Morning Joe and the bullshit they're talking about today!!!

Scarborough uses the same tactic as Rick Perry, wearing glasses so he appears 'intelligent'. He carps the right-wing line almost all the time and is not objective as he would like to portray.

Mika is good to look at. But she only has her job because of her father.
Let me get this straight, Joe and mindless mop head Mika and their guest are all praising Donald Dumb and his ability to get his message out to his supporters, that everyone knows what he stands for, building the wall, bringing jobs back etc.......they then turn around and diss everybody else....uh, you ask voters what does Hillary stand for, Sanders stand for, Ted, etc....nobody knows, but everybody knows where Donald stands......COULD IT POSSIBLE BE BECAUSE EVERY TIME THIS CLUELESS WORTHLESS PIECE OF CHIMP MEAT ASS HO OPENS HIS FUCKIN MOUTH, YOU MEDIA BITCHES, YOU WHORES HOOKED ON ORANGE AND BULLSHIT.... ARE CALLING IT "BREAKING NEWS' AND SHOWING EVERY INCH OF WHAT THE FOOLS SAYS??? COULD IT BE, THE OTHER CANDIDATES PRETTY MUCH HAVE TO OPEN A FUCKIN BLOOD VEIN JUST TO GET MENTIONED, LET ALONE BECOMING NEWS WORTHY?

How dare Joe Scumbag and mop head praise this guy, when the US media is SOLELY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RISE OF ADOLF HITLER JR...IE DONALD ORANGUTAN TRUMP!!

Joe S and Mike, Isaac, are good at what they do.

They are far more than talking heads when they apply themselves.

For that matter, so is Rachel Maddow and Rush when they are not demagoguing for an "American exceptionalism" that if it ever happened disappeared long ago, or for a socialist America that can never happen.
Gad I love it when you melt down like this.

I agree and Trump is getting his message out and its a message people want to hear.

If it weren't then he wouldn't be leading anything.

Maybe the Op should take a deep breath, grab a beer and relax. Trump is here to stay. LOL
Let me get this straight, Joe and mindless mop head Mika and their guest are all praising Donald Dumb and his ability to get his message out to his supporters, that everyone knows what he stands for, building the wall, bringing jobs back etc.......they then turn around and diss everybody else....uh, you ask voters what does Hillary stand for, Sanders stand for, Ted, etc....nobody knows, but everybody knows where Donald stands......COULD IT POSSIBLE BE BECAUSE EVERY TIME THIS CLUELESS WORTHLESS PIECE OF CHIMP MEAT ASS HO OPENS HIS FUCKIN MOUTH, YOU MEDIA BITCHES, YOU WHORES HOOKED ON ORANGE AND BULLSHIT.... ARE CALLING IT "BREAKING NEWS' AND SHOWING EVERY INCH OF WHAT THE FOOLS SAYS??? COULD IT BE, THE OTHER CANDIDATES PRETTY MUCH HAVE TO OPEN A FUCKIN BLOOD VEIN JUST TO GET MENTIONED, LET ALONE BECOMING NEWS WORTHY?

How dare Joe Scumbag and mop head praise this guy, when the US media is SOLELY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RISE OF ADOLF HITLER JR...IE DONALD ORANGUTAN TRUMP!!

Obama and Mitch McConnell caused this dust up. Only after these 2 FU's could the pubs and Americans be so hosed

I'd like to watch MSNBC a little in the mornings because Fox is unwatchable and CNN is close to it. But Scarborough loves to talk/yell over everyone constantly, in deep love with the sound of his voice, and Mika is just so freaking disturbingly humorless. Blech.

So it's CNBC and Bloomberg, even though they love to scream over each other as well...
I'd like to watch MSNBC a little in the mornings because Fox is unwatchable and CNN is close to it. But Scarborough loves to talk/yell over everyone constantly, in deep love with the sound of his voice, and Mika is just so freaking disturbingly humorless. Blech.

So it's CNBC and Bloomberg, even though they love to scream over each other as well...

