins. Let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them whatever you wish. But don’t do anything to these men because they are now under the protection of my roof.”

9 They said, “Get out of the way!” And they continued, “Does this immigrant want to judge us? Now we will hurt you more than we will hurt them.” They pushed Lot back and came close to breaking down the door. 10 The men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house with them and slammed the door. 11 Then the messengers blinded the men near the entrance of the house, from the youngest to the oldest, so that they groped around trying to find the entrance.
Since you ignored my PM, I suppose I'll have to deal with you, too. I quoted the NIV. I have made no false interpretations.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 19 - New International Version

Of course, if you'd like to be made a fool of, by all means, keep at it. I already don't like you, anyway.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all. They are not encouraged to read the Bible even by "public" educators. And that is why so may nonbelievers are clueless when it come to biblical fact vs. fiction made up by someone who hates GOD and is trying to sell his own hedonism as enlightenment. Just another reason why so many students today can be lead around like a heard of mindless cattle for propagation, drinking/gluttony, and finally the slaughter.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all.

the history of the people who have read your 4th century bible from that time to the present of oppression and despotism is why today they see no reason to be enticed by its underlying prurient political appeal disguised as a religion ... rewriting that book should be the foremost objective for anyone claiming to be religious and to desire an extended life dwelling in the Everlasting.

this thread has been a perfect example of christian maleficence and intolerance.

Seems I am tolerant of your beliefs, the girls beliefs and the Mormons beliefs. No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs. It seems the atheists on this thread are the ones that are intolerant to other's beliefs and the right to practice their beliefs, unless of course they agree with the atheist.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all. They are not encouraged to read the Bible even by "public" educators. And that is why so may nonbelievers are clueless when it come to biblical fact vs. fiction made up by someone who hates GOD and is trying to sell his own hedonism as enlightenment. Just another reason why so many students today can be lead around like a heard of mindless cattle for propagation, drinking/gluttony, and finally the slaughter.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all.

the history of the people who have read your 4th century bible from that time to the present of oppression and despotism is why today they see no reason to be enticed by its underlying prurient political appeal disguised as a religion ... rewriting that book should be the foremost objective for anyone claiming to be religious and to desire an extended life dwelling in the Everlasting.

this thread has been a perfect example of christian maleficence and intolerance.

You talk killing priests like that's a BAD thing.
Yes, Christians are the intolerant ones, of course. It's not like we saw an Atheist saying genocide against 'the religious' is okay because he doesn't agree with them, or anything.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all. They are not encouraged to read the Bible even by "public" educators. And that is why so may nonbelievers are clueless when it come to biblical fact vs. fiction made up by someone who hates GOD and is trying to sell his own hedonism as enlightenment. Just another reason why so many students today can be lead around like a heard of mindless cattle for propagation, drinking/gluttony, and finally the slaughter.
The major issue with society today is that they do not read the Bible at all.

the history of the people who have read your 4th century bible from that time to the present of oppression and despotism is why today they see no reason to be enticed by its underlying prurient political appeal disguised as a religion ... rewriting that book should be the foremost objective for anyone claiming to be religious and to desire an extended life dwelling in the Everlasting.

this thread has been a perfect example of christian maleficence and intolerance.

Seems I am tolerant of your beliefs, the girls beliefs and the Mormons beliefs. No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs. It seems the atheists on this thread are the ones that are intolerant to other's beliefs and the right to practice their beliefs, unless of course they agree with the atheist.
No rights are violated, the girl and her family have a right to choose another religion based on their beliefs.

to choose (or not) based on their beliefs ...

there is a lot there if by chance you are being serious, there is only one religion of the Almighty if they claim there's is the true path then who are they to set rules others will not follow who have the same objective.

... rewriting that book should be the foremost objective for anyone claiming to be religious and to desire an extended life dwelling in the Everlasting.

the awful history of that book from the 4th century to this day is a primary issue as from Antiquity the message has always been for the religious they are all included in the outcome be it remission or extinction it will be the same for everyone. you have no right to exclude anyone from what is the True religion and your responses have proven your digression to selectivity as forbidden by the desert religion of the 1st century.

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