I have them on every morning for Swuack Box

I'd like to watch MSNBC a little in the mornings because Fox is unwatchable and CNN is close to it. But Scarborough loves to talk/yell over everyone constantly, in deep love with the sound of his voice, and Mika is just so freaking disturbingly humorless. Blech.

So it's CNBC and Bloomberg, even though they love to scream over each other as well...

I have them on every morning for Swuack Box

I used to be Bloomberg only because the people at CNBC scream over each other so much. Bloomberg would have one (1) host and (1) guest at a time and you could actually get some value out of it. But a while back they changed their format to "hey, let's all scream over each other too", so I bounce back and forth now...
I'd like to watch MSNBC a little in the mornings because Fox is unwatchable and CNN is close to it. But Scarborough loves to talk/yell over everyone constantly, in deep love with the sound of his voice, and Mika is just so freaking disturbingly humorless. Blech.

So it's CNBC and Bloomberg, even though they love to scream over each other as well...

I have them on every morning for Swuack Box

I used to be Bloomberg only because the people at CNBC scream over each other so much. Bloomberg would have one (1) host and (1) guest at a time and you could actually get some value out of it. But a while back they changed their format to "hey, let's all scream over each other too", so I bounce back and forth now...

For sure. That pisses me off when Joe, Becky and Sorkin do that. Talking over each other. I tweet the show and tell them I just turned off the TV lol.

Bloomberg I used to watch but it was just to stale. Bird face is hard to watch and or listen too

CNBC and bloomberg are good, but I do listen to a few minutes of MSNBC in the AM. I agree that Joe is too loud.
Trump is doing well with his chumps because he can talk chump when he needs to.
According to Morning (RINO) Joe and his cast of lefty idiots this morning commenting on Trump running the table yesterday it appears the universe Trump's 'chumps' is expanding by leaps and bounds.

These are quotes the lefties used to describe how Trump scorched his Republican competitors.

"...the demographics are crushing..."

"...massive coalition of support..."

"...excels with voters across the board..."

Having listened to those shitbags mock, laugh at, and belittle Trump since he entered the race is was a real hoot to witness their "come to Jesus" moments today.
Those are the quotes that reflect knowledgeable right, center, and left thinking.
Stopped watching. Joe is so smug and stupid at the same time. Always saying "I told you so" about some imaginary point his mind just made up.
And Mika. OMG. If there was ever a stereotype of a dumb blonde she is it. I think the bleach went to the roots. Her quizzical looks, like she is wondering why no one else gets what she gets is so distracting.
If the far left and the far right equally do not like MJ, then it is OK.
Let me get this straight, Joe and mindless mop head Mika and their guest are all praising Donald Dumb and his ability to get his message out to his supporters, that everyone knows what he stands for, building the wall, bringing jobs back etc.......they then turn around and diss everybody else....uh, you ask voters what does Hillary stand for, Sanders stand for, Ted, etc....nobody knows, but everybody knows where Donald stands......COULD IT POSSIBLE BE BECAUSE EVERY TIME THIS CLUELESS WORTHLESS PIECE OF CHIMP MEAT ASS HO OPENS HIS FUCKIN MOUTH, YOU MEDIA BITCHES, YOU WHORES HOOKED ON ORANGE AND BULLSHIT.... ARE CALLING IT "BREAKING NEWS' AND SHOWING EVERY INCH OF WHAT THE FOOLS SAYS??? COULD IT BE, THE OTHER CANDIDATES PRETTY MUCH HAVE TO OPEN A FUCKIN BLOOD VEIN JUST TO GET MENTIONED, LET ALONE BECOMING NEWS WORTHY?

How dare Joe Scumbag and mop head praise this guy, when the US media is SOLELY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RISE OF ADOLF HITLER JR...IE DONALD ORANGUTAN TRUMP!!
Another retarded racist rant from the retarded chimp whore. Go Trump. Trump has more class then the chimps in office now, monkey whore.

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